View Full Version : Jibrielle's training: Sweet speech

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 11th, 2003, 08:50:10 PM
At a small table off to the side of the grand eating hall, Hob drank tea while he waited.

When he had finished his cup, a woman came out of a side door with a large kettle. She calmly strode to Hob, refilled the china cup with a fresh batch of tea, and set the kettle on the table. Hob gave her actions no acknowledgement outside of taking the now-filled cup and drinking from it.

Most people would not have ignored her as Hob did. She wore a thin pearlescent silk dress from the waist down, and slits in the fabric allowed a pair of shapely legs and bare feet to be seen as she walked. She wore a top of the same color and fabric that ended above her midriff. Long, dark hair hung loosely from her head down to the middle of her back. A pair of bracelets adorned her wrists, and she wore two other pieces of jewelry: around her neck there was an oddly shaped talisman with a crystal in the center, and another crystal dangled just between her eyes from an ornamental chain woven into her hair. Her skin was smooth and luminous, her eyes were dark and smoky, and in all respects she was groomed to perfection.

That such a stunning beauty stood waiting on the small, misshapen creature was a thing of wonder indeed.

At Hob's table was an empty chair, and a cup with gradually cooling tea sat in front of it. He was waiting for his apprentice Jibrielle, whom he had invited to morning tea.

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 25th, 2003, 03:27:03 PM
The sunlight filtered in through the black, ripped curtains that veiled the windows, barely noticeable in the dark room. Shadows still lurked within the corners of the room and, if it weren't for the fact that a ray of sunlight shone on her sleeping form, Jibrielle wouldn't have awoken. But she did, opening her dark blue eyes slowly like a newborn babe. After throwing back the cover and sheets, she stepped off of the enormous canopy bed and brushed aside the black see-through sheets, which were hung from the posts.

The candles that were lit the previous night died had out, splattered wax surrounding the stands they were on, but she paid no heed to that minor detail. As her bare feet padded towards them, she held out her right hand, palm facing up. Suddenly, a small fireball began to form, floating centimeters above the skin. This was a small parlor trick that Hobgoblin had taught her some time ago. After it floated about the wicks of the candles and lit them, the fireball suddenly disappeared in a ball of smoke.

Now that she had some light source, Jibrielle walked over to her closet and pulled aside the sliding door. Several dresses were hung, along with an assortment of cloaks and bodygloves. As she continued to hum, she picked out a black, simple dress with a V neck. Slipping out of her nightgown, the girl put on the dress and looked in the mirror. She had grown since Hobgoblin first laid eyes on her, and so had the infactuation with her Master. She was still striving to impress him to this day, just to get a kind word or a pat on the head. Unfortunately, that was all she seemed to get.

Her blue hair immediately began to straighten and curl itself at the ends as she stared in the mirror. Gently running her fingers over the scars on her face, they gradually began to disappear - thanks to a masking spell she had memorized some time ago. Satisfied with herself, Jibrielle slipped on a pair of black shoes and ran out of her room. Hopefully she wasn't late for the morning tea Hobgoblin had invited her to.

The pattering of her tiny feet could be heard as she ran down the spiraling staircase, holding onto the banister to steady herself. Finally she stepped onto the landing and dashed towards the grand dining hall. When Jibrielle arrived at the entrance she stopped, out of breath. She spied Hobgoblin sitting alone, waiting for her. Cheeks flushed, she clasped her hands together behind her back and walked towards him.

"Good morning, Sir," she said softly, taking the seat across from him.

Her eyes wandered to the beautiful woman that stood beside the table, grateful that Hobgoblin wasn't paying attention to her.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 14th, 2003, 05:55:27 PM
"Good day, my apprentice," Hob said. His face, lined with age as it was, never seemed to lose the intensity or the focus that it had when Jibrielle and Hob had met years ago.

The Dark Jedi took a sip of his tea. "You are strong, Jibrielle," Hob began. "But you are not yet ready. You are not yet powerful. You do not possess the inner fire necessary to take the future by the reigns and make of it what you desire."

"Distressing, to me, this is."

Hob stopped and took another drink of tea, then his ears fluttered with a question. "What say you to this?" he asked.

Jibrielle Abunai
Nov 15th, 2003, 11:11:10 AM
"I .... I think you're mistaking, Sir."

As she looked back at him, her brow furrowed in thought. Did he really believe her will power was merely nothing ? Her blue eyes darkened at this thought before she became nonchalant, waiting for a response.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 30th, 2003, 05:52:43 PM
Hob blinked, a curious expression on his face. "Then, test this we shall."

"Once this girl was but a dancer, seeking to pay her way into luxury. She has inside her a gift, a talent to see things as they will be. She foresaw who would pay her the most for dancing what dance. She is one of a small few I have gathered with this power, and she possesses the greatest talent among them."

The woman knelt down suddenly and Hob took her chin in his fingers, staring into eyes that stared vacantly back. "Hers was a strength unguided, then. On the day she met me, she was only aware that she would achieve great wealth through me. And so she has. The dress she wears is worth more than anything she could have made in her old life. Now all she does is foresee the future and serve me."

