View Full Version : A Question for the Members of the Order

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 9th, 2003, 09:06:41 AM
In December I will have been here for a year in one incarnation or another and I've noticed something. Rarely has my characters ever had a thread with another member of the order. It seems that anytime I get into a thread with someone they either quit replying to me (for some unknown reason) or they fall off the face of the earth (only to comeback 4 weeks later and start posting again, but not with me)

So I want the brutal truth because I want to know if I'm wasting my time here:

1. Am I a poor rper. Is the reason people do not reply to my posts or ever enter an open thread with me because I'm bad at this? If so suggestions on what I can do other than put a bullet into my character's head and never comeback here again?

2. Am I unliked? If you guys don't like me or I've done something to offend people here, please let me know. I'll be happy to make amends for any injury percieved or real.

3. Is this normal? It seems like everyone else around me has threads going along at times. Granted I'm not big into casual threads, I like my threads to have something productive happening to develop my character and progress is story-line, so often I don't get involved in what I call filler threads nor will I just jump into a thread often and say I'm here to fight because, well Ka' el has only completed two training threads and I see it as god-moding for me to get involved and do anything other than get my ass handed to me by another person of higher rank. That being said there have been some exceptions but that's just because I realized that I haven't been involved in a thread in like 2 weeks that I didn't start and finish on my own. And that get's really boring

So in conclusion, if my character is not liked approved cared about; then why? What should I do?

and If it's just me then I'll work to make amends on that as well.

Marga Alton
Oct 9th, 2003, 09:38:48 AM
Ka'el, I know I think you're a good RPer. You've done nothing to offend or hurt me (in any of my characters here).

I'm more than willing to RP with you, all I ask is that you understand that on occasion I may be slow to post and not to give up. If it takes me more than a week to respond, send me a PM to remind me.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 9th, 2003, 09:39:31 AM
Granted I'm not big into casual threads, I like my threads to have something productive happening to develop my character and progress is story-line

That's where the issue lies. Most of the threads that people have going on are just these 'filler' types, with general banter and one-two conversation. Nothing profound.

Rognan Dar
Oct 9th, 2003, 01:02:09 PM
Ka' el Darcverse, sometimes I feel that I have the same problem. I'm not on big on threads without a point and like to develop my char in most that I am in. And I dont start a lot of threads, and when I do, noone joins in, or hardly at all.

I dont have anything aginst you. I haven't read much of your posting either. But I do understand what your talking about.

I think that Das is right. You just need to get out and have some fun with your friends. It doesn't have to count as real (as far as SW goes) just mess around, thats what I think.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 9th, 2003, 02:01:05 PM
Sometimes I find that in those RPs with no real purpose in mind (i.e. the "filler" threads Das was talking about) that my characters are developed the most. Not every single thing a person does in his or her lifetime is going to be profound. Or be life changing for someone. But, the "everyday/filler" threads that Wei participates in help me to see how he would react in normal situations. I feel that such threads give Wei more depth, because IMO it is not the big, extraordinary things that a person does that determines who they are, but the ordinary things that they do.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 9th, 2003, 02:08:19 PM
Your a good RPer Ka'el... I really injoyed the thread when you came to help Leten in the lower levels and ended up fighting Talzen... and If you want any of my charcters to RP with just PM me... (that goes for any people that nead somebody to RP with)

I also have no problems playing more than one character in a thread, in fact I have one thread going where I play all the characters in it except for one.

I don't have anythin ageinst you or your RPing style... But sometimes you nead to have those filler threads, just so you can meet people IC. And I find that the more people you meet IC, the more threads your character has a reason to jump into...

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 9th, 2003, 03:05:34 PM
I just want to be perfectly clear, I'm didn't post this threads for compliments. I'd rather get advice and criticism (constructive) Not that I dont' appreciate the ego boosts (because I do!) but this is more about what I can do to remedy said problems

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 9th, 2003, 03:14:29 PM
We have also been giving advice... Both Wei and myself have been saying that "filler" threads are very important. They establish more of a base of who you are under everyday situations, and gives you a base of friends/enemies that can be called apon later for important RPs.

Don't be afraid to start a thread for no apparent reason... They often can turn into a thread that could be very important for your character...

Destiny Stormrider
Oct 9th, 2003, 04:33:26 PM
It's normal. Some things happen, unpredicatble stuff and it happens to everyone. Last year when I started, I was thinking I'd at least get to Knighthood level before I quit, but situations change.

James Prent
Oct 9th, 2003, 04:55:01 PM
I don't think I've read any of your RPs. :) If you want to help me find parts to make a lightsaber with, lemme know. ^_^; I'm gonna need help.

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 9th, 2003, 05:26:30 PM
Eaxctly what Wei said. If I could direct you a certain "Tea Party" thread started by Ki-Adi Kindo, that's probably the most character development Lion ever went through, and it started off as nothing but a "I'm bored, let's chat" thread.

Rognan Dar
Oct 9th, 2003, 09:05:22 PM
So I think the point is clear. Get out more, have fun, do some "filler" threads. That is my "advice."

James Prent
Oct 9th, 2003, 10:12:43 PM
My advice is create more RPs with a point for yourself (if that's what you like to do), and ask people to post in them with you. :D That's what I do. *cracks whip*

Figrin D'an
Oct 10th, 2003, 10:06:41 PM
Some of the blame for Ka' el not being as involved as you would like has to fall on me. I haven't been really pushing for a lot of training threads, and the mission thread idea I had constructed has yet to really get going (again, my bad).

Smaller "filler" threads are a good suggestion though to get something going quickly, and can be fun since they tend to be more relaxed than the larger, planned RPs.

Estelle Russard
Oct 10th, 2003, 10:34:05 PM
Filler threads are good cause you never know whats going to come of them. (they can be bad for that same reason too, ha!)

Another good idea is to target one or two players you think you'd like to do some rpin with and invite them into a thread with you.

You can also just "jump" into open threads, that dont necessarily mean fighting. Just be kindof around and see what characters you reel in.

I haven't read much of your rp's - but thats not a personal thing against you, its just time-contraints for me.

Abagael Zellan
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:08:54 PM
I'd be happy to RP with you, if you ever needed it :)

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:16:55 PM
Me too!!! Anytime!!!

Ace McCloud
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:18:54 PM
I'd be happy to RP with you anytime as well. I like rps to be productive and such, so I'd have no problem. Just send me a PM or somethin if you wanna rp =P

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 11th, 2003, 10:20:34 PM
Indeed, Ka'el. I'm a bit busy IRL at the moment, and won't be able to start any new threads, but once I get the chance, I'd like to do a roleplay with you. A "filler" sort of thread with no real end in mind. You'll more or less be reacting to what Wei does. That is, if you don't mind and/or you haven't discovered the subtle uses of the "filler" thread.

Kelt Simoson
Oct 12th, 2003, 04:33:26 AM
Like others have said, i'd be happy to RP also and i have a little more time than some so, just PM me and im sure we can do something :)