View Full Version : How do you lean, politically?

Pierce Tondry
Oct 8th, 2003, 09:31:23 AM
Find out! (http://people-press.org/fit/)

I'm a New Prosperity Independent. Follow the first link after you finish the quiz to learn what each grouping means.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 8th, 2003, 09:38:09 AM
Originally posted by Pierce Tondry
I'm a New Prosperity Independent.

Ditto :)

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 8th, 2003, 09:45:30 AM
New Democrat for me.

Like all tests, this one has it's generalizations and flaws. Many of the questions, I had middle ground views on. :)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:14:10 AM
it said i was a staunch conservative

COMMENTS: As in 1994, this extremely partisan Republican group's politics are driven by a belief in the free enterprise system and social values that reflect a conservative agenda. Dissatisfied with the state of the nation, Staunch Conservatives pay close attention to what is going on in politics and are highly vocal.

DEFINING VALUES: Pro-business, pro-military, pro-life, anti-gay and anti-social welfare with a strong faith in America. Anti-environmental. Self-defined patriot. Distrustful of government. Little concern for the poor. Unsupportive of the women's movement.

WHO THEY ARE: Predominately white (95%), male (65%) and older. Married (70%). Extremely satisfied financially (47% make at least $50,000). Almost two-thirds (63%) are white Protestant.

now for the cold reality of who is s'Il :

Staunch Conservatives pay close attention to what is going on in politics and are highly vocal

ha! not even. sure im a registered voter in nevada, but hell. i didnt even go to get my absentee ballot notarized to vote in the last presidential election. it was too hard to get off the couch and actually wake up


some of my best friends are gay


i wouldnt say i hate the environment, i just dont pay attention to it an aweful lot

Unsupportive of the women's movement

theres a womens movement?

WHO I AM: a white female, younger, single, satisfied financially (at least for right now), make 20k a year, and im non-denominational.

the rest of that stuff i could honestly care less about. im too busy taking care of myself and getting back on my feet to have to watch the country like a hawk

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:23:38 AM
S'Il, I got exactly the same result and I echo your comments. While I am a self-classified Republican, I share no agreement with all the discrimintory labels (anti-gay, anti-women, anti-environment) and instead, I think the main issues are an efficient government plan and personal responsibility. Oh well, nothing's right all of the time.

Park Kraken
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:24:29 AM
Moderate Republican

I guess that's pretty good. I don't agree with all of the Republican issues, but I agree with more Republican than Democrat or Liberal beliefs.

Oct 8th, 2003, 10:24:48 AM
The government should do more to help needy Americans, even if it means going deeper into debt.
Why the heck should we help you? Shouldn't we help the British first? ;)

I gave up because on too many I don't have an opinion. To me a think like this only works if there is an "unsure" or "don't know" answer, failing more choices.

Plus I consider myself neither a Democrat or a Republican as I have no idea what makes one :)

Zasz Grimm
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:27:01 AM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
it said i was a staunch conservative

Oct 8th, 2003, 10:43:59 AM
Your answers indicate that you are in the Disaffected category.


Some of the questions I didn't care either way, and some of them I would have checked other and filled in the box, if there was one.

Oct 8th, 2003, 10:56:29 AM
Staunch Conservative for me

COMMENTS: As in 1994, this extremely partisan Republican group's politics are driven by a belief in the free enterprise system and social values that reflect a conservative agenda. Dissatisfied with the state of the nation, Staunch Conservatives pay close attention to what is going on in politics and are highly vocal.

DEFINING VALUES: Pro-business, pro-military, pro-life, anti-gay and anti-social welfare with a strong faith in America. Anti-environmental. Self-defined patriot. Distrustful of government. Little concern for the poor. Unsupportive of the women's movement.

WHO THEY ARE: Predominately white (95%), male (65%) and older. Married (70%). Extremely satisfied financially (47% make at least $50,000). Almost two-thirds (63%) are white Protestant

Pro business? You bet. I'm a finance major.

Pro life? With some extreme exceptions, yes.

Anti gay? No. I believe the government should have no say over homosexuality, regardless of how my religion may condemn it.

Anti social welfare? Yes. Its taken advantage of like its going out of style.

Strong faith in America? Yes. I live here. I like what we have.

Anti environmental? Eh, depends. Some of the regulations have been good, but some of this stuff is ludicrous. I really don't give a damn about saving a spotted owl if it means losing 6000 jobs, no.

Self defined patriot? Semper Fi, do or die! Gung ho! Gung ho! Gung ho!

Distrustful of government? Politicians make excellent liars. Their speeches are geared toward low impact statements. Of course I don't trust them.

Little concern for the poor? I work in soup kitchens on my holidays. I just don't think the government should sink us into debt to give them a hand out.

Unsupportive of women's movement? I'm supportive of anybody who wants an equal shake at things. I'm against special treatment. Take that as you will.

White? Mostly. Really a mutt though.

Male? Yep.

Older? Nope.

Married? Not for a long time.

Affluent and financially well-off? Not yet. Hopefully within the next 2 years.

