View Full Version : Sudden Impact: Death of a Padawan (Open)

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 2nd, 2003, 05:17:28 AM
Jacali Danner smiled as she sat alone on the front steps of the Jedi Temple on a crisp, cool morning. The sun hitting her light features and a cool breeze blowing through her strawberry-blonde hair.

Never in her life had she thought of the feeling of being free, until recently. The nightmare was over and Jacali had gained her freedom. All was well as she waited for her best friend to arrive to go to Yog's Bar and grill. She and Mylia were a duo of sorts one could say. They were best friends, were under the same master and where one of them was the other wasn't far behind.

Master Dasquian was planning a mission for the two of them in the near future, so that would be awesome. Some time away from Coruscant, it would be very cool.

With a smile on her face, she watched the busy street. Speeders and people were everywhere bustling about their business and whatnot. It was just these simple times that Jacali had taken for granted and hadn't realized it until she was under lock and key. It had been quite a wakeup call. But, all that was behind her now and she wouldn't take it for granted again.

The young Padawan leaned back and closed her eyes, letting the sun warm her face and opening herself to the Force.


Jacali felt the dark wave splash over her as she opened her eyes and quickly stood, scanning the area.

She took herself deeper into the Force to try and locate it. There... She looked in a general direction of the street across from her. A little boy had wondered away from his mother and was nearing the curb, heedlessly.

Traffic was coming, one speeder in particular...it was going a bit faster than the rest.

Jacali didn't think about it, she didn't have time as she saw the boy begin to step out into the street. She ran towards the crowded sidewalk and began pushing through. "Excuse me...pardon me...Jedi coming through..." The people didn't seem to concerned and of course that slowed her down.

The wave of danger pressed harder as she finally made her way to the curb on her side of the street, people were beginning to cross, but then they noticed the speeder and many shrieked and got out of the way.

The child was fully in the street now and the speeder was barreling down on him. With out a second thought, Jacali ran out and in a mere second shoved the child out of the way and back up onto the curb.

But, unfortunately, the Padawan wasn't as lucky. She took the full force of the vehical as it streaked through the intersection,
plowing through everything in its path. Including Jacali.

The impact had knocked the nineteen-year-old Jedi Padawan
halfway across the street.

Everything went in slow motion for her, pain esculated in her back for a mere moment and then everything went numb as she body flew through the air and tumbled about, until she finally came to a stop somewhere on the cold, hard pavement.

The Padawan fought to stay conscious as she attempted to move, but couldn't and it was hard for her to breath. People had started to gather around her, some shrieking, other's crying...but she didn't want these people around her, she wanted her Master.

Gathering enough strength in the Force, she called out silently one time....


Lady Mylia
Oct 2nd, 2003, 07:09:29 PM
Mylia pushed the doors opened to the Jedi Temple. She'd was meeting her bestfriend and roommate, Jacali. They were very close, and they would have met earlier, but she had a short training session with Dasquian earlier that day.

She walked through the door and took a breath of fresh air. It was nice a day. She was paying no attention to the street, just taking in the day. What a beau--


Several people began to scream and some ever crying. She looked down and from what she saw put the piece together of what had happened. A speeder; slid to a stop with drag marks behind it. Little boy with his mother holding him close, and a girl laying on the groud many meters away. An accident. She looked it over before going to it. As she walked up to the group of people she began looking at the long strawberry blonde hair slung out over the body lying on the street.


She ran over to her and kneeled down.

"Oh, Jacali! What happened?!" [/i] She asked anyone around her who would answer. Mylia was careful not to touch Jacali, she would let the medics handle that. A tear ran down her face before she took control over the very chaotic situation.[/i]

"You, take my link and get hold of the Watch!" She tossed her calm link to the near by woman. "You.." She said pointing at a man standing close by. "Run up the stairs and get the medics! NOW!" She screamed as he ran off as soon as he could.

Dasquian... they needed Dasquian. She waited for the woman to finish with her comm before making her call. It was quick and to the point, she didn't even wait for a reply. "Dasquian, we need you now! By the Temple steps!" Now that the accident was taken care of, for now, and Jacali had people coming to look at her, she went over to the boy and his mother to make sure the boy was okay.

The little boy was shaken up, but no real damage. After that she went back over to Jacali and sat by her until the medics arrived. She took a seat and closed her eyes, she was hoping to establish some sort of communication with Jacali.

"Jacali, it's Mylia. I'm here for you. It you can hear me blink you eyes."

Mylia watched Jacali's face as it layed there with strands of hair falling over her face which was dirt stained and which trails of blood dripped down. Another tear ran down Mylia's cheek. The people began to crowd around again. This was going to be a nightmare.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 2nd, 2003, 07:32:19 PM
Dr. Hayden Radnor had just been in the Bar and Grill when he heard the call come over his comm. Young girl hit by a speeder across from the Jedi Temple.

He threw some credits on the table and jumped up, he could be there in less than a minute.

Running out the door, he grabbed the stethoscope he had given to guards. No longer on vacation now!

Hayden quickly ran across the street and pushed through the crowds, "I'm a doctor, let me through!" He came up to the accident scene and saw the young girl in a very uncomfortable position on the ground. He knelt down beside her and got a good look at her. Good Gods!! It was one of his own patients!

"Jacali....Jacali, can you hear me?" He asked as he began to look over her injuries. It didn't look good from what he could see. "Jacali, you need to talk to me...come on."

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 2nd, 2003, 07:57:10 PM
Jacali slowly opened her eyes, the shock of the hit was finally wearing off and the pain was starting to show through. She let out a low groan, through clenched teeth.

"It hurts..." she cried out, trying to breathe lightly.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 3rd, 2003, 03:48:42 AM
He started looking her over very closely then looked at Mylia. "Keep her talking."

Lady Mylia
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:07:19 AM
Mylia nodded to the Doctor. "Yes, sir." She turned her full attention over to Jacali and began to talk to her. "Jacali, can you tell me wear it hurts? Can you tell me the worst spot of pain? Can you tell me if you are okay?" At the last question Mylia began to cry again.

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:24:33 AM
She saw Mylia and was very glad to see her. "Is the little boy okay?" She asked first hand. She hurt all over, except down the past her waist she couldn't feel anything.

"I didn't roll...I forgot to roll...." She mumbled as she thought about her Master's teachings. "My right arm hurts bad, I can't move it, Mylia."

Lady Mylia
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:30:42 AM
Mylia smiled as Jacali asked about the young child. Always thinking of someone else. "The little boy is fine, you did a good job." She looked over Jacali. "We'll get your arm looked at Jacali, don't worry. Anything else you should tell me about your pain" She asked to keep her talking.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:53:48 AM
Hayden checked out her arm. "Okay, we've got a compound fracture in the humorous."

He gently felt the bones protruding out of her upper right arm. "Possible frature of the right clavical as well." He heard the sirens coming closer. It was about time!

