View Full Version : The Longest Night: Game of Chance...[complete]

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 4th, 2003, 07:25:39 AM
Ridge Kincaid was a Darksider. But, he was a Darksider not brought on by death or fascination of a killing spree with a lightabre.

But, power and greed. He knew greed better than anyone and the more credits he could gain was for the better. Now, through a simple night he would show another the power of greed.

Mylia Basque, Jedi Padawan.

He had chosen her, but not only to tempt her to the Darkside, but to love. Mylia was everything that Angelina was and more.

Angelina had been Ridge's first love, but after he left to be trained in the Darkside, Angelina chose his identical twin brother, River. The very day Ridge returned to take his love back, he found more than he had bargained for, Angelina was married to River and they had two children.

The Darksider had been crushed and devastated to know how his own brother had betrayed him. So, in a frenzy of revenge, he wanted their two Force-sensitive children to turn with him. But, it had all ended in such a sad note, Ridge had killed both Angelina and his own father to get to the children he had wanted so badly. Now, River had hidden himself and his children away with the Lost Jedi, but one day...Ridge would find him.

Ridge shook the dark thoughts away as he sat beside Mylia in the limospeeder, he had hoped he had impressed her so far. Her innocence was so pure, something that Ridge could feed on and tonight he would.

They sat in silence and watched the stars glisten above them through the moonroof. Ridge wondered what the young Padawan was thinking, but refrained himself from nudging her mind, he had plenty of time to do that.

So, instead he sipped on his wine and waited to arrive at the Gemline Casino Avenue.

Lady Mylia
Oct 4th, 2003, 03:43:32 PM
Mylia sat in the speeder with Ridge, letting her hand rest on his knee. She watched as they sped by all the buildings, Corusant at night was very beautiful.

A slight shiver ran down her spine as the cool breeze drifted through the window's and moonroof. She removed her hand from Ridge's knee and wraped her arms closely around her body. "Brrrrrr...." She said in a low voice. "Tonight is a very pretty night, but very chilly." She said as she looked over to Ridge, trying to start up some more conversation. The quite ride was sort of uncomfortable.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 4th, 2003, 06:36:54 PM
Coming out of his thoughts, he apologized. "Forgive me, m'lass." He said as he leaned back and brought his overcoat to her and slipped it around her shoulders. "Is that better?"

Ridge placed a strong arm around her for added warmth. "Yes, tonight is absolutely beautiful, but not nearly as beautilful as the one I am with tonight." He gave her a warm smile. "Would you like some more wine?"

Lady Mylia
Oct 5th, 2003, 11:47:42 AM
Mylia blushed. "Thanks..." She said as she tightened the coat around her. She felt safe in Ridge's arms. Very safe, strangely safe. She shook her head. "No, thanks. I fine."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:39:58 AM
Ridge smiled as he sat back in his seat. Her warmth capitavated him.

It wasn't long after that they turned on to the main streamline of Gemline Casino Avenue.

With a quick dip of the limospeeder, Lance pulled under one of the more private entrances of a huge Casino called OZ. A red carpet was rolled out from the curb to the door. A doorman hurriedly walked out and opened the limo door.

"Greetings, Mr. Kincaid. Welcome home." He smiled and bowed as Ridge let Mylia out first.

"Glad to be home, Flynn. I'll be on the floor tonight." He smiled and handed Flynn a few fifty credit chips after he got out.

Flynn's eyes widened as he took the money. "Yes, Sir. I'll alert the staff." He told them as he opened the door for them and then hurried off.

Ridge looked down at Mylia as they walked down some corridors, some very fancy corridors to say the least and came up to a door. "Are you ready to have some fun? Welcome to my casino, Mylia. Welcome to OZ." He smiled as he opened unlocked the door and opened it.

Excitement could be felt from all around, machines making an uproar, people cheering and screaming in delight when machines hit. Wager tables full of different species having a ball placing bets whether they won or lost, it was all a game.

The place was booming with people and the casino floor never seemed to end. Machine after machines were being played in a frenzy to see who would be the next lucky winner. The lights, actions and sounds were enough to drive a person into placing a bet or slipping a credit into a machine, just to try.

"Ready to try a machine, Mylia?" Has smiled and held up a fifty credit chip. "This is your night."

Lady Mylia
Oct 6th, 2003, 04:41:11 PM
Mylia looked around at the OZ after she stepped out of the speeder. It was beautiful. She walked beside Ridge with her arm linked with his. She smiled as many employees spoke with Ridge.

After they made their way to the machines Mylia gave Ridge a look as he offered her a 50 credit chip. "Are you sure?" Even though Mylia came from money, she still knew the value of it and how presious it was to some people.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 6th, 2003, 07:36:35 PM
Ridge laughed. "Yes, Mylia take it and play until your heart is content. As you see, I have plenty and I want you to have fun tonight." He put the chip into her hand. "Chose a machine, slip the credit in and push the button. That's all that's to it."

He had a gleem in his eye. "Go on." Ridge nodded towards a machine.

Lady Mylia
Oct 6th, 2003, 07:51:22 PM
Mylia took the credit from Ridge and slid it into a slot. She pulled the handle. A loud noise erupted from the machine. Woops and sirens sounded. The machine rolled around and Mylia matched 4 out of 5 symbols on the middle of the machine. With a frown she turned back to Ridge. "See, I'm not good at this."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 7th, 2003, 04:24:55 AM
Ridge gave her a surprised look as the machine went off in a frenzy of lights and sirens and credits came rushing out. "Seems your luck isn't as bad as you thought." He smiled brightly as Mylia turned back to face her machine.

