View Full Version : Awaken the Beast Within

Oct 9th, 2003, 08:26:46 PM

The name was perfect; a slight to perfection itself. The giant couldn't have picked a better name for himself had he tried. That he'd been born to it, he attributed to luck and occasionally to his parents. They, obviously, were giants too; as far back as his extensive genealogy ran, they'd always been very tall, extremely strong, and possessed of six digits to the appendage rather than five.

The cantina's door creaked open and shut, and the regulars turned to observe this newcomer. Bleached, bone-white hair framed a thick-lipped and heavy-jowled face. Half the teeth in the grin had been knocked out, the rest sharpened into daggerlike points. Several scars of various magnitudes paid silent tribute to the sheer ugliness of the visage.

He headed for the bar itself. Pretty much everyone but a pair of Wookiees stepped neatly out of the giant's way, and the Wookiees tended towards caution when his dead-black gaze was fixed on them. Eight feet tall, he rivalled the old 'enhanced humans' of Imperial fame in sheer strength, though perhaps not in speed. Either way, physically he was more than a match for any amateur brawler to be found in this dusty backwater.

The stool he took belonged to one of these amateurs, or else he was merely making an excuse. Either way, within about ten seconds a hand was tapping the giant on the shoulder. "Yesh?" Gash demanded, swinging his head around to face the complainer, and the small group backing him up. "Ish there a problem?"

"Yer in my seat," the leader demanded after a surreptitious assessment of his friends, who were now spreading out to either side. Gash turned around fully, clapping huge hands to his knees. "Well why didn't you shay sho!" he bellowed, and burst out in laughter that reminded all present strongly of a foghorn.

The brawlers exchanged confused glances, and in that moment the giant's hamlike fist closed around the hilt of the huge mace beneath his coat. They began to react as soon as he brought it out, hands going for knives and coshes and other 'weapons'...but they were about to learn the difference between brawling and fighting. With one blow a good half of the close-packed ranks literally went flying, head-over-heels and impacting the nearest table with several sharp cracks. The rest were divided in their opinions. Some jumped for him immediately, and he felt the sting of knife blades in his shoulders. The rest drew back and began to spread out.

The mace's second blow whistled within three inches of Gash's own body, clearing two or three carcasses out of its path. They went down and they stayed down.

Gash dusted off his hands, turned back to the bar and ordered a drink. Beside him he lay the mace, fifteen pounds of solid steel, a decent reminder for anyone else who was so incautious as to disturb him. Behind his back the last of the group came and pulled their friends away; harmless. Gash could see it all in a shiny plate hung on the wall, and he didn't bother to move even when they came close.

Then one moved in a subtly different way, and the giant's anger flared. He wasn't fast enough to dodge the thrown vibroblade...but somehow or other, it missed him, and at ranges like this that was patently impossible.

Gash spun and, point-blank, the long-barreled repeater under his coat opened up on the hapless assailant, cutting him in two.

He turned his head to the side. "Hurry up with the drink," he growled at the bartender.


Ace McCloud
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:13:54 PM
Ace McCloud sat in a rather dark corner of the bar as the huge man walked in. He chuckled slightly as he looked at his clumsy and dumbfound composure. He had not seen a Giant in a very long time, it was very interesting. Ace had been in the bar for a little too long, trying to drown some things out with drinks. He never really got drunk, but his judgement sometimes would be swayed slightly.

When the Giant spun around to meet the large group of men protesting, Ace perked up in his seat, his blue eyes glowing through the darkness. He watched as the Giant man-handled the men. It was quite a good site, he didn't mind a little fighting every now and then. He started to chuckle as he drank some of his hard beer. He leaned back relaxing as he figured the fight was over, but he was wrong. A goon had started it back up, and to Ace's horror, the giant pulled out a repeater and riddled him to shreads.

He slammed his mug down hard on the table. He couldn't stand that. He didn't need to kill that man, he stood no chance. Ace was a big fan of mercy...and as a jedi he felt somewhat obligated to do something, even though he was kind of new at that kinda stuff.