"Jacali, what else can you tell us? Any pain in your back?" He had a feeling from the look in her eyes and her grey pallor that internal injuries and bleeding was at stake. They needed to get her to the medical center fast.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 3rd, 2003, 09:43:25 AM
Dasquian arrived to an already chaotic situation to see Jacali in an awful state, with Mylia and a doctor, as well as a small crowd of shocked observers.

“Oh Lord…”

He slowed from his jog as he came to crouch by the Padawan.

“What happened?”

Lady Mylia
Oct 3rd, 2003, 01:50:57 PM
Mylia looked up at Dasquian through watery eyes. "She's been hit. She saved the little boy's life that's standing over there." She nodded her head over to the boy and his mother as they spoke with the Corusant Watch that just recently arrived. She wiped her tear stained face and looked back to Jacali. "She's going in and out, I hope she'll be okay. I pray that she'll be okay."

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 3rd, 2003, 03:54:30 PM
Yes, her back hurt, but below her waist...

Tears ran down the sides of her face. "I can't feel anything below my waist...and it hurts to breathe...oh God..." She closed her eyes against the pain she felt.

It wasn't until she heard the kind voice of her Master that she slowly opened her eyes again. "Master...I forgot to roll..." Her voice was weak as she was close to losing consciousness. So close.

Jacali looked in the eyes of Dasquian. "Master...I'm scared...." Her consciousness flickered. "I don't want...to die."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:43:42 PM
The emergency medics arrived at the scene. "What've we got?" asked one of them as they brought a stretcher.

"Fractured Humorus, possible clavical, probable spinal injury to the lower lumbar region. Internal bleeding is highly and possibly a hairline skull fracture." Hayden said as they began to work on her. "What's her name?" The medic asked.

"Jacali." He answered. "We need to get her to the medical center as quickly as possible."

Ace McCloud
Oct 3rd, 2003, 11:38:48 PM
Ace was coming down the stairs at a steady, heavy pace. His black cloak floated back behind him and as he rounded the corner hew threw it along with him with a snap in the air. He had felt a disturbance in the force. Someone was hurt. Someone he knew. He walked to the crowd and through the paramedics and doctors he saw Jacali lying there on the pavement. What had happened? He looked around quickly and located the problem. There was a speeder across the road with a large dent in its hood.

Ace's anger came to him and he had no desire to control it, nor did he even think about it. He marched over to the car with a quick and angry pace. He opened the door as he came to it in a furious manner and looked inside to find a drunkard at the wheel. He was moaning and trying to start his car again. But he had hit a large concrete block and it didn't look like it would start again.

Out of anger, Ace reached inside and grabbed the drunkard by his shirt and literally threw him out of the car and skidding onto the road. An aura of uneasiness began to emit from him as his eyes turned red through his hood. He angrily moved over to the scrambling drunkard who had hit Jacali, one of his only 'friends'.

The Aura of uneasiness made people around him back off and the drunkard became filled with fear. The dark side was flowing through him now like so many times it would. It was haunting him and taking advantage of the situation and he had no control over it.

The drunkard rummaged inside of his jacket and began to pull something out - a blaster. He pointed it at Ace who was still approaching. Before even thinking, Ace's hand reached out and the force began to flow through him and gripped the drunkard by the neck. He used the grip to lift him into the air and cut off his air supply. He kept on walking towards the drunkard and slammed him into a wall accross the street.

Ace was growling furiosly as he caught up with the drunkard, still pressed the wall with the force. Ace reached down and grabbed the blaster pistol out of his hand and stuck it to his chest.

"Look at what you did!" Ace screamed in his face, forcing him to look at Jacali across the street. He was so angry right now. The dark side was flowing through his viens, "Look at her you filthy dirtbag!!"

The only thing that kept the drunkard from crying was the lack of oxygen. If he didn't suffocate to death, the blaster would kill him - as the dark side told him.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 4th, 2003, 06:40:35 AM
With the doctor tending to Jacali, Dasquian rose to his feet, a stony gaze fixing on Ace.

“Do you believe your anger will mend her bones or your rage will soothe her pain?

Unhand that man this instant, Padawan McCloud, and control yourself.”

Lady Mylia
Oct 4th, 2003, 04:09:46 PM
Mylia listened to Dasquian speak with Ace. She sighed. This is not what Jacali would want going on. No more pain needed to come of this horrible accident.

Mylia looked up at the medics and Dr. Randor. "I'm coming too, I'm not leaving her side until she's in surgery or something."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 4th, 2003, 04:51:09 PM
Hayden paid no attention to anything else that was going on, his focus was on Jacali. This young woman's life was hanging in the balance as the medic's carefully put a neck brace on her and gently got her on a back board.

"Yes, you may come, Miss...she's knows you." He told her quickly.

Jacali cried out in pain as they trranferred her to the back board.

"It's okay, Jacali. I know it hurts and we're going to do everything we can to help you." Hayden said as he stood and the medics put the back board onto the stretcher and began taking her through to the ambulance speeder. The Watch had taken care of crowd control and stopped traffic.

Once they loaded Jacali in, Hayden helped Mylia into the back of the vehical and climbed in himself and began putting an IV in.

Krasst! Another drunk driving victim! He thought as he began to talk to Jacali again.

"Jacali, I need you to talk to me. Can you tell my your full name and your birthday?" He needed to keep her awake, her chances of survival would depend on it. She was in a very serious state and until he got to the medical center and ran a scan, he wouldn't know exactly how serious.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 4th, 2003, 06:27:19 PM
The buzz was going around the Jedi Order that someone got hit by a speeder just outside.

Padawan Learner, Quay'Na Rakai quickly headed outdoors to investigate for herself. But as she exited the Temple, everything was pretty much getting back into order, the ambulance speeder was pulling away and the Watch was taking care of crowd control.

It was then that she noticed Dasquian quickly walking over towards...Ace McCloud, who had some guy pinned to a wall with a blaster in his hand.

What was going on? She wondered as she noticed the speeder with a large dent in it's hood and the door hanging wide open.

She cringed at the size of the dent, either it was a very large person or they were hit at a very damaging speed. Whoever it was, couldn't be doing too good. She stood by silently to see what Dasquian was going to do.

While in the back of her mind, she wondered who it had been that got hit.

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 4th, 2003, 08:01:15 PM
Full name? Birthday? What was the doctor thinking? She was hurting, she didn't care about anything else. Much less having to think about something.

No, she wanted to sleep, she was so tired....

A light suddenly shined in her eyes. "Stay with us, Jacali. We'll be at the med center here in a second." She heard the doctor's voice say.

"Please, Jacali. Just hold on." Mylia begged.

Mylia, my friend... She thought as she opened her eyes and saw her there beside her.

"That's it, Jacali talk to us." Hayden said as the ambulance pulled into the medical center's drive and quickly backed up to the doors.

"It hurts to breathe..." the injured Padawan mumbled.

