View Full Version : Jealousy: Errrrrrand Gjirrrl

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:18:30 PM
Saarrreeaa tapped her long fingers on the seat of the speeder as the taxi driver took her to the Poseidon's Gate bar. Whatever the frell sort of name that was. Cirrsseetto was snoring lightly in the seat beside her, his head leaning against the door.

They were here to see Hera DrenKast on a matter of some importance. Deliveries were always to be made on time, and deals were always kept. Deal breakers were dealt with severely in Sasseeri's line of work. Saa didn't dare cross her wishes, especially in this matter.

Although the Vigo would have hardly anything if it wasn't for Saarrreeaa. Sanis would suffer, and so would that Jedi bjitch.

The speeder rolled to a stop, and Saa kicked Cirr in the shin as she paid the driver. The two Cizerack piled out of the cab, and stood on the sidewalk a moment as Cirr yawned, and blinked. Saarrreeaa frowned at him and then stalked into the bar. He trailed after her, doing his best to look fierce. He was her bodyguard, the only company she'd had on the trip over.

Saarrreeaa pushed her way to the bar, and got the bartender's attention. "jI'm herrre to sssee a Herrra Drrrenkassst. Can jyou tell me wherrre ssshe jisss?"

Oct 11th, 2003, 07:40:13 PM
It was a 50-50 chance that Hera would be in the bar at any given time. The Faene Mistress divided her time between that and her Base, which was situated in the lesser known areas of Enton.

And if she was in the bar, there was always the chance she would not bother to see whoever it was that came calling. Just because one wanted a thing, didn't mean they got it.

So in reality..it was a 50-50-50 chance. Which doesn't make sense, but one gets the general idea.

As it was though, a meeting at some point with Saarreeaa was inevitible. The pair had a joint commission from the Vigo and a meeting would be the signal of job commencement.

But Hera would have liked some notice. These Cizeracks, she smouldered, always think the galaxy is at their beck and call. With a relenting snarl, Hera commanded the visitor to be shown in. The bar tender obediently left her office that led off from the back of the tavern and returned to Saa, inviting her to follow him to Hera.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 12th, 2003, 12:56:54 AM
Saarrreeaa flicked her tail impatiently as Cirr finished waking up. His ears wavered back and forth as he processed the sounds and sights of the bar.

"Come this way. She will see you now." The bartender led the pair to the office door, and Cirrsseetto opened it for her. Saarrreeaa strode through, curious as to what this Herrra would look like.

She was neither surprised nor disappointed to find the hardened woman with blonde hair who was sitting behind the desk. "jI am Sssaarrrrrrrrreeaa Meorrrrrrrrreji, njiece of Sssasssssseerrrji Rrreeouurrra. jI brrrought jyourrr frrrjigate."

The tiny Cizerack female did not take a seat, waiitng to be offered one as she stood stiffly, every hair on her head telling her that this whole deal would probably go sour. Ah, who ever got ahead listening to their intuition? Cirr stood behind her like a monolith of strength, his watchful eyes...watching.

Sometimes Saa wished he was smarter than he looked.

Oct 12th, 2003, 01:29:09 PM
Hera sprang out of her seat, a genuine delight on her face.

"Its here? The Frigate? Already?"

She had not expected "payment" until completion of their task. Sasseerri was showing good faith in delivering up front, and it had its desired effect in strengthening Hera's resolve to do as she had agreed.

Hera came up beside Saarrreeaa. She had a rawness about her, not as polished as the Vigo. Here was a woman that lived by her wits and cunning and it showed in her wiry and edgy frame, the way she held herself. Sharp, clear eyes in an intelligent face examined Hera in return. Hera decided she liked this felinoid. It was just instinctive. That would make 2 out of the many she had met so far. Keerrourri and this young female. Not a great ratio - 2 out of 9 billion of them that Hera felt she could stand.

Suddenly, Hera noticed the wall that was Cirrsseetto as he stood there blinking. His great hands hanging loosely at his sides. Here, but not here, almost. Like a spectator - a presence but of no real importance to the game at hand.

Hera's hard stare made Cirrs eyes richochet between his mistress and the stranger unsurely. Hera's eyes narrowed.

"Who's this?" she demanded.

