View Full Version : A friendly face......

Oct 9th, 2003, 11:37:30 PM
He walked bare footed across the room, Today was another day he couldn't sleep. Dark circles colored the area around his fawn colored eyes. He has been suffering some form of insomnia lately and it was starting to get to him. He rested his elbows on his knees and placed his chin on his folded hands. He looked over at the personal comm in his room and wondered who he could call.....who to bother.

He grabbed his gauzy buttoned shirt with the oversized sleeves and put it on leaving the buttons undone. Pressing a few keys, he hit the send button and a relay system shot his signal from his room at Faene, to a distant planet. He sat there once more his chin on his folded hands and waited for the one person he had sent the call to.

A smirk appeared as he thought of her face. The conversations they had when she was here. Truth was, he missed the friendship she showed him. And also the unselfish way she had helped his lifemate bring him news of importance to him and sacrifice what she had because of it.

He hoped she was there and would answer, even though the signal came from Shadow Faene.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 9th, 2003, 11:47:54 PM
Kicked back in front of the large fireplace and snuggled beneath a warm, wooly blanket, Daiquiri's reading was interupted by one of the servants.

"Pardon, missus, but there is a call for you, from your Fortress."


His announcement intrigued her and throwing off the coverlet, Daiq went to the den to take the call. Flopping down in Jacob's oversized chair, she clicked the button to proceed. The image on the holoscreen flickered to life as she spoke.

"This is Daiquiri....whats u.....Ezra! Hello! Is everything alright?"

Oct 9th, 2003, 11:57:32 PM
He smiled as she came into view on the screen. Her initial excitement made him glad he called. He shrugged as she asked how things were.

"Things are.....normal around here. How are you? And your daughter?"

He mustve looked a bit on the terrible side to her, but seeing a friendly face was uplifting for him. Hearing things were ok with her, made him happy...even if it was for someone else and not himself...thats just the way he was.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:02:20 AM
"We're all well, thanks. Katina is growing fast and has become a total daddy's girl, refusing to listen to me until her father tells her so."

She made a face then settled more comfortably in the chair.

"Your babies...how are they? Kariss, all doing good?"

Politely, Daiquiri continued the gentile conversation, waiting until the small chit-chat was over before asking what the real reason for his call was. Something was up and she could see it on his face.

"You look horrible, ya know?"

Oct 10th, 2003, 12:13:41 AM
"They are doing very well, and growing as fast as your little one. Draven takes all over Kariss in every way, my father has taken a farvorable liking to him. Alexi, poor girl, she's like me, stubborn...rebellious....guess you could say like Katina, she's becoming a daddy's girl."

He tilted his head to the right.

"Kariss is alright, doing real well with my father and the others. She's around our kind now and loves it. She constantly nags me to come home, but she knows I have a duty here as well. "

His smile faltered as she stated the obvious.

"Yes, I apologize for my appearance. Haven't been sleeping well...... It's the crickets, they keep me awake."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:19:40 AM
"Oh yes...its so important that your father likes her."

Her tone was even and her facial expression gave nothing away, so Ez had a hard time telling if Daiq was sincere in her words or being terribly sarcastic.

"Im glad your kids are doing well, Ez...thats good to hear. Now...Im going to call it straight with you, just the way I always have....and dont give me this 'cricket' dren....whats up?"

Oct 10th, 2003, 12:27:33 AM
He stared at her for a few, then ran his hand over his face.

"Alright, I needed to see a friendly face Daiq. I feel like Im losing it lately and I dont know why."

His eyes scrunched a bit as he thought. Mood swings and shorter fuse...less control on his darker self.

"I dont know...*sigh*.....I may be going crazy after all."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:33:41 AM
"What makes you say that? Whats going on that youre not telling? And Ez, if you make me ask you again, I'll........kick your butt next time I see you...do you hear? This is me - Daiq - the one who has always been there for you....you know you can talk to me about anything. Ive never judged you, darlin, so c'mon.....whats up with you?"

Oct 10th, 2003, 12:42:01 AM
"Daiq, I AM trying to tell you....I dont know whats going on! .."

He caught himself and held a hand up to the screen.

"I'm sorry....I didn't mean to do that....but you see, that is what Im talking about. It's like Im losing control....and I dont know why."

He was always in control. Even during the most trying of times, but now it was any little thing and he went off.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:48:52 AM
Hmmm...Ezra with a temper - now that was interesting.

"I see. Well......."

There was no easy way to say it and she would hate to see him go but...

"I think you just need to get away from 'Faene for a while. Its more than 'just' that, I know....I can feel it."

Daiq shook her head in self-recrimination.

