View Full Version : One of those days....

Oct 10th, 2003, 04:40:14 PM
Have you ever had one of those days where you wish you could just crawl back into bed and start it all over again? Well, I am.

I work at a small law office that does estate planning and litigation. Well, the one and only litigation attorney and one of our estate planning attorneys dropped the bomb yesterday. They gave their two weeks notice because their are going to open up a practice of their own about a half a mile away from us. Now, normally two attorneys leaving wouldn't be such a bad thing except that my office has only three attorneys. :/

The two of them leaving means that two paralegals are getting the axe and one paralegal possible leaving to follow the attorney she works for. One parelegal has already been told she is being laid off while the other just went on vacation until next Thursday. The atmosphere in the office is pretty somber right now with everyone in shock and the attorney's acting like nothing has happened. (I found out through the office manager that the two of them had been planning this for quite some time, their new business cards already made up, pc's in the new office,everything)

This just really sucks because some good workers are going to be out of their jobs and you're happy because you're job isn't threatened and that your favorite paralegal will be keeping her job.

I hate this day, I'll be happy when it is over with. :x

Kelt Simoson
Oct 10th, 2003, 04:49:02 PM
I have those everyday trust me. Its not nice, even at college its a horrible thing having a day like that. And most of the time i feel just like walking out but i know ive gotta go on and pass. Then there are days where i love it there, gotta take the good with the bad i guess...

Hope all clears up okay for you...:)

On a side note..where do you get the pictures of Andrea Corrs?

Oct 10th, 2003, 05:29:17 PM
*learning more as we speak* :lol

As for that side note....you now have the pic :D