Ace McCloud
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:33:17 AM
Ace looked back at Dasquian with his firey eyes as he gripped the drunkard tighter. He listened to his words and they rolled around in his mind. Part of him wanted to let go but the dark side didn't want to. But this struggle with the dark side was not very strong, it just caught him off guard. He dropped the man and shot the blaster agaisnt the wall so that maybe he could pretend he was dead. The man laid there coughing and struggling to get away from Ace. But he just stood there, staring at the wall.

Ace's pupils dialated and his hand went limp, dropping the blaster. Only a few weeks into the Order and look what happened. Well, he warned them that he would have these conflicts. He turned and looked at the accident as Quay came running onto the street and then turned his eyes to Dasquian. He looked at him for a second but couldn't stay, he needed a drink, badly. He bowed his head slightly and turned away from them all and crossed the street in the middle of traffic. He slipped into the alien crowd on the other side and disappeared into a bar.

Lady Mylia
Oct 5th, 2003, 11:49:58 AM
Mylia continued to hold onto Jacali's hand and speaking to her softly. "Come on, Jacali. Tell us your full name and birthday. We need you to do this for us." Mylia was fighting back the tears as she saw her friend lying there so hopeless.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 5th, 2003, 11:55:27 AM
Quay'Na watched Ace let the man go and jumped slightly when he shot the blaster. When he was gone, she stepped up beside Dasquian. "Master Dasquian, what's going on? Why was Ace holding that guy at gunpoint?" She had a bad feeling come over her suddenly. Something was terribly wrong.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 5th, 2003, 12:01:36 PM
The blaster that Ace had held snapped into Dasquian’s palm, called by the Force. The Knight pushed it into the folds of his robes, to ensure no one else would be able to make use of it.

“Ace allowed his anger to get the better of him upon seeing Jacali’s state,” the Knight murmured as he turned back towards the Order, frowning momentarily.

“Come. We should go to the hospital to see her.”

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 5th, 2003, 12:07:57 PM
Jacali got hit! Quay'Na thought dreadfully as she looked at the vehical again.

She agreed with Dasquian, "yes, let's go." The two of them hurried off. She hoped her friend would be okay.

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 5th, 2003, 12:24:01 PM
Jacali had begun to mumble now, her thoughts were getting confused. "Jacali....Nahkee...Danner. Birthday....." That was strange, when was her birthday? Everything was beginning to go unfocus and grow dark as she slid into unconsciousness.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 5th, 2003, 12:50:22 PM
While medics' checked Jacali's vitals one last time before the ambulance came to a stop by the unloading doors. The results weren't terribly bad, but they weren't good either and the next hour would give them more of an idea, just how bad Jacali was.

The emergency crews were waiting on her as they pushed the air gurney through the double doors. "We need a scan stat!" Hayden advised as they ran Jacali down a corridor and into the emergency unit.

A nurse stopped Mylia. "Miss, you can't go in there. You'll have to wait in the waiting room, please. Dr. Radnor and our other doctors are going to take good care of your friend."

Lady Mylia
Oct 6th, 2003, 04:52:17 PM
Mylia tried to push past the nurse. "I'm the only one she has, you have to let me through." As the nurse declined again she just walked on past, shouting at the nurse as she went. "I'm NOT waiting in the waiting room, I'm going closer than that. I won't go in with them, but I REFUSE to stay in the stuffy waiting room with all the other hysterical waiters. I want to be hysterical by myself and close to Jacali." Mylia followed them until they turned into a small side room and she took a seat on the floor, waiting. As she waited she began to meditate and tried to connect with Jacali. It'll be okay, Jacali. You'll pull through this. You'll be okay. She said trying to convience herself as well.

Ace McCloud
Oct 7th, 2003, 06:11:27 PM
OOC: Sorry dont worry about me posting for now. I'm kind of out of the story for now. Ill post if someone interacts with me or something.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 7th, 2003, 07:56:43 PM
OOC:OK, thanks, Ace!!


Quay'Na lost Dasquian in all the shuffle of the crowded street and made it to the emergency room at the hospital first. She ran through the crowds in the corridor and up to the front desk. "I'm looking for a Jacali Danner! She was just borught in here, please...she's hurt badly!"

The man started to glance through the paperwork. "I'm sorry, Miss. There is no one here by that name. Perhaps, it's another hospital."

"She's here, I know she is." Where was Dasquian? He couldn't have been too far behind her! "Please, check again!"

Lady Mylia
Oct 7th, 2003, 08:00:53 PM
Mylia felt a closer presences enter the hospital. In the middle of her mediation, she got up and exited. Some of the nurses gave her strange looks, but she didn't care. She walked down the hall and to the front desk, the source of the ripple in the force: Quay. Mylia ran over to her and wrapped her arms around her. "They don't know how she's doing." She let the tears flow. "They took her back about an hour ago and nothing! I know I'm not extremely accurate in the force yet, but I couldn't even pick her up and she was just in the next room! I'm so worried!"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 7th, 2003, 08:15:27 PM
"Let's just pray to the Force that she's alright." Quay'Na soothed as she held her friend, while her own tears wet her cheeks.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 7th, 2003, 09:16:59 PM
Hayden stared at the scans of Jacali Danner in disbelief. He put his hand to his mouth for a moment and took a deep breath as he shook his head.

One of his nurse's came up to him. "Shall we prep her for surgery, Doctor?" A look of hope in her eyes, the girl was so young.

Hayden shook his head sadly. "She'd never last. Let's make her as comfortable as possible and I'll talk to the family."

"Yes, of course, Doctor." She nodded as Hayden walked out of the room and down the corridor towards the waiting area. With a grim look on his face he saw the girl that had been by Jacali.

"I need to get a hold of Jacali's family. Do you know where I can reach them?" He asked her.

Oct 7th, 2003, 09:25:14 PM
Kanji happened upon the group almost casually, a bundle of white bedsheets in his arms destined for another floor. Head tilted to the side, he stopped a few feet away and felt sorrow through his weak Force sence.

"Good 'eve Lady Quay, Lady Mylia, Massster Belargic, Doctor Radnor," He spoke, calculating his next words. "Isss... there ssssomething wrong here?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 7th, 2003, 09:41:25 PM
Quay'Na turned to see Dasquian coming up behind them and then turned to Kanji. "Yes, Kanji. I'm afraid so, Jacali has been hit by a drunk driver in a speeder..." She looked down. "And, I don't think things are good." The thought brought more tears.

Lady Mylia
Oct 8th, 2003, 04:35:23 AM
Mylia stepped foward, saying little to anyone else. "I'm her family, I'm here for her." She gave the doctor a look. "I'm the only one she has left." She said through the tears.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 8th, 2003, 09:47:13 AM
“Me too.”

Dasquian was breathless from having to run through the crowd.

“I’m her Master… her family.”

His heart sank. His empathic abilities were telling him something was gravely wrong.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 8th, 2003, 04:10:43 PM
Hayden looked at them grimly. He hated this part of being a doctor, he truly hated it. There was nothing more terrible than to tell a family that their loved one wasn't going to make it.

