View Full Version : Immortal Nightmare: When Justice is Defined by Evil

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 3rd, 2003, 09:53:03 PM
The fog had rolled in so quickly, it almost seemed unnatural.

"I need one volunteer per barn, guys. We've got a lot of animals out there yet." Dr. Trovey announced as a wagon full of Refuge animals were unloaded and placed into a holding corral. The Refuge had six large housing barns with twenty stalls each.

Bring a Friday evening at the Wildside Animal Refuge, not many volunteered.

Infact, only three.

Padawan Learner, Quay'Na Rakai was one of them as she stepped forward. "I'll stay." She called along with two others.

"Quay, I can't.' Mylia told her.

"Don't worry about it, Mylia. Sene had a headache earlier, so it's not likely we're going anywhere. Maybe I'll call him up and have him come out here later. It should only be a few hours."

"Ok, if you're sure," came the response.

"I am, now go on. You're supposed to go meet Ridge. Don't keep him waiting." She smiled as she turned and walked towards the corral with the other two volunteers, Ryn and Justin.

Ian looked at the three of them, "can you three handle all six barns?"

"Looks like we'll have too, Sir.' Ryn answered with a frown as the rest of the group headed for the bus stop to go home.

"I'll have Jan bring you out something for supper than, we've got lot's of work to do." He told them from his mount on a Gualama. He looked at the other seven zoologists upon their mounts, three with wagons. "Let's go!" He heeded them and turned his Gualama towards the ten acre grasslands.

They were gone instantly, the fog seemed to swallow them up, only echos of voices and Gualama calls could be heard.

Justin, a vet intern looked looked at Quay'Na and Ryn. "Quay, you want the first two barns?"

She nodded. "Yeah, that's fine." She told him as she walked into the corral with a lead leash and slowly went up to her first animal to return to Barn two. A friendly Tusk-cat named, Ben." Hooking on the lead, she led him from the corral and to the correct barn.

It was dark and eerie with the fog in such a way, but Quay'Na shrugged it off as she entered the barn and found Ben's stall. She took him in and took off the lead, she prceeded to do this with a number of animals and soon had at least six animals where they belonged. The zoologists hadn't returned yet with another load, so Quay'Na proceeded to go ahead and feed and water the animals she had brought in.

The Padawan had just entered one of the stalls when several of the animals seemed startled or scared and became very restless, moving around nervously in their stalls.

Ben, had even begun to kick at his door. "Guys, calm down..." She said as she nearly got trampled by a Guarlara, a huge horse-like creature with a large bushy tail and horns.

They animals chattered nervously as the lights flickered for a couple of seconds. "What the..." Quay'Na's eyes widened in shock as she looked at a dark, shadowy figure standing in the doorway of the barn....