View Full Version : By the Zetetic Elench

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:33:32 AM
Byr Genar-Hofoen, sneaked past the guards of his old ship. HE sniffled a quiet tear, as he remembered his mother. Carefully he made his way to the open vent shaft, and pulled himself in. He would deal with the guards, but he hoped Inyos and Cordu-ji were not going to be late getting there, he didnt want to be seen at the site of a bloodbath.

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 6th, 2003, 02:34:43 PM
Inyos marched boldly along the main corridor into the hanger bay, Codru-Ji only a few paces behind. Casually, he drew out one of his blaster pistols, and held it idoly in his hand. "Hey!" yelled one of the guards, who had been watching them suspiciously as they approached the launch bay, "You're not allowed that in here!"

"What? This?" he asked, frowning, as he vaguely swung the pistol around under the guard's nose.

"Gimmie that!" the guard yelled, snatching the pistol out of Inyos' hand.

Suddenly, Inyos' features hardened. "That's my gun. Give it back."

The guard sneered. "Its mine, now."

Over the guard's shoulders, Inyos saw two tiny feet disappear into an access port. With a sigh, he whipped the two Rail X2K Type I's from their hip-holsters, and aimed them squarely into the guard's stomach.

"Big mistake," he muttered. Seconds later, his fingers squeezed on the trigger. Inyos heard a muffled bang, and then saw the two bullets fly out of the guard's back and into the wall behind him.

There was a split second delay, as the other guards watched in horror as their comrade slumped to the floor. Then, almost the instant he made contact, a room full of blasters suddenly aimed themselves at Inyos. Inyos shot Codru-Ji a knowing glance, then broke left.

Blaster fire bounded into the support that Inyos had sought cover behind. Quickly re-holstering his Rail One's, he reached round to his back, and pulled out his trusty lightsaber. With a roar, Inyos charged out, deflecting blaster bolts left and right. His progress took him beyond the first guard, who's blaster hand was unfortunately lost in the process. Inyos dove behind some crates, and returned his lightsaber to its sheath.

Instead, he drew his other Blaster Pistol. Suddenly reaching around the crate, the stolen pistol flew into his hand. Then, Inyos began a sequence of pop-shots, appearing from behind the crates for just long enough to snap off the odd shot or two.

A quick glance told him that one guard lay between him and the door. Choosing a more elaborate attack, he re-holstered his pistols, rose to his feet, and charged, summersaulting over the battle, and landing perfectly just behind the last guard. A quick twist and and a palm to the face saw the guard's nose squashing satisfyingly into his face. The unconcious body slumped to the floor. With a vague expression that showed the earliest signs of a grin, Inyos turned to the door, and started to over-ride the lock.

Then it hit him. A warm, fuzzy feeling in his left shoulder, that quickly grew into a burning, full-blown pain. Inyos didn't realise it at first, but the sweet scent of burning flesh was actually coming from him. Inyos turned, a little shaky, to face the guard who he had left for dead. The guard's face was filled with satisfaction. The satisfaction grew as Inyos slumped against the frame of the now open door. But, much to the guard's horror, one shot was not enough. Inyos let out a smile, and the guard's expression faded into an eternal blank stare.

With a slight shake of his head, Inyos glanced across the "battle", trying to discover the fate of his four-armed friend.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Oct 6th, 2003, 08:13:31 PM
Nasseeri watched the attempted theft from a distance, her lips twisting into a sneer.

Foolsss! Thejy wjill get themssselvesss kjilled - and dessserrrve jit forrr thejirrr jineptjitude!

As always, Nass had been prowling around both the base and the bar when the four-arm, human and jawa had set up their plans to meet in the alley. The Cizerack's elongated ears picked up most of the exchange, the tips flicking now and then as she swiveled them to her advantage.

One of her jobs at ShadowFaene, aside from keeping tabs on DrenKast and company, was to keep her eyes and ears open to any and all attempts to swindle the Pride out of a cut of the action. To her broad way of looking at this, the plans had been made in the bar and thus entitled the Cizerack to at least a cut of any profits gained.

Before the ten minutes allowed for the meeting in the alley, Nass had found herself a comfortable position on the roof and once again employeed her acute hearing to listen in. It was her job to be nosey for the Pride and it was a job she did well.

A ship named the Zetetic Elench was the goal the three partners in crime set for themselves, one that the female Ciz didnt think they could pull off.

After the comrades departed - the jawa going one way and the other two heading off in a different direction, Haalleerraa hopped down from her rooftop perch, strong muscular legs landing squarely beneath her. In one hand she held a nasty looking rail gun, while her other neatly tucked a curved, razor sharp blade into a sheath at her waist.

Gone was her normal clothing of jacket with high collar and matching trousers. In their place was a lightweight tank and a pair of heavy cargo pants, the pockets of which held several different types of dets and grenades.

She didnt fight often but when she did, she fought to win.

A location had already been scouted and Nass had set up behind some large crates just outside the small hangar. A few scant minutes later, the human and four-arm had entered the bay, with the jawa scuttling not too far behind.

The human male had opened the show and now blaster fire was flowing freely inside the hangar. Her sharp blue eyes followed everything, including the hit taken by the human male who was now struggling to enter the ship.

Nasseeri lifted the rail gun and settled it comfortable against against her hip as she leveled it off.

