View Full Version : If You Dare (open challenge to ANY and ALL)

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 4th, 2003, 10:45:59 PM
Please post if you wish to. All posts are subject to the direct moderation of and <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1700> Daiquiri Van-Derveld (http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=21>Morgan). Any posts, including my own, that are found by these two moderators to be godmoding or otherwise implausible, are to be edited as soon as possible, or else your participation in this thread is null and void. If your character is fatally or mortally wounded, the mods will let you know that you are beaten and can no longer post. The same will apply to me. At which time, it would be best if the character beat a hasty retreat.

This thread is open to any number of challengers. Please respect posting order.

It wasn't Coruscant, that was for sure. Kuat was encircled by huge space stations, but the planet itself was almost a complete nature preserve. The Kuat Drive Yards, consisting of three massive space stations dealt with all incoming and outgoing traffic: commercial freight, passengers, and the New Republic military, respectively. The planet was terraformed and manicured, and no one got on Kuat that the stations didn't let through.

De'Ville was not on the planet, but was instead wandering through a spacious 'grand hall' on the commercial station. Here you could buy and sell ships, or other goods. It was a bustling center of activity, and this afternoon was no different. She came to a railing, and looked down three levels to a courtyard below. Above her were at least four more layers of the station, and around her on this level were various booths and hallways leading off in other directions.

The Dark Jedi wandered over to a booth where the seller boasted freighters that were faster than the legendary Millennium Falcon. She picked up a flyer, letting the boisterous Kuatian's words run through one ear and out the other as she felt the Force seep around her.

What was that? Lilaena looked up, searching for the flutter in the Force that she'd felt. There was nothing out of the ordinary. A family nearby was apparently shopping for a luxury yacht with all the saftey trimmings. Something Junior could land safely in a pinch, or some such nonsense. She walked on, flipping the flyer into the garbage as she trailed a hand along the railing that edged the drop off.

I wonder if Paladin has represenatives here... De'Ville turned suddenly, looking behind her. What the -

Oct 5th, 2003, 01:47:34 AM
Lilaena found two antique Westar blasters leveled on her, the man holding them fully clad in modified mandalorian commando armor. Jodo Kast held both fingers lightly on selective fire triggers and ready to blast the Sith Lordess if she attempted any rash move or action.

Jacob Nives
Oct 5th, 2003, 02:11:27 AM

And so, beginning a chain, a gun was trained on the Hunters temple. The KD-30, also known as the Dissuader, was a fine Kelvarek Consolidated Arms product. Instead of the usual solid rounds, this particular gun let fire hollow spheres as projectiles. Each little capsule was filled with Borless acid, which would spray across cloth and flesh on the shots impact. The one holding it seemed incredibly pleased with the fact that it was in his hand, as he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Bit rude to sneak up on a lady like that, eh mate?”

Oct 5th, 2003, 04:43:20 AM
The Hunter stood still and statuesque, while unbeknownst to any, commands flashed across the corner of his visor. Jodo Kast never lowered his blasters from Lilaena. He was caught in a blind man's bluff when a heavy metallic shuffle was heard approaching nearby. He desperately needed a distraction and his faithful protocol droid T7AX finally responded. Before hand, the Hunter had commanded the droid to mingle in the crowd and it was the droid that had located the Dark Jedi.

It stated dully with a mono-digitalized voice...

Sir, it is very rude to brandish firearms on people. I suggest you put that away.

The droid had a small holdout aimed at Jacob Nives and a single mounted orbital surgical laser locked on the newcomer's heat signature.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 5th, 2003, 10:28:39 AM
OOC: >>This thread is open to any number of challengers. Please respect posting order<< I'm glad you read this. /IC

The hunter standing behind her was surprising enough, and she stood still or a moment as the old blasters never wavered. Then someone else showed up. Recognition flickered across De'Ville's face, but that can't be.

As the two men stood in a stalemate and a droid joined the party, there was a scream as a woman walking by noticed what was going on. In that split second of distraction Lilaena's saber leapt from her belt into her hand, and ignited.