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 12th, 2003, 03:06:31 PM
Saarrreeaa smiled at the question, inwardly groaning. "Thjisss jisss mjy manssserrrvant, Cjirrrrrrsssssseetto. He doesssn't bjite. Much." She brushed a stray lock of blonde hair out of her eyes, and looked boldly up at the ShadowFaene mistress. "He goesss wherrre jI go."

The head accountant of the Sector Rangers put on hand on her hip, looking around the room, determined not to be cowed by this older female. "jI have the accessssss codesss forrr the Trrrjik'aa." The translated name of the frigate meant 'viper.' Saa put out her hand to Cirr, who placed in it the datacard with the access codes.

She handed them to the hyuu-mann female.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 12th, 2003, 04:54:41 PM
At Hera's query, Cirr's ears lowered a bit. He remained silent, blue eyes looking to each female in an unassuming manner.

Oct 13th, 2003, 12:18:23 PM
She pulled her eyes from the male Cizerack enough to take the datacard with the access codes. Looking from it to Saa, Hera smiled once again.

Tossing the card lightly in the air, she caught it with a flourish. "Wonderful"

Turning back, she spared one more look for Cirr.

"He's a big one isnt he" she observed flatly, still addressing Saa, "See he doesn't break anything."

Returing now to take a seat behind her desk, Hera invited Saarreeaa to sit so they could solidify their business.

"I assume you have a plan of action in mind for our Jedi rendevoux...?"

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 13th, 2003, 02:20:04 PM
Insanely protective of Cirr, as always, Saa bristled a bit at the insult, but took the seat offered anyway, consciously ignoring the previous comment. Cirr's ears flattened a bit as he looked around to make sure he wasn't in danger of breaking anything at the moment.

"jI do, jindeed, Drrrenkassst. The Jedji, Navarrrrjia, jisss jinvolved wjith one Sssanjisss Prrrent, a forrrmerrr bujissssssnessssss parrrtnerrr of mjine. Ssshe hasss no jidea of ourrr jinvolvement wjith each otherrr, but hasss alwajysss sssussspected sssomethjing, jI thjink." Saa's voice was almost purring.

"jI can jinvjite herrr to talk, jin a place of jyourrr choosssjing. Ssshe wjill come."

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:46:14 PM
There was an empty chair available, but Cirr chose to stand, still worried about not breaking anything.

Oct 14th, 2003, 10:23:24 PM
Nodding her head, as if she had anticipated this statement, Hera reached into a drawer and took out a small handheld holo projector.

Pressing a button, an image appeared. It was a luxury condominium which shifted to give multi-views of the premises and then of the richly decorated interior.

"You will invite Navaria to your Coruscant home, which I have taken the liberty of renting under the false name some months back when the Vigo first approached me. There will be no tracks leading to either yourself or me and it will also cover any back-checking the Jedi may do, should she grow suspicious. As far as records show, some well to do female has lived there off and on for the past 4 months. But is often gone on business."

Hera noted Cirr lean forward, momentarily enchanted with the changing images.

She continued.

"You will have your little chat with the Jedi, and I will be there, waiting to ambush her. It will be quick and clean. No witnesses. The neighbours,and I use the term loosely, those one could speak of, know that if by some freak of chance they see anything, ever, they never ever see a thing."

A touch of the button and the image vanished.

"The location of the condo is in the data pad. It is in an exclusive area, isolated enough for privacy but not to be so far removed as to make a visitor overly anxious."

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 15th, 2003, 06:33:18 PM
Saa listened to the female, realizing that Herrra was shaping up to be a very interesting partner. Although she was Sasseeri's partner, not Saa's. Saa was only a bit player in the eyes of the two females.

We'll sssee about that. The younger female took the datapad, and smiled, showing off a few sharp teeth. "The plan ssseemsss sssound. What tjime frrrame djid jyou have jin mjind? jI ljive on Corrrussscant anjywajy, ssso jit won't take me long to get to thjisss aparrrtment." She checked the sector and address information on the pad to confirm what she'd just promised.

It would not be a problem. As the thought of actually going through with what she'd started sank into her brain, Saa felt a little edgy. Not nervous, just more aware.

Oct 15th, 2003, 07:46:18 PM
Hera shrugged almost carelessly.

"I've already been paid - time frame is not an issue for me. However, I assume you would know better than I how anxious Sasseerri is to have this Jedi in her grasp, but I would hazard to guess the sooner is better."

