View Full Version : Learning to Relax (Open to anyone)

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 9th, 2003, 02:17:36 PM
It had been a long time since the Padawan had relaxed. He had spent his entire childhood in the care of the Jedi Order; a group that had spent most of the last few years on the run, attempting to survive. This required everyone, including children to be ever vigilant and for the most part very serious, but things had changed.

The New Republic had driven a divided Empire from Coruscant causing the once powerfu Imperial Military maching to fracture into warring factions. The Sith Empire had crumbled beneath its own mass and the other Dark Side organizations had divided leadership and were unable to sustain a continued assault against the Jedi, who in the lull had become quite powerful.

Ka' el had spent his life training, studying and training more to become a Jedi, but he had not spent the time to understand his comrades and what made them special. It was time he remedied that problem. He chose to do this by visiting Yog's. It was just after dinner and people would soon begin to pour into the establishment to unwind after a long week and celebrate the coming of the weekend.

"Weapons Ka' el?"

"Not today Charley, I didn't bring my saber with me," Ka' el replied.

"You alright?"

"Yes I believe I am...Charley I got a question for you?"

"Shoot kid"

"What's a good alcoholic beverage?"

"I like Thyferran Lager, but some people swear by Corellian Ale."

"Thyferran Lager?"

"Yeah ask for a Lylin's Origional, best stuff in the galaxy."

"Thanks Charley."

Ka' el then made his way to the bar, it wasn't crowded yet and the tender seemed suprised to see the young man here at such an unusual time for him.

"Catching a late supper Ka' el? I'll have the cooks fix your usual and get you a glass of water."

"Not tonight, I'm just here to unwind, Charley said to try a Lylin's Origional."

"Did he now, how old are you know Ka' el?"

"Eighteen, why?"

"Well to drink alcohol on Coruscant you have to be eighteen so I just need to see your ID."

Ka' el produced his holo-card and confirmed he was indeed eighteen.

"Alright, you want that in a bottle or draft?"

"Umm what's the difference?"

The tender chuckled and shook his head.

"I'll get you a pint that should work."

" 'k thanks."

The tender nodded and grabbed a clear glass cup and went back to the taps. When he came back the glass was filled with an amber liquid with a bit of foam on the top.

"Here you go kid, two creds"

Ka' el handed him the money and took the glass. He then spotted an empty booth and walked over and sat down. He then took a gulp of the liquid the cold bitter liquid actually tasted good as he swallowed it.

Not too bad...

Selinica Miriya
Oct 9th, 2003, 02:42:15 PM
Miriya wandered on into Yog's. She found herself spending a great deal of time here. She hadn't yet found a master, and had no classes, so it seemed she had nothing to do...just stirring about in the juices of utter boredom... She settled on a seat beside a young padawan. She had come here on and off over some time, and she always had the same thing..She ordered just after the young man..Hah.Young man. She was somewhere just barely into her late 20's.

"I'll have my usual.. Oh yeah, the same thing as last time...The corellian whiskey. That's it.. umm. Thank you."

The bartender filled her request, and she paid the regular price. She glanced at the personnage next to her. The cold ice of her eyes taking in his features, analyzing him befor she spoke. She took a gulp of her drink.


Shanaria Fabool
Oct 9th, 2003, 02:59:53 PM
Shanaria walks into the bar handing over her dagger. She goes to walk in, but is stoped ..

"excuse me... the lightsaber Miss..."

"Oh!... I'm so sorry!"

She hands over her lightsaber. She keeps forgetting she has one...

Shanaria walks up to the bar, with a swagger in her step that tends to attract the eyes of the male patrons to her very shapely form, that is only covered by a skin tight bodysuit, thats color is not far from the shade of blue that her skin holds.

She sits down on a bar stool next to a young man in Jedi Robes, she says to the bartender...

"Bartender... could you be a sweetheart and get me a Peach Cider? I could make it worth your while...;);)"

The bartender smiles and grabs a Cider for Shanaria, removing the bottle cap and places it on the bar in front her..

"Just pay for your drink, and that would be good enough for me Shanaria..."

Shanaria smiles and pays for her drink. then she turns on her bar stool so she has her back to the bar, and is looking out at the tables, accdently brushing her long black hair on the young man sitting next to her...

Selinica Miriya
Oct 9th, 2003, 03:58:23 PM
Miriya notices the woman who sits on the opposite side of the man...She has a striking resemblance to Kez... If she didn't know any better... she would say it was...hmm.. She spoke to the lady.

"...Hi.. You remind me of someone I haven't seen in some time...I'm Miriya..Miriya D'aen Cailis.."