With a deep breath, he began. "I'm sorry to inform you that after looking at the results of Jacali's scans....there's nothing we can do. The damage she's sustained from the impact is just too great. She's suffered spinal damage and many internal injuries and the bleeding is just too vast."

The group was shocked beyond belief.

"She's awake and being taken to another room. She's in no pain right now, I wanted to make sure of that...." His heart felt heavy as well, he had taken a liking to the young Padawan, she was always so full of life and energy.

Hayden put his hand up to his brow and shook his head. "Again, I'm very sorry. You can come back to her room, I'll take you there."

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 8th, 2003, 06:28:44 PM
Jacali didn't need a medical expert to tell her what was happening, she already could feel it through the Force.

She was dying and there was no stopping it. A tear rolled down her cheek as two nurses pushed her bed into another room and hooked her up to two IV's. One at which, one of them shot some med's in.

The fiery pain that she once had in her upper extremities, had been numbed again.

"Here ya go, sweetie this will help you breath easier." One of the nurses smiled as she carefully placed an oxygen tube on her.

"It won't matter soon," she tried to smile. "But, thanks anyway." After the nurses left, Jacali lay there contemplating on what her life had been like.

The Padawan didn't want to die, but there was little she could do about it. She felt bad for the one's she loved and would be leaving behind, that hurt her more than any of her injuries. And for that, she cried.

Lady Mylia
Oct 8th, 2003, 08:09:18 PM
Mylia had a silent tear fall down her cheek. Her eyes were feeling dry, but still the tears rolled down.

Mylia followed closely behind the Doctor, passing glances towards Dasquian. This was very painful and she knew their master was feeling the same as her.

She sighed, her heart felt heavy. She didn't know what to do or think. Jacali was the first person who befriended her at the Order. They shared they same master and have done several training sessioins together, not to mention they had an execellent bond. This was going to tear Mylia apart. How could her best friend, her confidant, her partner in crime be going through so much pain. What hurt the most was that there was no way to talk any of the pain away, it was inetivable. The doctor knew it, Mylia knew it, and Dasquian knew it. All that they could possibly do know was wait, and try to be cheerful and loving in the last few days.

Oct 8th, 2003, 08:28:45 PM
Kanji seemed to be frozen in shock, his pupils shivering in their sockets as he breathed in forced air. "S-she... no..." He whispered to no-one in particular, but found selfish releif in his words. He found the will to move his legs, moving to deposit his cargo on a gurney and moving beside Quay, leaning over to speak with her.

"Are you going to ssssee here now, Ma'am..?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 8th, 2003, 08:40:27 PM
Quay'Na stood there as if her knees were locked and she released the breath that she didn't realize she'd been holding. Swallowing hard, she looked at Kanji with silent tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I think, I'll wait out here for a bit, Kanji. Just to give your Master and Mylia a chance to be with her first. Could you wait with me? I'd rather not be alone, if you don't mind."

Oct 8th, 2003, 08:51:07 PM
Kanji nodded, "I will sssstay with you, ma'am. I fear if I sssaw Missss Jacali now, my woeful heart would halt..." He replied, putting a reassuring talon upon her back, turning torward the waiting room chairs.

"We'll wait in there?" He asked.

Ace McCloud
Oct 8th, 2003, 08:54:48 PM
Ace sat in a very busy bar, like most on Curosant. He drank down several strong drinks, but none could make him feel better. He didn't know what was wrong with him. What was it? He attacked that man out of anger? What anger? He had only seen a woman get hit by a speeder and he flipped out letting the darkside flow into him! He was usually more rational than that! But a mere girl! He had talked to her once! Thats it, once. What was she to him? A friend? Or just somebody?

He slammed his fist down hard on the bar counter, shocking most around him. He didn't know. He had no idea what she was. He didn't know what a friend was really... He had some feelings for people with the sith, but they were always taught to hate, and with hate comes power. And when someone dies it was good, less competition for you.

He felt a wave in the force, death. He had felt it many times before...but Jacali was dieing. He didn't know what to do. He felt something but didn't know what it was or what to do about it. So he tried to just push it aside and ordered another drink...

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 8th, 2003, 09:25:06 PM
Quay'Na looked at Kanji and nodded. "Yes, that would be good, my friend." She tried to push the thoughts of Jacali dying out of her mind, but she couldn't.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 9th, 2003, 11:54:57 AM
Dasquian took a deep breath. The Knight silently hoped that something would change for the better, but he was almost sure that not even the Force could help the Padawan now. The Jedi could heal, but he did not thing they had a healer with enough power to mend this damage. Jacali had had so much ahead of her in life, and now it was to be all cut short. It was awful.

“We must all do our best to give Jacali a pleasant time, despite what fate may lay ahead or her.”

Lady Mylia
Oct 9th, 2003, 02:11:09 PM
Mylia bit her bottom lip and nodded. She wiped her eyes, trying to hide the tears that were still coming. She sniffed slightly. "Yes, Master..."

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 9th, 2003, 07:27:58 PM
Jacali had honed in on the presence of her master right away and...Mylia. She was lying flat on her back, her right arm was in a splint and carefully bound to her chest with an elastic wrap.

The Padawan remembered something about her right collarbone being broken, she was glad she couldn't feel it.

She tried to wipe away the tears she cried with her left hand, but didn't have much luck. It was partically numb as well and it only fell and slapped her in the face. "Ugh..." she groaned lightly and shook her head slightly as she looked up and saw her Master and Mylia standing there in the doorway, beside the doctor.

Everything seemed to freeze as she looked from her Master to Mylia several times. "Seems my hands are as clumsy as my feet used to be." She tried to smile to ease the silence as they walked in.

The sadness could not be hidden from either of them, they knew.

Lady Mylia
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:03:20 AM
Mylia walked straight over to Jacali and leaned down and gave her a slight hug, trying her best not to hurt or touch Jacali.

Mylia tried so hard not to cry in front of Jacali, but seeing her best friend in that condition, not being able to do anything to take away the pain.

Mylia arose from her hug and looked to Jacali, putting on a smile. "Hi, Jacali."

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 10th, 2003, 03:43:36 PM
"My friend, my dear dear friend." Jacali spoke as she lifted her left hand to touch Mylia's, it was hard but she managed.

"I'm afraid that...I won't be able to join you on the trip to get our crystals. Seems I'm being delayed a bit." She tried to keep her spirits up, but it was hard as well.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 10th, 2003, 09:43:24 PM
Quay'Na sat still for all of five minutes, if that before she was up pacing around.

"This is so unfair, Kanji!" She said as she shook her head in disbelief. "She has so much to look forward too and so much life to give...all I can ask is, why? Why, Jacali?"

Lady Mylia
Oct 10th, 2003, 09:51:16 PM
Mylia tried to smile. "It's okay, we can wait if you want."

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:01:37 AM
She was being so brave, Dasquian thought. The Force would accept her and she would go to a better place, free of all of the pain and strife of the world. She would be one with the Force. It made the prospect of her departure from the world seem much less daunting.

