View Full Version : Status on my Exile

Park Kraken
Oct 3rd, 2003, 09:03:16 AM
::Kraken strode into the long range communications room aboard the Star Destroyer Illoustrious, and turned on the holocomm. He then knelt down, and signaled that the communications head for both the Super Star Destroyer, and Grand Admiral Desaria's palace on Thyferra. Whichever he was at, Kraken was soon to find out. He keyed in the personal encrypt that only Desaria knew how to unlock, then spoke.::

"This is Admiral Kraken. Grand Admiral Desaria, I have a report ready of what I have accomplished in the unknown regions." said Admiral Kraken.

Park Kraken
Oct 9th, 2003, 05:55:47 PM
Dates: OOC:
10/18/03 The SS-01 Station is fully operational
10/25/03 The Osiris system is fully capable of warship construction.
Halloween: ships are laid down at both SS-01, and Osiris:
SS-01: Four Carrack Cruisers will be laid down. Each ship will be completed in two weeks, making total construction time 2 months OOC.
Osiris: two Imperial Star Destroyers Mk3 are laid down: each will take one OOC month to complete. Total construction tme 2 months OOC.