He stood up, still hidden in the shadows after slamming his mug down to get the giants attention.

"Hey!" He shouted across the bar, "there was no need for you to kill that man!"

Ace stepped into the light, fully covered in black and the hood of his cloak shadowing his face.

Oct 11th, 2003, 08:33:01 AM
Gash turned his head just slightly at the bang made by the mug, putting a hand to the stock of the repeater. He grinned into his own mug. Hopefully, the fight was going to start up again.

A voice echoed, loud and strident, and he spun on the stool with the mace held in a pawlike hand.

"You shee the knife," he bellowed, pointing with the mace head at where the vibroblade had cloven an ornamental stein in two. "That thing would have shevered my shpine, boy. He didn't fight fair; why should I?"

Kolya Van-Metzger
Oct 11th, 2003, 03:46:12 PM
Kolya's attention had been drawn away from his pint by the arrival of the giant, and had been held by the confrontation panning out in front of him. He winced slightly at the stink of derecliction emanating from the gargantuan, then looked back to the young man, who was obviously a Jedi of some sorts, if a somewhat rash one.

he'll get pasted in a fight against that one... Force or no force.

Kolya sighed to himself, and stood up to his full height, towering over most of the bar, except for the giant.

He walked over to the hideous creature purposefully, and locked him with a stare. Never moving his eyes from those of the abhuman wretch before him, he calmly took the mug from his unresisting hand, shuddering again at the thought of its contents, and tipped it out on the floor in one slow movement. This done, the massive Lupine returned the mug to the table, upside down.

Taking full advantage of the giant's full attention, he calmly and measuredly said;

"Put that down, and take your fight up with someone who can defend themselves, savvy?"

Ace McCloud
Oct 11th, 2003, 05:43:04 PM
Ace stood firmly close to the giant as he turned around. He glanced over to the vibroblade quickly then back to the giant. But before he could reply, another tall man came walking up, interfering with his business.

Annoyances, he thought to himself. The tall man had insulted him but he didn't let it get to him. He couldn't let the darkside take over at a time like this.

He looked towards the new man and said,"Stay out of it. This is Jedi business." He didn't really know what he was talking about, he just wanted the fight himself. He sized up both opponents. The newer man was no doubt the more skilled but he wasn't sure how skilled. From what Ace could tell he could take the giant easily. Because he was slow and Ace's speed and endurance was remarkable.

Ace began to cast Aura of Uneasiness with the force. Those around him became disturbed and moved away in fear. Even the wookies began to feel slightly uneasy about being around him, however they had their pride and stayed. The feeling was strong, like running fullspeed into a brick wall.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:09:40 PM
A woman sat along the wall by the door, her hair mostly in her face, effectively hiding her appearance. She was wearing a dark blue tunic, sash and loose pants, and had her feet propped up on the bench seat opposite her in the booth.

The repeater rifle made enough noise to draw the attention of the Watch from a sector away. And now the huge being was confronted by two much smaller ones. And Lilaena would have been the smallest of the four, but she remained where she was, sipping her drink as the tavern cleared. No one wanted to get in the way of so-called "Jedi business."

She paused, feeling a slight twinge of concern. Perhaps she should leave? Things could get messy, and she didn't want to be involved.... De'Ville shook her head as if to clear it, and looked directly at the padawan who was foolishly trying to take matters into his own hands.

Did the Jedi Order simply let their untrained padawans run around and...pick fights? What Jedi picked fights, anyway. The Dark side tempted this one, she could tell just by his actions.

The giant looked slightly confused, but ready for a fight. The unease that radiated from the padawan affected the weakwilled, but he was too untrained in the Force to have any lasting effect on her, a Force Master.

De'Ville thought about getting up, but decided to stay where she was. In a matter of minutes the bar was nearly empty, save the giant man, the brash padawan, and the cocky long haired being. And her. Sitting in her booth, sipping her drink.