Lady Mylia
Oct 7th, 2003, 07:42:34 PM
"Beginner's luck, I'm sure." She mumbled as she pulled the credits out and handed them to Ridge. "I don't know if this is enough to pay you back, but here."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 8th, 2003, 06:03:07 PM
He pushed them back at her and grabbed a large credit sup beside the machine. "Here, put them in here and you can carry them around with you and drop them here and there." He gave her a grin. "Oh, we're not done yet, M'lass. Not by a long shot."

Lady Mylia
Oct 9th, 2003, 01:35:05 PM
Mylia smiled and shook her head. "Are you sure?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 10th, 2003, 04:13:06 AM

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 10th, 2003, 07:10:51 PM
"Of course, I'm sure. This night has only yet begun, m'lass. I am here to make sure you have the time of your life. So, let's go." He told her with a wide grin on his face.

Lady Mylia
Oct 10th, 2003, 10:04:34 PM
"Okay, if you insist." Mylia stuck another credit in the slot and pulled. This time she wasn't so lucky when only 3 out 5 matched. She frowned. "I told you... I suck at this."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 12th, 2003, 08:04:46 PM
"Oh, just keep playing. You'll get the hang of it. Then, we can move to the tables."

Lady Mylia
Oct 13th, 2003, 08:53:08 PM
Mylia nodded, she finally gave up on trying to convience him otherwise. She stuck dredits in the slots and pulled the handles lazily. The machines just weren't her thing. A few lights and bells went off, but nothing major. After several more times of the machinces she looked to Ridge, rather bored. "I don't think the slot games are my thing."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 14th, 2003, 04:54:20 AM
He couldn't believe that she found gambling...boring. What was with these Jedi?

"Very well, shall we retire to my personal suite for a bit?" He asked.

Lady Mylia
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:50:31 PM
Mylia smiled, she could tell Ridge thought otherwise of gambling. "If that's what you'd like? I mean, this is your night just as much as mine."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 15th, 2003, 08:04:07 PM
Ridge held out an arm for her. He walked her through a good portion of his casino. The art and architecture was amazing, marble flooring and staircases. Fountains, waterfalls and areas where one could be lost in a jungle. It was all his and he was proud of his creations.

As they entered a turbo lift, Ridge looked at her. "So, how do you like it so far?"

Lady Mylia
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:41:07 AM
Mylia took Ridge's arm and they walked in silence for a bit. She noticed the building, it was beautiful. She looked to Ridge with a smile. "I love it, it is so gorgeous here."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 17th, 2003, 07:37:08 AM
"This is one of my great palaces, it was quite fun to bulid. Took nearly two years, everything was hand done all the way down to the carved wood designs in the hallways. It's one of the top casino's in Coruscant and I'll make sure it stays that way." Once the turbo lift stopped, the two were greeted straight into an elaborate suite. It seemed the lift was it's front door and they were stepping out onto a large balcony that surrounded the entire room.

It was huge and luxurious. On the lower level was a huge living area, a wet bar, a...swimming pool complete with a slide that was accessible from the balcony and a waterfall that fell from the ceiling. Greenery was everywhere, to make the place look like a tropical paradise. Parrots, included.

Everything in the main living area, looked as if it were just plainly meant to be there. Not a thing looked out of place.

Ridge had a huge holo-screen for his TV, excellent sound systems and large picture windows that gave a beautiful view of the city's bright casino lights down below.

In front of one of the windows that was bowed, a large round Jacuzzi was bulit into the floor that one could relax in. Another area that was surounded by greenery and you had to go up three steps to get to.

"This is one of my favorite places to stay." He told her as he led her to the spiral staircase to get to the main level.

Lady Mylia
Oct 17th, 2003, 10:03:29 PM
Mylia looked around in awe, she was in love. The pool and the water fall were gorgeous. Especially the waterfall. She looked to Ridge with a bright smile. "Oh my goodness, Ridge! This is wonderful! I could live here! I mean, I love it."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 18th, 2003, 05:47:51 AM
"Come, let's have a drink." He smiled as he walked her over to the wet bar. "Since, I know that the Jedi don't drink a lot, I've got plenty of different juices." He led her behind the bar and opened up one of the three small refrigerators behind it. An array of juices were stacked in it. "Which would you prefer?"

Lady Mylia
Oct 23rd, 2003, 06:37:22 PM
Mylia looked through the juices, she spotted some Juma Juice. She quickly pointed it out and grabbed it. "Oh, thank you so much Ridge, you're great." She leaned over and gave him a kiss of the cheek.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 24th, 2003, 08:01:57 PM
Ridge felt his face grow warm as he looked at her and smiled. "Perhaps, I should do that more often." He sighed as he looked around. "This haven is mine, but I'm often alone here and it's much more fun in the presence of a beautiful woman such as yourself, Mylia. What would you like to do first? Hot tub? Pool?"

