View Full Version : Well aren't we a pair (Ezra,Open)

Oct 11th, 2003, 09:57:30 PM
Remkah sat nursing his corellian whiskey in his rough hands. His dark swarthy features clouded in a shadow and his coal eyes cast down.

In contrast to his outward appearance, his mind was in a sunnier place, a pretty girl by his side, laughing easily at all his stupid jokes. He missed her.

Swirling the amber liquid in the base of his glass, he tried yet again to push Brielle from his mind. But relentlessly she returned - her lovely eyes looking into his.


Hera was correct in her outlook on life - he reminded himself once again - doing the right thing blows.

Oct 12th, 2003, 04:38:19 AM
Sliding in the seat of the booth opposite of the Faene Captain, the resident vampyre stayed silent for a few seconds, watching his friend. He too nursed a drink. A small tumbler of a dark maroon liquid. He placed the glass down and steepled his fingers against his nose.

" Seems like I'm not the only one who is having a time with things."

When Remkah looked up, Ezra canted his head and tilted his steepled hands to point at the man across from him.

" So what it is it?"

The dim light hid most of the dark circles around the watchdog's eyes. And he stayed devoid of expression.

Oct 12th, 2003, 01:13:11 PM
Ezra's voice pulled him back to his current surroundings, and the Base Captain managed a concilliatory smile.

He sipped from his glass, dark eyes not making any particular contact. Talking about how he was feeling did not come easily.

Come to think of it...he'd never really needed to talk about such feelings..It was not a pleasant sensation and so he sought to divert Ezra's question.

"Too much whiskey maybe. Too much melancholy music"

The two men turned as a particularly loud drum-break broke into their conversation. Music in the bar was anything than melancholy. Hell, it was almost anything but music.

"Ok, maybe just too much whiskey" he corrected with a crooked grin.

Oct 12th, 2003, 06:19:31 PM
"Ohhhh right."

Ezra replied with a sly smirk. too much whiskey... that coming from the man who drank the crew of the transport Ajax under the table a few nights ago without much of a shrug. The vampyre then inquired as he relaxed and slouched in the booth.

"And this brand of whiskey my friend, would she have a name?" A light chuckle escaped him.

Oct 13th, 2003, 01:14:10 PM
Remkah laughed softly, he never was good at this deceiving stuff.

"Brielle" he shared and the way he said her name almost hurt.

Oct 13th, 2003, 10:13:33 PM
The vampyre felt for his friend, He did remember that name as the blonde who had left with him a long while back. She did leave an impression on him as well as a hold on his heart.

" Ahhh yes, I remember her."

His eyes stared off in an undisclosed area and then it back to Remkah.

" They tend to leave thier mark on your heart dont they? .....the ones worth having."

He also thought of a certain blonde who he had an infatuation with who was no longer at the fortress. A long while ago before he and Kariss became lifemates.

"So tell me, why didnt it work out?"

Oct 15th, 2003, 09:09:31 PM
Squirming in his chair, Remkah flagged the server for another round, to buy him some answering time.

Not wanting to go into a belaboured explanation, the Base Captain replied in his usual short fashion.

"Just aint meant to be, I s'pose.

She sure is somethin' though."

Their respective drinks came and Remkah looked to shift the focus of the conversation, though his mind still clung to the image of the lovely Watch officer.

"Things getting better for you here?"

They both knew who he was refering to by "things" and Remkah watched the Vampyre as he replied.

Oct 15th, 2003, 09:38:04 PM
It was Ezra's turn for the spotlight now...fair enough.

" Better?? In truth? no.......After that last dishing out Hera gave me when Daiq was sent away, I seem to be.......losing control of myself. The dark tendencies my people are known for......." He went quiet and stared at his glass, then seemed to snap out of it and looked back at the Faene Captain.

" I havent been sleeping well because of it.... I have these.....visions."

Damn that woman..... He was becoming something his people detested, and exterminated.....if he killed someone for bloodletting, would they hunt him down too??

Oct 17th, 2003, 08:24:50 PM
He quirked a questioning eyebrow,

"What kind of visions?"