“Yes, there’s no hurry. We want to all go, as a family. We can wait until you’re up on your feet again.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:12:44 AM
Jacali wished that were so, but she knew she was only going one place soon and that was to the Force. She was no longer afraid of dying, it was inevitable.

"Yes, Master. I'd like to wait, if you wouldn't mind..." Tears streamed down the sides of her face.

Kelt Simoson
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:40:03 AM
"Farewell sweet earth and northern sky,
for ever blest, since here she lie
and here with lissom limbs did run
beneath the Moon, beneath the Sun,
more fair than mortal tongue can tell.
Though all to ruin fell the world
and were dissolved and backward hurled
unmade into the old abyss,
yet were its making good for this-
the dusk, the dawn, the earth, the sea-
that murili for a time should be."

The camp fire verse swirled around within Kelts head many times that day. It had been sung to him as a child, a child growing to be what he now was, a Jedi. The Knight had never thought he would be anything but a gaurd within the Crusaders Order, but he grew in the ranks of life aswell as the Order.

Often he would think of what he would have been if he had not been a Crusader. Certainly not a Jedi Knight. A merket trader perhaps? A farmer?. It was uncertain the tell. Hewas happy where he was, and really could not find a better position to be in than what he was now.

The call of Jacalis' accident had swept to Kelt and he had already been on his way even before Dasquian arrived. The Green Knight entered the ward and looked towards Jacali and then Dasquian.

He simply nodded a greeting in Jacalis' direction, her condition shocked him more than he thought it would.

' How is she Dasquian...truthfully?' He asked looking sidelong at his long time friend.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:47:42 AM
Dasquian turned from the two Padawans, setting a hand against Kelt’s forearm so that his fellow Knight would turn with him. In a voice that only his friend would hear, Dasquian replied:

“The doctors say there is no hope. She will not live out the night.”

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 11th, 2003, 11:36:15 AM
Hayden walked back into the room a few moments later to check Jacali's IV's.

The Padawan was growning weaker he could tell by the look in her eyes, even though she was trying her best not to show it.

He looked down at her. "You let me know, young lady if you are in any pain." He gently brushed away her tears and gave her a smile. It was such a waste to know, that by tomorrow this young girl would be gone. It tore at him, deeply. After all, she was a Jedi and Jedi weren't supposed to die.

It was a sad day when a Jedi died....

Lady Mylia
Oct 11th, 2003, 11:43:12 AM
Mylia let her tears flow again as Jacali released hers. "We can all go together..." She repeated. She looked to Dasquian and back to Jacali. She took her and gently and squeezed it lightly.

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 11th, 2003, 12:13:03 PM
"I'm feeling no pain, Dr. Radnor. Everything is pretty much numb." She looked at the tears of her best friend. It broke her heart.

"Mylia...don't cry, I'll be okay." Jacali told her weakly. "I'm not afraid, I'm not."

I know what is in store for me.... She gathered enough strength to say in the Force.

Jacali looked at passed Mylia and stared into the gentle eyes of Kelt, who was facing her again.

"Kelt, my good friend..." She spoke softly. "Seems, you've caught me at a very bad time. I haven't even brushed my hair." She smiled gently as she noticed the gauze that was wrapped around her head. "Then again, maybe I don't need too."

Oct 11th, 2003, 03:35:17 PM
Kanji watched sorrowfully as Quay paced, "When the higher powerssss note onesss time to leave, it issss their time to go." Oh boy, that was some bad dialouge, he thought afterwards. "I-i am not ssssure why it wasss Ma'am Jacali this time.."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:40:03 PM
With a deep sigh, Quay'Na remembered what Morgan told her. It's nothing but a big recycling vat, we all come back....

It still wasn't fair, she had seen more death in the past six months than in her entire lifetime.

"I know, Kanji and I'm sorry for venting this on you." The Padawan apologized. "You're as just as upset as I am, it just seems so unreal."

Lady Mylia
Oct 11th, 2003, 08:59:09 PM
As Jacali said that Mylia cried more. She was so strong, so determined. Mylia admired that about her. "That's good, Jacali."

Oct 12th, 2003, 05:08:52 AM
"It'ssss alright," Kanji replied, "I underssstand your greif, and it helpssss frequently to expressss it in a controlled manner, like now."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 12th, 2003, 08:24:11 PM
"Yes, I'm more in control now." She sighed and flopped back down into her seat. "We should probably head back there shortly." She held her head in her hands and sighed deeply.

Kelt Simoson
Oct 15th, 2003, 04:30:41 PM
Kelt turned to view Jacali, his face soft and sorrowfull.

'What happned Jacali?' Kelt said gently.

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 15th, 2003, 07:32:57 PM
The dying Padawan looked into his eyes and spoke softly. "A little boy...was in the street and...I shoved him out of the way. I...is the boy okay?" Her memory was failing.

Lady Mylia
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:06:42 PM
Mylia quickly spoke up. "Oh, yes Jacali. The boy is fine, just a little shaken up."

Kelt Simoson
Oct 16th, 2003, 10:13:39 PM
Kelt sighed slightly, he felt empty, his heart felt as if it was a shall, a nothing. His friend lie dying rapidly and he was powerless to stop it.

' You are okay Jacali, i shall be here now' Kelt said taking her hand in his and holding it gently. ' You are safe now...'

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 16th, 2003, 10:26:22 PM
Jacali for once felt safe, she knew her life was beginning to fade more. She didn't have much time and she wasn't afraid.

A sudden pain swept through her torso, she squeezed her eyes shut and gasped for a breath. She squeezed Kelt's hand until it passed. Whatever it was that just happened, couldn't have been good.

She opened her eyes. "I take it back,' she breathed heavily. "I'm scared..."

Lady Mylia
Oct 17th, 2003, 04:23:25 AM
Mylia let Jacali's hand go slowly and placed it on the bed as Kelt took her other hand. She backed away and went over beside Dasquian, letting Jacali and Kelt have their moment together.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 06:37:30 AM
Quay'Na stood up again, "I'm going in there, are you coming, Kanji?"

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 18th, 2003, 06:10:27 AM
Hayden had left for a few minutes and when he returned he noticed the pain she was in. He went straight her her IV's and did something to them. He looked down at her. "That will help, Jacali. It's okay, we're all here. Don't be afraid."

He gave her a smile, but his heart ached for her. She was trying to be so brave and he condonned her for that. He knew very well what was happening. Her internal injuries were getting worse, possibly starting to shut down certain organs within her.

He looked at the Knight beside her and sighed. "I'll be back shortly."

Hayden's heart felt heavy as he walked out the door, it wouldn' t be long now....

Falcon Gyndar
Oct 20th, 2003, 04:28:56 AM
Falcon had been in the med bay himself that day, for check-ups, testing...Aside from his still-rattled skull, he was doing fine. He felt the wave of despair flood the centre a short while before his testing was done. He heard the voices...the ebbing, flickering presence in the force, dimming out...He was quite familiar with the flickers of passing...It was all so fresh in his mind.