Oct 11th, 2003, 09:23:31 PM
The giant's head went from contemplation of the boy, to a brief glance at the reasonably-sized man, then back to the boy as he declared it 'Jedi business.' For a moment Gash just sat there, then threw back his head and roared out a laugh loud enough to make the last Wookiee leave.

"That'sh prishelessh," he intoned solemnly, then broke out into laughter again. "You two...jusht prisheless." Without warning the barrel of his repeater swung towards the tall man and Gash opened fire.

Ace McCloud
Oct 11th, 2003, 11:21:33 PM
THe padawan's eyes narrowed as he watched the movement of the giant. He swung his barrel around to take yet another victim. Ace quickly called out to the force, pushing the repeater out of the way and to slightly put him off balance.

Weary of the mace in the corner of his eye, Ace jumped up and towards the giants head with his foot extending at the last instant.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Oct 12th, 2003, 05:57:01 AM
Kolya blanched as the repeater aimed at his face, then sagged with relief almost as the padawan landed a kick to the ogre's skull, and pushed the barrel away, just as it fired.

Quick as a flash, Kolya was on the repeater rifle, twisting it backwards, far enough to cause the giant hopefully a considerable amount of pain. Once it had been taken out of the equation, the fight would be as good as over.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 12th, 2003, 02:51:59 PM
The three men erupted in sudden violence, and none of them noticed her get up from her booth and walk over to the bar. The hasty padawan was coming down from a jump in the air, but he paused, his feet suddenly scrabbling for the ground as he stayed suspended in the air.

De'Ville laughed at the look on his face as she used the Force to spin him around to look at her. "Why don't you go home to your mother, child."

Ace McCloud
Oct 12th, 2003, 04:25:33 PM
As Ace sat in air, suspended by the force he brought his focus upon De'Ville.

Blast. When did she get here? How did I not sense her? he thought to himself as he assesed the situation. His eyes narrowed as a small flame trickled out of them. He was in no way able to stand up to her, she was too strong and too skilled. He could have taken the other two, but of course a dark jedi had to step into the picture. But he wasn't scared and wasn't about to tuck his tail and flee.

He smirked through the shadow of his hood.

"And miss all the fun? I'd rather not," he said to her as he reached inside his cloak, slipping 2 daggers out of his leather armor and hurled them at her quickly as a means of getting out of her grip. But for insurance, he added a force push of his own to maybe throw her off balance.

Oct 13th, 2003, 07:46:44 AM
Gash dropped the repeater almost immediately and it disappeared within his coat, held securely by a thick strap over his shoulder. He got a two-handed grip on the mace, felt the minor impact of the Jedi child's boot to his jaw, and swung for where the boy's jumping kick should land him when the weapon came around.

The boy didn't come down. Gash shot a quick glance at the woman, realized what was happening, shrugged with a hint of a sneer on his face, and let the mace continue it's trajectory unchecked. The spherical head whistled under the Jedi's feet on a collision course with the taller man's midriff.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:48:13 AM
Kolya saw the mace coming, and grabbed the giant's neck with a jump as it connected, knocking the wind out of him with a painful cough. His own momentum around the giant's neck, he hoped, would be enough to take him to the floor, and give Kolya a momentary advantage as he regained his bearings.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 13th, 2003, 10:19:22 AM
He didn't sense scared which meant he was either stupid, or more powerful than she'd assessed. The padawan reached for his weapons, and De'Ville threw him backwards as the daggers came through the air towards her.

He crashed heavily against the bar, the edge snapping hard into his back, and she leapt into the air, backflipping over the daggers as they passed harmlessly underneath her. The padawan had used a Force push, and she missed her landing because of it, landing in a roll instead of on her feet.