Protestant? On the fence between Baptist and Catholic.

I don't really consider myself that staunch of a conservative. I primarily vote republican because thats who I tend to agree with, but I'm not a card-carrying party member. I'd consider myself more of a libertarian, since I generally don't give a damn what other people do, so long as it doesn't hurt anybody. Go gays, go trannies, etc. Legalize drugs plz. (but tax them!)

I hate legislated morality. I'm a Christian, better or worse, but there's no reason why my religion's precepts should be used as a basis for law.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:30:46 AM
Liberal Democrat. Sort of. I'm a social liberal but a fiscal conservative and believe that older bussiness has too much political starch right now.

Lady Vader
Oct 8th, 2003, 12:01:10 PM
Staunch Conservative. Though some of the stuff they mentioned under this category I don't really agree with.

My views are close to what Charley posted above, with some tiny changes to maybe one or two topics.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 8th, 2003, 12:07:22 PM
Staunch Conservative

Oct 8th, 2003, 12:27:48 PM
Originally posted by Lady Vader
Staunch Conservative. Though some of the stuff they mentioned under this category I don't really agree with.

My views are close to what Charley posted above, with some tiny changes to maybe one or two topics.

Such as?

Oct 8th, 2003, 12:33:06 PM
New Prosperity Independent

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Oct 8th, 2003, 12:51:16 PM
Your answers indicate that you are in the Partisan Poor category.

Master Yoghurt
Oct 8th, 2003, 01:03:18 PM
Liberal Democrat

Sene Unty
Oct 8th, 2003, 01:30:55 PM
Liberal Democrat...which is very very true :D

Lady Vader
Oct 8th, 2003, 02:24:24 PM
Such as?

I'd rather keep my views private so as not to alienate anyone here.

Darth Viscera
Oct 8th, 2003, 03:00:15 PM
Staunch Conservative

Pro business? Probably not

Pro life? Don't care.

Anti gay? Nuh-uh

Anti social welfare? Mostly

Strong faith in America? I'm a right jingoist, I am.

Anti environmental? Don't care. Nuke the rainforest.

Self defined patriot? Didn't I just answer this question? Jingoist

Distrustful of government? Yep

Little concern for the poor? Eh, middlin'

Unsupportive of women's movement? Don't care

White? I'm not white. I'm 92% Caucasian, 8% Amerindian (Cherokee). 42% of that Caucasian is French. The other 50% is 8% Kurdish, 8% Azerbaijani, 34% Persian, and by Caucasian I mean absolute Caucasian, as in herding goats up the Caucasus mountains and shouting during idle conversation. So I guess you could say the majority of me is of French descent.

Male? Well if I'm not, then I'll have to buy whole new underwear o.O

Older? Nope.

Married? Not for a long time.

Affluent and financially well-off? Not yet.

Protestant? As with all the other people in the U.S. who are of partial middle eastern descent, I am non-religious. Inshallah. Heh, just kidding

Oct 8th, 2003, 03:43:25 PM
I got bored, so did the test, having to put some answers I don't agree with:

Liberal Democrats:

COMMENTS: Extremely tolerant on social issues.
Dunno about EXTREMELY. In fact, I do know it's not extremely.

Champion individual rights and a range of liberal causes.
Wouldn't say I "champion" them.

Despite steadfast support for Democratic candidates, many Liberal Democrats prefer to call themselves Independents.
I'm not indepandant, I just don't have strong views for any side :)

Most favor having a third major party.
Well, I favour having more choice. Surely everyone does?

DEFINING VALUES: Pro-choice and support civil rights, gay rights, and the environment.
Wouldn't say pro-choice because the question in relation to that was the "All should go to war if the country says so!" or "Anyone should be able to choose wether they go!", where I didn't have a choice I'd pick strongly. I don't remember saying I support the environment, although I'm not ANTI-environment.

Critical of big business.
I was pretty positive towards big business IIRC.

Very low expression of religious faith.
Not sure what that means :)

Highly supportive of the women's movement.
I find the womens movement to at times be sexist, so "highly supportive" is rubbish.

WHO THEY ARE: Most highly educated group (50% have a college degree).
:lol!!!!! Sorry, but I doubt that'll be happening :)

One-third never married.
Sounds like me :)

And the Liberal Democrats are a bad party over here IMO:)

Ryla Relvinian
Oct 8th, 2003, 03:53:17 PM
WHO THEY ARE: Most highly educated group (50% have a college degree).

Oh yeah right. Come have a look around my campus... Most of the liberal nutters are too busy chaining themselves to veal to actualy pass their classes... :rolleyes

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 8th, 2003, 04:12:52 PM
Oregon does have a lot of liberal nutters, too. :x

Also, Fett, pro-choice is referring to the 'abortion issue.'

Oct 8th, 2003, 04:17:33 PM
Was there even an abortion question?

James Prent
Oct 8th, 2003, 04:22:21 PM
Of course there was.

Oct 8th, 2003, 04:28:46 PM
I don't see it.

