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Oct 3rd, 2003, 09:27:12 PM
Hospital Apologizes for Racial Incident

ABINGTON, Pa. (AP) - A suburban Philadelphia hospital apologized to employees for complying with a man's demand that no black staff members assist in the delivery of his child.

Abington Memorial Hospital supervisors kept black staff members, including doctors and nurses, from entering the room of the man's wife for several days last month, a decision called ``morally reprehensible'' by hospital president Richard L. Jones Jr.

Meg McGoldrick, the hospital's vice president, said the supervisors were trying to avoid a confrontation with the patient's husband, but were wrong to accommodate his wishes.

``The whole incident has greatly upset many of our employees,'' she said.

The patient and her husband could not be identified because of privacy laws.

A hospital spokeswoman would not say whether any disciplinary action would be taken against staff members.

That newborn's got the deck stacked against him. Great way to bring your child into the world. Nimrods.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:10:49 PM
I have to agree. That's really stupid. I don't know who was the bigger idiot: the man for being ignorant enough to judge some of the staff based on their skin color, or the people in charge that indulged his wishes.

Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:24:29 PM
Now that I think about it, let's not judge this couple too harshly. Why I myself had certain demands during the delivery of my 3 children. Under no circumstances were hospital staff members with the letter G in their name to be allowed anywhere near my wife or newborn. People with the letter G in their name are EVIL. And Niners fans had to keep their distance as well.

Again, freakin' NIMRODS.

Darth Viscera
Oct 4th, 2003, 01:38:54 AM
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei
I have to agree. That's really stupid. I don't know who was the bigger idiot: the man for being ignorant enough to judge some of the staff based on their skin color, or the people in charge that indulged his wishes.

The ignorant man was the bigger idiot, for trying to start a scene in a hospital. Hospital staff members are busy people, with more important things to worry about than dealing with some lone jerk's hateful idiosyncrasies. What an idiot this guy must be, trying to jeopardize his unborn child's health by poisoning the atmosphere during its delivery.

Tactless and racist. Bad combination. I mean, you'd think that even racist people should have their priorities in order. Maybe he's a psychotic.

Oct 4th, 2003, 02:47:08 AM
Walks a fine line, sorry to say.

In the end, it should be the patient's say, but I think that if they wanted such a request, then it should be granted, if it posed no threat to the mother or child. Accomodating patient request is not the same as mandating policy for everyone.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 4th, 2003, 03:42:28 AM
In the end, I think anyone who makes a request like that should have their heads examined. Patient requests are one thing: I want green jello only, or, I want to make sure I go to a hospital that had private rooms during the delivery.

People go to hospitals, tour them, and make sure everything is set up for their baby to come into the world. There is no reason that they couldn't have gone and found an "all white" hospital - oh wait I forgot, this is 2003!! We're fully integrated EVERYWHERE.

I guess that racist <smallfont color=#FF0000>-BUTT-</smallfont> should have been SOL then.

Oct 4th, 2003, 05:56:40 AM
Originally posted by Agent Charley
Walks a fine line, sorry to say.

In the end, it should be the patient's say, but I think that if they wanted such a request, then it should be granted, if it posed no threat to the mother or child. Accomodating patient request is not the same as mandating policy for everyone.

It walks a line between bald face racism and... BALD FACE RACISM. That's about as fine as it gets. That wasn't even remotely a legitimate request. It more than likely caused the hospital to alter schedules and staff. Anyone who's been to a delivery room knows that things can get hectic pretty quickly. My second child was delivered by a nurse because a doctor couldn't get down 2 flights of stairs. Patients have rights, but race requests aren't one of them. The hospital administrator should have stood his ground and forced this bigoted idiot to go the distance and make his case publicly.

a decision called ``morally reprehensible'' by hospital president Richard L. Jones Jr.
That should have come out of the hospital's mouth the second this bigot made his request. Then he could have stood up and made his case. My guess is that if this fool would have been asked to explain himself he would have backed down. Better yet, I would have loved to have seen him stand up in front of a TV camera, hospital staff and/or his community and make an jagoff of himself. If he caused a scene at the hospital then he should have been tossed out by security. That's what they're there for.

"I have the right to be a bigot! The hospital has to bend over backwards so I don't have any of these colored people touching my wife and kid!" Yep, that's what he should have been made to do. That would have been PRICELESS.