Zango Jett
Oct 5th, 2003, 11:13:05 AM
Jinzo strode down the walkway, then turned when he heard the screams of the women. He turned, and saw a chained standoff. On one side, there was a woman with a lightsaber, a man, obviously a bounty hunter, holding a blaster to her, with another man, and a droid holding a blaster to him. Jinzo searched through his memory to see if this woman was wanted anywhere, couldn't find one, so he started to stride over there to try to settle the dispute. Then the woman ignited her lightsaber, and Jinzo, knowing that the hunter was about to lose his arm, thought of two quick courses of action. He could either ignore the situation, and let a fellow bounty hunter die, or he could intervene, and possibly finally link up with a partner. Deciding to do the latter, Jinzo brought forth from his cloak a light repeating blaster, and remembering what lightsabers did to blaster bolts, switched the weapon lever to stun before he opened fire, sending out a constant stream of expanding blue stun bolts.

Jacob Nives
Oct 5th, 2003, 11:19:40 AM
“Oh you are a hypocrite.”

Something very similar to what Lilaena had just taken to hand had just snapped into Jacob’s palm. A white-hot shaft of light burst out of the hilt, surrounded in a deep blue glow. The hot cyan beam snapped upwards in a guard as Nives ducked away from the droid in a sudden burst of speed that ended him directly behind the droids master – using the armored figure as a shield while returning any stray shots from Jinzo with the lightsaber.

Oct 5th, 2003, 03:41:20 PM
The two lightsaber wielding Force users were obvious connected in some sort of way, Jodo Kast had one in front and one in back. After third party opened up on the newcomer. Forcing the man to duck away directly behind Jodo Kast himself. With the ensuing gunfight by now the crowds in this level of the commercial hall had panicked and cleared out through any and every conceivable escape route. Fleeing the commercial booths, abandoning the representive salespersons to duck and hide in their booths or scurry away like insects caught in a light.

The Hunter opened up on Lilaena with some straffling fire designed to keep her at bay and the rockets of his jetpack roared to life, a desired effect to burn Jacob crisp to the bone like nerf bacon on the barby. Jodo Kast lifted off and flew over the railing nearby, twisting his body and fired off a volley of well-placed auto blaster bolts at Lilaena before momentarily disappearing from view.

Meanwhile a command had been given to Sevenax to open fire on Jacob with the surgical laser unit mounted over one eye and it's holdout blaster. Giving support fire to Jinzo, steady streams of deadly incandescent light shot from it's skull, zig-zagging up and down across Jacob's body.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 5th, 2003, 03:51:40 PM
Lilaena's saber sliced through the air as the masked hunter opened fire, deflecting the shots away from her. One of the deflected shot nearly caught him, but he was already flying away like a coward.

A newcomer was firing stun blasts towards the group, too far away to be any real danger. Now, however, he was much closer. De'Ville deflected the last few bolts from the departing hunter towards the newcomer, and then she dove over the railing, barely avoiding the stun blasts as they ringed out to catch anything that was in their way.

With a twist and a tug of the Force, she flipped down to the next level, catching the railing and pulling her lithe body over it, landing on her feet. Was that Vega? But he was dead...

Zango Jett
Oct 5th, 2003, 04:16:52 PM
Jinzo watched as the group scattered in the wake of his assault. The other bounty hunter ignited his jetpack as he was being used by cover by one of the Jedi. When Jinzo saw his own stun beams being deflected right back at him, he ignited his own jet pack. He rocketed above the floor, and onto a railing lining the grand hall. He adjusted his goggles to heat vision, then fired two high powered homing proximity detonation rockets after using his heat vision goggles to lock onto a target, one of the Jedi with a lightsaber that was below the original floor level on a railing.

Preacher Blake
Oct 5th, 2003, 06:33:05 PM
As Lilaena cleared the railing, an immense force slammed into her, sprawling her across the floor. The lightsaber in her grasp was thrown a distance away, as LD was covered in her attacker's immense shadow.

Estelle Russard
Oct 5th, 2003, 08:41:15 PM
Estelle had been on the vacation planet Vorzyd on an errand of great personal importance. She had been given the mandate from Jedi Master Marcus Elessar to seek out any and all information that could be gleaned on the disappearance of another Jedi Master, and her own teacher, ReaperFett.

The experience had been an emotionally gruelling one and not a complete success, although that would depend on perspective. Estelle, along with her closest friend Aurelias Kazaar, had uncovered certain facts about Fetts vanishing and, coupled with her own personal visions, the Jedi Knight felt certain she knew the person involved in what was asumed to be Fetts demise.
At the very least, she had an image and a name of the last woman to be known to be with him.

And so it was, that a very tired and raw Jedi Knight booked her connecting transport from Kuat to Coruscant. Kazaar had business that could not be delayed longer than it already had. He had been good to stay with her as long as he had, lending what information and objectivity he could to her investigation. They had parted, here on Kuat. The Bounty Hunter having brought her this far. Estelle assured him that she would have no problem getting transport back to Coruscant, and onto the GJO.