Mr Dust
Oct 8th, 2003, 05:34:39 PM
I'm about as staunch and conservative as you can get. :)

Staunch Conservative

Pro business? Very. I think it's silly how, if you do better by working hard and making it big, the government rewards you by taxing the living crap outta you. It just ain't fair.

Pro life? Extremely.

Anti gay? Indeed. Historians have found that many civilizations declined when homosexuality was accepted and the family was downplayed. Don't have the stats on hand, but it's happened MANY times. So, in my opinion, if the country's gonna stay going well, the traditional family HAS to be protected.

Anti social welfare? Yup. I agree with Charley on this one. It's too easy to make a living as a welfare recipient.

Strong faith in America? Yuppers. Wouldn't trade it.

Anti environmental? I wouldn't say "anti"... but again, I'm with Charley. Do what you can to keep it, but within reason. Don't ruin thousands of lives for a stupid animal. Humans are worth more than animals any day.

Self defined patriot? Sure.

Distrustful of government? Yes. Especially my state's government. They can't handle money to save their lives.

Little concern for the poor? I'm concerned for them, but there are so many who just don't work because they can get by other ways that I'm not too concerned.

Unsupportive of women's movement? I think it's time is past. Women in this country have SO many more rights than in other countries. And the stats saying that they're underpaid are skewed. It factors in EVERY female, including those who stay at home. For the same job, they're generally paid the same, from the stats I've seen.

White? I am the White Man. The Establishment. My very presence brings the brother man down. :)

Male? Very much so. :)

Older? Compared to toddlers, yes.

Married? That'd be nice, but I'm not yet.

Affluent and financially well-off? I'm not great, but I have a house and can eat, so I'm good.

Protestant? Very much so. Southern Baptist, actually.

Telan Desaria
Oct 8th, 2003, 06:12:47 PM
It says I am some sort of Indepedent. The party to which I belong is known as the Bundesreich-Kriegs nPartie. We believe in militant Imperialism furthered through colonial expansion. As well as an economy controlled along Socialist - not Communist - Lines.

Darth Viscera
Oct 8th, 2003, 08:07:47 PM
So you believe in restoring archaic European empires and subjugating third world countries and slaving their economies to your own?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the Germans have tried that already. :lol

Also, has it occured to you that being both a socialist AND an imperialist is something of a minor contradiction?

Sean Piett
Oct 8th, 2003, 08:22:51 PM
Staunch Conservative

Pro business? Probably not

Pro life? Don't care.

Anti gay? Nuh-uh

Anti social welfare? Mostly

Strong faith in America? I'm a right jingoist, I am.

Anti environmental? Don't care. Nuke the rainforest.

Self defined patriot? Didn't I just answer this question? Jingoist

Distrustful of government? Yep

Little concern for the poor? Eh, middlin'

Unsupportive of women's movement? Don't care

Pretty much an echo, 'cept I'd consider myself pro-business.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 8th, 2003, 08:32:03 PM
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced my personal beliefs would confound the current political system.

Ace McCloud
Oct 8th, 2003, 09:03:29 PM
"Your answers indicate that you are in the Staunch Conservative(republican) category" though i consider myself more in the middle, but whatever.

Well but then again, i do fit it perfectly to every letter hahaha.

Soraya Taveres
Oct 9th, 2003, 12:23:37 PM
New Prosperity Independent

I dunno, a lot of my answers would have been very different had the quiz not been for the USA.

Telan Desaria
Oct 9th, 2003, 03:14:54 PM
I believe in socialism as an economic policy whereby – according to the definition – the government controls one or more essential industries and uses said profits to increase and promote the general welfare by providing inexpensive or free higher educational systems, health care facilities, and mass transit infrastructures.

And no, Imperialism does not cancel out socialism. And yes, I believe that in order for third-world countries to improve is under the guidance of superior strength powers. Survival of the fittest applies, along with the culling of the weak. There is no reason a country divided amongst itself should not sacked and replaced by a colonial administration that has the ability to rebuild the entire region to the benefit of all.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 9th, 2003, 04:21:21 PM
Survival of the fittest applies, along with the culling of the weak. There is no reason a country divided amongst itself should not sacked and replaced by a colonial administration that has the ability to rebuild the entire region to the benefit of all. I am truly pleased you don't have a thing to do with foriegn policy.

Telan Desaria
Oct 9th, 2003, 05:02:29 PM
Oh, if it were up to me, the United States would not exist. Mexico and Canada would be amalgamated into a greater state known as the Empire of Northern America. Poland would be saked and Prussia rebuilt, China torn apart and given over to a new Imperial Japan; Russia united under a new Tsar (or Tsarina, I am not sexist) and reconquering the lands taken from it like Chechnya, Kazakhstan, and others; France would rise and begin reconquering its lost holdings in North Africa.

Britain would rise anew, relcaim Hong Kong, Singapore, and others. Denmark would rise to regain Iceland and Greenland; The Netherlands would replant its flag in South East Asia; Italy would create the new Roman Empire of middle 1940's fame; Austria would be reunited with Germany, Hungary and Romania would unite to bring order to the chaotic balkans. Africa and South America would be brought back to the forefront of socieyt under the rules of France, Germany, Britian, Spain, Portugal, and the Dutch.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Oct 9th, 2003, 05:10:10 PM
You were born in the wrong century, Telan.