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 9th, 2003, 04:46:21 PM
Shanaria takes a sip of her cider, places it on the bar, and looks over at Miriya...

"I'm sorry, I don't think I know you, Miss... I'm Lady Shanaria Fabool of Omwat..."

She looks over Ka'el, and smiles...

"And since we are all strangers here, it would be kinda to not include the fine, hansom, young man, that has found his way between us..."

Shanaria turns slightly on the bar stool so that her full front side is facing Ka'el. With her legs crossed slightly, and her weight partly resting on her elbow that has found it's way to the bar. The hand that is closer to the bar starts to play with the hair behind her ears, as she gently runs the tips of her fingers from her other hand, down Ka'el's shoulder, while saying...

"And who might be this hansom Jedi Hunk?"

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 9th, 2003, 07:20:23 PM
Ka' el blushed slightly as he made room for the two lovely ladies to sit at his booth.

"The name is Ka' el and you compliment me too much. Have you been here longer than me?" He said in a half-mocking tone with a gregarious smile. He soon took another deep drink of his pint. Savoring the flavor as it moistened his throat.

"Nice to meet you both, please sit."

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 10th, 2003, 09:56:09 AM
Shanaria moves to sit in the booth with Ka'el, bringing her cider with her...

"I'm pleased to meet you Ka'el..."

Shanaria slips one of her feet out of it's shoe, and gently starts to have her foot play with Ka'el's leg under the table..

"I'm sure that a man such as your would be used to women telling you the truth about how you look... "

Shanaria takes another sip of her cider, still playing with Ka'el's leg...

"I haven't been with the GJO for long, but I have been getting force training from my Grandfather, Mother, and Great-Uncle, since I was a little girl... I also have gotten Fighting training from my Father, and my Grandmothers...."

Shanaria gives Ka'el a slightly subjestive look...

"So how long have you been here? and How skilled are you?"

Selinica Miriya
Oct 10th, 2003, 03:59:33 PM
Miriya laughs...

"Fabool, you say? That wouldn't happen to be any relation to Kez, or perhaps Zohra?"

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 11th, 2003, 02:24:55 PM
Shanaria glances over at Miriya...

"Kez Fabool is my grandfather..."

Shanaria continues to admire Ka'el

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 13th, 2003, 10:09:28 AM
"I was raised by the order, they found me on Arcan IV left outside the temple praxeum. I was tested and found to have a high level of midiclorians, not a sure sign that I would be Force sensitive but enough for the council to decide to adopt me." Ka' el smiled as he felt the attractive girl run her foot up his leg.

"As for my skills, well I lack experience, but I train awfully hard and learn quickly." Ka' el responded. He then went to take another drink of his Thyferran Lager and noticed it was empty. Making a motion a server droid appeared.

"Yes sir. How can I be of service."

"A pint of Lylin's Origional and whatever these ladies would like."

"Very well sir and for you miss?"

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 15th, 2003, 02:09:42 PM
Shanaria smiles at the droid...

"I'll have another peach Cider"

Shanaria then turns back to Ka'el continuing to play with Ka'el's leg under the table with her foot...

"So.... with all this training, what would you say that you are best at?"

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 19th, 2003, 09:06:57 PM
"My saber..." Ka' el said with a bit of a grin. The alcohol was taking its effect on the young padawan and he enjoyed it.

"So how long have you been in the order?"

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 24th, 2003, 12:04:03 PM
Shanaria grins slightly as she takes another sip of her Cider..

"I have been at the GJO for about a year now, it's been fun so far."

Shanaria give Ka'el another subjestive glance..

"Soooo... do you let other's play with you and your saber, or do you prefer to play with your saber alone?"

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 27th, 2003, 11:11:58 AM
"Ummm... I prefer to have a sparring partner," the young man replied. Suddenly a feeling of nervousness overwhelmed the young padawan as the realization of waht she was hinting at came over him.

There is no emotion It was an odd time to remember the code, but he smiled none the less. The alcohol was taking a firmer grip on his psyche.

"I'm sure you are an excellent saber handler."

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 27th, 2003, 01:42:23 PM
Shanaria smiles, at Ka'el, both for his comment and for the fact that he clued in at what she was subjesting. She doesn't know why, but she gets so much glee out of making people's minds go into the gutter and get all dirty.

"Well.... I'm still a beginer when it come to handling a saber. I haven't been doing it for long. only just the other day did I have my first time with a Saber."

Shanaria chooses her words carefuly so that they could work with ether context of saber that has been implyed in this conversation.