View Full Version : Somethings just make me want to laugh

Oct 4th, 2003, 07:05:40 AM
Book me a ticket straight to hell because this made me laugh.

Roy of 'Siegfried & Roy' critical after mauling
Saturday, October 4, 2003 Posted: 7:20 AM EDT (1120 GMT)

(CNN) -- A nine-year-old white tiger attacked Roy Horn of 'Siegfried & Roy' during a Friday night performance on the Las Vegas strip -- the tiger's first time on stage, and the trainer's 59th birthday.

Horn was listed as critical Saturday, according to the University Medical Center for emergency surgery's recorded message service, updated at 2:30 a.m. (5:30 a.m. ET).

The tiger lunged at Horn's neck about half-way through the show, and dragged him off stage, audience members said. "He looked like a rag doll in his mouth," said Kirk Baser, from Pennsylvania.

Emergency officials arrived at the MGM Mirage Hotel-Casino around 8:20 p.m. (11:20 p.m. ET), and treated Horn for massive blood loss before he was rushed to University Medical Center for emergency surgery.

Horn was talking at the time emergency workers arrived, but had trouble breathing, Clark County Fire spokesman Bob Leinbach said.

Horn, the darker-haired member of 'Siegfried & Roy', was born in Nordenham, Germany on October 3, 1944. Combining magic with tiger stunts, the flamboyant duo has performed on the Las Vegas strip for nearly 30 years.

The tiger that attacked Horn is currently in quarantine and no one else was injured in the attack, according to MGM Mirage spokesman Alan Feldman.

Audience members were shocked to realize the attack was not part of an illusion or magic trick.

Amy Sherman, who was sitting in the front row with her mother about 10 yards away from the stage, said the attack happened right after Horn introduced the tiger, saying it was the animal's first performance.

"Right after that, the tiger kind of turned its head and bit him on the arm," Sherman said. "Roy started taking a microphone and started whapping the tiger on the head."

The tiger, who was on a short leash, then dragged Horn to the ground and they struggled before the tiger dragged him behind a curtain by his neck, she said. Trainers on stage rushed to aid Horn, trying to subdue the tiger.

"We just heard all this commotion behind the curtain and you could hear Roy scream," Sherman said. "Everyone at our table was kind of looking at each other, like 'Oh my God,'" she said.

After about a minute, which Sherman's mother said seemed like forever, Siegfried appeared on stage.

"You could tell he was really shook up, and he just said, 'I'm sorry but the show is over, and you know, the show has been canceled'" Joyce Edenholl said.

"Everyone there I think , thought it was part of the act, because no one really freaked out," Kirk Baser said. "When it grabbed him and dragged him off the stage, I thought maybe it was like some magic trick where they switch a rag doll or something."

A group of Australians said they witnessed the attack from the front row of the crowded theater, and also thought it was just part of the show.

"A lady ran past me, freaking out and it was then I sort of, in the back of my mind, thought now this isn't part of the show," said David Strudwick. "And then you look at the staff and they had a bit of horror in their eyes and ... it was like, wait a second, it may not be a part of the show."

I'm just sick.:evil

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 4th, 2003, 07:18:15 AM
I dont get this...

You get furious because someone objects to another persons skin color but yet you think its funny when a man is almost killed?


Dasquian Belargic
Oct 4th, 2003, 07:23:40 AM
It's their fault for making the tiger do tricks/etc.

I thought maybe it was like some magic trick where they switch a rag doll or something

:lol haha

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 4th, 2003, 07:36:06 AM
That's terrible..I've been to Vegas about 5 different times and I've yet to see one of their shows, but I know it's one of the best ones out there. I usually don't have time, gambling on machines too much, who has time?

But, really hope the guy is okay...

Oct 4th, 2003, 08:39:02 AM
Oh man. This sounds like something that happened on the Simpsons or something. I guess eventually playing with a predatory beast like a tiger is bound to bite you in the butt----er....neck. Whatever.

Jinn Fizz
Oct 4th, 2003, 08:43:47 AM
I've been to Vegas many times, and I've always wanted to see Siegfried and Roy. I've seen one of their tigers on display (pretty kitty! :)) at the Mirage, but never the show. It seems like we never get our act together and make reservations.