Zango Jett
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:49:11 AM
If it were up to me, the USA would exist, but would include Mexico, Canada, Cuba and the rest of the Caribbean Islands, and all of the Central American, and Brazil. Britian would rise to reown Africa, Middle East, Southern Asia, Australia, and Indonesia, while Japan would own China, Philippines, Asiatic/Pacific Rim Islands. France would die, and so would Spain, and Portugal, and Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Poland. Basically, Germany would own everything except for Italy, Norway, Sweden, and to the East and south of it. Italy would own all the Med Islands, and Gilbratar, some of North Africa, basically rebuild the Roman Empire. Russia would own all of Eastern Europe, along with Sweden, and Norway, along with the Northern, and Eastern Portions of the Middle East. The South American league would be formed, lead by Argentina, and would include every South American Country except for Brazil, who hates Argentina. I think that covers everything. Oh, and the US would control Greenland, and Iceland.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:29:39 PM
France would die, and so would Spain, and Portugal, and Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Poland. Basically, Germany would own everything except for Italy, Norway, Sweden, and to the East and south of it. RAD! Modern Africa Part 2!
Russia would own all of Eastern Europe, along with Sweden, and Norway, along with the Northern, and Eastern Portions of the Middle East. I'm sure our Scandanavian friends will be immensly pleased.
Britian would rise to reown Africa, Middle East, Southern Asia, Australia, and Indonesia, while Japan would own China, Philippines, Asiatic/Pacific Rim Islands.Because that worked so well the first time.

You neo-colonialist types kind of forgot why the whole thing failed: eventually, locals get fed up with directives handed down from a government thousands of miles away. It doesn't work, chuckleheads.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:35:30 PM
There are a few billion reason why it failed. I recall a good story told by Hemmingway regarding a hunting expedition in India. The moral of it was that the only thing holding colonial empires together is the illusion of greatness.

Cue the 21st century and worldwide communication. Not gonna work.

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:44:01 PM
No they got fed up with the fact that people were being used as slaves, fuel for the ovens and sex ed practice for japanese soldiers that's why it failed. It was the poor treatment of said colonies not the poor management. Puerto Rico has never rebelled and every time they are given a choice on whether to become a state, a nation or remain a colony the overwhelming majority chooses colony.

That being said, I'm a staunch isolationists, let the fools destroy themselves while we just take their trade and money. I don't care about any african or middle eastern war so long as they sell us their oil and their diamonds.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Oct 10th, 2003, 12:57:52 PM
Whoa there chief. You're still in the wrong century.

As for being an isolationist, boy thats an even better idea.

Soraya Taveres
Oct 10th, 2003, 02:01:22 PM
That being said, I'm a staunch isolationists, let the fools destroy themselves while we just take their trade and money. I don't care about any african or middle eastern war so long as they sell us their oil and their diamonds.


you are kidding, right ?

Sean Piett
Oct 10th, 2003, 06:50:33 PM
overwhelming majority

..Wasn't it like a .5% margin last time they voted??

Ace McCloud
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:45:18 PM
Well, my solution is simple: Give into Canadas great might and power and let them take over the world. :lol .........

Oct 11th, 2003, 12:41:48 AM
Whoa there buddy, you're getting it wrong...

Last time PR voted on political status (mind you that none of the elections have been sanctioned by Congress, so they are simply internal elections with no real effect), a 'None of the Above' column won. I will spare you the details, but mostly the column won because the leading party then, pro-statehood, in it's drive to win refused to add a real autonomic choice, thus the majority of the population voted against the whole thing (50+%). There were other factors of course, and if you want to know more PM me. What is right is that the colonial status only got like 900 votes.

And the Puertorican issue is a really complex one, because even when I am the first to admit that we are under a colonial structure, you must admit it is not a traditional colony. It wasn't until self-government was given to us, for internal affairs only, that substanstial progress was made. The first 40 years of american occupation we were poorer than Haiti, and anti-americanism was rampant.

So really it's not the best example for Neo-colonialist to take, take my word for it.

Oh an yeah, I'm a liberal democrat. It's mostly accurate, although I do consider myself a little pro-business.

Darth Viscera
Oct 11th, 2003, 04:59:13 AM
I think (or hope, rather) that being a U.S. state instead of a commonwealth would be good for Puerto Rico's economy. I mean, the american public would never allow a U.S. state to barely squeak by with a per capita GDP of $11,500. We're americans, your country and mine, we're not saudis. Puerto Rico deserves a GDP per capita of at least $30,000, and 3 million internet users.

Ka' el Darcverse
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:52:56 AM
I was simply going by the information that my friends at school who are from Peurto Rico said happened last time there was an election. So I apologize and retract said statement :)

Park Kraken
Oct 11th, 2003, 10:52:57 AM
The Imperial Japanese Empire didn't fail because the colonials rebelled, or anything. It's because they made the mistake of biting off more meat than they could chew, conquered too much at one time, thereby strecthing out their merchant marine, and so on, so on. Plus they read too much Jack and the Beanstalk. They thought that they could beat the giant once it awoke. Tsk Tsk.