Oct 17th, 2003, 09:32:07 PM
His eyes looked to the table, his voice going lower.

"Visions of......death.....bodies strewn everywhere....blood coating the walls....and myself....laughing in the moddle of it all with a headless corpse in my clutches. "

He then looked up at the Faene Captain, and Rem could see he had some fear hiding behind his eyes.

" I'm scared Rem.....that one night soon that may happen......I'm trying to find help before it does."

He figited with his glass.

"In fact, I may already have some help....Im waiting on a contact."

Oct 17th, 2003, 10:55:35 PM
"Sounds gruesome"

He deliberately kept his tone light - Ezra, he could tell, was quite disturbed by these urges.

"I hope that contact comes through.." he said, "...cause Faene isn't really the self-help center of the galaxy, if you know what I mean. Lotta dark energy round 'ere"

Oct 17th, 2003, 11:03:26 PM
"So do I Rem...So do I."

He tooka deep breath and looked at a patron walking in.

"You know, If it does happen.....I will be hunted down by my people. And possibly killed Rem."

He looked back at the Faene Captain.

"My father.....he hates me that much to do it too. I'm just afraid for my children. What would happen to them if something happens to me?"

Oct 17th, 2003, 11:28:00 PM
Nodding his head into his glass as he drank from it, the Captain smiled his crooked grin.

"No one will touch you - not when you've got friends like ShadowFaene around"

He swallowed and smacked his lips with satisfaction.

"We could always kill your old man first.."

The glint in the black eyes told Ezra, despite Remkah's layback manner, he was serious.

Then the smile vanished.

"...You got kids..?"

Oct 17th, 2003, 11:34:22 PM
Ezra smirked at the thought of Rem blasting the back out of his pompus father.

Then Ezra's dour mood turned on a dime at his friend's expression, he finally laughed.

"Yes, Rem....I have children. Twins....here."

Pulling out a small device, he set it on the table and clicked it on, an holographic image of two infants shown. He smiled with fatherly pride as his babies appeared.

"They are growing fast. This is Draven, my son....and this little angel is Alexi....my daughter. That last outting I took was to be there for thier birth. They're beautiful arent they?"

Oct 17th, 2003, 11:48:49 PM
"Yeah - they look like you. Specially the girl" he smirked.

Leaning back in his chair - Ezra had just upped the ante in his life. Things got more intense when a man had family to think of..loved ones.

This brought Remkah's mind back to Brielle, and he resolved yet again within himself he'd done the right thing. For him, for her. For everyone.

But he still felt like hell for it.

"Does Hera know about these little ones?"

He brought his mind back on topic.

Oct 17th, 2003, 11:54:33 PM
He put the holocard away.

"No......and she never will. As much as Id like to share it with her, I wont. I wont gamble with thier lives with her moodiness."

He leaned back in his seat.

"Does she know of Brielle?"

Oct 18th, 2003, 12:02:16 AM
Remkah shrugged, downplaying the question.

"Hera know's Brielle - but not that the Watch officer was here at Poseidon's. And not about my feelings for her."

He shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"Im sure she'd find it pretty damn funny, to tell the truth. But more importantly, Brielle doesn't know my connection to Hera. It needs to stay that way. She cant come back here nosing around. It will get her killed for sure."

There was a simplistic frankness in his statement that added the weight of certainty to his words.

Oct 18th, 2003, 12:09:06 AM
He nodded his head.

"Ahhhh, I see....while I have one woman who cant know my secret, you have the other who cant know your secret. In the same transport but diffent ends arent we?"

He played with the rim of his glass.

"I'm sorry about that Rem, to have things fall the way they did for you. That sort of thing, I would hope would grace your life."

Oct 18th, 2003, 12:59:34 AM
Another shrug, though Ezra's sentiment touched the Base Captain. He felt he had a genuine friend in this Vampyre.

"To grace.....and good whiskey" he toasted.

Oct 18th, 2003, 01:06:41 AM
He lifted his glass along with Remkah.

"To grace."

He downed the liquid and exhaled as he slammed the glass down.