View Full Version : First Drink = First Time Being Drunk (open)

Shandri La
Oct 10th, 2003, 10:59:26 AM
Shandri has been unhappy. Plain and simple. Since returning to the Order after her mission to her homeworld where she came face to face with death, she has been unhappy. And tonight, she's going to let it all out. Tonight, she is going to have some heavy drinks. A couple of Ales, or a Scotch or two or more.

When she enters the B&G, she hands over her small knife and says she has no more weapons. With that, they let her in where she orders herself an Ale to start her night off with. She takes her ale to a back booth and sits down, drinking the ale as if it's water.

* * *

Several drinks later, Shandri is drunk. Really drunk.

"We need music."

She says in a rather loud voice, not the soft quiet one which she normally uses.

"We need music so we can dance all night long."

She gets up from the booth she's been sitting in and staggers towards the middle of the room, a smile on her face.

"Don't y'all gree with me at once y'hear."

Then to everyone's amazement, she strips her dress off revealing her white undergarments. Laughing happily she starts to dance to music which isn't playing.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:03:02 PM
A hand gently clasps on her shoulder.

"Maybe you should cut yourself off for the night."

Shandri La
Oct 10th, 2003, 06:43:37 PM
Shandri turns to face Zemil.

"Come now, the nights just started and for first time, I'm having fun."

She leans forward, a bit to far and looses her balance, falling towards Zemil.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 10th, 2003, 07:14:53 PM
Ridge Kincaid is sitting nearby in another booth, the darksider watching closely from under the dark hood of his cloak. He feels the younger woman's Force-sensitivity and leans back in his seat and watches, his coffee mug tight in his hands.

Shade Magus
Oct 11th, 2003, 11:40:40 AM
Shade reached out and grabbed the Padawan.

"Whoa there missy. I think he is right. I mean I enjoy being drunk and everything, but this is just a little to far."

Shandri La
Oct 12th, 2003, 09:58:02 AM
Shandri looks up at Shade and smiles.

"I'm no drunk. I just had a drink oh two.

Come dance with me."

Shade Magus
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:40:20 AM
Shade blushed and shook his head.

"No really, I think you should just come back to the bar. I'll even buy you drink as long as you sit down."

Shandri La
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:42:29 AM
"Come on, it's alot of fun dancing."

Shandri smiles happily.

"Sides, I don't dwink."

Radzyn Boomtown
Oct 13th, 2003, 03:59:00 AM
Walking in from just coming off an non-eventful shift, Radz walked into the B & G to a very awkward situation. A half dressed woman who was indeed drunk, and two men who were trying to help her. Upon approaching, Radzyn recognized one of them as one of his superiors.

Picking up the discarded article of clothing, Radz walks up and acknowledges the boss.

"Commander Vymes."

Turning to the woman, he spoke in a soft tone as he held her attire out to her.

"Ma'am, If you could put this back on, I would be happy to dance with you."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 14th, 2003, 05:01:01 AM
Removing his cloak, Ridge walked up and gently put it over Shandri La's shoulders to cover her, while she argued a bit. He leaned towards her ear. "Perhaps, he's right, Miss. To see you dance in that beautiful dress would be more than devine. Wouldn't you agree, Sir?"

Radzyn Boomtown
Oct 14th, 2003, 09:58:02 AM
Radz gave Ridge a curt nod of thanks as he placed his cloak over the half dressed woman. The dress still in his hands waiting for her to take it.

"Yes I would."

Shandri La
Oct 15th, 2003, 03:29:44 PM
Shandri pouts slightly that ppl are wanting her to get back into her stuffy dress which she wears all the time but she does give in and takes her dress and tries to put it back on, but is to drunk to actually do that.

Radzyn Boomtown
Oct 15th, 2003, 04:57:19 PM
Catching the drunk and now giggling woman as she stumbled while trying to get back into the dress she discarded, Radzyn steadied her and shook his head.

"Ma'am, I think you should try that one more time now while I got you steady here. Then we can get you safely home to sleep this off."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 17th, 2003, 07:43:03 AM
Ridge laughed at the comical way the young girl was acting. "Is this your first time being intoxicated, young lady?" He asked as he helped her pull the dress over her head. She wobbled all over the place and it wasn't easy as her arms flaid about.

"Maybe you should take a seat and perhaps have some coffee or an expresso before you leave."

Shandri La
Oct 18th, 2003, 03:32:53 PM
"I not intositated. And I not dwink coffee. It bad stuff for you."

Shandri does not stop Ridge from helping her out, though a part of her is not wanting to get dressed again.

Radzyn Boomtown
Oct 19th, 2003, 10:13:48 PM
With her dress back on and situation smooth, Radz leaves the woman with Kincaid and heads to the bar for a nightcap. He coulda taken her in for indecent exposure, but the day he was having, he just let the situation take care of itself.

"I'll have a Burnout please."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 20th, 2003, 04:24:44 AM
Ridge smiles gingerly at the young woman, it was a situation he was kinda in the mood for. "Miss, why don't we have a seat. Perhaps, get to know one another a little better." He points to the booth he has across the way.

Shandri La
Oct 20th, 2003, 10:12:59 AM
Shandri allows herself to be guided by Ridge to the booth where he's sitting and allows herself to be seated.

"What do ya want ta know?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 21st, 2003, 07:27:32 PM
"Well, a name would be nice for starters." Ridge smiled.