Darth Viscera
Oct 11th, 2003, 04:00:29 PM
Not to mention they went out of their way to anger as many people (including the germans-the first german to die in WW2 was a member of the german ambassadorial staff in china, he died leading a battallion of chinese soldiers against the japanese in 1937) as they possibly could. You don't make many friends or ensure your long-term security by stuffing live infants with explosives, tossing them into a mass of chinese refugees, then exploding them.

baby != satchel charge

Park Kraken
Oct 11th, 2003, 04:30:19 PM
*Japanese Mother hides baby until he is 14*
Japanese Officer: "Oh, we missed one, oh well"
*Mother sighs*
Japanese Officer: "But he will make a good kamikaze pilot"
Mother: D'OH!

James Prent
Oct 11th, 2003, 08:34:28 PM
Puerto Ricans are gorgeous. *steals Boricua the Latin Jedi* >D

Darth Viscera
Oct 12th, 2003, 05:42:41 AM
latino women are gorgeous. Like the Bernaola twins.

Park Kraken
Oct 12th, 2003, 10:16:37 AM
Any woman who has inner beauty is gorgeous.

Oct 12th, 2003, 10:33:43 AM
*shrugs* Yes we are...

Anyway, I agree with you Visc. I suppose that with statehood we would achieve a greater economic development, but I also understand that it is not the magic pill that will solve all our problems as some pro-statehood leaders theorize here. I mean states today have very serious problems.

But I do not support statehood basicly for two reasons. First, I"m a realist, and in over 105 years of american occupation/colonialism, there has never been a serious statehood offer from congress. I'm not going to blame this on racism, though there are some clearly racist groups involved, but on the fact that there has never been an important 'mainland american' population here, in contrast with Hawaii and Alaska where the American population became a majority over the natives, and it was that american majority that asked and where granted statehood. In the first half of the 20th century, when PR was only 8 huge american sugar corporations, the owners of those centrals never moved to PR, they never established families, nor got involved in the political process. As of 2000 census there were about 30,000 americans here, a lot less than the cuban or the dominican population here. Also, everytime the statehood issue is brought to Congress nothing happens. The closest we've been to having a real Congress-sanctioned status election was in '91, but the statehood clause of the bill made the Senate sit on top of it.

Second reason, I just don't feel american. I just don't. I love my spanish, my flag, my food, etc. I love american people, especially girls, but I just can't picture myself singing 'God Bless America' and feeling as patriotic as you guys do. It just doesn't work with us, and after 105 years it hasn't work. The first 30 years of colonialism the US tried to feed us the american way, but it never worked.

What I support is an autonomic state with a special relationship with the US, on the same line as the Marshall Islands and American Samoa.

Anyway it's a lenghty topic, if you want to know more PMe or something, because I could talk for a whole day on this.

Master Yoghurt
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:49:05 AM
Russia would own all of Eastern Europe, along with Sweden, and Norway, along with the Northern, and Eastern Portions of the Middle EastYou know, thats utterly outragous. Being a Norwegian, there are about 50 ways I could respond to that statement, but after contemplating it in a historical and cultural perspective, it eventually boiled down to one reaction: :lol:lol:lol!!

Oct 13th, 2003, 12:10:16 PM
I generally stay away from taking 'online tests' or questionaires but I went ahead and did this one anyways.

Here were my results:

New Prosperity Independents:

COMMENTS: Affluent and less religious, this group is basically non-partisan with a slight lean toward the Republican Party. New Prosperity Independents are highly satisfied with the way things are going in the country. A majority approves of Bill Clinton, yet tends to be critical of government. One-third consider themselves Internet enthusiasts. Two-thirds favor having a third major political party in addition to the Democrats and Republicans.

Excuse me!

1. I HATE the Clinton's and I personally feel Bill was a joke of a President.

2. I HATE political parties. I consider myself an independent if I absolutely must categorize myself in one.

3. I am NOT highly satisfied with the way things are going in the United States; in fact, I think that much change is needed or there is going to be some serious trouble in the future.

4. Umm... does Internet Enthusiast include enjoying a few hours of rping? If so, then yup I am.

5. I favor having NO political parties whatsoever. Its just astounding that this country is one huge walking contradiction! (If anyone wants to know what I mean by that .. ask :p )


DEFINING VALUES: Pro-business, pro-environment and many are pro-choice. Sympathetic toward immigrants, but not as understanding toward black Americans and the poor. Somewhat critical of government. Tolerant on social issues.


1. Pro business - depends on many factors.

2. Pro environment? I wouldn't say that. Sure, there isn't any reason to go and destroy it anymore than it already is, but personally, I feel that the planet has been spinning around for the past billions of years and to be quite honest ... its going to be around far longer than human life ever will be regardless of the environment.