"I should have taught you when I had the chance and I didnt."

Oct 10th, 2003, 12:55:40 AM
His eyes narrowed.

"Taught me what?"

He slowly canted his head to the left.

"Daiq...taught me...what?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 01:00:20 AM
"You were going to teach me your language, remember? And I was supposed to teach you how to better handle the Force... make you my apprentice of sorts."

Looking down, Daiq picked up a writing implement and toyed absentmindly with it.

"It seemed like there would be enough time....and there wasnt. Im sorry, Ez."

Oct 10th, 2003, 01:12:11 AM
He sighed and ran his hands over his face from chin to forehead. Of course! he was touched by it...

" No Daiq, it isn;t your fault. I had the chance to learn when I was on Khar Sian and with Saurronn. I stopped my teachings.......maybe I shouldn't have."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 01:15:18 AM
Biting her bottom lip, she studied his face for a minute before suggesting the unthinkable.

"I have a real good idea of what you'll say but....if you stay at 'Faene, theres only one person there who could teach you."

Daiquiri didnt have to say the name outloud. Ezra knew exactly who she was referring to.

Oct 10th, 2003, 01:25:01 AM
His eyes flew up to stare at her. Yeah...the same one who did this to him.

"I dont think so Daiquiri."

He said with a sigh.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:26:14 AM
"I know its the last thing youd want to do, Ez....just dont write it off, yet. If youre having this much trouble now, think what it will be like a few weeks, or even months down the road."

Blue eyes searched his face and through the small link they shared in the Force, she could sense his pain.

Oct 10th, 2003, 08:41:05 PM
He looked like he was on his last leg. Since his children's arrival, he had been losing control little each day. Just the other night, he began to get the urge to feed, and not the normal feeding he did..... but more of a bloodlust, a gorging of one's self which his people opposed to doing.

"Daiq....It is already hard for me. I fear soon, someone will be unfortunate to be near me and ......"

He stopped and tried to get the thought of taking a life needlessly, especially someone at the Fortress.

"Why must it be her? Why not someone else Daiq?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:04:29 PM
She was silent for a bit, then sighed heavily.

"I could ask Jacob if you could comehere for a while....?"

Daiq was fairly certain she already knew the answer to that one, too....from both men.

Oct 10th, 2003, 11:38:28 PM
"No, that would bring you more trouble there. I wont do that to you Daiq. But thank you."

He felt alone right now....really lost with no where to turn. He couldnt go home because of his father, and endangering the kids. He shook his head slowly.

"I guess it's something I have to do alone. I must seek help elsewhere soon, and from someone I can tust."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:43:47 PM
"Thats the thing, though, isnt it? Who do you trust, Ez?"

Out of all the darksiders she herself knew personally, most would turn their backs on him and even her request to help him if Hera so much as quirked a brow. It all kept coming back to the 'Faene mistress.

Oct 11th, 2003, 12:20:33 AM
"I trust you."

The answer came quick. She knew he did, no reason to question that. Trusted her enough to place his newborn daughter in her arms.

"What do I do Daiquiri?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 11th, 2003, 12:26:08 AM
She wished she had a pat answer for him...something all wrapped up with a pretty bow. Unfortunately, she didnt and was apt to have anytime soon.

"I dont know, Ez. Unless you can come up with another idea, I think your choices are Hera or me."

Oct 11th, 2003, 12:30:18 AM
"If I have to choose, it will be you."

He felt the urges again, and the willingness to do them, but he closed his eyes and fought it down. Opening them once more, he glanced at the screen.

" If you can possibly help me, please let me know."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 11th, 2003, 12:33:05 AM
Running hand through her blonde mane, she brushed her hair from her face.

"I'll speak to Jacob tomorrow and see what he says and contact you as soon as I can. Just hang in there, Ez."

Oct 11th, 2003, 12:39:01 AM
" Alright, I will be waiting."

He went to reach for the cut off button and stopped. He looked up at her and offered a small smile through his anguish.

" And Daiq?....thank you."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 11th, 2003, 12:42:21 AM
"Does the thought count that if I were there, Id give ya a hug?"

Daiquiri tried to lighten his mood, just a touch if she could, hoping that Ez would continue fighting against the 'urges' he had told her about.

"Youre welcome, Ez, anytime."

Oct 11th, 2003, 12:46:11 AM
He smiled finally at her little remark.

" Actually right now? I wouldnt advise a hug."

He laughed now.

" Alright, I'll do my best at keeping this at bay......I will be here when you ring back........take care."

He clicked the button that switched the comm off. he leaned forward and rubbed his face. This was gonna be tought for him.