Hob released her chin and she stood back up, continuing to stare vacantly at the wall. "But I will share her with you, if your mind is strong enough to make her obey you. Her mind is already clouded. It will be easy."

The dwarf leaned back in his chair. Veiled beneath the challenge was a simple choice. Jibrielle was already willing to defend herself and kill others if they were in their way. Was she also willing to tamper with another person's mind in pursuit of her goals?

Jibrielle Abunai
Dec 6th, 2003, 04:30:17 PM
Her hands gripped the sides of the chair, jealousy rising as Hob spoke highly of the woman. Her story wasn't fascinating or glorious - instead, it was dull and irritating. With her "power", why didn't she do more than just dance? Why not create a monopoly and slowly dominate a small fraction of the galaxy? As her knuckles grew white Jib's upper lip twitched.

"I should hope that my mental capacity is powerful enough by now. Besides, with what you told me about ... her," her irises grew clouded as she nodded her head towards the woman, "it doesn't seem like it'd be too difficult."

Slowly she released the sides of the chair, the blood circulating freely through her hands now.

"What would you like me to do with your poppet, Master?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:59:21 PM
"You ask the wrong question, Jibrielle," Hob said softly. Softly, and perhaps in a way, wrongly. As though he was far more aware of Jibrielle's thoughts than she knew she was letting on.

The glint in his eye brightened, barely.

"What would you like to do with her?"

Jibrielle Abunai
Mar 7th, 2004, 12:18:10 PM
"Use her."

Her words were seemingly vacant of any emotion as the corners of her lips tugged upwards. She would observe the way the woman treated her gift, the way she used it, and study it. Perhaps she would discover that such a thing didn't occur in a person by chance and that she could have the gift also. Oh yes, Jibrielle would pull the woman's string like the puppet she was, and then dispose of her the moment she became useless.

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 7th, 2004, 12:37:03 PM
"I have raised," Hob said. "Such a very good girl."

The dwarf briefly inclined his head and smiled. "I require her raw power for a grand tapestry I will weave down the line, but for now..."

"I grant you leave to use her as you see fit."

Jibrielle Abunai
Mar 8th, 2004, 08:44:16 PM
It was obvious she was pleased by Hobgoblin's comment and made no effort to conceal it.

"Thank you, Sir."

Jibrielle wondered if he was doing the same thing she would like to do with the woman, observing her like a specimen to use for his own special interest. It wouldn't surprise her if that was his goal, but then again, one could never be sure with Hobgoblin.

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 30th, 2004, 01:37:05 PM
That main business conducted, Hob smiled at Jibrielle. "Would you like to talk a walk, apprentice? There are things I would ask of you."

Jibrielle Abunai
Mar 30th, 2004, 02:49:29 PM
"I would be delighted."

Pushing the chair back, she rose from her seat and walked around the table. She trailed her fingers over the smooth top before letting her hand drop to her side, pausing for Hob. She gave no notice of the woman now, her full attention fixed on her master.

Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 30th, 2004, 03:01:34 PM
Hob pushed himself out of the chair. He retrieved his cane and hobbled a step or two away from the table, gesturing imperiously. The woman he'd brought with him to tea began cleaning up behind the departing Dark Jedi.

The two walked in silence until they reached one of the castle's parapets. Warm sunlight breathed down onto the both of them, and the wind blew gently. Looking down off the castle was a beautiful sight, one Hob could not help but compare to the dank acidic Vjun. Both planets had their strengths, their uses, just as each member of the growing Harbingers of Shadow.

"I am getting older, apprentice," Hob said, settling in to sit by the castle's edge. "One day, will I pass on. Within your lifetime, will it be."

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 3rd, 2004, 10:20:32 PM
"I ... don't understand."

But she did, yet her mind refused to accept it. She couldn't imagine life without her Master. What would it be like, to live with such an empty void? No, it won't happen. It's just another test. But despite her consoling thoughts, her heart started to pound faster.

Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 3rd, 2004, 10:36:17 PM
"You lie." Hob grunted. "But it is of no consequence. One day, will I be gone whether you or I would have otherwise."

"Someone will be needed to take my place. Much have I taught you, Jibrielle. Much have you learned. In your hands, will I place the charge of leadership."

Hob grunted again, displeased, but not at Jibrielle. She was a competent student, perhaps the best of his pupils and would make a fine leader. Rather the consequences of his chosen path in the Force disappointed him. The grand power he had accepted as his birthright had aged him strongly.

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 3rd, 2004, 11:05:53 PM
Bowing her head slightly, Jibrielle could almost feel the burden placed on her. How did one react to such a honor? Especially when they didn't want it?

"Master, I ..." She looked up at him, taking a step foward. How much she wanted to go into his arms! "I'm honored."

Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 3rd, 2004, 11:13:08 PM
"As it should be."

Hob blinked and his head drooped. "I am tired, Apprentice. I must rest. Leave me be."

Jibrielle Abunai
Apr 4th, 2004, 05:14:53 PM
"As you wish."

Rather stiffly she forced herself to turn around and walk away. Already a wave of sadness washed over her as each step took her further away. Like so many other times, she would go to her room and bury herself in books. Nothing had changed, because like every other day, she would pretend to be someone else.