Lady Mylia
Oct 26th, 2003, 08:38:36 AM
Mylia smiled but as Ridge started to speak of swimming she looked at him with some confusion. "Swimming? I don't have a swimsuit with me..."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 26th, 2003, 11:42:23 AM
Ridge smiled. "No worries, m'lass. I've an array of suits from top designers, all you have to do is chose one. Shall we?" He asked with a rather large grin.

Lady Mylia
Oct 26th, 2003, 12:19:25 PM
Mylia nodded. "We shall." She said taking Ridge's arm as he lead her.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 26th, 2003, 12:31:01 PM
Ridge showed Mylia to a huge walk-in closet with nothing but swimming suits, every style and size imaginable. "You're choice, while I go change into my own." He smiled as he smiled. "A changing room is right through that door." He pointed to a hidden door on the other side of the closet.

Lady Mylia
Oct 26th, 2003, 12:39:39 PM
Mylia nodded and she looked through the swim suits. She found a nice navy blue bikini that was just her size, or so she thought. She walked in through the door and quickly put it on. It was just a smidge too small, nothing to bad. She looked at herself in the full length mirror before leaving the changing room and the closet. She walked out and looked around for Ridge.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 28th, 2003, 05:04:22 AM
Ridge exited out through another hidden door, in his own suit. A span-dex suit that revealed every toned muscle he had.

"Very nice choice, Miss Basque." He commented with a grin. He walked over to her and took her hand and led her to the pool with the waterfall. He sat down on the edge and slid into the cool water. "Come on in the water's perfect."

Lady Mylia
Oct 28th, 2003, 08:47:33 PM
Mylia tried to not appear as if she was staring, but she couldn't help it. Her eyes grew a bit wider and her mouth fell open slightly. She blushed. She took his hand for a moment and drops it. Instead of just sitting on the iedge she gracefully dove into the pool. She emerged from the water and flipped her hair back. "Very nice..." She commented with a smile.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 29th, 2003, 09:03:04 PM
He came over to her and placed his arms around her shoulders. "Very, I agree and I'm not talking of the water..." He leaned in and gently kissed her lips.

Lady Mylia
Oct 30th, 2003, 01:08:28 PM
Mylia was bit surprised, but let Ridge have his kiss. After they were done she smiled to him. "That was very nice as well." It had been a long time since Mylia had kissed anyone and it was nice.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 30th, 2003, 08:10:03 PM
"Well, I have plenty more of where those come from, but first you have to catch me." Ridge dove under the water and swam towards the waterfall.

Lady Mylia
Oct 30th, 2003, 09:54:40 PM
Mylia laughed and followed Ridge underwater. She swam as fast as she could and extended her arm and grabbed his foot, pulling him back towards her in the water.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 1st, 2003, 09:51:07 AM
Ridge allowed her to do so and came back up in a burst of laughter. "You're a good swimmer." He breathed as he took her hand and brought her over to the waterfall. He didn't let her speak as he brought her into it's beautiful cascade and there he kissed her again. This time with much more passion as the water spilled over them.

Lady Mylia
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:19:58 AM
Mylia laughed and allowed herself to be caught up in the kiss. The romantic atmosphere was extremely enchanting and casting a spell on her. She put her arms around Ridge and they continued to kiss.

After a few more moments, when the kiss had ended, she looked to him and smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. No man has made Mylia feel that way in such a long time. "Wow..." Was all she manged to say.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:59:30 PM
Ridge looked down at her and grinned. "That is what I was just about to say, too. But, it seems you've taken care of that for me."

The water was warm as it spilled over them gently. Ridge couldn't resist as he leaned in again and kissed her beautiful lips gently.

He ran his fingers gently though her hair as he closed his eyes and pulled her closer to him.

Lady Mylia
Nov 1st, 2003, 11:25:22 PM
Mylia put her hand on the back on Ridge's neck and allowed herself to get involved in the kiss again.

Mylia looked to Ridge after the kiss and gave him a small peck on the nose. "Those are very nice..."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 1st, 2003, 11:36:11 PM
"Indeed, but how about a nice relaxing soak in the hot tub and...some cheescake?" He asked with a grin.

Lady Mylia
Nov 2nd, 2003, 04:44:13 PM
Mylia laughed. "That sounds lovely." SHe said as she swam over to the hot tub.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 2nd, 2003, 08:05:37 PM
Ridge followed and then pulled himself from the water, letting the water run off his toned physique. He walked back over to the bar and pulled out a bag from a frig. Carefully, he placed a piece of the rich-looking cheesecake onto two plates and took them back over to Mylia, along with a couple of forks.

The hot tub was bubbling and swirling about as he handed Mylia her plate and carefully got in himself. "Nothing like cheesecake and a relaxing soak." He told her as he took a bite.

Lady Mylia
Nov 4th, 2003, 04:36:10 PM
Mylia laughed as she took the cheesecake from Ridge. "Tell me about it." She took a bite of her cheesecake. "Oh, yum. That's good."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 4th, 2003, 08:07:05 PM
Ridge sat close by here and put his cheesecake on the side and then took hers. "Here let me pamper you a bit, m'lass" He gave her a lop-sided grin and then carefully cut her a bite and lifted it to her lips. "Here we are."

Lady Mylia
Nov 4th, 2003, 08:09:37 PM
Mylia laughed and smiled. She took the bite and began to return the favor. She sliced a small piece of her cake and raised it to Ridge's lips.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 4th, 2003, 08:14:55 PM
Ridge took the bite as well and laughed. He was really enjoying her company. This was his first time with someone new since Angelina and for the first time, he was happy.

