View Full Version : Danger is creeping...(Morgan)

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 1st, 2003, 09:16:05 PM
The trip to Corellia and Naboo had come to an end as Padawan learner, Quay'Na Rakai threw her doufflebag into the room she had in Hayes' quarters.

News of her master's return from getting married had left the Padawan in somewhat of a quandry. It was time to talk to him about the death threat on her life, though she really wasn't looking forward to it.

He had just gotten back from getting married, for crying out loud!!! And now she had to dump this on him? What would he have to say about it? She sighed deeply as she tried to think of how she was even going to tell him. Greetings, Master. Congratulations on your marriage...by the way, there is a death mark on my head... No, no, no!

She had already been to the council, like Soolin had told them and had talked to Master Navaria or well Sene had. Then, they left on their trip and hoped things had cooled off some.

Quay'Na hated bothering her master, but this needed his attention. So, she quickly made her way to his quarters, hoping to Gods, that she wasn't interrupting anything.

With a deep breath, she knocked on the door and waited.