Turning from the ticket counter, the clerk giving Estelle an encouraging smile, (even she thought the Knight looked spent, Estelle thought with detachment) the Jedi made her way over to what promised to be the area where refreshments could be bought.

A cup of tea, and time to just sit before her transport left. Estelle liked the sound of that.

Dipping a teabag absently into the steaming water, a strange movment caught the corner of her eye. Something fell-or dropped- from the railing of the level above...

Craning her neck for a better look, Estelle's view was hampered by the crowd and the broad shoulders of a very large man..

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:36:51 PM
She'd barely gotten her feet underneath her when someone slammed into her, knocking her across the floor and her saber out of her hand. Lilaena went down, gasping for air, and two missiles streaked overhead where she'd been moments previously, slamming into a support strut with a vicious explosion. What in the nine hells?

Something was standing over her, and she gathered her muscles and catapulted to her feet, calling her lightsaber to her hand from where it had landed as she faced this new threat. The saber ignited with a snap-hiss barely heard in the cacophany of screams and the sounds of stressed metals. The level above was threatening to come down.

Jacob Nives
Oct 6th, 2003, 09:08:38 AM
The sudden realization that he was about to be frittered caused Jacob to duck and roll, ending up with nothing more than a scorched cloak. Hissing through his teeth, he flipped over onto his back just in time to see the droid opening fire. The Lupine's saber hand cut an arc up in the air to return a small barrage of shots, as pushed up to his feet and propelled himself right at the mechanoid.

The force of the impact knocked both man and machine tumbling towards the railing which ran the edge of the upper walkway - currently threatening to collapse. This was one time when technology would loose, as Jacob snapped out another Force-enhanced kick that sent 'Sevena' straight through the fencing and down into the fray below.

Jacob began to get to his feet, regardless for the consequences of the droids fall. Starting to edge backwards, he felt the ground beneath him tremble once again, and looked down to see the gleaming surface beginning to dent - and fold. The platform collapsed, forcing Jacob to dart at a run towards the left. As he moved, so the floor beneath him sank. Piece by piece it crumbled, helped along by the still present volley of fire that was quickly filling the room.

Zango Jett
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:00:37 AM
Zango watched as the male Jedi fought with the droid, then knocked it over the first balcony. It landed one story below, on a wider balcony, near the female Jedi, and the large man that had knocked her down. The Male Jedi was now all alone in his area, with the floor collapsing beneath him. Zango made two quick moves. He fired a volley of high powered wrist rockets at the support beams supporting the floor ahead of where the Jedi would be walking over soon, then he raised his left arm, and pointed it at the female Jedi, and fired two poisioned darts at her.
With that taken care of Zango withdrew two DL-44 Blasters from his waist holsters, then shrugged off his cloak, and activated his Arkanian, and Sith Energy Shields. The former would deflect blaster fire, while the latter would protect him from lightsaber hits with a combination EMP field.

Preacher Blake
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:12:48 AM
Seeing the writing on the wall, Preacher leapt from his 1st tier balcony perch, to the floor below, as the second tier began to collapse on top of De'Ville. Between Jinzo's darts and the collapsing superstructure, the female Heretic had few options left to pursue. If she survived, he'd be waiting for her.

Upon landing, Preacher grunted audibly, He reached back, and jerked a sliver of jagged metal from his shoulder.

"Damned bounty hunters." He growled. "No discretion."

The hunters were supposed to kill LD and her friend, not destroy the station in the process. He'd be fine, but it caused his ire to raise.

Oct 6th, 2003, 10:27:39 AM
She dropped down beside him, and just a little behind, her movements fluid as she rose from the crouch she'd landed in. She'd watched from a discreet distance, seeing how the woman fought, studying what she could in the amount of time she was given before the bounty hunter's barrage forced her to now actively take part in the fight. Of course, she had yet to engage the force user - she was patient.

Nzambi sniffed the air, testing it for anything as a small step brought her to Preacher's side.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 6th, 2003, 11:18:19 AM

A rail projectile buried itself into the support pylon in front of Jacob. The pylon groaned, the metal straining as the frame weakened from the projectile's impact. If he didn't move, the structure was going to collapse much faster than he anticipated. His options were either to jump to the first story catwalk, jump to the first floor, or attempt to run past the sheared pylon before it tore itself apart under its own weight, and accelerated the balcony's destruction.