Who ever said Darksiders couldn't be happy? He was for the time being and he believed she was too.

"I'm really glad you decided to join me tonight, Mylia. You've really made this evening great. Perhaps, after our cake and soak you'd let me give you a massage? I'm very good at it."

Lady Mylia
Nov 4th, 2003, 08:17:02 PM
Mylia gave him a smile. "That sounds really great, I have been kinda tense lately. Then after that, maybe I could pass of the favor and give you a massage."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 4th, 2003, 08:21:13 PM
He smiled and pulled her close, it felt good to have her by his side. "You know, I could get used to this, very easily." He kissed her forehead. "Very used to this."

Lady Mylia
Nov 4th, 2003, 09:00:30 PM
Mylia smiled and winked to Ridge. "Don't get too used to it, Ridge."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:13:06 AM
He raised an eyebrow and played like he was surprised. "Oh? And why not? Does that mean, you're not coming back?"

Lady Mylia
Nov 6th, 2003, 09:17:09 PM
Mylia laughed and shoved Ridge slightly with a smile. "Oh, you know what I mean!" She laughed. Flirting with Ridge was fun.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 7th, 2003, 05:04:26 AM
"Well, I hope you plan of coming back, I'd really like you too. But, you know I won't anything less than beg for you to return." He told her in the most non-chalant voice he could muster.

Lady Mylia
Nov 7th, 2003, 12:56:41 PM
Mylia put her hand over her mouth to try and consel her giggles. She felt like a little school girl with Ridge. "I don't except anything less." She said with a wink.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 10th, 2003, 07:44:44 PM
"You don't, do you?" He smiled and cut another bite for her. "Well, maybe if I coax you good enough, you'd stay tonight?"

Lady Mylia
Nov 10th, 2003, 07:46:11 PM
Mylia raised an eyebrow. "Here? Tonight?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 10th, 2003, 07:52:59 PM
"Well, unless you'd like to stay somewhere else, I'd be more than delighted. You can have my room, I can sleep on the sofa." He offered. "Unless, you'd like to share the sofa, I'm up for that too...or my bed. You may chose." He chuckled. "Of course, our clothes would remain intact, I'm not one to pull that kind of stunt."

Lady Mylia
Nov 11th, 2003, 01:42:38 PM
Mylia laughed and smiled. She gave Ridge a kiss of the cheek. "We'll see how the night goes."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 11th, 2003, 09:06:13 PM
"Oh, yeah..." He playfully rolled his eyes with a grin. "You may just want to leave my humble home....forgot."

Lady Mylia
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:25:47 PM
Mylia gave him a look. "And why would I want to leave? Do you want me to leave?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 12th, 2003, 07:25:21 PM
Ridge chuckled. "Of course not, Mylia. I really want you to stay tonight, but as I said. It's up to you. My chef cooks up a mean breakfast."

Lady Mylia
Nov 13th, 2003, 01:59:06 PM
Mylia laughed to Ridge. "Like I said, I'll see how the rest of the night goes." She gave him another bite of cheesecake.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 13th, 2003, 07:39:10 PM
After letting the cheesecake melt in his mouth, Ridge leaned back and relaxed in the bubbling, swirling warm water.

He closed his eyes and smiled. "I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am, Mylia. It's been a while since I had a good soak. I need to do this much more often, but it's just not as fun if you're alone."

Lady Mylia
Nov 13th, 2003, 08:40:39 PM
Mylia put her hand on Ridge's leg. "I'm glad I'm the one here with you, sharing this moment." She leaned in for a kiss.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 14th, 2003, 04:44:08 AM
Her touch sent electricity throughout him. Ridge opened his eyes and looked down at her, giving her a light kiss as he put his arm around her. "I'm glad you're here as well." He looked at her and pulled her closer.

Lady Mylia
Nov 14th, 2003, 11:49:18 PM
Mylia smiled as Ridge pulled her closer. That comfortable feeling rushed over her body again. It was strange, this feeling. She leaned into his body, cuddling with him in the hottub. "So relaxing..." She mumbled.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 15th, 2003, 07:04:14 AM
The Darksider had a soft spot for the young Jedi Padawan as they continued their soak, it was in a way the same feeling he had for Angelina when they had first met.

But, he was a darksider, would this matter? Of course, it would once she found out! But, I'm not really a killer.....lie!!! Ok, so I've made my mark, I killed two members of my family and searching for the third....

He felt silly thinking of these things for the moment, all the while blocking it from Mylia.

But, it wasn't my fault, River and Angelina betrayed me! And father? Yes, father stood up for them, he betrayed me too!

So, much hurt and anger he had in those days and all he could think about was the revenge he wanted so badly. But now, perhaps revenge wasn't such a good idea. Mylia would want nothing to do with him if she knew he had been plotting to kill his brother, take his children...take Faith. He had no feelings for Faith, but River was going to have more children!!

Krassst!!! Didn't he know how to control himself? My twin the Casonova? Geez...how embarrassing....