If I were the hospital administrator I would have asked myself this question; "Do I accomodate racism, thereby insulting the people who work for me. The people who show up everyday to help save lives and care for the sick, or do I FIGHT racism?" I would have denied this bigot's request. "Go to another hospital, or better yet, hire an attorney and expose your opinions to everyone around you in a court of law."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 4th, 2003, 07:13:30 AM
I agree with Charley that it was the couples right to have who they wanted present......

.................................................. .however..............

.................................................. ..........................................that the hospital went along with it, is amazing in itself. I would think such an action might leave them open to lawsuits from the black workers.

Oct 4th, 2003, 08:47:14 AM
I think that guy should get locked in a room for 5 minutes with Lennox Lewis.

Oct 4th, 2003, 08:53:17 AM
Why? All Lewis does these days is grab people and wait until the referee breaks it up :)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 4th, 2003, 09:09:18 AM
I dont like spiders. Does that mean I need to be locked up with them?

If the guy doesnt like black people, then he doesnt like them. You cant force it on him. Its a way of thinking...beating him wouldnt change that.

Oct 4th, 2003, 09:57:38 AM
Oh come on! Are you comparing a dislike for an household pest to RACISM? You need to do better than that.

Oct 4th, 2003, 10:16:37 AM
JMK, calm down. Think for one minute before you jump on her rear. This is America - even though we may be disgusted with it, he has the right to hate black people. You have the right to not like anything you want.

In my job, I get requests that go like this: "Are there a lot of Mexicans there? Can you tell me where there are less Mexicans, so I can go there?"

We're trained to say, "We do not keep demographic information - I can only show you what is available." In other words, we can't respond to such requests.

In the medical field it may be different, since you do know what color all workers are. I would have responded by saying "qualified personnel will help with the delivery of your child, we can not prevent someone from working because of the color of their skin, due to discrimination laws."

If the guy didn't like it, he was welcome to take his pregnant wife to another hospital - which isn't likely.

The hospital would have had NO problem refusing his request, while accomodating it did present problems. They didn't refuse him medical help, and that's all they're required to do.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 4th, 2003, 10:17:31 AM
No, Im not. What I was pointing out is that you cant force someone to accept or like something they refuse to. Basically though, its the same premise.

imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 4th, 2003, 10:43:54 AM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Why? All Lewis does these days is grab people and wait until the referee breaks it up :)
I hope you're not referring to his fight with Tyson?

Jedi Master Carr
Oct 4th, 2003, 11:22:08 AM
Well I think the incident is dispicable. I don't like racisim sure they have the right not to like who they want but I don't think we should bend over backwards to do such requests.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 4th, 2003, 11:52:41 AM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
I mean, you'd think that even racist people should have their priorities in order.

This is what I was thinking when I read the article. If I were in the man's place, I'd be doing whatever it took to get my wife and unborn child some help. Black, white, what's the difference as long as the person is trained and qualified to get the job done.

Oct 4th, 2003, 12:04:10 PM
Originally posted by Grev Drasen
I hope you're not referring to his fight with Tyson?
Most of his fights are the same. He cuddles for 90% of the fight, punches for 10 :)

Oct 4th, 2003, 01:54:49 PM
Who peed in EB(s) cornflakes!!:Poke

I can top EB(s) story:D

this is really not racist BUT pretty dam6 STUPID

I worked in a the E.R at a hospital back home for awhile. The week before I got promted to the business office we had a guy and his daughter rush in the E>R emegency door. The girl was bleeding VERY badly from her private place. I did not hear all the convo but the jist was the girls father Only wanted a black doctor to see his daughter.(oh btw they were black). Anyway we had no black doctor. The man started screaming and cussing about no black doc's. I saw the man walking down the E.R hall way carring his daughterwith nurses following him Pleading with him to get her back or she is going to bleed to death.Well anyway he left. to make the story short. He took his daughter (who btw was mentally retarted) to the other hospital and thank goodness she was ok. well the next week , I'm in the business office and I over hear the fact that the hospital is going to be sued becuase we refused a atient because they were Black. Course i'm thinkng thats B>S cause that's 65 % of our E.R business. well turns out to be the same guy. well the hospital never got sued and the man is in jail for molesting hi daughter with THINGS(if you get my meaning. Turns out he didn't not want a white Doctor because he hates whites. He really wanted a Black doctor because (in his words) Brother doctors ain't as nosey as the whites.