Across the promenade, a hooded figure watched, curious as to how the Heretic would react. This one seemed interesting,

Pierce Tondry
Oct 6th, 2003, 12:50:13 PM
Pierce Tondry stepped out of the hallway, one of several men going against the flow of fleeing stationgoers from the second tier. For the most part, the promenade customers had crammed themselves into exiting halls to escape the firefight. Aside from groups of looters and some slower-than-average species, the tiers and walkways were mostly empty.

Chief of Station Security Addard Pallas stood at his side, the two of them having left the meeting they were having about a classified Intelligence Operation for which Pierce needed his cooperation. Together with a small 6-man contingent of Kuat Security Officers (KaySec), they gave the situation a once-over.

"Mind a recommendation?" asked Pierce, eyeing more than one activated lightsaber amongst the fighters.

"Go ahead, Colonel."

Pierce turned to look Pallas straight in the eye. "Don't engage. Seal most of the exits and guard the ones you leave open. Try to take into custody anyone who's been fighting or anyone who looks suspicious individually. The more manpower that gets thrown into a fight like this, the more chance collateral damage will blow a hole through the wall and expose everyone to space."

"And you?"

"With your permission, I'd like to go down and see what I can do to stop this."

"Permission granted, Colonel," said Pallas. He gave the promenade battle another once-over. "And we'll take your suggestions under advisement."

Pierce fired off a quick salute and jogged towards the mainstream of the battle, blaster in hand.

Oct 6th, 2003, 04:53:24 PM
' Good shot...' Beside Diego stood Troy. The hired hand to the Van-Dervled was dressed nearly like Diego. Donned in a flowing dark green trench, low hood and knee high black boots he was hardly ready for battle but soon got envolved. Strapped across his back under the trench was his modified E-11, with a quick tug from behind his back the Hitman had swung the Blaster around and into position.

' Lets give him a little secondary fire to keep him on his toes shall we?.' As he ended his sentance a hail of blood red blaster fire rained down upon Jacob from the E-11.

Oct 6th, 2003, 05:29:09 PM
/OOC: PMed and made proper changes. Last post to be deleted./IC:

Another volley of crimson blaster bolts shot directly at the recovering Dark Jedi from a figure emerging from an adjoining open-air platform. Jodo Kast had relocated his target. Now hell was reigning from several sources causing the Hunter into temporary retreat, that and the greater fact of the structure directly above Lilaena threatened to collapse and crush the Darksider.

He had also seen his droid T7AX flail over the rail and come crashing down on Lilaena's balcony. He commanded the droid to retreat immediately back to his craft and throw away any obvious weaponry once it safely distanced itself from the clamor of battle. Sevenax responded instantly and fled the scene with one arm dangling in a odd manner.

While Jodo Kast re-evaluated his circumstances from the shadows - behold - to his mild shock the other Forcewielder had also survived though he too was currently under a heavy barrage of fire himself.

Estelle Russard
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:20:02 PM
What was supposed to be a slight reprieve from the turmoil of her thoughts, worry and travel-weariness, was instead vaulted rudely into a need for action.

The awful screeching of the twisting metal which threatened to come free from its holdings and fall to the level below, pulled her attention from the struggling pair and up to the catwalk overhead.

Estelle was to her feet immediately, her teacup rocked on its base as she banged the table with her knee, her eye catching the brilliant glow of what was immistakeably a lightsaber.

Above her, laser bolts and rail projectiles sang to one another, but this was lost on Estelle as pandemonium erupted around her.

All manner of weapons were brandished about by the travellers as they prepared to defend themselves if necessary. Those that didnt have such quick self-preserving instincts blinked up at the catwalk above them, slow to react to the danger.

Estelle ran forward to try to get the stragglers to move out of the way, which didnt prove too hard a task the louder the metal groaned.

In the midst of this, Estelle realised exits were being sealed off by security men and this served to raise the general level of panick all round.

Moving to the side, she stood with her back against the wall to try to get an understanding of what exactly was going on - who was shooting whom, and what.

LD was getting to her feet and as the people around her scattered fearing the lethal weapon she held, Estelle stood dumbstruck. A side glimpse of the Dark Jedi through the crowd stopped the Knight's heart in shock and made her stomach lurch.

She would swear this was the same woman in the holovid tape from the Casino Royale and not just some form of emotional de ja vu.

This was the woman, Estelle was convinced, who was responsible for Fetts demise.