Lady Mylia
Nov 15th, 2003, 10:59:28 PM
"Ridge? Ridge?" Mylia waved her hand in front of Ridge's face. "Hello? You've been dazed for like five minutes now?" She looked at him with a bit on concern, not only was he lost in thought, she dare not even attempt to find out what he was thinking about. Mylia was against using that power for her own personal use. "Hey, I can't have my man just spacing out on me from time to time. I need your attention all the time." Mylia winked and smiled to Ridge, letting him know she was kidding about the attention remark.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 16th, 2003, 08:39:01 AM
Her voice brought him back to reality as he shook his head slightly and smiled. "Sorry," he told her. "I was just thinking of a few things and got carried away, I guess."

He looked at her and smiled deeply while giving her a squeeze. "So, how do you think the evenings gone so far? Am I still in?"

Lady Mylia
Nov 18th, 2003, 01:53:19 PM
Mylia raised her eyebrow to Ridge. "The evening's been great, but what are you still in for?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 19th, 2003, 03:56:45 AM
"To be still in is a good thing, like a member of the group. Am I still in?" He chuckled.

Lady Mylia
Nov 21st, 2003, 02:36:13 PM
Mylia nodded. "Of course you are.." She said as she leaned over and gave him a kiss.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 22nd, 2003, 08:10:02 PM
Ridge kissed her tenderly and pulled her closer to him. He looked into her eyes and smiled. "I want you to know, I really like you...alot. I maybe jumping the gun a little, but I do want to see you again."

Lady Mylia
Nov 27th, 2003, 10:10:58 PM
Mylia gave Ridge a look. "I don't think you have a choice in seeing my again or not." She leaned in for another kiss. "Because you'll be definately seeing me."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 28th, 2003, 07:29:27 AM
Ridge smiled happily and kissed her. He sighed, " how about that massage, now?" He knew he could give Mylia anything she wanted if she'd only have him. And never betray him with another, like Angelina.

Lady Mylia
Nov 28th, 2003, 09:03:28 AM
Mylia pulled up her hair and nodded with a smile. "Sounds nice." She said with a wink.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 29th, 2003, 03:35:32 PM
Ridge smiled. "Ok, we'll we might as well start in here. Turn around and get as comfortable as possible. I'll start with your shoulders."

Mylia turned her back to him.

With soft and easy circling motions, Ridge rubbed her shoulders. He knew pressure points and exactly were the massage therapy felt the best. After he warmed up a bit, he went to the middle of her back, which was now under the water. "How do you like that, m'lass?" He asked softly.

Lady Mylia
Nov 29th, 2003, 10:27:29 PM
Mylia relaxed her back as Ridge began to rub. It felt so good, she hadn't felt anything that good since she didn't know when. A slight moan rolled off Mylia's lips as Ridge began to rub the middle of her back. She nodded. "Uh-uhhh...." She mumbled as Ridge continued to rub her.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 30th, 2003, 08:56:10 AM
He went down a bit further to her lower back and then back up again and back down. Her skin felt silky to his touch as he worked to completey relax her.

Lady Mylia
Nov 30th, 2003, 09:06:58 AM
"You are going to put me to sleep soon, Ridge." She said with a little laugh as he kept rubbing her back.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Nov 30th, 2003, 12:26:14 PM
Ridge leaned closer to her and whispered into her ear. "Maybe that's what I want." He smiled and gently kissed teh back of her neck.

Lady Mylia
Dec 1st, 2003, 04:20:37 PM
Mylia shook her head and laughed slightly. "Well, you're fullfiling your mission." She said with a yawn.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 2nd, 2003, 07:38:53 PM
"How about we get out of here and listen to some soft music while we lie by the fireplace? It' seems that you might have had a tiring day." He asked gently.

Lady Mylia
Dec 6th, 2003, 10:24:46 PM
Mylia smiled and nodded as she stepped out of the hottub. "That sounds nice."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 7th, 2003, 12:16:34 PM
Ridge followed her out and grabbed up a blanket on the sofa. He laid it down and they both laid on it. The heat from the fire kept them warm.

Ridge put his arms around her, they felt so good there. It wasn't long until both of them were asleep.

The Darksider was awaken to what seemed only a few moments later. Someone was at his door.

"What the?" He grumbled as he carefully stood up and covered Mylia with the rest of the blanket. She was sleeping soundfully and he was glad, she did seem rather tired.

Grabbing a robe, Ridge made his way up the stairs and opened the door.

"Russ, what are you doing here?" He whispered as he pulled the man in.

"Sorry, boss. You told me to alert you when we found out anything on your brother."

Ridge grimaced as he looked over the ledge he was on, Mylia hadn't moved.

"Alright," He said as he brought his attemtion back to Russ. "What have you found out and quietly."

"We've followed him to a place called Dexter's Diner, he went in and never came out, We even went in saw no signs of him."

Ridge sighed and shook his head. "So, you saw him go in and you followed...both of you?"

The shady character nodded. 'Yes, sir."

"Did you ever think to have one of you at the back door?!?" Ridge was livid. What idiots!

"Uh...ummm...no, boss."

"So, he could've simply slipped out the back, right?"

"Umm, yeah, I suppose so."

"Look, he could've known you were following him, he is a training to be a Jedi. He's not stupid! I want to those kids! You can do with my brother as you wish, shoot him, hang him, push him off the tallest building if you want! But, I must have Ry-Obi and Hunter and you will bring them to me unharmed or else!" Ridge drew his arm back as if to slap the man but then stopped, as he felt someone watching him.

