View Full Version : To counter Force-Lightning

Shrin Safserim
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:02:33 AM
Shrin steps into the building, feeling a rush of cool air from within. His face is set with determination. At last, he's found his reason for approaching the Jedi. No one's here; but then, it's late. Maybe they've closed their recruitment center for the day? Shrin settles in one of the large, comfortable chairs, removing his sword and sheath from his belt and settling it nearby. If they have closed, he will wait here until they are available to question him.

Kelt Simoson
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:10:06 AM
Kelt opened the doors quietly to the recruitment hall. It was late, gone midnight and it had been his one day of the week where he had been on recruitment duty. It had been quite a long, quiet day and so he decided it was about time he passed the buck over for the night and go to bed-

As he was picking up his dirty old traverling bag, he caught sight of a figure in the gloom of the recruitment halls. At this late hour most of the lights were off. Frowning slightly in question, Kelt ventured over to the Shrin.

' May i help you? My name is jedi Knight Kelt Simoson, Council Member of the order, how can i be of assistance?' The Jedi said tilting his head to make out the figure in the gloom.

Shrin Safserim
Oct 11th, 2003, 01:07:19 PM
Shrin is more tired than he had first thought; he starts at Kelt's voice and blinks himself awake, standing to bow respectfully.

"Yes...Sir Simoson, I am here to join the ranks of the Jedi Order."

Kelt Simoson
Oct 12th, 2003, 04:39:10 AM
' Ah..' He smiled warmly as he stepped up to the young looking man. Shrin looked to be in excellent physical shape and quite curtious also in speech.

' I see, May i ask your name first of all? And second why is it you feel you would like to join the order?' Kelt said, his common kind smile still unmoving.

Shrin Safserim
Oct 12th, 2003, 04:24:53 PM
"I'm Shrin. Shrin Safserim. I've been on Coruscant for quite a while, but only now came to join the Jedi Order."

He stops for a moment, feeling the old nervousness creep into his heart, but quickly shunts it aside.

"On Chandrilla I was a peacekeeper. My family is an old one with a Jedi heritage, though for the past five generations none have wielded the Force. Now it seems our dry spell is over, and I've come to revive our family's proud tradition.

I know that alone will not get me in, so I have thought long and hard about the ideals I hold dear, and my own personal reasons for joining. I want to further my abilities as a peacekeeper, as well as truly become the defender of the common people. The last of our family to use the Force was proficient in defensive techniques, and I want to follow that legacy."

He falters as he realizes he's rambling.

"Well, the short of it is that I am here to learn defensive Force abilities to defend the common folk from all forms of torment...especially the dark technique of Force Lightning."

Kelt Simoson
Oct 15th, 2003, 02:06:06 PM
' Shrin, do not be nervous, I am a soft man and i have been in your shoes and seen many in your shoes over the course of me being a Jedi.' The Jedi smiled and nodded. ' Very good, that is perhaps the best i answer i have recived so far. The grin remained.

' What do you think a Jedis' job is within the Galaxy Shrin? Kelt asked.

Shrin Safserim
Oct 15th, 2003, 02:30:41 PM
"I...well, it's a very engrained and biased view to have, but I view them as being much like police officers on a galactic scale. It's the job I've been tailored to do, and one I've done quite well, if my superiors have had anything to say about it. The Jedi also serve as diplomats and guards; functions I've performed very rarely."