Oct 13th, 2003, 11:03:54 AM
The man's weight carried the giant to the floor from his seat on the stool, and the full impact was taken by Gash's shoulders. He didn't roll, just let some of the breath leave his body and grabbed his attacker in a vicious bear hug. Slowly he began to squeeze, with all his musculature behind the motion.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Oct 13th, 2003, 11:50:30 AM
The Lupine braced his shoulders, in an attempt at simply struggling out of the man's grasp, kicking feebly at legs which seemed impervious to the beating. His eyes flashed yellow for a second, unseen by his assailant, and his face began to subtly morph into that of almost a monster. His jaws, now fully equipped with massive, razor-sharp dagger teeth, closed on the giants arm, ignoring the foul taste. The whole transformation lasted barely a second, before it had one again vanished, leaving the giant bleeding, and allowing him to burst free of the creature's hold.

Ace McCloud
Oct 13th, 2003, 05:26:02 PM
"Hu-arrr," Ace growned as the sharp edge of the bar jammed into his back. His plan had worked, but with a little pain. He fell to the ground but quickly regained his feet in a crouching position, with his back to the middle island in the bar, out of view of the dark jedi.

Damnit, the man thought as he waited for her next move. What was her deal with him anyhow? Was she serious or just playing around? Ace didn't know, but atleast he didn't have to worry about the other two now, they were too busy with each other.

He sat, crouched agaisnt the island in the bar, listening for any movement, rather than using the force to sense her.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:33:52 PM
Holy hells. The man fighting the giant had just...changed. Lilaena had never witnessed a shapeshifter morphing before, and it was a sight to behold. The padawan had scrambled over the bar and was staying put, as though hiding would save him. With a wave of her hand the neatly shelved bottles of liquor behind the bar were swept off and smashed on the ground, shards of glass flying everywhere.

She thought a bottle must have broken on his head from the sounds coming from behind the bar. De'Ville leapt to the bar top and looked down, saber pommel in her hand but not ignited.

Ace McCloud
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:59:42 PM
He was ready and felt a wave in the force. As the bottles began to fall from the bar, Ace dashed with his head low. The bottles crashed, some shards catching his hand and cutting them. He escaped into the outer area of the bar, around the tables and chairs and as she jumped over ontop of the bar and looked down he was gone. And in his place was alot of broken glass and a few drops of blood. But before anything else happened, Ace quickly threw a speeding dagger at her face from across the room.

Oct 14th, 2003, 08:39:23 AM
Gash leapt to his feet and pulled the repeater out again, releasing a trio of linked shots dead-centre for the chest of his own assailant.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Oct 14th, 2003, 11:36:49 AM
Some strange gods must have been smiling on Kolya. As he staggered to his feet, his left boot planted itself firmly upon a miraculously intact beer bottle, skidding him onto his knees as the shots flung past over his head. He silently thanked them, then lunged at the giant's own knees with a full-powered rugby tackle, knocking him back to the floor and into a stranglehold, which the long-haired Lupine applied with every ounce of his strength.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:06:12 PM
She looked up, saw the movement and the dagger, and threw herself backwards, her head nearly touching the bartop and her feet never leaving their positions. The dagger passed by harmlessly overhead.

De'Ville jumped down from the bar, skirted the giant and the shapeshifter, and made her way towards the padawan once more. She made no attack, but simply stalked towards him.

Ace McCloud
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:21:19 PM
The man began to stroll slowly around the room as she began to move towards him.

"So, what's your problem," he asked in a low, scratchy voice. "I'm not used to being pursued by women like this. I'm not sure if I like it or not." He was just buying himself time, so that he could get into position for his next attack. He silently chuckled inside his mind. He thought he had gone crazy, standing up to her like this. But he didn't suprise himself, he loved to fight, even if he stood no chance.