3. Pro choice - Yup and damn proud of it too

4. Sympathetic towards immigrants? Um no.
Not as understanding toward black Americans and the poor? Damn straight I'm not.

5. Somewhat critical of government? HA! I'm extremely critical of government.

6. Tolerant on social issues? Ummm .. what social issues? Beggin' my pardon here folks, but unless I know what the social issues are that I'm tolerant on, I can't decide if I am or not. However, I will note that this day and age is the Age of Intolerance.


WHO THEY ARE: Well educated (38% have a college degree), affluent (almost one-fourth earn at least $75,000) and young (70% less than age 50). Slightly more men than women (55% to 45%, respectively). Less religious (only 13% go to church weekly).

Who am I?

1. Earning my BAS now
2. O.o! I WISH i were earning atleast $75k right now! 18 more months to go and I'll be there, though :)

3. Young - Yup I am

4. I scoff at religion (no offense to anyone here) as I have my own beliefs and I refuse to step into a church.

Park Kraken
Oct 13th, 2003, 01:14:48 PM
Historical? Germany has conquered Norway, and I'm sure that if Russian invades Norway, they would win. I would have to say that Norway's biggest achievement was suckering in, and sinking the German Heavy Cruiser Blucher by coastal torpedo launchers.

Sanis Prent
Oct 13th, 2003, 01:21:22 PM
You're using archaic references to pre modern warfare as a context to base your assumptions on, which is ridiculous.

There will never be another war like WW2. The very nature of armed conflict has been so thoroughly evolved in the 20th century that such assumptions made in the past cannot be correlated to future events.

This might have been feasable in the 19th century and before. But with the exponential technological improvements we've seen in the recent years, it isn't

Pierce Tondry
Oct 13th, 2003, 01:51:57 PM
See also: atomic bomb.

It ended both World War II and war as it was known back then.

Oct 14th, 2003, 06:49:42 AM
I'm a Disaffected.

COMMENTS: The Disaffecteds feel completely estranged from both parties. This financially pressured and pessimistic group is not only dissatisfied with the ability of politicians to help improve things, but also has less faith in America in general.

I'm Canadian and pessimistic, but the only reason I'm financially pressured is due to the fact that I'M JOBLESS! And your president, scares the crap outta me.

DEFINING VALUES: Distrustful of government, politicians, and business corporations. Favor third major political party. Also, anti-immigrant and intolerant of homosexuality. Very unsatisfied financially

1- Yes, that's sorta right, to a degree. I think big companies are okay, to an extent, cos they make jobs, but the government is screwed and always will be.

2- I DO NOT SEE HOW THEY GOT THAT PART! My step-dad immigrated here, and I'm not against that. I have have homosexual friends!! *smacks test*

WHO THEY ARE: Less educated (only 8% have a college degree) and lower-income (73% make less than $50,000). More than one-quarter (28%) describe themselves as poor. Half are between the ages of 30-49. Second only to Partisan Poor in number of single moms. One-fifth (20%) work in manufacturing

I don't see how this fits me at all. In fact I find this whole test laughable, and dumb.

Maybe if it wasn't America, I might have gotten I different result.

Duke Quells
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:39:01 AM
Norway doesn't have atomic weaponry, Russia does. So, Russia still gets Norway.

Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:47:40 AM
Because the rest of the world would step aside and let that happen. You're a genius!

Park Kraken
Oct 14th, 2003, 09:53:36 AM
Since were talking about what the world would get if I had my way, yes. Thank you all, I am a genius.

Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2003, 11:18:12 AM
Political posturing doesn't include manipulation over modern worldview and technological gains. You still don't get it.

Telan Desaria
Oct 14th, 2003, 04:15:54 PM
Exponential Increase in weapons technology??? The world has de-evolved from what it once was. No, instead of fearing being sent into a battle from which you may emerge with no arms and a shattered breastbone, one must only push a button to eradicate eight million people.

It was your General Lee who said " it is good that war is so terrible lest we grow too fond of it."

America itself is a colonial power, you simply cannot see it. It is imposing its own governmental system and political idealogy on societies and countries that do not want it. Was Iraq ever a democracy? No. But here comes the US and instead of installing a new autocracy they imposed democracy.

Tsk tsk you hypocrites you.

Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2003, 04:38:09 PM
Read what I posted, you silly man. The technology of warfare (ie, the acceleration of innovation) has increased at an exponential scale) Nowhere else in human history has this acceleration been so large. At the beginning of the 18th century, men marched rank & file with muzzle-loading weapons and bayonettes, supported by horse-mounted, sword-waving cavalry and muzzle-loading smoothbore cannon. At the end of the 18th century, the same is true. At the beginning of the 20th century, man was just getting used to putting metal on ship hulls, using breech-loading rifled weapons, and such things as automobiles and biplanes.

I don't need to remind you where we are now. That is what I'm talking about. I'm not arguing over the philosophy of warfare, so you can stop that train in its tracks. Completely different topic.

As for colonialism: O BOY YOU SURE ZINGED ME! O wait, where are our colonies again?

