View Full Version : Nature's Edge. (open)

Morgan Evanar
Oct 1st, 2003, 08:29:08 PM
Morgan's bare toes flexed against the cool permacrete as he stood before a training droid programmed specifically for hand to hand combat.

"Set the base skill at five of ten and adapt. Begin." The Jedi Master threw a lazy punch, which the droid knocked aside and attempted to remove his head with a metallic fist covered in squishy plastic. He dodged the series of attempted blows almost casually, moving the minimum needed to evade the punch. His body was loose and his motions flowed. Weaving and bobbing through the droid's fists, Morgan finally countered after five minutes. A single explosive punch caught it in the middle of the "chest" with a fantastic metallic ring.

"DEFEATED." the droid stated with an eletronic monotone, and flipped to it's feet. It rushed him, attempting to knock him down with it's superiour mass. Morgan stood aside, grabbed it's hand, and fliped it onto it's metal back.

The droid grabbed the Jedi and threw him. He did a single handed handpring, and landed in time to block a flurry of kicks and punches. It continued to increase the speed and furry of it's attack, with Morgan seldom using the Force for celerity beyond what nature granted him. The Jedi sidestepped, smashing the droid with a vicious sidekick that dented the outer plating, and sent it skidding six meters away.

Again, the machine attacked him. Morgan dodged two punches, and flipped backwards, slamming the ball of his left foot under the droid's chin. The three hundred kilo machine was lifted a foot off the ground before landing in a heap, it's neck bent.

"End." While the machine was no stranger to blows, it was very unusual for one to end up with a bent neck.

Shade Magus
Oct 5th, 2003, 07:09:59 PM
Shade clapped for the Jedi Master.

"Excellent display of the martial arts, Master Evancar. "

The young Knight walked over to the decorated Jedi Master and smiled.

"I would love to learn them if you are willing to show them again....in a spar let's say."