View Full Version : Okay, People.......

Park Kraken
Oct 6th, 2003, 07:57:11 AM
Let's see how good your RPing skills are again. I want all Sovereignty members in on this. The idea this time is to create three paragraphs, one each telling from a front line servicemans experience is of war. One paragraph each for Air, Land, and Space.
I will start us off:

Major Kriel, James A. Kriel, looked through the targeting lens of Turbolaser Battery #Number 123 aboard the Super Star Destroyer Irresistable, and out towards his assigned target, a Rebel Frigate that goes by the name of Lunar Tide. An violent explosion shook the ship near him, and he glanced to the left, seeing another gunner floating into outer space as his Turbolaser cannon was destroyed by a missile. The odds seemed so overwhelming, with more than fifty Rebel warships lingering around his home vessel. But then, he was on a Super Star Destroyer. Depressing the trigger, he sent a constant stream of deadly green laserfire at the Rebel Frigate. Eleven more constant streams joined up with his, and they blew through the puny shields of the Frigate, ripping apart the midsection, utterly destroying it in what was Major Kriel's first salvo. The Frigate wreckage was even more scattered by the detonation of one of it's escorting Corvettes suffering under a missile barrage. Major Kriel smiled, reminding himself of just what his ship, and the Imperial War Machine was capable of.

It was almost like a light show, like fireworks. Except the explosions weren't for fun, but the signal of the death of a brave pilot. Flight Leader Himron lead his flight of TIE Interceptors through the atmosphere, looking for more targets after vaping a flight of New Republic V-wing airspeeders. He had lost three pilots so far, and overall the fighters launched by the Irresistable had done a good job of repulsing the Republic fighters. He then recieved a signal from a ground team. Rushing over to the site, he spotted a flight of Y-wings making bombing runs on gound troops. The bomber never even saw him before his lasers chew through the cockpit canopy as the bomber flew up, out of a dive. The lasers punched through to detonate the bombers torpedo magazine, shredding the front end, and sending the remaining wreckage diving down to the planet like a meteor.

General Tso was no longer smiling as he surveyed the carnage of the battlefield. Where a trio of AT-STs was on the verge of flanking the enemy, and forcing a route, a group of Y-wings had bombed then out of existance. Out in the distance, a flaming Y-wing smacking into the ground assured him that that interference wouldn't be coming back. But still, could they recover from that incident? Of course they could. Tso saw a group of Republic Assault Tanks pressing the attack on a damaged AT-AT walker. Seeing a chance to destroy them, and open a hole in the Rebel Defenses, Tso ordered in his reserves, which consisted of a flight group of TIE Bombers. A gigantic series of explosions lit up the landscape. When the debris clouds disappeared from view, the Rebel Assault Tanks were vanquished. Taking the lead, with two more AT-ATs forming up behind him, Tso lead the way through the gap. Seeing the walkers getting through the defenses, the Rebels began to flee the battlefield. Tso allowed himself to smile again, and opened up with the light repeating blasters to mow down the troops.........

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 6th, 2003, 06:15:06 PM
*kicks da bucket*