View Full Version : Round the back f the club

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 4th, 2003, 05:53:37 AM
Byr Genar-Hofoen, the rebel Jawa, waited anxiously for Inyos Hei'aan and Cordu-Ji, with a package behind his back.

Occassionally someone would walk by, and the Jawa would retreat into the shadows. Then the worst possible thing happened, a bunch of mean looking Jawas passed his spot numerous times, knowing that ten minutes was nearly up, Byr hoped that Inyos and Cordu-Ji would show up soon otherwise there would be no meeting at all.

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 5th, 2003, 12:30:52 PM
Suddenly Byr heard a loud stomping noise, retreating into the shadows even deeper, he saw one of the bouncers walk up to the Jawa group near him. He heard the bouncers rumbling deep voice, "what are you scum doing round here, get out now, and don't show your head again.

In a flick of cloaks, the Jawa group disappeared to the entrance. The bouncer then turned round and gave a deep smell of the air, "smell awful these Jawa, I'll get someone to clean up."

For a minute there, Byr thought that he, Inyos and Cordu-Ji, would never meet.

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 5th, 2003, 02:24:11 PM
Inyos made his way slowly towards the meeting place, his hand ready to grab the nearest blaster, his less than adept Force powers reaching out into the shadows around him, searching for that crucial moments notice that could save his life. Behind him, Codru-Ji seemed at least as prepared.

"Just up here," Inyos muttered, more to himself than anyone else. "About five..."

"Son of a Sith!" Inyos yelled, as a Jawa Ionization Blaster smacked him solidly on his knee. "What the...?" His voice suddenly dropped to a slightly less audable tone, as the nearest bouncer glared at him suspiciously. "What was that for?" he asked, in as close to a threatening manner as he could manage to produce with a whisper.

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 6th, 2003, 09:47:22 AM
"Sorry Inyos, just that I have some good news and I need your attention quick," said Byr in a whisper. "I know where my ship is, but it is heavily guarded. Except for the waste vent shaft port, its abot a a metre high. So do you want a ship now. I have the securit cards ec. on me now. So what do you say are you up for it?"

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:09:27 AM
Inyos stared blankly. "Hang on a second...processing new information." He waited for half a moment before his attention returned to the real world.

"Let me get this straight...you have a ship, but it's guarded. There's a way in, but it's very small..." Inyos frowned. "Who's guarding your ship? And why?"

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:27:13 AM
"Its the ship I sold," said Byr shielding his eyes. "I know all entrances, the Zetetic Elench is the ship I found. The big mans bodyguards are looking after it, there's about 5 of them sleeping. I'll meet you there."

Byr put his hand in his top black travelling cloak and pulled out a brown package and handed it to Inyos. With a quick look at Inyos' confused look, Byr said, "security etc. just state your names as Inyos and Cordu-ji if the red light is on above the door, by then I should have you cleared. The ship is up the street by the club, you can't miss it, its fairly big, and black."

With a swish of his cloak Byr went off dodging the shadows.