Shandri La
Oct 22nd, 2003, 11:50:17 AM
"Shandri La, last in a long line of Guardians. I don't have a daughter to follow yet.

Whas your name?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 23rd, 2003, 04:05:10 AM
"Ridge." He told her. "I'm a businessman by trade. So, Miss La are you celebrating something this evening?"

Shandri La
Oct 23rd, 2003, 07:38:51 AM
"If I were celebating, I'd have a juice. I had to tell my hated half-brother that I'm related to him.

You know wha he wanted to do. He wanted ta kill me cause I saved his butt."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 24th, 2003, 01:06:05 AM
Ridge raised an eyebrow as he took a drink. "I see. So, why did you save his...butt?"

Shandri La
Oct 24th, 2003, 07:59:55 AM
"His royal highny managed to get himself locked in his own dungean by offworlders who would kill him afta they got the Treasure which I protect.

Me and some others went and kicked the offworlders off my homeworld and then my half-brother wanted to kill me cause I disobeyed him but in the process I saved his butt."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 24th, 2003, 07:46:14 PM
"Well, some brother's just don't understand when you are doing them a favor." He told her with a sigh. He thought of his own twin brother and shook his head. One day....

"So, you're a Jedi?" He asked as he looked at her again.

Shandri La
Oct 25th, 2003, 09:44:29 AM
"Yup. Padwan of Dasquian. I was told to seek their help to protect the Treasure so I joined them."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 25th, 2003, 10:45:45 PM
Ridge steepled his fingers. "Very interesting, very interesting indeed, Miss La. What do you plan to do with this treasure once your done protecting it?"

Shandri La
Oct 26th, 2003, 09:07:34 AM
"Nothing. When I no longer protect it, my daughter shall and I'll be dead. It's the treasure of my ppl, and it's supposed to keep us in peace and we don't want it to fall into the wrong hands so that's why my family line are the Guardians."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 26th, 2003, 11:46:40 AM
Ridge nodded. "Very good concept, 'lass. I know all about family fortune's I've been entitled to one myself that I protect. But, all the same, I spend it too and I have no worries for it continually grows. Have you ever heard of the casino called OZ? That is mine and it's one of the highest quality casinos Coruscant has. I'm very proud of it. Perhaps, you'd like to join me in a visit sometime?"

Shandri La
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:46:13 AM
"Nope, never heard of it. And the Treasure isn't a family fortune. It's a Treasure of my homeworld. It's more valuable than any amount of currency put together.

And I'd love to join you for a visit there sometime. Never been to a casino before."

Shandri makes herself comfortable at the table.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 28th, 2003, 04:58:31 AM
"If it's not being to forward, perhaps this Saturday? The place is usually booming on the weekends. I can treat you to a nice dinner on my terrace at my suite I have there. Are you up to that, m'lass?" He asked with a smile, while he sat back and raised an eyebrow.

Shandri La
Oct 28th, 2003, 09:00:41 AM
"I'd love that. Means no lonely dinner for me that night."

Shandri smiles, though remembering that very few actually invite her anywhere for anything.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 28th, 2003, 04:03:36 PM
"That'd be great, I'll pick you up at the front steps of the Temple at eight o'clock." Ridge answered. "Plan for a fun night."

Shandri La
Oct 29th, 2003, 11:30:24 AM
"I will. I can't see how a night with you would be boring."

Shandri smiles at Ridge.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 29th, 2003, 08:59:14 PM
Ridge gives her a sly grin. "Trust me, I'll make it a night to remember."

Shandri La
Oct 30th, 2003, 11:57:46 AM
Shandri returns Ridge's grin with a smile of her own.

"Then I'll look forward to it. And you best make sure that it's a night to remember."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:43:49 AM
"Oh, I guarantee it, m'lass. Would you like me to walk you back to the Temple, Miss La? It's a very nice evening for a walk."

Shandri La
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:55:10 AM
"I guess I could allow you to walk me back to the temple. And I agree, it is a nice night to walk."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 1st, 2003, 11:43:45 PM
Ridge stood and gave Shandri his arm for support. He quickly pulled his hood up as they walked towards the door. "Well, this has turned out to be a very interesting night to say the least, Miss La."

Shandri La
Nov 2nd, 2003, 11:44:31 AM
Shandri takes Ridge's arm as she stands up and the two of them heading for the door. As they're about to leave though, the guard stops them and hands Shandri her small dagger which she accepts, saying she forgot about it. She goes to put it away, but right now she can't seem to remember where she normally keeps her dagger so she just slips it into her belt for now.

As the two of them exit, she leans her head on Ridge's shoulder with a smile on her face.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 4th, 2003, 04:27:23 AM
Ridge takes a deep breath as he walks outdoors, it was a nice night. He walks her across the street and up the steps of the Temple and then stops. "Well, you've definitely know how to spark up a man's attention, m'lass." He smiled down at her.

Shandri La
Nov 4th, 2003, 11:05:15 AM
Shandri tilts her head back slightly and smiles.

"What's that to mean?"

She asks Ridge quietly.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:10:27 AM
"It means, we're going to have a good time on Saturday night." He told her with a grin.

Shandri La
Nov 5th, 2003, 06:01:09 PM
Shandri returns Ridge's grin.

"Then I look forward to it immensly."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 6th, 2003, 03:52:04 AM
With a smile, Ridge lifted Shandri's hand up to his mouth and kissed it. "Until then, Miss La. Good-night."