Telan Desaria
Oct 14th, 2003, 05:39:35 PM
They are not in name, but spirit. Let me think - Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama, Germany. Germany - how? you ask? Because at the urging of the Americans the Kaiser was not allowed to return after the First World War and the monarchy was runied. Because of Americans, democracy was introduced into a society where order and elitism was destined to strive. Instead, after eighty years, Germany has degenerated into a country of pacifistic mindless drones partying with France instead of conquering it!!!

Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2003, 05:47:49 PM
Why didn't the masses vote to have the monarchy reestablished then?

Telan Desaria
Oct 14th, 2003, 05:52:34 PM
They were not given the choice. It was Weimar or bust so to speak.

Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2003, 06:02:53 PM
Without a choice, it isn't democracy then. Go bark up another tree.

Telan Desaria
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:09:11 PM
I said America imposed democracy on Germany. It did. They did not have the option given them however to reinstate the monarchy.

Sanis Prent
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:12:50 PM
Do you understand the concept of voting? If people want a thing, they vote for it, and voila, it happens. Kaiser not on the ballot? Whoops, write him in.

The moment Germany became a democratic state, the people had enough control to deny the ideology. Thats what democracy is, fundamentally.

Darth Viscera
Oct 14th, 2003, 08:57:36 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Was Iraq ever a democracy? No. But here comes the US and instead of installing a new autocracy they imposed democracy.

Tsk tsk you hypocrites you.

You're right. We're going to impose peace and prosperity on Iraq, just as we imposed peace and prosperity on cold war western Europe, Japan and South Korea. We bloody yanks are an unstoppable menace!

When in actuality, we're the new Theodoric the Goth.

Telan Desaria
Oct 15th, 2003, 05:47:09 PM
Sanis - I can respect your fervent desire to support democracy and the idealogy upon which you have been raised, but you do not understand the events in question. There was no real voting at all.

In Germany, following the second world war and the disarmament of the Imperial war machine, all of the Kaiser's heirs, eight Princes, were forced, one at gunpoint, by american offciers - not British by the way, who respect a monarchy - to renounce their claims to the Reich's throne and any wish to rebuild a monachistic government within or beyond the sphere of Influence.

There was no way for people to write in what thjey wished. In fact, there was no wish at all. The candidates chosen to run in the races immediately after the Treaty of versailles was signed were not members of political parties or even selected by germans. Members of the signatory nations chose those people they felt would keep Imperialist german wishes and desires at bay. All candidates were chosen that way - no matter who you voted for, the result would have been the same: an American puppet.

There was no choice in truth. There was only the illusion of truth. While democracy has its place, I have never said it could not solve some issues, it cannot be used on a scale so broad as to govern national policy or the rulers of one country. With complete exception to those here and complete deference to those also exlcuded but unknown to me, the masses are stupid, regardless of country, religion, or region. People have no sense of what is best for a nation, their sense of preservation extends only to themselves.

The planners of the lauded Americas knew this as well, most of All Lord Alexander Hamilton. That is why America was formed not as a democracy at all, but as a republic. When a representative of the people was chosen, he was to think for himself in the best interests of the people, not under orders from the wishes of the status quo. Lobbying and a greed for continued office stays have regressed the idealistic American government to what it was not intended to be. These days America's parliamentary delegates vote as their constiuetns would like them to, not as they should. why - because they fear they will not get a second term.

This unfortunately results from an inherint sense of greed people in America cannot seem to break free of no matter efforts they make or better-views trhey wish. The simple fact is they have little to lcing to. A British citizen is more willing to die for Queen and Country than an American for the city fifty miles from his home. It is a stretch of the mind for my readers to make, I am sure, but the connection exists. Icons hold a people together and give them a deeper ability they did not know they possessed. In America, representatives are too preoccupied with staying then they are about making a difference. Offending this lobby and impressing that minority concerns too much of their time.

I say again that the idea of America- - a true republic - was laudable and would be a great country were it a more stable current event. However, its digenerative, inbred, bastard child, modern America, - - ture democracy - - - is the complete antithesis of what Count Benjamin Franklin and Archduke Thomas Jefferson had in mind.

- - - I have added aristocratic titles out of sheer boredom. It makes life more interesting and gallant.

C'est la vie.

Sanis Prent
Oct 15th, 2003, 06:20:59 PM

Morgan Evanar
Oct 15th, 2003, 06:36:29 PM
Lord Alexander Hamilton, Count Benjamin Franklin and Archduke Thomas Jefferson. What.

Park Kraken
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:36:28 PM
Some of what yall have said is true, certainly, but America is not as bad as other countries that have come before, or during it. In essence we have become the world's police force, taking troubled countries, conquering them to rid them of their evildoers, and impose a type of goverment that is/has been known to work. Granted, certainly in America's case, it can/has become corrupt, with people seeking power, or in a very recent case, women, it can become corrupted.
I suppose we get all or most of our ideas from Britian, who built one of the biggest Empires of all time, including American herself before she gained independence.

Darth Viscera
Oct 16th, 2003, 01:22:23 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
A British citizen is more willing to die for Queen and Country than an American for the city fifty miles from his home.

