View Full Version : Apologies :(

Kelt Simoson
Oct 2nd, 2003, 04:29:36 AM
I thought i'd slap up a thread explaining why i have not been around for a bit. College is royaly kicking my butt as of late, taking a Honors Degree in Art and doing Music Tech and band practice is seriously taking up nearly half my day alone and when i get home all i wanna do is sleep :(

So this is me saying me sorry for not being around and bigger sorries to those i am in RPies which that have me in them. I shall try in my desprite attempt of keeping myself awake at night try and post on and off but i hope you guys can understand that it may not happen all to often untill i have settled in and got myself into a routine where i can handle 2 courses. :( :rolleyes

Hope you guys are cool :)


Oct 2nd, 2003, 04:38:50 PM
Just take it easy, Kelt. Get your school work doen, and don't kill yourself staying up late for our sakes. :)

(As to the thread you, Dasq, and I are doing in ST, Dasq and I have moved along, but we have kept Kelt mentioned and moving along with us. So whenever you want, you can jump on in, and it'll look like you'd never left. :))

Ace McCloud
Oct 3rd, 2003, 11:52:13 PM
Originally posted by Kelt Simoson
when i get home all i wanna do is sleep :(

Hahaha, I feel ya ;)