Oct 4th, 2003, 02:05:07 PM
I do have a racist story from my home town . There was a black family that moved into a white and fairly upper class area. well about a month of the family living in the area there house got spary painted on. what was spray painted on it was F--k you Ni--ers. well of course this set off a huge backlash by the blacks towards the whites in town. well turns out that the Black family Painted there house themselves. they were looking to sue . Also a show 20/20 or 60 minutes had a show almost exactly about the same thing.

why do I bring this up? just to say ,JUST because someone screams rasicm does not mean it has happened. There are I'd say MANY people called racist who are innocent. There are many blacks out there that know all they have to do is cry racism and they are set ie... Denny's

which is sad because if someone truly does a racist act I think they should be delt with harshly white or black.And soon it will be hard to tell who is telling the truth or just crying wolf.

Oct 4th, 2003, 02:21:13 PM
Ignorant bigots do not have the right to deny me a right to make a living. Imagine if hospitals and schools across the country allowed their patrons to make decisions based on the race or gender of their employees. Why the hell would a hospital hire a black doctor if they knew some of their clients were going to demand that he not be allowed to work on them? That bigot took money out of someone’s pocket because of his ignorance. Whether it was a nurse who might have lost a shift, or a doctor that lost a couple grand because he wasn’t allowed to deliver that baby.

Don’t want your kids to be educated by a Hispanic teacher? Tough. Homeschool them or pay for a private school that is colored the way you want it. Your ignorance will not deny ME the right to earn a living. Wake up and join the rest of the world in the 21st century. Schools and hospitals get plenty of local, state, and federal money to keep them running. I’m pretty sure that money is tied into anti-discrimination policies. So go to court if you want. You’ll announce your bigotry to the world and lose in the process.

Ignorant, bigoted, nimrods.

Jinn Fizz
Oct 4th, 2003, 02:25:09 PM
I worked in both an extended care facility and an acute care hospital for a few years before I was able to shift over to working in a doctor's office setting. I saw my share of patients who weren't always thrilled with having people of different races or cultures taking care of them...due to the part of California I live in, it was mostly Filipinos and Hispanics who were the brunt of these kinds of comments. Every time the patient involved was an older person who was very set in their ways, but the good news is, I never once had a patient demand that only staff members of their same race take care of them.

In some ways, the hospital involved in this story was in a no-win situation. No matter which decision they made, they were bound to be criticized for it by one person or another. Personally, though, I wish they'd just told this jerk to suck it up and deal with it, because, as it was, the most important thing at the moment was the health and survival of his wife and his soon-to-be-born child.

It's people like this that I'd like to pose these kinds of questions to...hey, dude, what if your wife had a postpartum hemorrhage and needed a transfusion, and the only donor available was a black person? What if your baby was ill and needed to be seen by a neonatologist, and the only one available was black? What if your heart was failing and the only transplantable organ available was from a black person? Things like that, y'know. It would be very interesting to hear what this racist fool's responses would be.

I also feel very sorry for the child who was born into this. What a pity he's going to be raised by such an ignorant father.

BUFFJEDI, that story you told about what you witnessed in the ER was chilling. I hope that man never sees the light of day for what he did. >_<

Oct 4th, 2003, 02:42:47 PM
yeah , jinn that's one of the most ....words just can't explain.

Eb(s) sad fact is it will alway's be this way until the end of time. Granted we all have come along way, but there is still miles to go.

Btw:Of course none of my business at all BUT did something happen at your school ?? your normally very leave headed unless someone really pushe's you.

imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 4th, 2003, 03:28:13 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Most of his fights are the same. He cuddles for 90% of the fight, punches for 10 :)
That's laughable. Lewis is a smart boxer, which is why he's at the top of the sport. And if you would've watched the Tyson fight you would have seen Tyson doing more cuddling than anybody else.

Oct 4th, 2003, 04:13:49 PM
Originally posted by Grev Drasen
That's laughable. Lewis is a smart boxer, which is why he's at the top of the sport. And if you would've watched the Tyson fight you would have seen Tyson doing more cuddling than anybody else.
Are you sure Tyson wanted a cuddle, not a snack? ;)