Hmmm, whjich do ji want to ssshoot? The cute hyumann male orrr the guarrrd sssneakjing up behjind hjim?

(ooc: i can delete if you want)

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 7th, 2003, 09:50:32 AM
(ooc: welcome to the party ;) )

Inyos checked the chronometer on his wrist. "Five minutes in," he muttered, "Byr should be ready." A quick glance round the door however, showed that things were not going to plan. An armed contingient of guards were making their way around towards his location. Using the wall to get back onto his feet, Inyos' attention turned to the "package" he'd been carrying. He whipped out the X2K-3, and prepared to let loose projectile hell.

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:17:08 AM
"Access Denied - intruder alert," Byr heard within the Zetetic Elench.

Byr ran as fast as his little legs could carry him to the main computer and he quickly typed in details.

After a quick look on the Outside Surveillance system, he saw Cordu-ji and Inyos enter the ship, then he saw the 10 guards running towards the hangar. He then looked round andnoticed the turret steps, so once again he went as fast as his legs could carry him.

After he opened the hatch he saw another guard, with a quick press on the trigger the Jawa Ionization Blaster had an effect on him.

He quickly got hold of the guns in the turret, and let fire towards the guards, plucking each one as if he was a sniper.

Then he heard the engines rumble, alas he was out of this hellhole.

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:58:52 AM
Inyos launched volley after volley of small, metal projectiles towards the guards that were frantically sprinting towards him and Codru-Ji. But, they were too slow. They were falling like trees would if you went to them with a big enough lightsaber. Once the gun had fallen silent, nothing moved in the hanger bay. Inyos felt a slight feeling of guilt. "They'd have killed you if you hadn't killed them first," he reminded himself, before turning, and making his way to the access ramp that formed part of the under carriage. He bounded up the ramp, and slammed his fist into the "open" control.

"Access Denied - intruder alert," spoke a disembodied voice.

"What the..." Inyos muttered, before pounding the button a few more times. But, nothing happened. Inyos was about to vent his anger on the door, when a yell from across the landing bay caught his attention. Inyos shifted the gun back into a firing position, and pulled the trigger.

The gun spat a few bullets in the general direction of the new guards, before it stopped. "What the..." yelled Inyos, struggling to hear himself over the roar of Codru-Ji's guns. Then, suddenly, the door behind him opened. Inyos ducked in, yelling at Codru-Ji to follow.

The interior of the ship was dimly lit, and exposed circuitry decorated the walls, cables and ducts handing from the ceiling. Inyos pushed them to the side, and made his way towards where Byr had told him the cockpit would be.

Inyos heard the dull roar of the blaster turret, and felt the deck plates shake. He wasn't sure he liked how violently the walls were moving, but he didn't let it bother him. The cockpit was only meters away...

"Hey you! Stop!" yelled a voice from off to one side. Inyos turned, to find a technician fumbling to get a blaster out of his pocket. But, Inyos was faster. The vibro-knife whistled through the air, and lodged itself between the technician's eyes with a satisfying squelch. Inyos let out a low sigh, before stepping into the cockpit.

As Inyos passed it, the black dome head of an R2 unit whistled. Inyos wasn't overly fluent in droid, but it seemed to be some form of "Hello". "Hey, little one," Inyos muttered in response, giving the droid a friendly tap. Inyos glanced at the podium that the dome sat upon. "Nav Comp." was printed on the side. "Handy," he muttered.

Sitting himself in the swivling pilot's chair, he pulled a headset from off the nearest console, slipped it on, flicked the screen over his eye, and plugged it into the navigational controls. Instantly, the headset burst into life, showing him a series of numbers that informed him of the ship's velocity, pitch, yaw and roll angles, distance from the ground, current heading, and various other useful pieces of information.

Inyos reached above his head, and flicked a big black switch. All around him, lights began to glow. Two control levers in front of him suddenly became active, and the engine thrust controls beside his left hand all flashed a green "active" indicator. Reaching across with his right hand, he kicked in the repulsorlifts, and gently increased their power, the ship beginning to slowly rise as he did so. Behind him, Codru-Ji did something that made the ship shake. It wasn't until Inyos realised that there was a huge hole in the roof of the hanger. "Plenty of fire-power," he thought to himself, as he powered up the sublight engines, cut off the repulsorlift, and pulled back on both sticks, bringing the ship onto a course that would take it up into orbit.

As the sky outside became more and more black, Inyos heard more blaster fire...no doubt there were fighters hoping to shoot them down. Inyos suddenly realised how little he knew about the ship...what it could stand up to, how well she manoeuvred...nothing. He was almost relieved when he saw the glow of the forward shield arc as blaster fire pounded into it.

Tapping a few controls, and after a few clicks and whistles from the R2 / Nav Computer, Inyos had the Hyperdrive on-line, and the ship lined up on the appropriate exit vector. "Hold onto your hat's people," he called into the ship's intercom, "Hyperspace, here we come." And then, with a pull of the Hyperspace control lever, Inyos knew that, for now at least, they were safe. As long as they didn't fly too close to a gravity mass shadow, there'd be nothing to worry about until they reached their destination. With a sigh, Inyos pulled of his headset, got out of his chair, and marched off towards the ship. As he passed the corpse he'd killed earlier, he pulled the knife out of it's head, wiped it off on it's shirt, and slipped it into his boot. "Sorry about that," he muttered, before continuing on his wander.