There are no accidents......his mother had once said. Recently, he had such a hard time believing that. But everything has its purpose. So he sought out their location and spotted Mylia, and Dasquian.

Falcon nodded solemnly to the two, looked around at the others, then at Jacali. He said nothing, but bowed his head, and began silently uttering a prayer of the native peope of his home world.

Oct 20th, 2003, 09:00:12 PM
Kanji nodded and stood, motioning for Quay to leave first.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 21st, 2003, 04:04:54 PM
Quay'Na and Kanji made their way back to the solemn room that Jacali was in.

Jacali's gray pallor brought tears to her eyes as she nodded silently to the Masters standing there and then went up by Mylia, who was trying to be brave. "I'm here, my friend." She whispered to Mylia.

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 21st, 2003, 07:42:48 PM
Jacali relaxed as the meds took effect. She looked in the eyes of Kelt and smiled. "It's not quite the ending that I had imagined." Her voice a near whisper. "Can you keep a secret?"

Ace McCloud
Oct 21st, 2003, 07:56:59 PM
He couldn't just do nothing. He couldn't just neglect her death. Besides, he felt that he owed her an apology, he thought trying to sooth himself. He had been drinking for several hours now and was tired of the smell of beer and dirty patrons.

Within a few minutes he was walking through the sliding doors of the med center, looking around. He headed over to the desk as he located it.

"What room is Jacali Danner in?" He said in his usual intimidating voice. As she told him he quickly rounded the corner and headed down to the room. He had trouble finding it and passed it once. As he came back to it he looked into the room to see several people in there. He didn't know if it would be rude to go in or not but he did anyway. He stood behind everyone else, waiting to be noticed.

Kelt Simoson
Oct 24th, 2003, 02:28:22 AM
' Of i course' Kelt said quitely, squeezing her hand a touch tightly to show his promice.

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 24th, 2003, 06:13:09 AM
"You're the closest friend in a man, I've ever had...and sometimes when we talked I felt closer than I should have." A tear slipped from her eye. "I guess...I was hoping something else would come of our friendship...." Her voice trailed off for a moment, then she continued. "Silly thought, wasn't it?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 24th, 2003, 06:59:27 AM
Quay'Na turned slightly and noticed Ace standing near the door. She quietly walked over to him and touched his hand in a friendly gesture. "Thanks, Ace for coming. It means a lot to all of us, especially Jacali." She looked back at her friend. "Things aren't good."

Kelt Simoson
Oct 25th, 2003, 02:47:53 AM
Kelt shook his head gently.

' No...' He rose her hand to his furrey face and kissed the back of it softly. ' I would have said you were quite right in your words Jacali' He smiled, his hand still in hers.

imported_Jacali Danner
Oct 25th, 2003, 06:01:37 AM
"My kind and gentle Kelt. How I will miss you..." She felt the life draining out of her moreso by the moment. "I'm sorry, my friend...I don't want to leave you, but it seems I've no choice...."
She was getting so tired, death was upon her and deep down Jacali knew it.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 26th, 2003, 09:29:50 AM
Dasquian had stepped back away from Jacali now, and watched with a growing sadness at what was unfolding between her and Kelt. It seemed that something had begun to blossom between them, only to be crushed by the Padawan’s impending demise. If ever there was a time that a fairytale miracle would have been needed, it was now.

Lady Mylia
Oct 26th, 2003, 11:53:59 AM
Mylia took a step foward, waiting for Kelt's reply before saying her own goodbye to her dear, dear friend.

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 27th, 2003, 07:39:50 PM
OOC: Think - Ace

Ace nodded as Quay spoke to him, not taking his eyes off the dieing Jacali.

"Yea..." he managed to say before she turned around. He paused, not knowing what else to say. Why did he always struggle with other people? "I, I guess I couldn't just not come..." he said after the long pause.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 27th, 2003, 08:04:42 PM
"I thank you personally, my friend." Quay'Na told him, she was very glad he was there. "This means alot, to all of us, Ace."

Kelt Simoson
Oct 31st, 2003, 06:05:01 AM
' Sleep Jacali and let the force be with you' Kelt said, a sadness washed of his face, a strong character was Kelt, but not so strong as to loose a close friend.

Lady Mylia
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:16:06 AM
Mylia moved closer to Jacali and took her hand again. She looked down at her and she tried to hold back her tears, trying to be strong for her friend. "The Force will always be with you, and remember us, we will always keep you close to our hearts."

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 1st, 2003, 10:57:50 AM
In nearly a whisper, she smiled and answered. "I'll be there, just think of me....and I'll be there, Mylia....I promise." She looked at her Master as tears formed in her eyes. With one last effort, she called to the Force.

Hello....Master... She wanted so much to empasize on the greeting as she had the first time she ever telepathically spoke with him, but knew it was probably no more than a whisper at best.

She wanted so much to hear his voice, but it was too late. Her breathing became labored, but she was in no pain.

Jacali looked at Kelt and Mylia. Her voice nothing, but a whisper now. "I have to go....good-bye....my dear...est...frien..sss...."

The Padawan's eyes glazed over and slowly closed. Her body relaxed as her spirit left its shell....and became one with the Force.

Lady Mylia
Nov 4th, 2003, 04:31:54 PM
Mylia turned to Dasquian with tears streaming down her face. "Master, I don't know what I'm going to do with out her? I just don't know..."

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 7th, 2003, 07:12:38 AM
Jacali was gone and they all had witnessed it. Another death... It seemed so pointless, she had saved a child from death only to be taken by its claws.

Silent tears streamed from her own eyes as she looked upon Mylia. Her friend was hurting so and she wished she could help, but she wasn't even sure if she could help herself. The silence of the room was horrible.

imported_Jacali Danner
Nov 7th, 2003, 10:43:13 PM
I'll Be There

by: The Escape Club

Over Mountains, over Trees, over Oceans,
over Seas,
Across the desert, I'll be there.
In the whisper on the wind,
on the smile of a new friend,

She extends a hand. "Jacali Danner, nice to meet you."
Mylia takes her hand and shakes, with a smile. "Pleasure, Mylia Basque."

Just think of me,
And I'll be there...

Dasquian took a moment to think on this before he responded.
"Very well then. I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order. I will be acting as your Master and tutor in the Jedi Arts from now on. Until your training begins, please feel free to explore the Orders grounds."
A bow and the Knight added.
"May the Force be with you."

Don't be afraid of my love,
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight
to be with you,

Jake extended his hand in a gesture of greeting. The redness of her skin indicated embarrassment, which made Jake smile even more. She was rather pretty when she blushed.
"I'm Jake."
Jacali took his hand, "I'm Jacali Danner, it's nice to meet you."
Jake smiled at her, taking her hand in his and giving it a light peck of a kiss.
"You too, Jacali. Now come with me."
Jake led her to the table, where he motioned to Quay'Na.
This is my friend Quay'Na.