He turned and saw Mylia standing at the fireplace, staring up at him. Great!

"Leave, Russ and don't come back until you've got a package to deliver."

The man nodded and left in a haste. Ridge closed the door and looked back down at Mylia, he remained silent.

Lady Mylia
Dec 7th, 2003, 09:54:18 PM
Mylia stirred slightly as Ridge moved from her side and got up. It wasn't until she heard the loud voice of a shaken man speak with Ridge that she woke up. At first she listened quietly for a few moments, what else was she supposed to do?

"Sorry, boss. You told me to alert you when we found out anything on your brother." "Alright," He said as he brought his attemtion back to Russ. "What have you found out and quietly."

"We've followed him to a place called Dexter's Diner, he went in and never came out, We even went in saw no signs of him."

What was going on?! Mylia sat up slightly, feeling very annoyed. She stayed as quiet as possible and continued to listen.

"Look, he could've known you were following him, he is a training to be a Jedi. He's not stupid! I want to those kids! You can do with my brother as you wish, shoot him, hang him, push him off the tallest building if you want! But, I must have Ry-Obi and Hunter and you will bring them to me unharmed or else!" Ridge drew his arm back as if to slap the man but then stopped, as he felt someone watching him.

Mylia had been tricked this whole time. She offered to help Ridge find his long lost brother as a nice surprise, but all she was doing was help kill him and worse, get to his kids. By this time she didn't care if Ridge knew she knew about all this or not. She pulled the blanket up around her and stood, tapping her foot and staring at him. She didn't know whether to be more angry or hurt, she was played for a fool. A tear drop rolled down her cheek as she poorly attempted to control her emotions. "Well, Ridge... what do you have to say?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 8th, 2003, 03:56:44 AM
Ridge stood there for a few moment. She knew, she knew everything.

"I could explain, but I don't think you'd understand, Mylia." He said as he came back down the stairs. "My brother betrayed me and now it's my turn to hunt him down." He stepped closer.

"How can I do this, you ask? Because, it feeds the fire within me, it illuminates my entire being. My hatred, my rage, my need for revenge. Revenge on River, for he has brought this on himself. He had caused this and I'm going to be the one to finish it. It is a deed that I have yet to do and I will feel no shame for it. My uncle taught me not to feel shame for bringing one down that had caused me so much pain. And I will do just that. For you see, Miss Basque, I am a Darksider."

Ridge stepped closer again. "But, just because I'm a Darksider, doesn't mean I can't love. I have found the one I want to love and care for...it is you, Mylia."

Lady Mylia
Dec 8th, 2003, 09:49:00 PM
Mylia stood listening to Ridge, not sure what to make of all this. She was a Jedi, she could not possibly love a darksider, but she was falling hard for him.

How could someone be so set on revenge? It was such a novice idea to Mylia. "Ridge..." She paused for a moment. "I think I need to sit down."

She sat on the couch and looked up to him. Not really sure what to say. She did like Ridge, really she did. But why did he have to be a darksider?! Finally, she cleared her throat and began to speak, very calmly. "Ridge, I do like you. You being a darksider is not going to change my feelings for you, even though it is extremely hard. I just don't understand why you lied to me. Why you used me? Why do you have to seek revenge on River?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 9th, 2003, 04:58:54 AM
"This, wasn't supposed to happen. I never truly thought that I was going to fall for you the day we met, I was on a mission. A mission of revenge. So, yes, I lied and I used you to help me get to River and...I'm sorry for that."

Ridge walked over to the wet bar and poured himself a glass of red wine. As he sipped on it, he turned and looked at her. "You see, I once felt love and compassion towards a beautiful young woman, just as yourself. I vowed my life to her, our blood was never supposed to mix. She was of the Ocean clan, I was a Forrestor, interaction between clans was unthinkable. But, we met one day and all the laws didn't seem to matter, we fell in love. I knew it was wrong and so did she, but it didn't stop us. A few months later, my uncle; a darksider came to me and wanted me to learn his ways. He was rich and powerful, so I did."

Ridge sighed as he took another sip. "But, before I left...Angelina and I vowed our love to one another and when I returned, we would leave Falycin and wed." He paused. "Never happened, for when I did return ten years later, she was wed to my brother and they had children. She betrayed me with him, my own flesh and blood. At that point, I went out of my mind in a raging frenzy, my father attacked me....I killed him. Angelina, the Ocean warrior attacked me, my love, my soul....I slayed her and while that happened....River escaped with his kids. He left!" Ridge's eye burned with fury.

"He left her to die!"

Lady Mylia
Dec 10th, 2003, 05:18:27 AM
Mylia sat looking at Ridge, frightened out of her mind. What was she supposed to think? What was she supposed to do? Ridge had so much anger and hate dwelling inside him.

"Ridge, I don't know what to say... I mean... I don't know..." She looked away as another tear ran down her cheek.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 10th, 2003, 03:52:48 PM
Ridge knew he frightened her and hadn't meant too. He loved her and he'd do anything for her. He turned from her and took a deep breath. He pushed his anger into the back of his mind, he needed to calm down, but he was in the midst of losing Mylia.