It was definitely ironic that this happened to Roy, but I have to agree that it's not laughable. Siegfried and Roy have a good reputation and love their tigers. Roy's lucky to be alive, because it sounds like his throat was damn near torn out. While some people might call it poetic justice, I call it sad and frightening. I hope he survives and does well, and that he and Siegfried are able to return to the stage at the Mirage.

Darth Viscera
Oct 4th, 2003, 10:43:32 AM
If and when Roy gets better, I want to see him torture that stupid cat to death on stage. Maybe drop the thing into a pool with electric eels, because I know cats hate water and, uh, being electrocuted.

I'm glad that my cats are very small and very subdued.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 4th, 2003, 11:12:53 AM
Tigers love the water...theyre one of the few feline species who do.

I wouldnt punish the animal...it was probably scared of all the people, but I sure wouldnt use it to perform any more. :uhoh

Oct 4th, 2003, 01:03:44 PM
I hate what happened to ole' Roy, BUT if you play with fire long enough you WILL get Burned:\

Oct 4th, 2003, 02:24:22 PM
Originally posted by JMK
Oh man. This sounds like something that happened on the Simpsons or something. I guess eventually playing with a predatory beast like a tiger is bound to bite you in the butt----er....neck. Whatever.

That was my initial reaction. Sigfried and Roy are laughable to look at sometimes. They freak me out. I saw that headline and I laughed out loud. Of course I don't want the guy to be hurt. If he were to die it would be tragic. It's just the intial vision of a sequenced Roy with more chemicals in his hair than a chem lab having a tiger turn on him......
I'm just EVIL.

Jinn Fizz
Oct 4th, 2003, 02:35:19 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
If and when Roy gets better, I want to see him torture that stupid cat to death on stage. Maybe drop the thing into a pool with electric eels, because I know cats hate water and, uh, being electrocuted.

Now that's an incredibly heartless and cruel thing to say :verymad. Tigers are majestic animals, and from what I've heard and read about Siegfried and Roy, they love their tigers and take very good care of them. They would never take any kind of revenge on any of their tigers for doing what instinct led it to do. I'm willing to predict right now that when Roy recovers and first speaks out to address this terrible event, he will speak kindly of the tiger and say he doesn't blame the animal at all.

According to the reports I've read, this was this particular tiger's first appearance on stage in the show, and it was probably terribly frightened. Unfortunately, instinct made it take that fright out on Roy. It may have ultimately been untrainable, which is also something that happens sometimes...not each animal is responsive to training, but it just may not have been fully apparent with this one until it was too late. I think it's an extremely safe bet that that particular tiger's first onstage appearance will also prove to have been its last.

Darth Viscera
Oct 4th, 2003, 04:43:23 PM
Funny, I don't feel like a heartless and cruel person. Vengeful against beasts that try to kill humans, yes. Cruel, no.

Oct 4th, 2003, 05:24:58 PM
The tiger will probably be sacrified, I think it's mandated by the Fedearl Government that any animal that attacks a human must be sacrified.

I know this, because my mom manages our state zoo and they had an incident with a jaguar, which had to be sacrified.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 4th, 2003, 05:26:33 PM
Wow I do hope he pulls through.

Siegfried and Roy have a good reputation and love their tigers.
Yes, I heard that rumor too :x

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 4th, 2003, 08:24:28 PM
I am not sure they shouldn't really kill the animal, why don't they just give it to a Zoo or something it won't be involved in performing then.

Ardath Bey
Oct 4th, 2003, 08:40:33 PM
Siegfried and Roy haven't done anything to hurt anyone (besides they're bad hair days. But there remains a risk performing with trained wild animals. There is always a chance of the animal turning or regressing.

I hope Roy pulls through 100%. Can't fault a wild animal, can you though? No.

Jinn Fizz
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:19:59 AM
Well, those people who object to what Siegfried and Roy have done for over 35 years may get your wish...the future of their show is very much in doubt now, and it has been suggested to their crew that they explore their "career options."


This article also gives information that suggests Roy's survival is still very much in doubt, and if he does survive, he might be permanently disabled. :(

There's also one more factoid in the article that I found interesting...I thought the tiger that attacked him was making its first appearance in the show, but no, it's been with them for years.