A startling "crash" made Estelle jump in her boots as a portion of the overhead promenade fell to the floor two feet in front of her.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:53:10 PM
De'Ville flinched, twirling her saber and deflecting the two darts that had been shot at her. The first bounty hunter covered her position with blaster fire, and she quickly deflected the red energy bolts with her blade.

The man who'd knocked her down was across the way now, and the man who looked like Vega...but who couldn't be, he was above on the crashing platform. Taking a lot of heat, too, from the looks of it.

Security was being called in, and the civvies in the area were diving for cover and trying to get out of the area. De'Ville deflected the last few blaster bolts straight back towards the first bounty hunter, and then ran for the railing, leaping straight over. It was a thirty foot drop, and she landed on her feet, running as soon as she hit the ground to avoid further blaster fire.

Preacher Blake
Oct 9th, 2003, 11:12:24 AM
As soon as she hit the ground on the lower level, Preacher was waiting for her, and charged for her again.

Jacob Nives
Oct 10th, 2003, 09:32:32 AM
The collapsing pylon added to the awful mess Jacob had already gotten himself into. His reaction to this, and the ground collapse ahead of him was this – the Lupine ran for the railing at the walkways edge and planted a hand against it as he sprung over the edge. His form made a hasty descent, followed presumably by the line of blaster fire from his unknown attacker.

Think next time before jumping in to protect someone, he thought to himself as he landed into a roll that took him behind a pillar. He had no idea which floor he had landed upon, but the drop had been fairly lengthy. A peek out from the pillar for a moment allowed him to spot a huge man trying to plough his way into De’Ville. He ducked back into his cover before being spotted and regained his composure, taking the brief respite as time to catch his breath whilst being temporarily out of the limelight.

Oct 10th, 2003, 10:47:43 AM
He missed, how?!

The Blaster fire barely missed the escaping Jacob and much to Seans' displeasure. He rarely missed as a marksman. Letting the E-11 hang loose over his shoulder, the dark clad figure started a slow jog around the tier to try and and get a better view. Nives had fallen and from an elevated position Troy might have an easier shot.

Fogetting his partner the Hitman ventured off to do his job.

Zango Jett
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:03:35 AM
Jango took stock of the situation before him. Everybody kept progressing to lower and lower levels. He checked the status of fuel in his rocket pack. There was still plenty of juice left. Igniting the pack, he made his decent to the bottom floor. The joints supporting the levels were already weak where the upper levels were collapsing. Jango ran to the support, and examined it closely. It was buckling like crazy. There were civilians in the way, trapped by the security officers blocking the doors. If they weren't allowed through, they would die as the levels pancaked when the supports inevitably failed. Jango reloaded his poision dart rockets, stepped back out into the middle of the grand hall, then ignited his rocket pack, and shot into the air. When he passed each floor he fired a pair of darts into each of the security guards blocking the exits for that floor. In short order six guards were dead, and the civilians were escaping through the three opened passageways now. Jango landed on the third floor, where the last two guards had died, and began to reload his poision dart thrower again. Three levels down, six to go.

Oct 10th, 2003, 11:07:09 AM
Preacher charged, leaving Nzambi to stand silent as he barrelled toward the woman. The Lupine herself shifted her stance, muscles tensing before she herself took off, headed for the Heretic.

This woman would be an interesting combatant, and Nzambi silently hoped that she would be allowed to exchange blows. Her eyes caught sight of someone behind a pillar, but she paid it no heed as she followed Preacher.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:46:10 PM
The burly shadow approaching looked familiar. De'Ville continued running for cover, but initiated a pressure wave that knocked him back off his feet. Behind her a female was also knocked away as the wave rippled out away from her position.

The Dark Jedi reached safety behind a pylon, and took a moment to gauge the opposition...and the exits.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 13th, 2003, 11:09:40 PM
A brief jet of flame caught his eye and Pierce looked in the direction.

An armored being- bounty hunter most likely- was flying upwards, firing a weapon as he went. His target happened to be the security guards in place trying to keep the fight contained, and he killed several of them before landing on the next level down.

The hand on Pierce's blaster tightened. Big mistake.

Pierce stepped up to the railing where he took careful aim. Then he fired his blaster three times at the jetpack of the reloading Jango from his vantage on the second tier.

Oct 14th, 2003, 02:39:39 AM
With so many hostiles advancing on his target, Jodo Kast safely launched himself across the center gulf of the space station and landed on the fourth tier. He immediately took observation of the action from behind heavy cover.

