View Full Version : To the Sith

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:44:57 PM
Kate entered with a graceful saunter. To what avail, did she enter, she knew not, nor did she care, for business was business.

"I wish admittance unto the Sith Order." She said aloud in an detached maner, expecting an answer soon enough.

Oct 13th, 2003, 01:49:25 PM
"And what makes you think you're qualified?" Said Southstar from behind her.

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 13th, 2003, 04:05:56 PM
"My ability." she said, refering to her affinity and sensitivity with the force. She turned, and looked at the newcomer. Her eyes seemed to penetrate deep within the soul...

Oct 13th, 2003, 08:43:23 PM
Southstar let her look all she wanted, he had nothng to hide. "Ability huh? This isn't some cake baking party, girl." Southstar broke eye contact and slowly circled her, watching for any reaction that might give away a little more about her. "You don't look like Sith material. I hope there is more to you than this." He said with a careless wave of his hand in front of her face.

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:56:01 AM
"And what makes you think that looks have anything to do with it." she replied in a disinterested tone. Her dark visage stayed still as she began to formulate a plan...

Lady Vader
Oct 14th, 2003, 04:15:09 PM
You have attitude.

*The voice emitted from one of the five hallways that branched forth from the grand entry way. It was soon apparent who had spoken once she stepped from the darkened hallway, followed closely by a black Corellian panther. Her face was dead serious, arms hidden under her cloak.*

*She let her words linger in the mind of the woman before speaking again, this time with a small scowl forming on her face.*

I despise attitude when directed at one of the Order's members.

Oct 14th, 2003, 06:25:20 PM
Southstar wanted to smile, but he held it inside. It would be interesting to see how this new one handled herself with Lady Vader. This would give a preview of what this girl had inside.

"All and all, looks have little to do with it." He said, "It's definitely what is inside that counts, but what makes you think you have it?"

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 15th, 2003, 07:31:44 AM
Kathryn relaxed, allowing her black cloak to shroud her body as she continued just as she had earlier. She could feel the former's prescence behind her. She desired to smile, but she knew that this new coming sith was important some how. However she was also frustrated. She had just succeeded at deflecting the questions back at the former sith when the latter interfered.

"The force gives meaning. And meaning gives purpose. Qualifications are given according to purpose." she said neutral tone, as she drew a stone from the floor to her hand with only the force.

Oct 15th, 2003, 10:44:20 AM
"Does the Force give meaning? Who controls us, the Force? Or are we the masters of our own destiny." He responded.

Lady Vader
Oct 15th, 2003, 01:09:11 PM
*LV could practically smell the stench of arrogance coming from the other woman, and was slowly starting to dislike her. She remained silent however, giving her a chance to answer Southstar's valid question. Her answer would inform LV whether she was worthy of admittance into the Order or not.*

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 15th, 2003, 04:43:48 PM
"The force gives meaning. The force equips us to make our own destinies." she said in a disinterested tone. She knew full well what was going on. They were testing the fibre of her person, and she knew how to affect that. She had a fairly good idea of the latter sith's moral and characteral fibre. The former was the one that interested her. He was still to a certain extent, a mystery.

Oct 15th, 2003, 10:14:22 PM
Southstar folded his arms across his chest. "So you and I are slaves to the Force?" He said also taking note of the way she spoke. Her tone made it seem like she may not believe this herself. "Now, the Force equips us to make our own destinies, but by being equipped aren't we then programed for a certain task... or destiny?"

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 16th, 2003, 05:52:22 AM
"That is a conceivable response. However, it is also equally conceivable that the force is merely the begining and the end of our lives, making us how we are and bringing us back into it at death, but has no more power than that of a suggestion in between. Your answer would have evidence supporting it by the prophecies. The answer I gave would have evidence for it in the form of the dark lords' spirits remaining instead of joining with the force." Kathryn said in an equally disinterested tone. She turned and looked at southstar, her eyes having a slight ruddy glow to them that stood out against her pale face.

"Does it really matter whether or not we are controlled by our destiny or whether we are allowed control of our lives? For if we are slaves to destiny, we can never tell. If we are in control of our own fate, we can never know for certain." she asked in the same disinterested tone.

Maxim Vasilijev
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:25:35 AM
“If I may be so…bold as to interrupt….” Came a voice from the shadows at first, though the body of it became fully visible within seconds as he stepped forward to the three who stood before him.

He descended the three of four steps to stand by his master, Lady Vader’s side.

“I couldn’t help but overhear this rather… ephemeral discussion of the force. And it seemed to me that the beliefs of a certain person,” His gaze moved to flicker to Kathryn for a moment, studying her, “Are spoken more from text book knowledge rather than a true understanding of it.”

He shrugged very subtly, mocking somewhat the superior and disinterested tone of the girl, “Though, I could be wrong.”

He gave a quick glance to his master, and with her bidding, he took a step toward the young woman who sought admission to the order.

