View Full Version : Happy Brithday to....

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 11th, 2003, 11:26:47 PM

Mah homie! Hope you have a great day! :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 12th, 2003, 12:37:47 AM
Perry perry perry perry.

Happy Birthday!


Oct 12th, 2003, 01:11:38 AM
Happy B-Day Perry.

Who's Perry?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 12th, 2003, 02:11:39 AM
A good ol' downhome boy :) Hes the other Jedi in the rp with us :mneh

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 12th, 2003, 02:41:51 AM
Happy birthday, Talus :)

Oct 12th, 2003, 03:02:02 AM
Happy Birthday

Syriande Blue
Oct 12th, 2003, 04:09:29 AM
Happy BD Talus

(Kelt) :)

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 12th, 2003, 05:02:52 AM
Happy B-day!!!

Nathanial K'cansce
Oct 12th, 2003, 09:43:47 AM
mmmmyes, happpy day o birth

Park Kraken
Oct 12th, 2003, 10:11:46 AM
Happy B-Day!!!

Oct 12th, 2003, 11:34:23 AM
What's a brithday? :)

Happy Birthday :)

Oct 12th, 2003, 06:23:52 PM
hap'birfday :D