View Full Version : Johnny Roleplayer: What's a 'Posting Order'?

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 8th, 2003, 02:02:33 AM
What is 'posting order' you ask? Well Johnny, posting order is the order in which people post in a roleplaying thread. Say Alice starts a thread, and then Jim, Joe and Dan post in reply to it. Posting Order dictates that Alice gets to reply next before Jim posts again.

If Dan and Joe start posting, perhaps in a conversation with each other, and forget that Alice was supposed to post next, that is called "disregarding posting order." Alice will be upset when she comes back to the boards. Dan and Joe will also get upset, because they don't like being told they were wrong. You see, disregarding posting order makes everyone upset.

What's that Johnny? Yes, especially in what I call "combat" or "fight threads." If Dan and Joe keep posting, disregarding posting order, and stacking attack after attack on Alice and Jim without giving them a chance to reply and defend themselves, then disregarding posting order has wandered into the realm of Godmoding.

Godmoding is a very serious offense. It involves unrealistic attacks such as snapping your fingers and destroying the Death Star, or turning a cloud into lead and dropping it on your opponent's head in just one post. Such attacks should take several posts to complete. However, mounting several attacks one after the other without giving your opponent a chance to respond is also Godmoding.

So, little Johnny Roleplayer, please remember to respect posting order. It's what keeps SWFans.Net a happy and healthy community. If you think you are not, or if you think someone else is disregarding posting order, please don't hesitate to notify a moderator so that the problem can be fixed.

If you don't say anything, it may not be noticed until it is too late to change. And then Alice, Jim, Joe, and Dan are already upset at each other, and the moderators get yelled at because they don't have time to read every single thread. So you see, simply respecting existing posting order will save a lot of grief and grey hairs in the end.