That couldn't happen. Ridge took a seat on the stairs, keeping his distance. He wasn't sure what to say to her as he rubbed his temples with his fingertips trying to ease the growing headache he was having. "Mylia, I love you. I knew that the moment I saw you tonight. I felt it, but I can't help who I am. I want my niece and nephew to give them everything that River cannot. Pride and honor. I'm not planning on killing them or anything."

He looked at her. "I wish you would understand where I'm coming from, but I know you won't. I can have my driver take you back to the Order, if you'd like. And I won't bother you again."

Lady Mylia
Dec 14th, 2003, 09:08:45 PM
Mylia looked to the floor, allowing everything Ridge has said to soke in. She didn't know what to think, she knew she had feeling for Ridge, even if it wasn't love yet. She looked back up to Ridge. "But he's your brother...." She bit her lip. "I have feelings for you too, Ridge. And I do want to see you again, but I just want...." Mylia stopped, she knew she couldn't finish her question. She could never ask Ridge to do that.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 16th, 2003, 07:31:13 PM
Ridge studied her. "You wish me to redeem my ways and go to the Light Side." He shook his head. "That is something, Mylia...I just can't do. Even though I am a Darksider, doesn't mean that I don't have feelings. I know River is my brother and he knew I loved Angelina more than anything and he went after her anyway. I didn't ask for this betrayal."

Lady Mylia
Dec 17th, 2003, 05:30:12 AM
Mylia almost became offened. "No! Ridge, that's not what I was going to ask you. I can't believe you really think I would ask you to change your whole life." She looked away for a moment, pretty upset that Ridge would even think that about her. She knew that they hadn't known each other for long, but he should still have known that's not what she wanted. "All I was going to ask was for you to re-think things about your brother..." She said ratherly distantly.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 17th, 2003, 08:21:07 PM
"That's my point. He was my brother, my blood and that didn't matter to him, so it doesn't matter to me, Mylia. If your sister suddenly stole your fiance away from you, you're telling me you wouldn't want some kind of revenge, some kind of satisfaction?"

Of course not, she was a Jedi!

Lady Mylia
Dec 18th, 2003, 09:30:41 PM
Mylia looked thoughtful for a moment. Of course her Jedi side was telling her "Of course not," but her "evil" side was pulling her in the other direction. Of course she would want to do something, but death. Definately not. She looked up to Ridge. "I guess I would want something, but not death. I mean, I cherish life myself. Why would I want to take something I cherish so much?"

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 21st, 2003, 09:46:20 AM
"I cherish life for the ones I love and want to be with. The ones who bring me nothing but pain and agony...well they know where they can go and I'll take them there if need be."

His opinion wasn't helping matters, but it's how he felt, he couldn't lie about it.

"I know my ways are opposite of yours, but I'm not a darksider because I want to kill everything in sight. That is not it at all. I'm named a darksider, because I want power and riches. I have that now with company that I own, with this place and many others. I strive for it through the Force. I'm one of the wealthiest men on Coruscant and sadly enough, I can't even use my real name as head of a company I own. At Quantum, I'm known as Ridge Towers, so I won't be linked to the Kincaids at all. You, Mylia are only one of the few who know me as Ridge Kincaid."

Lady Mylia
Dec 21st, 2003, 09:37:45 PM
Mylia stared at Ridge for a few moments. "Well, Mr. Towers, how do I know one day you won't cherish me anymore and I start to bring you pain? If it was so easy for your brother to mess up, think how easy it could be for me..." Mylia trailed off not wanting to think about that, but opened her mouth too soon anyway.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 22nd, 2003, 08:16:55 PM
Ridge just stared at her for a moment, then turned away and walked out to his balcony. Things were only going from bad to worse. She'd never understand.

The fresh air would do him some good.

Lady Mylia
Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:02:15 PM
Mylia took a seat on the couch after Ridge went outside. It was a strange feeling. She didn't understand what was going on in Ridge's head and Ridge didn't understand what was going on in hers. She felt like crying, but no tears came. She just curled up into a ball and ended up falling asleep.

It wasn't until the sun was high in the sky that Mylia awoke. Ridge must have put a cover on her while she was asleep, but he was no where to be found. She stretched for a moment before getting up.

The memories of last night came flooding back and she understood why Ridge wasn't around. He must not want to see her again after that. She began to gather her things together to leave.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:25:11 PM
The front door to Ridge's suite opened and he walked in carrying a drink holder with two large flavored coffees and a small bag of blueberry scones. "Good, you're awake." He smiled as he came down the stairs.

He walked up to her put the stuff down on the table and held out a hand. "Ridge Towers/Kinciad, glad to met you. Would you care for some breakfast on the balcony, M'lass?" His grin widened playfully.

Lady Mylia
Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:59:51 PM
Mylia was a little caught off guard by Ridge's change. She smiled and took his hand. "Breakfast sounds nice, Mr. Towers/Kincaid." She said with a wink.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 26th, 2003, 06:34:22 AM
"Great, I was hoping you would say that, pretty lady." He told her as he led her to the balcony. The sun had risen some, but wasn't over the buildings yet. It was still pretty early.

He sat down the things he had and then pulled out a chair for Mylia.

"I hope you're hungry, these blueberry scones are the best. I have a shop downstairs who specializes in them, they are excellent." He told her.