“Forgive me for my stupidity,” He mocked himself with his words, but his tone very clearly suggested he thought himself nothing close to stupid, “But I fail to understand why one who knows so much of the force already would wish to join the Sith Order. I mean, what could we possibly teach one who already knows everything?”

He smiled then, though there was no warmth to it at all.

His master had been training him – and she had been training him hard. He expected to be knighted any time now – and knew that she likely had not simply because not having the title made him work that much harder to earn it.

He truly was his master’s apprentice. Her cold heartedness had so very easily rubbed off on him. And he saw this as an opportunity to perhaps display this to her. To her and to this woman who dared speak so impudently to Southstar, a respected Knight of the order, or Lady Vader, his master and elder among the order.

His gaze continued to focus on the woman, while his mind worked to apply pressure to her. Painful pressure that would possibly bring her to her knees before them. He had used this before - it was a skill that had been taught to him by his master after she had used it on him as a punishment for a foolish mistake.

“And the force…. Does it give you meaning now?” He asked, his voice perhaps a bit taunting.

“Has it equipped you to make our own destiny?” He added, his head tilting to the side in question.

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 16th, 2003, 10:21:04 AM
"This is a discussion on philosophy, not knowledge. Meaning can, philosophically speaking, can only exist through an outside force. If there is nothing beyond what we can feel, taste, touch, smell or see, then there is nothing to give purpose. So, if thee force has affect on all things, then it must either have power over all things or it is the power of all things. Either way, if meaning is to exist, it must come from the source, or the higher power. Thus, the force gives meaning. Next, if the force has provided meaning, it has therefore provided purpose. And purpose is the only necessity for qualification. For purpose is what drives us on to accomplish what we do. And without purpose, there is no qualification for there is nothing to cause us to accomplish. Therefore the force equips us.” She said, turning to face the newcomer. She felt him trying to cause her pain she would remember this. She felt his attempts, and merely shrugged them off.

“Now, his question was a valid question for understanding the character and moral fiber of my person, to determine whether or not I am worthy of joining.” She said, referring to southstar, “Even your Master recognized this. What makes you think that mocking does adds anything of value to this valid discussion. What makes you think that a textbook answer does not mean that it does not come from an understanding of it. It is in the textbooks because it logical. And why would I like to join you ask?” she said, reverting into a disinterested tone.

“Is it not already readily apparant. I do not know everything anymore than you do. So why would someone go to school at all. What would convince a young child to go to school when they know everything they need to know? That answer should have stuck out to you.” She said, with her gaze staring straight at him.

Maxim Vasilijev
Oct 16th, 2003, 12:19:03 PM
His gaze did not leave hers. This was a challenge that had now become a bit personal. He was a kid with plenty of attitude of his own – but he knew enough to respect the elders of the order. You didn’t gain admission by simply acting like you were holier than thou – you needed to have the potential to back it up – your potential needed to shine through the attitude.

“A child goes to school because they are forced to attend, not because they choose to learn.” He replied evenly, “You have come requesting admission – yet your attitude conveys the impression that you think yourself above anything anyone here might teach you. And no, it is not apparent at all why you would wish to join.”

He crossed his arms over his chest.

“And not everything you read in textbooks is true.” He added, knowing this all too well – he had gone to his master asking questions about many of the myths presented there about the Sith and the force. And time after time, she had put them to rest.

“Do you always say so little in so many words?” He inquired.

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 16th, 2003, 01:07:14 PM
"You go to school to expand what your curiosities have revealed. The amount conveyed is equal to that perceived. I agree with the textbooks on this one, for it makes perfect logical sense." She said in the same disinterested tone.

Lady Vader
Oct 16th, 2003, 07:13:04 PM

*LV's voice resonated in the grand entry way, causing Iesis, the black panther at her side, to lay her ears back and pull her lips away from her sharp canines... reflecting very much where LV's patience had snapped.*

*LV bore her green eyes into the arrogant woman.*

I have yet to hear a reason as to why you wish to join the Order. You seem to convey you know so much already... so then why join?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 19th, 2003, 04:20:51 AM
"Yes, tell us, why do you wish to join?"

A voice from behind asked.

"You have entered our domain, and have managed to alienate or annoy every single person you have come into contact with.
Why don't you reach out with whatever power you claim to have. Feel the resentment growing, spreading, covering the room, and learn when to be silent."

Walking forward, the Lord Dyzm steps past the women, taking his place as Sith Order elder by Lady Vader's side.

"State your reason for being here. Or, if you choose, leave. But by the force, if you stay here, you will learn proper respect."

OOC: Keep all OOC posts out. (The OOC posts can be found here (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32645))

Kathryn Morgan
Oct 24th, 2003, 07:29:20 AM
"IrtsA Azakti" she said with almost perfect inflection. Perhaps this would explain something, perhaps not. If not, then she would leave.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Oct 28th, 2003, 12:39:13 PM
Dyzm stared at the women, for a minute or so.
"I believe that is irrelevent to the question."

The Sith Lord said, keeping a even voice.

"I would still like a simple yes, I would like to join, or no, I'm leaving answer."