Zango Jett
Oct 16th, 2003, 08:37:31 AM
Jango looked up, having completed his reloading, just in time to see a pair of blaster bolts arcing on him from above. He jumped back, but it was too late, for the blaster bolts were upon him. He did managed to twist slightly aside, for one bolt missed, but the other caught his blaster squarely, and melted it. Fortunatly it's power pack had already been expired. Throwing the weapon away, Jango looked for his attacker. He watched as the other bounty hunter fired supersonic wrist rockets at the Dark Jedi woman that was below him. Fortunatly for her she had ducked under a pylon, and the homing rockets detonated on the walkway above her, shattering transparinsteel, and causing another part of a floor to start collapsing. Then Jango sighted his attacker, a man with blasters, wearing a Security detailed suit. Jango crouched, and withdrew from his pouch on his hip a Thermal Flash grenade. Setting his goggles to allow him to see through the resulting light flash, Jango threw the grenade, then withdrew his Light repeating blaster, and opened fire in a crouching position up against the railing.........

Jacob Nives
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:45:26 AM
The Force wasn’t letting him be at peace – if peace was possible in such a chaotic situation. Something was still setting off alarm bells in the back of his mind, and he was sure that it meant his attacker – or at least one of them – was still on his tail. Whoever it was would have a hard time shooting accurately from above down the narrow angle to behind the pillar, but if the world kept falling inward and the sky kept collapsing…

Preacher Blake
Oct 28th, 2003, 11:41:24 AM
Preacher tumbled backwards, and fell to the ground.

He didn't get up. Instead, he began to writhe and convulse, as the change took him. Attempts to resist it initially were met with excruciating pain, as the Lupine screamed. His dark eyes faded to blue, as his bones began to snap out of place.

Estelle Russard
Oct 29th, 2003, 09:20:01 PM
Caught up in the pandemonia that was breaking out on the 3rd level with the collapse of the upper level walkway, Estelle had lost sight of De'Ville for the time being.

Obviously, much more was going on as there seemed to be any number of people shooting blasters and rockets and the like.

Estelle worked to help free a young woman who was pinned under some debris.

Her tracking of the Darksider would have to take second place. For now.

Pierce Tondry
Nov 19th, 2003, 11:08:44 AM
(ooc) I don't think anyone will mind me posting to this in an attempt at boosting its progress.


The grenade being thrown at him registered as a danger in the back of his mind- to a lesser degree, he thought, but danger was still danger. Pierce dropped behind the protective guardrail, flattening himself out on the floor just in time. The brilliant flash he wasn't looking at was followed by string of hisses sounded off the wall behind him, each one the point of impact for a blaster bolt.

With the constant fire, Pierce would have to act fast to avoid being permanently pinned. From his vantage on the higher floor, he could see several fixtures hanging from the ceiling by the rail. Pierce selected a large illuminated sign held by two chains and squeezed off a few shots at one of them. The range on the pistol was bad, but through either luck or extreme talent one of them landed and snapped the chain in two. The sign's fall was stopped short by the second chain, but only momentarily. It crashed down at his adversary, who leapt from his crouch and took off.

It was exactly what Pierce had been hoping would happen. Survival on any battlefield boiled down to not being noticed, and with his jetpack burning a swath through the air Jango was an easy target. Pierce shifted his aim on the pistol and fired again, this time emptying the power cell.

The first shot to hit, hit the jetpack. Nothing exploded initially, but the momentum forced his opponent into an undesired midair spin. Pierce's volley peppered the bounty hunter's breastplate before once again having an open field at the jetpack, and this time the fuel detonated.

After the spectacular fireball had consumed all it could, the remaining charred bits fell to the bottom floor.

One down- who knew how many left to go.

Replacing the empty power cell in his pistol with a fresh one, Pierce began casting about for another target, keeping his eyes out for any discarded weaponry.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 20th, 2003, 09:28:57 AM
The huge man who'd rushed her was still on the ground, writhing in pain. He hadn't landed on anything sharp, so that was odd. One of the wannabe Mandalorians exploded as precision shots took out his jetpack. Lilaena ducked back behind the pylon and under the second floor as burning bits of bounty hunter rained down from above.

She pulled out her vibroblade from her boot, and threw it at the female she'd knocked to the ground earlier, aiming to impale her through the chest. De'Ville didn't wait to see the results, and dashed across the ground floor, heading for the docks and her ship.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 26th, 2003, 01:30:17 PM
And she got away and lived <strike>happily</strike> evilly ever after.