Lady Mylia
Dec 26th, 2003, 03:53:55 PM
Mylia followed Ridge out with a smile the whole time. She sat down in the chair Ridge pulled out for her and took a bite of the scones. "Ummmm, they are good."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 26th, 2003, 08:30:51 PM
"They are made fresh everyday and at the end of each day, I make sure all our left overs are sent to an orphanges all over Coruscant. I make sure of it, with all my restaurants and eating galleries." He said across from her, but didn't eat. he had something else in mind for the moment and it was in his pocket.

Ridge took a hold of Mylia's free hand and gave it a warm squeeze. "I know, that there are some things that we don't agree on, there is that with all couples nowadays. But, I'm asking you to agree that we can also disagree on things and not get angry with one another."

He looked down at her hand for a moment and sighed. Looking back into her eyes, he continued. "I want a relationship with you, Mylia Basque more than anything I could ever ask for. If you would just let us have a chance. I'm sure that I'm not the first Darksider to fall for a Jedi. Nor do I think, I'll become the last. But, I'm asking you to just give this a chance, I would never hurt you, ever." He pulled a velvety box from his pocket and opened it.

"I bought this as a trinket of my feelings for you, Mylia. I do hope that you will accept it." He held it up, it was a diamond necklace on a pure gold chain.

Lady Mylia
Dec 28th, 2003, 12:34:43 PM
Mylia smiled at Ridge's generousity. He was a good person, for the most part. She listened as he spoke and she nodded in agreement with him. "I think that sounds like a good idea, no getting angry."

Mylia's eyes grew wide as Ridge opened up the box and revealed the necklace. "Oh, Ridge... it's beautiful..." Mylia trailed off. She could barely believe what was happening. She wanted to be with Ridge as well and there was no way she could turn him down. She leaned in to kiss him. "Ridge, I'd love to give it a chance."

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 29th, 2003, 07:36:08 AM
He kissed her gently as he stood and walked behind her. He placed the necklace upon her and fastened it.

Ridge smiled and sighed deeply as he knelt beside her. "It looks perfect, I knew it would. You look like a princess and that is how you'll be treated, Mylia. Just like a princess." He took her hand gently in his and kissed it. "I can give you anything that you dream of for just one thing in return. Your caring heart."

Lady Mylia
Dec 29th, 2003, 10:43:37 AM
Mylia smiled and ran her finger over the necklace as Ridge placed it around her neck. It was not like she was not used to this sort of jewelry, but not from a man. Usually it was her mother that showered her with gifts, this was quiet a change.

She looked up to Ridge. "As of now, you have my heart." She kissed him again.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Dec 29th, 2003, 09:46:49 PM
Ridge was beaming as he took her into his arms in a warm embrace. "I'm so thankful for you, Mylia." He told her as he held her tight.

Lady Mylia
Dec 30th, 2003, 08:51:51 PM
Mylia smiled to Ridge. "I know." She said with a wink.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 1st, 2004, 01:46:43 PM
"I was thinking that after breakfast I could drop you off at the Order for a few hours and then I could pick you up again this evening and we'll go somewhere else. How does that sound?" He asked as he looked down at her.

Lady Mylia
Jan 2nd, 2004, 11:04:20 AM
Mylia nodded. "That sounds perfectly okay with me. I have a little bit of training to do, not to much." She smiled, this was beginning to be such a good thing.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 3rd, 2004, 07:53:54 AM
Ridge smiled and nodded. "Good. How would you like to attend a fancy gala tonight called the First Annual Rose De'Jour Ball? There will be alot of high pretigous people there. Anyone who is anyone will be attending. I usually don't attend such things, but with this most beautiful woman by my side, how could I not? It's down town at the Renaissance Hotel and Casino. The entire place is supposed to be rented out jus tfor this gala. Dinner, dancing, gambling...which I know you just love." He added with a smile. "Would you like to go?"

Lady Mylia
Jan 3rd, 2004, 11:30:41 PM
Mylia nodded and smiled. It seemed like she was going back to her old life, who knows, her mother might even be attending. She smiled, maybe Ridge could meet her mother. "Sounds nice. My mother might even be there, if anyone who is anyone will be there." Mylia had never mentioned her mother to Ridge before, but she knew that her mother would be happy with Ridge. He could support her, that would be important to Lexanna.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 07:45:19 AM
Ridge's eyes brows raised. "Your mother? Who is your mother?"

Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:44:34 AM
Mylia smiled slightly. "Lexanna Basque, but let's no worry about that now. I'm sure you'll be able to meet her tonight." She leaned over and gave him a kiss of the cheek as she finished up her scone.

Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:50:22 AM
Ridge nodded with a smile. "Sounds very nice indeed. When we're finished here, I'll just call my driver."

It wasn't long before the two of them were on their way back to the Jedi Order.

The limo pulled up next to the curb and Ridge got out. He helped Mylia exit and took both of her hands in his and gave them a gentle squeeze. "I'll be back this evening around seven. I can't wait to see you tonight." He gently kissed her lips and smiled as he backed away.

"Until tonight, Mylia." Ridge called as he got back into his limo and the door closed. A few moments later, he was gone.

Lady Mylia
Jan 4th, 2004, 09:57:49 AM
Mylia watched as Ridge drove off. A smile crossed her face. Tonight was going to be a fun night. Tonight she would allow Ridge into her past, let him have a glimpse of what her life was like before the Order. She only hoped that he would be okay with it.