Oct 15th, 2003, 08:17:52 AM
In no mood to come close to the woman with his fire, Gash picked up the mace from where it lay and slammed it down at the man who'd just bitten him.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Oct 15th, 2003, 02:27:05 PM
The shapeshifter rolled to the side, the mace narrowly missing his torso. Instead, it crashed down onto his arm, bruising to the bone. He howled with pain, feeling his whole arm begin to sieze up and deaden, then shook it hard, cracking the giant across the face with what was essentially dead flesh. The impact brought it back to life, and he grabbed the creatures shoulders in both hands, to bring in a headbutt hard enough to bring stars to even his own eyes.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 26th, 2003, 11:33:17 AM
"Not used to being pursued by women? I believe you." De'Ville watched him circle around as a howl of pain came from the man battling the giant. She reached the middle of the room and stopped, turning slowly to follow the padawan's movements.

Suddenly the Dark Jedi pointed her right hand to the side, gesturing. The padawan's eyes followed the movement, and so was unprepared for the table that came flying at him from the left.

Ace McCloud
Oct 26th, 2003, 02:54:08 PM
A little too late, he saw the table coming at him. It was too late to dodge, so he curled his shoulder up and took it head on. The table broke into pieces as it impacted him. He was sent across the room some ways but quickly rolled up near the right wall. Luckily it wasn't his bad shoulder, so he quickly shook it off and used his momentum to push off the wall and launch a flying kick at her.

Oct 27th, 2003, 04:48:49 PM
The giant took his lupine opponent's headbutt full in the mouth. Dimly he felt at least two teeth break off, but instead of spitting them out he simply opened his mouth wider and bit deeply into Kolya's temples. At around the same time he grabbed the lupine in another bear hug, one he was sure that even another giant couldn't get out of.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Oct 28th, 2003, 03:18:57 AM
The fight was not going well for the lupine. Red and silver agony flashed across his vision, and he thrashed at the giant, freeing one arm from his grip. Somehow he managed to distract the monstrous creature with his flailing arm, and pulled his head free, rolling back onto the floor, and landing a few feet away in a crouch. Blood ran freely from two deep wounds on his right temple, and his right eye was closed and filled with blood. Had the wounds been much deeper they would have surely killed him.

The room spun, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, steadying himself on one hand. The other reched into his pocket, and slipped easily into a set of brass knuckles. Drunk on pain, he launched himself back at the giant, cracking the metal across it's temples. As he slung forward, he noticed the glint of a steel lighter on the bar, and was struck by inspiration.

Continuing his trajectory across the room, he vaulted the bar gracelessly, landing like a rag doll on the other side of it. He grabbed an optic, and its full bottle of finest whiskey, and shattered it down onto the giant's skull. His fingers closed about the lighter, as he waited for his moment.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 28th, 2003, 11:47:55 AM
The padawan pushed away from the wall and kicked at her, but De'Ville was ready for him. She grabbed his foot as it lashed out at her, and sidestepped, his momentum taking him past her and to the ground again.

De'Ville kicked him in the back as he faced away from her. "Puppies should know when to run home."

Ace McCloud
Oct 28th, 2003, 07:50:15 PM
The kick in the back forced him over, sending a jolt through his body, but he quickly saved himself on his hands and flipped over. She was quick, and way to skilled. But never the less it was still somewhat fun, she wasn't trying hardly at all. Though if she ignited that saber in her hand he was outta there.

His back was facing her and his cloak still shadowing his body. He had only 4 daggers left, but he would simply re-gather them.

"Heh, but sometimes puppies can be a little too playful," he said, as he slipped 2 daggers in each hand.

In an instant he launched his cloak off of his shoulders and into the air, shielding his body. And as it floated in the air for less than a few seconds, he spun around and threw the 4 daggers, in 2 waves through the cloak, hoping to surprise her. So far he hadn't layed a hand on her, nor did he expect to but it was still fun to try.

But the darkside that she felt inside him was hardly visible now, replaced with adreniline. However, a small trace of it lurked inside him, which probably provided his incentive to fight.

Oct 28th, 2003, 09:12:28 PM
Gash roared and stumbled several metres away from the bar, hands sweeping over his skull to remove some of the jagged shards of glass that had scattered there. A good many, though, remained, and his efforts actually drove them further in.