Because I'm on your side
and I still care
I may have died
But, I've gone nowhere

Jacali had been watching the door for a few moments when she saw Jackson walk in. A smile crossed her face as their eyes met, he looked quite handsome in his Padawan robes.
She sighed deeply as he approached, his long Padawan braid laying neatly over his right shoulder.
"Well, it's good that I'm not late. I would hate to ruin your evening on such a nice night. Also, I'm glad to see this place is calm, I can't ususally show up here when it's not. I have troubles being in crowds. Although, I doubt I would have noticed it this night with you here if it were crowded. You look very beautiful this evening."

Just think of me,
and I'll be there...

Jackson and Jacali walked under the stars on their way to the Jedi living quarters. The star's shown bright in the black sky and the city of Coruscant was extremely, quiiet surprisingly.
Jackson looked back and forth from the stars to Jacali, not much was said during this time, the silence was golden.
Soon they reached the parting point of their journey, their rooms where in opposite directions.
Jackson smiled and grabbed Jacali by hte hand, he looked into her eyes deeply. Trying to draw something to say from her eyes. he finally found something within them that told him what to say.
"Jacali, I would give you a good night kiss, but this is our first date, I promise if you give me another date I don't know if I'll be able to resisst. So, basically, I'm asking would you consider going on another date with me?"

On the edge
of a waking dream,
over river's, over streams

Dasquian's words touched her heart, he did care about her...it was evident. Jacali turned and took a couple of steps then stopped.
She suddenly realized, she couldn't leave him.
He was like a father to her and she couldn't turn her back on him. Everything was out in the open now, all her pent up feelings had finally come out and now she felt slightly ashamed of her actions.
More tears came as she shook her head and quietly said. "I can't do it , Master. I can't leave you." She turned and looked at him as tears fell down her cheeks.
Dasquian stood and embraced Jacali in a sot hug. As he gave her a light pat on the back as he felt another presence and looked up to see Kelt's retreating silhouette.
The Knight smiled to himself. Drawing back from his apprentice, he locked his gaze with her stung-red eyes and brushed away a tear with his thumb.
"Don't get upset..."
"I feel as though we are all becoming almost like a family now and it would have been a shame for us to part ways...."

Through wind and rain,
I'll be there
Across the wide
and open sky,

As the door opened Mylia quickly stood up and faced Jacali and Dasquian in the dim light. "Happy Birthday, Jacali!" She ran over to give Jacali a hug before she turned back on the lights.
There was an echo...
"Happy Birthday!!"
...from both of the Belargic brothers, Aaron springing out from his hideaway and Dasquian stepping forward, both grinning at Jacali.
Kelt simply said in a soft voice. "Happy Birthday, Jacali." With a curt nod.
"I can't believe this!" She finally said with a wide grin. She turned and looked at her Master, giving him a quick hug. "You knew all along and you kept it in so well."
Jacali went around the room giving everyone a hug of thanks. She was nearly in ears by the time she got around the room, she was so happy.

Thousands of miles I'd fly
to be with you,
I'll be there

"I am Simene Dawnstrider. I just got here a few moments ago. And to tell the truth...I am a bit lost. Could you help me find an empty room?"
Jacali smiled brightly at the new arrival. "Well, it seems you have come to the right place. We have one extra room left in our quarters, if you'd like."
Simene's face brightened instantly at the mention of a room with other people. Perhaps, this was where she belonged. A smile came to her face and she nodded.
"Thank you. That sounds great."

Don't be afraid of my love,
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight
to be with you...

"Oh, uh...hi..." Jacali smiles towrds the girl. "I just happened to recongnize Kanji as one of Dasquian's Padawan's and thought I'd come in and say 'hi'. He's my master as well. But, if I'm interrupting...." She began to back up slightly as if to leave, she would never be rude to anyone and if they wanted to continue, she'd let them.
Kanji stood and turned slightly, 'oh, hello Ma'am Jacali. No, you're not interrupting anything at all, plessse have a ssseat if you want."

Because I'm on you're side
and I still care

"Good morning, Miss Danner...out of bed so late at night?" Kelt asked gently with a kind smile upon his face. He to had been awake more of the night and had to get out into the air, the garden was his place to be, quiet and gentle. His voice was soft and he meant it, so he did not want to startle her.
"It is , I admit a very beautiful place to be to relax, when one can't sleep." he added as he turned to view the plants near himself, takingone in his hand to smell its scent.
Jacali opened her eyes tothe sound of his gentle voice and nodded her greeting. "Good morning, Jedi Simoson." She was much more relaxed this time than the first time she'd met him. Which was more than embarrassing for her to remember.

I may have died, but I've gone no where
Just think of me...
And I'll be there....

Jacali nodded. "Yes, I'd give my life if it meant to save another...."
"Very noble." Dasquian said.

Just think of me...
And I'll be there.....

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 8th, 2003, 05:36:34 AM
Dasquian’s head fell bowed in silent reverie, yet but a moment later he looked up into the peaceful visage of the young Padawan and uttered, in a flowing melodic tongue a quiet farewell, “Aa' i'sul nora lanne'lle… namaarie.”

He passed a hand over her face and sighed, as though in resolve.

“Mornie utulie. You will find your way to a better place now, Jacali Danner... may the force be with you.”

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 9th, 2003, 02:28:57 PM

"Doctors!" One of the nurses yelled.

"We see it!" Hayden exclaimed as he was just beginning to leave the surgery room along with about five other surgeons.

It had been seven hours since Jacali Danner had been brought in after she'd been hit by a drunk in a speeder. The young Jedi had been knocked into unconsciousness at the point of impact and lucky for her, her head injuries had been kept to a minimum. But, the internal injuries had been bad, along with her spinal injury and the vast damage to her right leg.

Almost seven hours of surgery and they were all impressed with the outcome, until now....

Hayden began CPR immediately along with another surgeon. "Leslie, bag her! She needs oxygen!" He ordered as the other surgeons began delivering orders as well.

"Come on, Jacali. Don't give up now!" He said as he continued his compressions.

Surgeon Ty Gideon had gotten some meds into Jacali's IV's to help get her heart pumping and came at her with the defibulator paddles, he rubbed them together. "Clear!" He yelled.

Everyone let go of her and he shocked her. Nothing.

"Recharge," He ordered and rubbed the paddles again. "Clear!"

Again, he shocked her. The entire room was silent. Then it happened.

The Padawan's body gasped for air and her heart began beating again.

Hayden sighed in relief, she was back. "Let's get her to the ICU."

Spinal expert, Lara Trey, spoke up. "I want her in a drug induced coma for at least a week, until the Spinal fusion mends. I have have high hopes on this one."

Hayden nodded as they wheeled the unconscious Jacali from the room. "That's good to know, the Jedi that are in the waiting room will be more than pleased. Keith, what about her leg?"

Neurologist Keith Lacey shook his head. "I did all I could do, Hayden. It'll heal, but the damage was pretty vast to her nerves there. She may never get the feeling back in her right leg as before. All we can do is hope."