Hera sat straighter in her seat, the plans were moving along briskly.

"Arrange the meeting with Navaria. Advise me as to the "when" and I will be at your disposal. You can leave me a means of contacting you quickly..?"

Saa nodded.

"I would suggest you familiarise yourself with the property beforehand - the Jedi will know instantly if you cant find your way to the kitchen or point the way to the guest washroom."

Adding diplomatically, "...though Im sure you have thought of this already yourself."

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 15th, 2003, 08:04:36 PM
"Sssasssssseerrrji jisss verrrjy anxjiousss to have thjisss completed asss sssoon asss posssjible. Mjy perrrsssonal comm numberrr jisss contajined on the datapad jI gave jyou alrrreadjy."

Saarrreeaa raised an eyebrow at Hera's last comments, and added, "jI wjill have Cjirrrrrrsssssseeto become famjiljiarrr wjith jit asss well. jI jimagjine jyou alrrreadjy know jyourrr wajy arrround."

The thought of meeting Navaria in a place she was able to pick was comforting. The thought of meeting the Jedi female in a place of a known criminal's choosing...was disconcerting. Saa looked at Hera, masking her true thoughts with a smile. What if Sasseeri had added one more name to her hit list?

All the more reason to be glad the datapad was safely stowed in Cirrsseeto's luggage.

Oct 15th, 2003, 08:51:34 PM
Hera's reciprocating smile told Saa the Sith more than knew her way around the property.

"The condo is very spacious, very open. I will be able to see everything clearly from my vantage point...."

She leaned forward, in her own weird way, trying to reassure the Cizerack. Working with an unknown partner was unnerving - seizing a Jedi Knight such as the Tarkin woman was very dangerous and so many things could go wrong. Saarrreeaa would be on the front line the whole time.

"I will incapacitate Navaria quickly - and I would point out, that I am a very good shot."

Just what the Sith would be "shooting," Hera kept to herself, but if her sardonic smile was anything to go by, it would not be pleasant for their lightsider prey.

"Just keep the living room windows as you find them.."

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 16th, 2003, 01:11:08 AM
"Cerrrtajinljy, Herrra." The ShadowFaene mistress' name practically purred as it came off the tongue. Not as long and beautiful as a Cizerack name, but pretty enough. Saa looked at the desk, and then back up, bracing her arms against the chair. "jIf that wjill be all, perrrhapsss jyou can pojint me to a rrreputable hotel. jI wjill be leavjing jin the morrrnjing."

Oct 18th, 2003, 12:55:55 AM
This last made Hera smile. Reputable hotels were not easily come by in this area.

"There is a small establishment that I could recomend, but Im sure it is quite humbler than you are used to. You must understand Ms Meorrrei, people dont really come to Enton for its tourist-friendly amenities. But you will be comfortable enough there.

Or you are welcome to overnight at my Base. We have a number of your people there already - maybe even see someone you know...?"

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 19th, 2003, 12:39:59 PM
She shrugged her deceptively slim shoulders, and knew that the last thing she wanted to do was to run into the Pride's envoy here at ShadowFaene.

Although, on the other hand... The last thing Sasseeri would want to do would be to run into the Pride's envoy. Saa nodded, "jI would be honorrred to ssstajy at jyourrr bassse tonjight."

Oct 19th, 2003, 11:18:36 PM

Hera stood. Their business was at an end.

"I will take you over myself. Perhaps, however, a stop to the Trjik'a first, hm?"

Saa's ears stiffened a little as Hera brutalised the Cizerack pronounciation of the frigate, but her polite smile remained in place.

"What does that mean exatly - Trijk'a?"

Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 20th, 2003, 05:15:47 PM
The trik'aa was one of the deadliest native snakes to Feyda'an, and it's skin was highly praised for the quality of leather that could be made from it. Saarrreeaa smiled politely still, even though Hera's pronunciation was awful. At least she'd made an attempt at the proper accent. Most hyu-mann's wouldn't have tried.

"jIt meansss 'vjiperrr,' loossseljy. The trrrjik'aa jisss a deadljy sssnake on Fejyda'an jin the Carrrssshouljisss Clusssterrr." She pushed herself up to her feet, returning to Cirrsseetto's side.

Oct 26th, 2003, 05:55:12 PM

Hera liked the sound of that.

"Its a good name."

And she led her Cizerack guests from the office.