The giant was weakening at a rather fast rate, due to the sheer number of injuries he'd sustained. A few stab wounds, sure, and the headbutt, but none of those were incapacitating.

The bite and the punch, on the other hand, were. Stunned from the last blow, Gash only now noticed that he was bleeding freely from his arm. Ripping the sleeve from his coat, he wrapped it into a tourniquet, being sure first to use it to wipe as much of the alcohol as possible from his face. Even with the antiseptic properties of the strong spirits, he'd have to get that looked at later...or, at this rate of blood loss, he'd be rather dead within a half hour.

For now, life was the fight, and the sheer amount of adrenaline coursing through his blood was telling him to keep going. Snatching up his mace and wiping mixed whiskey and blood from his eyes with the back of his hand, he leapt over the bar swinging wildly at Kolya.

He didn't notice the lighter.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Oct 29th, 2003, 02:58:35 AM
Kolya neatly sidestepped the mace, springing back up onto the counter top with a sadistic grin. As he landed, the effect was rather spoilt by him missing his footing - a side effect of the beating he had taken. He shook his mane, and flicked the lighter, the flame catching on the first attempt, and sputtering upwards into a flickering pillar of petrol-reeking light. Almost innocently, he touched the lighter to the top of the alcohol-soaked giant's collar, and fell back onto the bench as the flames roared up.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 30th, 2003, 01:24:59 PM
As he turned around, flinging knives at her, De'Ville almost nonchalantly ignited her saber. Bringing it up she flicked it at the weapons, deflecting and destroying them at the same time. "It seems a shame that you will have to die. Such tenacity in the face of these odds."

To their right the giant went up in flames, and then the bar and the area behind the bar did as well as fire leapt from the man to the gallons of spilled spirits. Momentarily distracted, De'Ville hesitated before closing the distance between her and the padawan, lightsaber ready.

Ace McCloud
Oct 30th, 2003, 06:29:34 PM
Damn, he thought as she pulled out her lightsaber. She wasn't joking around anymore.

He quickly called out to the force, pulling his nearby daggers to hand as she talked.

"Heh, well. It would be nice, but maybe next time," he said. The ogre lit on fire, and many bottles with it, but he hardly payed any attention. He saw her get distracted so he made his move. He called out to the force one last time and several flamming bottles flew from the counter in 2 different directions at her. As she dealt with them, Ace grabbed his cloak and shot out the door, into the busy streets of the city, hiding his aura.

Nov 1st, 2003, 10:54:14 AM
The giant roared as his coat, hair and skin went up in flames, and stumbled down onto one knee. His face, though, had been wiped clean of the flammable liquid, and he could still see his opponent.

Albeit through a haze of red that was beginning to creep in on the edges of his vision.

Gash launched himself up and over the bar, arms spread wide, and caught Kolya on his way down. His body flattened the lupine to the floor, and dawing back a bit he began to punch repeatedly at Kolya's gut.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Nov 2nd, 2003, 04:52:50 AM
The lupine twisted to one side, the punches landing just below his shoulderblade, bruising instead of winding him. He braced his back, and pushed upward as hard as he could, trying to dislodge the burning giant.

Nov 15th, 2003, 02:48:00 PM
OOC/ Lilaena?

IC/ The shove shifted Gash's huge mass up and to the side momentarily, and he crashed back down to the lupine's side. His hand shot out and grabbed for Kolya's throat.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 17th, 2003, 06:06:03 PM
ooc: sorry!!! :cry /ic:

There was a sudden burst of white gushing noise, as Lilaena turned a fire extinguisher on the two fighters. Foam filled the immediate area, and she saw the grip the giant had on the smaller man.

With a decisive move the Dark Jedi brought the heavy metal canister down on the giant's wrist, intending to swing back and catch the other combatant in the forehead with it.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Nov 25th, 2003, 03:51:57 PM

Stars flashed, and everything spun as the steel cylinder connected, knocking him sick and bliding him for a second. Thankful, however, for its dislodging of the giant's grasp, he pulled himself out from under the creature's hold and leapt the bar again, putting it between himself and the foam-laden thing.