"That's better than nothing, I'll go talk to the Jedi." Hayden said as he washed his hands and headed out the door.

Hayden was tired, he had been helping on the case anywhere that he could. He always like Jacali, she was quite a trooper. It was late afternoon as he walked down the corridor towards the waiting area.

He quietly walked in, seeing at least seven Jedi waiting patiently. "Jacali is out of surgery," he announced. "We were able to stop all of the internal bleeding and fix the internal injuries. Dr. Trey has informed me that she has done a Spinal Fusion to Jacali's spine and sees high hopes on her recovery." He stopped for a moment as a look of relief seemed to pass through the small group.

"She has sustained very little head injuries and that is a very good sign, although Dr. Trey wants her in a drug induced coma for a week to allow the Fusion to regenerate properly. Her right leg is our only concern, she suffered vast damage in it and we're still not sure how much use she'll get out of it once it heals. We'll just have to wait and see. Any other questions?" Hayden asked the group.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 10th, 2003, 11:55:42 PM
Falcon looked relieved. After dealing with the death of an entire community, his own community, the fact that Jacali was going to be alright was like an angel smiling on him. Perhaps all those prayers the natives had taught him were really doing what they were supposed to.

"That's great, doctor. So, ah, when would the earliest be that we can see her?"

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 11th, 2003, 04:44:41 AM
"Once we get her to the ICU and get her hooked up to the monitors, you may go in. She'll be on a ventalator, it's just standard procedure. I'll be back shortly." Hayden said as he turned and walked back down the corridor.

Lady Mylia
Nov 11th, 2003, 01:46:20 PM
Mylia nearly burst when she found out about Jacali condition. She was going to be okay! She was going to be okay. She jumped out of her seat and ran over to the Doctor and gave him a hug. "Thank you! Thank you, Doctor. I don't know what I would have done without Jacali."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 11th, 2003, 09:39:11 PM
Hayden was taken aback for a second, but smiled and returned the hug. He was very glad that Jacali was going to make it. "You're welcome, Miss." He told her.

Kelt Simoson
Nov 14th, 2003, 05:16:46 AM

The door rattled and shook madly at Kelts apartment. Bang after crash shook at the wooden door untill a loud shouting, muffled, hurtled through the letterbox.

' OI, Jedi Knight Simoson! Jacali is going to be alright! Get up and come now!'

Over on his bed, Kelt sat with his head in his hands, his floppy brown hair hanging down to hide him face. Untill the moment the messanger had said what he said, Kelt was almost still, his heart low and horrible and his feelings dull and numb.

' OI, Jedi Knight Simoson! Jacali is going to be alright! Get up and come now!'

Kelts' hear jumped to his chest again, his head raised and a few tears that had been trapped from escaped fell. Before he knew what he was doing the Knight had got up, grabbed his saber from the table, clipped to his belt and opened the door.

' Its about bloody time!' The messanger said a smile upon his face, Kelts face although comical with relief was still searching.

' Lead me will you?' Kelt asked gently, and then they were off, racing the halls of the Jedi Grounds.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 14th, 2003, 03:46:49 PM
The light fluttering in his chest calmed, and the Knight took a moment to breath in and out, calming any of the pangs of panic that he had been harboring.

“I never doubted her,” Dasquian said simply, with a smile of relief.

“Will she be expected to remain in the hospital long, Doctor?”

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Nov 14th, 2003, 04:33:15 PM
Hayden looked at Dasquian. "Well, that depends on her. We're going to attempt to get a healer to help her get well faster, but healers are sometimes hard to come by, as busy as they are."

"I know Jacali and if anyone had any determination, it's her. But, as I said, it's her leg that we are must concerned with. I don't see her being in the hospital wing very long. Her next step will probably be the rehab floor to get her up on her feet again and work with her spinal injury, granted it went as well as Dr. Trey hoped."

A nurse walked up to the group. "She's in the ICU, Dr. Radnor."

"Good," he said as he looked at the group again as she left. "Well, I guess I'll take you back." He turned and then stopped for a minute. "Don't be alarmed by the monitors she's on and she's scraped and bruised, but those should heal in a few days time. Let's go."

Hayden led the group through the corridors to the ICU. "There's a waiting room through those doors and across the hall." He advised as he pointed towards some double doors.

With a deep breath, Hayden walked into a darkened room. Many sounds could be heard, the soft whoosh of a ventilator and the constant blip of a heart monitor.

Hayden turned on a soft light on a nearby table and looked at the pale still form of his patient. Jacali was flat on her back with IV's and wires hooked up to her. Her right arm was bandaged and slung.

"Everything seemed to happen all on her right side...point of impact. Her collarbone will heal and we've repaired the injuries to her upper arm. Throughout it all, she's quite a trooper."

Jacali's face was scratched and bruised, but she was alive.

"I"ll leave you and check in on her later." Hayden said as he nodded to them and quietly slipped out.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 14th, 2003, 07:03:18 PM
Quay'Na swallowed hard as she entered the room last. She didn't like hospitals, mainly because the last time she was in one, she was the patient. After an attempt on her own life.

Boy, did that seem like a lifetime ago...

She saw Jacali from a distance and was more than thankful to see her friend alive. She was going to pull through this.

Dasquian Belargic
Nov 15th, 2003, 07:38:07 AM
Dasquian paced over to the bed, and looked down at Jacali. In spite of the pain and the trauma, she looked calm. Peacefully, even. He smiled. What she had done today was an admirable thing. It was an example to all Jedi, to show just what lengths a student of the Order often went to – putting yourself before others, even if it was at your own expense.

“Congratulations, my apprentice,” he whispered, barely audibly.

Lady Mylia
Nov 15th, 2003, 10:54:26 PM
Mylia stood back and watched Dasquian go over to Jacali. She would get her turn. At that moment, Mylia was so happy that Jacali was going to be okay, she didn't care about anything else.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 17th, 2003, 05:33:16 PM
Falcon stood beside Jacali. He whispered to her, a wondered look on his face, watching Dasquian move about Jacali's bed.

"I'm so glad she's alive. I mean, I barely know her, but to think how dear she is to so many...She, and those near to her are certainly blessed."

He said a short prayer of thanks, his head bowed, then he looked forward again, eyes bright.

Quay'Na Rakai
Nov 24th, 2003, 08:46:32 PM
Quay'Na stepped forward by Falcon, she would return to her place by the door if anyone objected. She carefully brushed a long lock of strawberry blonde hair from Jacali's face. "We're here, my friend all of us. You're going to be okay...you're going to be okay." A silent tear slipped down her cheek as she stood there listening to the machines that were hooked up to her best friend.

Nov 25th, 2003, 06:15:21 AM
Kanji stepped in to the room much after Quay, his hands deep into khaki pockets. The ones who knew Jacali standing around her cot, a aura of relief coming from some - joy from all. Kanji stepped up behind Quay, placing a gentle hand upon her shoulder and looking down upon Jacali.

"Quite the one to live, aye, quite the one to live."