View Full Version : Anything but a quiet drink (open)

Axel King
Oct 9th, 2003, 09:48:03 AM
Axel's eyes roamed around the bar, searching for the tell-tale signs of the people with money who might be able to afford him. The bar was apparently the front for ShadowFaene, but Axel had never been the sort of person to trust anyone just for the sake of trusting them. If he'd done that, he'd have been long dead by now.

Axel found himself an empty table, and slid into it, pulling off his coat and depositing it next to him as he did so. He felt a little unprotected without it on; the coat was usually covering enough weapons to supply a small army. But, on the advice of his robotic assistant, he'd toned down his image. "If they feel threatened," the droid had told him, "They won't want to employ you." The droid had never let Axel down in the past, so he chose to give him the benefit of the doubt.
However, Axel had insisted on wearing his father's sword. His cover story was that it was a sign of respect. In truth however, it was to make him feel more secure. In as closed an environment as a bar, the vibro-sword could be as deadly a weapon as a blaster. Of course, he did have a blaster as well...he might be good, but he was no Jedi. If a blaster bolt came flying towards him, he didn't stand a chance of deflecting it back. He'd just end up dead. That was something he wanted to avoid.

Axel absent-mindedly rubbed part of the giant tattoo that covered his upper body. Aside from the symbol on his back - a bird perched on the hilt of an ornate sword, which his father had used as his symbol throughout his career - each curl represented a person that Axel had killed. Their numbers reached into the hundreds. Even Axel had forgotten the exact figure...the only "person" who knew for certain was Axel's ship.

Axel's ship, nicknamed "Trinity", was more like a flying droid than a spacecraft. Axel's father had built her, and installed various droid brains to let the ship run herself. Trinity could fly, fight, navigate and perform basic repairs all by herself, thanks to a collection of remote droids slaved into her circuitry. However, this did generate problems. Trinity developed the droid version of multiple personality disorder. However, unlike the organic version, all three personalities (hence Trinity) manifested at the same time. Axel's father had thought that it was an amusing querk, so had developed the schitzophroenia further. Axel had always found the arguements between the Navigation, Tactical and Engineering personalities amusing...he found the presence of their voices comforting. It did get confusing at times, though...the ship was never sure what tense to refer to itself in, and sustained conversations took a lot of concentration. But it did mean that Trinity could look after herself, and that was a good thing.

Axel sighed, and returned to his scanning of the bar. Hopefully, he could find someone to give him a job. And hopefully, he wouldn't have to wait long. Axel didn't like waiting. It made him cranky. And, when Axel gor cranky, his tattoo got bigger.

imported_Gerbo Lang
Oct 9th, 2003, 10:52:59 PM
Gerbo looked across the bar at a man who resembled him allot. Well minus the fact the man had less weapons then he did. The Dhampire had come to the SFF only to make his usual rounds and make sure the vampire Ezra wasn't getting into any trouble. Although he hoped the vampire would be so he could kill the undead spawn. It seemed though that Ezra checked out just fine and no chance of getting to slaughter him this month. He shrugged and thought there’s always next month.

He kept his eyes on this strange look alike of his. The man really wasn't that impressive and even worse he was just human. Gerbo started his walk towards the man a pearl white fanged smile hung on his dark face. Black tattoo’s of old vampire ruins ran down the sides and back of his neck. He was wearing a long black trench coat with his katana hilt sticking out behind his neck. A verity of weapons from blaster, to stakes and even grenades could be seen through the open front of his coat. Also visible was his plated Kevlar vest on his chest and mid section. Shades covered the mans eyes making it hard for people to notice him staring at them. He stopped just in front of Axel still smiling.

"It would seem I have a twin, my only question is he strong enough to fend himself from my enemies who might mistake him for me?"

Axel King
Oct 10th, 2003, 06:39:35 PM
Axel cocked his head to one side, and half-smiled. "So, you are the real Gerbo Lang. Pleased to meet you." He pointed to his face. "Normally I don't look like this...I'm in disguise. I usually look totally different. This alien trader sold this thing to me..." he continued, tapping a small box on his belt. "I have no idea how it works, but it does. Holograms or something, I think." Axel tapped the largest button on the device. "Normally, I look like this." He extended a hand. "Axel King. I'm in the business of killing things...vampires in particular. The reason is long, grusome and painful. The short version is that they killed my whole family. Now its my duty to return the favour." Axel fixed Gerbo in an unblinking stare. "Know of any vamps around these parts?"

Axel King
Oct 12th, 2003, 06:01:26 PM
(OOC: Seeing as Axel is having an identity crisis, I'm gonna go out, and come back in again. That way, at least I won't be confused...)

Oct 13th, 2003, 12:11:47 PM