"Thanks" he hazarded breathlessly to the black-clad woman, before looking back to see how his opponent was faring.

Nov 25th, 2003, 07:29:53 PM
Gash clambered to his feet, gripping his wrist and biting back his first instinct: to kill the source of his pain.


Except some rational part of his mind was still alert, and he knew, even if in an animalistic sort of way, that if he attacked the Sith Mistress, he was dead.

He turned his head to the side, bared his teeth at Kolya, and then looked back at De'Ville. He'd seen her fight better than the best he'd ever faced, and there was something about her...

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 26th, 2003, 01:36:54 AM
"Thanks for what?" She addressed the Lupine, who was dripping from the fire repressing foam. Lifting her hand she knocked the man off the bar and against the wall with the Force. "If you know what's good for you, you will stay down."

The only Lupine she'd ever heard of being able to use the Force was dead. And so, this one was not worthy of her attention. The Dark Jedi turned towards the giant. "I am not afraid of you. But you intrigue me. I sense that I do the same for you...do I not?"

She held the fire extinguisher ready, just in case she had to beat him back with it.

Kolya Van-Metzger
Nov 26th, 2003, 02:00:18 PM
Kolya hit the wall in an undignified heap, collapsing to the ground with an eyeful of blood, a few cracked ribs, innumerable bruises and and aching skull.

Curling back into a defensive posture under the bar, he waited - listening to the woman's advice, and intrigued as to what she was saying to the giant.

Nov 26th, 2003, 04:48:26 PM
Normally, the fire extinguisher would barely have registered as a weapon to Gash, let alone a threat. This time, though, he treated it seriously. This woman was seriously frightening, and it had been years since Gash had found anything worth fear.

He snapped his head to the side and bared his teeth in a cautionary growl, locking eyes with Kolya.

"I wouldn't expect you to be afraid of me, mistress," he responded. "But yes...I do find you and your methods intriguing."

Kolya Van-Metzger
Nov 28th, 2003, 03:53:48 PM
Kolya didn't flinch at the giant's gaze, returning it confidently, albeit monoptically. He stood up from under tha bar, crackling his joints lazily, and radiating the fact that he wasn't here to fight anymore. He reached up to one miraculously unbroken and unexploded optic, and drew himself a double, which he sniffed at, savouring the overpowering sourness of it. Raising his eyebrows, as if in recognition of his own bad manners, he proffered the glass first to the lady, then to his old opponent.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 28th, 2003, 10:28:42 PM
"Come with me. I promise you power, beyond what you can imagine. In return, I ask only that you save your questions for a bit later." Lilaena ignored the proffered shot, keeping her eyes on the burnt giant. She could sense in him the ability to use the Force...apparently as yet undiscovered by himself.

This Lupine was apprently regenerating, his beating from just minutes previously were not affecting him as much now. It was interesting...but not enough to distract her from Gash. The giant seemed a bit simple - and it would probably take a few hours for him to have any questions anyway.

Nov 29th, 2003, 01:14:51 PM
Gash took the shot and downed it, his eyes never leaving De'Ville's.

"Power. Sure. Fine.

"No questions. Also just fine." He inclined his head fractionally to Kolya.

"A pleasure fighting you, lupine."

Kolya Van-Metzger
Nov 30th, 2003, 05:08:20 AM
Kolya nodded in recognition to the giant, and held out a hand to shake. Like all barfights, this one had ended with a few extra bruises and no regrets.

"The same."

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 1st, 2003, 01:02:52 PM
Lilaena eyed the Lupine, and returned her attention to the giant. <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=33336>"Come with me,</a> then." She turned, and began to leave the bar.

Dec 1st, 2003, 04:55:03 PM
Gash shook, rearranged his mace and repeater under his trenchcoat, and followed.