View Full Version : Je'gan...

Lady Vader
Oct 3rd, 2003, 02:49:36 PM
You are hereby called to stand before the Elders of the Sith Order.

The message was short and simple and very much to the point. What Je'gan had done needed discussing, and if he did not show himself within the alotted time, then he would be sent for... forcibly.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 3rd, 2003, 02:59:54 PM
"I'm here."

A short question deserved a short answer, to his mind...and he was here.

Lady Vader
Oct 3rd, 2003, 03:42:52 PM
*LV folded her arms across her chest as she regarded the young man from where she stood.*

We have heard disturbing reports of your ventures, Je'gan. We are giving you this opportunity to come clean of them...

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 4th, 2003, 10:19:51 PM
The young man shrugged slightly, then met and held Lady Vader's gaze. His best and only bet seemed to be to tell the absolute, total truth, which he proceeded to do.

"At first my training seemed to me to be slower than absolutely necessary," he began. "Every week or two, then, I would go out to Coronet or its outskirts in an attempt to...mmm...give my day-to-day life a little substance.

"After about a month, I decided on a whim to visit Coruscant for the weekend. This was for two purposes; one, I have some distant relatives there who I wished to see, and two; that while I may be young and nowhere near the level where I could challenge a Jedi Knight, I do have such minor abilities as could allow me to cause a little chaos here and there. The practice these expeditions would afford me was also greatly to be desired.

"On my first expedition I encountered a Jedi Master by the name of Satine Capashen. We fought blade-to-blade up to a standstill, although with his superior mastery of the Force he could likely have killed me at any time. I can draw no further conclusions.

"I then visited my cousins, and on the way to return here encountered Lord Malice and several other Force Adepts, who were engaged in an escalating confrontation over a girl of Bpfasshi decent. This girl, it appeared, possessed enough latent abilities to have struck at Lord Malice; he was in the process of exacting revenge when I suggested that she be brought here for retraining. He accepted. At this point the confrontation turned into a rather sizeable battle, and in the confusion a woman named Sorsha Kasajian took the girl.

"My training became faster, but for one reason or another I returned to Coruscant within two weeks. I engaged myself in baiting a Jedi apprentice, a draconian shapeshifter, who seemed to have the seeds of something greater buried deep within him. We had established a sort of rapport when a third figure appeared; cloaked, hooded and totally unrecognizable. This figure entered our discussion for a short time, then revealed herself to be Kasajian, and attacked the Jedi boy with some sort of poisonous spray. To my mind at the time, it looked like I had been making headway with the boy - I still think so, too - and she was rather rudely interrupting it. We fought; me, Kasajian and a humanoid creature with several legs. I killed the creature, but another player entered. She was an ally of Kasajian, that much was plain, but I haven't been able to identify her as yet. The only thing I know about her for sure is that she's a Dark Mistress, around as powerful as Kasajian seemed, and I decided at this point to simply leave. Oddly enough, they let me, and they kept the Jedi in their custody.

"The third time I went to Coruscant, I was in the process of hunting down another Jedi apprentice when I found a vagrant who seemed alone, lost, confused if not amnesiac, and to possess a slight Force potential. At this point two alternatives came to mind; bring her here, or take her to the Jedi." Gulping slightly, he hurried on to explain.

"Her potential looked very minor indeed, hardly worth the effort of bringing her to Corellia. Her circumstances and general mental state practically screamed that she would be utterly useless as a warrior, or indeed in any practical capacity.

"The other alternative began to look more and more inviting, for many reasons. First, she actually was in need of help, and as she wasn't in my way in the slightest I saw no reason why not to give it to her, by taking her where the voices she heard would be quietest-the Jedi Temple. Second, her potential was so minor and her psyche so damaged that she could never become a threat to us. Third, and this was the main reason I did what I did, she now has a clear recollection of being rescued, helped and couriered at personal risk by a member of TSO. The standard shavvit that the Jedi will teach her names us as 'evil'...she now has concrete evidence 'otherwise'. In effect, I believe I planted a tiny worm inside the tree of the Greater Jedi Order.

"I saw the incident as minor and rather harmless - to us at any rate - and writing it all off, decided to return here. On the way I was accosted by a odd bald Jedi, we fought, and I ended up on my transport a mere five minutes late. Sadly enough, though, he isn't dead, at least not to my knowledge.

"If any of the above is grounds for my punishment in any way you deem fit, my apologies, I'll accept the punishment, and I shall not let my mistake occur again." A rather ghastly list began to run through his head. Censure, confinement, exile, stripping the Force from me, death, censure, confinement... With visible effort he damped it down and awaited the Council's responses.

Darth Vader
Oct 6th, 2003, 05:33:42 PM
"You deserve death."

Terse words from the Dark Lord, who remained silent afterwards, and looked to LV.

Lady Vader
Oct 6th, 2003, 05:46:45 PM
*LV shifted her eyes from the Dark Lord back to Je'gan. If anything, Vader was quick and to the point, and always seemingly craving death and destruction; signs of a true Sith.*

Je'gan, while your actions may yeild fruits for the Order in the future, it is in the here and now that we are to focus our strengths. We are concerned how you did not act as a Sith does, but rather as a Jedi would. This is disturbing to us.

*She looked to Vader.*

Perhaps not death, as he has not marred the name of the Order, but another suitable punishment?

Makoto Neo
Oct 6th, 2003, 08:45:46 PM
"If I may interject, Lord and Mi'lady Vader," Mako stepped out from the shadows residing in the chamber door's wake, "If Apprentice Je'gan is in question of his alliances, should he not run a... gauntlet of his peers? Should he past through, then mayhaps he still one of ours."

Oct 14th, 2003, 01:43:33 AM
“Or perhaps not.”

Warlock focused upon Je’gan gaze unwavering.

“A more fitting punishment, I propose. Apprentice Je’gan must go to the Jedi Order… befriend one of its members, lull them into the belief that he is a trusted and close ally and then… in the cruelest of fashions… betray them.”

Lady Vader
Oct 15th, 2003, 01:03:32 PM
*LV looked to Warlock, slowly smiling at his suggestion. She nodded her head in approval.*

Your suggestion is very appropriate for this situation, Warlock.

*She looked back at Je'Gan.*

Very well. Je'gan, you will do as Warlock as suggested.

*She pointed a finger at him.*

Do not fail.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 15th, 2003, 04:41:37 PM
Completely in control, Je'gan drew himself up straight, then bowed deeply to the Council, and to Warlock.

"This oath I swear, Lady Vader...be my blood as a saber's flame within my veins, if I do not succeed."