Well, you obviously know nothing of America.

Ponder on this: were your beloved Kaiser still in power from 1918 on to his death in 1941, all of Germany (and very likely the bulk of Europe) would now be under the firm control of the Soviet Union. Ironically, it was only Hitler's blunder of declaring war on the United States that in the end saved much of Germany from the Stalinist grip. Too, you would likely have never been born, provided that you are actually descended from a WW2 German general.

So in the end, it is because of people like my grandfather, who gallantly laid waste to Tiger tanks from the cockpit of his P-47, that you and your country live today.

You're welcome, btw :)

Sanis Prent
Oct 16th, 2003, 01:32:36 AM
Telan has obviously never met a Marine.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 16th, 2003, 02:34:18 AM
To those who seem to think the USA is a good Global Cop or think the USA way of life is the best and must be inforced on these bad places...

Do yourself a favour and travel. Preferably to Asia. Get a more global view, rather than an insular USA-centric one. I doubt you'll see things the same.

Sanis Prent
Oct 16th, 2003, 02:35:55 AM
Thx for the insight Marcus.

Lion El' Jonson
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:19:54 AM
Heh, I'm living in Beijing, so I agree with Marcus. I visited Indonesia, Myanmar, and Thailand three weeks ago.

It was truly one of the most depressing trips of my (short) life.

Staunch Conservative

Pro business? Yuh-huh

Pro life? Yup

Anti gay? Not really, but I wish the government would stop going on about and just let people do whatever they want with their lives.

Anti-social welfare? Mergh...

Strong faith in America? Yessamaster

Anti environmental? Don't really care either way. China could use some serious environmental help, though: The sky is gray 80% of the time...:lol

Self defined patriot? Erm...I guess so. I went to a parade this year!

Distrustful of government? Not really, although I'm gonna feel really stupid if we don't unearth WMD's. (of course, I'll also be extremely happy if/when we don't unearth WMD's...I hate to think that anybody would use stuff like chemical weapons)

Little concern for the poor? After living in San Francisco for my entire life, I'd have to say I agree with this one. It bugs me to be followed around by people wearing shabby clothes that ask for my money, that I actually earned.

Unsupportive of women's movement? Erm, I don't care either way.

White? Well...I'm a mix of Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Singaporean, and Malaysian. I'm not sure about any of the percentages...^_^;

Male? I hope so...:D

Older? Well, I'm older than 15 and younger than 17...

Married? I don't think that's quite legal yet.

Affluent and financially well-off? My parents give me money. I spend the money. I do more chores to get more money. The cycle repeats.

Protestant? Non-religious, although my maternal grandmother is Shinto and my paternal grandmother is Christian.

Zango Jett
Oct 16th, 2003, 08:25:06 AM
USA Way of life is better? Probaly not, considering how many people die each year of Tobacco, Car accidents, murders, etc., but the goverment system the US uses, Democracy, or Republican, is a proven system, unlike Anarchy, or Communism, which was a dismal failure, at least for Russia.

Soraya Taveres
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:11:46 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
To those who seem to think the USA is a good Global Cop or think the USA way of life is the best and must be inforced on these bad places...

Do yourself a favour and travel. Preferably to Asia. Get a more global view, rather than an insular USA-centric one. I doubt you'll see things the same.


Telan Desaria
Oct 16th, 2003, 05:11:57 PM
Visc- - how can you say that the Soviet Union would still be in power??? The Kaiser would have seen that the Ukraine and Belorussia, so laboriously won from the Tsarist Armies, was returned to Germany as the spoils of war paid for in our blood. That land was forcibly returned by the United States to the fledgling Soviet Union. If anything, it is America that is responsible for the Soviet Union. Units of the German Freikorps, French Foreihn Legion, and British Imperial Army did their best to hold Arhangel, Murmansk, and Vladivostock from Communists forces. They were unable to hold as America, the closest power in force, refused to help.

Ai apologize to all whom I have offended. I believe, or at least I hope it, that all who know me know I did not mean offense to any of my peers. I apologize for interfering in a matter into which I had no business.

Visc - we have been friends, or so I thought, since I began rping. You question my integrity? My honour? What have I done to deserve such impuning?

Again, I apologize. I cease all support of my current ideas henceforth in a textual form.

Darth Viscera
Oct 17th, 2003, 07:50:07 AM
Your integrity and honor are not in doubt. Your grasp of history is. The second Reich was historically doomed to one of two fates: an early pacification by western forces, or a far more brutal subjugation by Stalinist forces. It is good for the German people that it faced the first rather than the second. A Germany that had not tasted the bitter pill of defeat during WW1 could not have mobilized a sufficient force to hold off Stalin's planned invasion of 1946 as well as they did in the actual WW2 for 4 years. France, with its eastern strongholds occupied by German troops, would not have lept to its defense.

Oct 17th, 2003, 11:39:21 PM
God Telan, if I wasn't so mad at your little statement, I'd flame you to heck and back.

But for now, I'll remain quiet just so I don't get banned over some stupid kid whose never thought of joining the military.
And let your appology speak for you.