View Full Version : Atlanta Thrasher player dies

Oct 5th, 2003, 10:01:08 PM
http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/article.jsp;jsessionid=KLNFONDNKFCC?content=200310 05_233809_3380

Another sad example of how youth, money and fame leads to tragedy. I feel sick. :(

Figrin D'an
Oct 5th, 2003, 10:10:19 PM
I wonder what's going to happen to Heatley now. He's still pretty messed up from the accident, but now that Snyder has died, he could face a homicide charge.

He has to live with the knowledge that he killed his teammate and friend, too.

Oct 5th, 2003, 10:13:40 PM
A similar incident occured in the 80's when (then) Craig MacTavish killed a pedestrian in a driving accident. He was charged and convicted with manslaughter and actually spent a year in jail. I imagine something similar will happen to Heatley, but wouldn't be surprised if he spent zero days in jail. Afterall, sports guys are above the law sometimes it seems. I reserve the right to change that opinion after Kobe's trial.

Taylor Millard
Oct 6th, 2003, 01:24:53 AM
Mm yeah, I agree. Man, Heatley's gonna be crushed by this. Atlanta police have said no alcohol was involved (I think)...I think we might see an involuntary manslaughter charge on this one...just reckless driving.

Oct 6th, 2003, 07:33:25 AM
I think what they call it is vehicular homidide. Apparently there was some alcohol involved, but it was said to be a 'negligible amount', so it wasn't a factor. Heatley, even if he doesn't do time for this is never going to be the same both personally and prefessionally.