View Full Version : Tiny Developments

Abagael Zellan
Oct 6th, 2003, 02:50:23 PM







"Nevermind. Just water."

Abagael sat slumped on a stool in the bar. She looked down at her stomach. Nice and flat. Sexy. Sex. Baby. Frell. The woman licked her lips, swallowing back a scream.

One had been enough, that was all she had never wanted. Trent was still so little, she'd only been doing the mom thing for five years, she couldn't do it again. There was work, there was training, there was Trent, there was quiet time...her schedule was full.

A baby simply would not fit.

She'd been reasoning this way all day, and it all came right back down to the same old thing: she was pregnant, and there was no erasing it.

Abagael had tried and tried to think of just who could have helped out with this little development, but each time she ended up with a list of names. To anyone else it might have been embarressing but chastity had never been her strong point. Every time she got drunk Abby fell in love.

God, was this how she was going to explain it to the kid when it was old enough? Mommy got a littly tipsy and decided to have some fun? At least she'd been married when she'd conceived Trent.

Abby hadn't noticed her water in front of her until now, and picked it up eagerly. The glass was drained in one long gulp, almost choking her as it went past the lump in her throat. She coughed as she put it down on the counter, waiting impatiently for the bartender again.

"More water."

A baby.


Faith Lerf
Oct 6th, 2003, 06:25:23 PM
Faith walked into the bar with a very plump looking stomach. She nodded to the gaurds as she made her way into the B&G. Faith slid into a booth rather roughly. She looked down at her stomach, once a tiny cute stomach now was rather swollen and not cute, being filled with two tiny babies that were growing as she thought. She looked around and called a waiter droid over. She ordered a water.

Awww, it was nice to just sit and relax. This was going to be a nice relaxing today.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Oct 6th, 2003, 06:40:24 PM

A dime-sized red mass plopped on the counter near Abagail. If she'd ignored the growly smacking before, now she wouldn't. Two seats over, a massive Cizerack sat hunched over a raw shank of something, gnawing away without pause to manners or appearance. He bit down on a fleshy bit, then twisted and pried until something gave way, allowing him to work free another mouthful, and sending debris from his lunch around him. He paused for a moment, looking dumbly at Abby, a stringy bit of red hanging out the corner of his chubby-cheeked mouth before he poked it in with a clawed finger.

Abagael Zellan
Oct 7th, 2003, 11:42:52 AM
Abby watched as a pregnant woman walked in, gritting her teeth. Why was it that suddenly everything she saw was somehow related to babies?


Well, almost everything.

Abagaels stomach gave a lurch at the sight of the tiny piece of...lunch, was it? Never having cooked anything in her life, the only time the woman had seen raw anything had been the few times she'd gone to the supermarket. It was a sight that she wouldn't have particularly missed.

Pulling a napkin from a dispenser atop the counter, Abby gingerly picked up the flesh and took the few steps to the rather noisy Cizerack friend. Smiling grimly, unamused, she held out the napkin between two fingers.

"Yours, I believe."