View Full Version : Testing SecCorp (open)

Oct 1st, 2003, 02:43:59 PM
Southstar stood on the top of a balcony attached to one of the many skyscrapers in Coruscant. His stare focused on an office building across the speeder lane. Soon. He glanced at a timer on his wrist, only a minute to go now.

He turned his head slightly to the left and looked at an apartment building. It's time would come, unless...

Thirty seconds left and Southstar looked back at the office building. Seconds flew by as he stared at one of the highest floors. 5...4...3...2...1... An explosion shook the office building's surroundings sending chuncks of ferrocrete into the air propelled by the force of the fiery explosion. Ferrocrete and durasteel rained down upon the speeder lanes smashing into cars causing them to plummet to the unknown depths of Coruscant.

Southstar turned from the now smoking building and walked to a public communications booth. The black screen reflected his face but soon gave way to a menu. He punched in the required information; name, place, ect. Then he recorded his messege, "SecCorp. The recent explosion is my handiwork. Three buildings down another bomb is set to go off in twenty minutes. I'll be around, catch me if you can."

Southstar ended the messege and began to walk towards the second building. In his honest opinion he didn't think there was anything SecCorp would do.

Ida Knoe
Oct 2nd, 2003, 09:52:11 AM
Just from slightly behind Southstar, the voice of a small 7 year old girl says...

"Cool! Can you do that again?!"

Ida had followed Southstar here from TSO, She didn't know him yet, but she had thought he was up to something, and she wanted to see what.... So now the 4'11" tall girl, with long black hair, was standing there behind Southstar, watching him blow things up.

Oct 2nd, 2003, 02:57:05 PM
Southstar spun around to see the little girl from the Order behind him. This was something he wasn't prepared for. This wasn't some random kid, this girl was from the Sith Order and Southstar was required make sure she didn't end up dead. Unless she was much more powerful than Southstar knew.

"Don't you have a master that you should be with?" He said.

Southstar continued to walk towards his destination intending to meet with his apprentice in the lobby in the adjacent building. Ida followed close behind.

Duke Quells
Oct 2nd, 2003, 09:06:01 PM
Duke sat in a seat in the Hotel lobby, looking straight ahead, pretending not to notice as New Republic soldiers dashed about on the street, helping to relieve the citizens in the wake of a bombing of a building. He was waiting for his Sith Master, Southstar, to arrive. He smiled at his Master's handiwork, and was truly beginning to understand what it meant to be a Sith Knight. At that understanding gave him a cold satisfaction. Soon, unless SecCorps or the Jedi made a move, a lot more of innocent folks will die.........

Ida Knoe
Oct 3rd, 2003, 12:49:24 PM
Ida goes to skip along side of Southstar....

"Nope... I Don't have a Master... i've only been a member of TSO for 5 days"

Oct 3rd, 2003, 03:22:56 PM
"Five days...that's not long." He said then checked the time again. "Come on. We need to make it to the other building. Especially if you want to see the fireworks." He said and picked up the pace.

-ten minutes later-

Southstar arrived in the lobby and found his apprentice sitting in a cushioned seat. He walked over to him with Ida in tow and stood in front of Duke's view and spoke, "So, from this comfortable position you've selected, have you seen anything? Jedi, SecCorp, ect." He asked and looked around to see if he could spot anything himself.

Ida Knoe
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:04:47 PM
Ida pick up her pace to a slow run so she can keep up with Southstar... "Yah!! Fireworks!!"

[In the lobby]

Ida hurrys in behind Southstar trying to stay out of the way, but still with him..

Duke Quells
Oct 4th, 2003, 10:09:03 PM
Duke's attention was drawn to the entrace when he detected three force signatures approaching. He rested his hand on the hilt of his smaller blade, then relaxed slightly when he saw Southstar enter. Following him was a little girl, one he had seen at the academy. He could no longer sense a third presence, so he turned to face Southstar, who was speaking to him.
"No master, other than you, the girl, and whoever the third person was following you, I haven't sensed or seen anybody. I felt the rumble from the first and second detonations though." said Duke with a slight smile showing on his lips.

Oct 5th, 2003, 12:29:03 PM
Third person following them? Surely Southstar would have noticed if someone was behind them... Again, he scanned the area with his eyes and then with the Force. His eyes saw nothing, but the Force told him that they weren't alonE.

He turned to Ida, "Go find somewhere safe for the moment."

Then to Duke, "It's a Jedi. I was hoping for SecCorp, but this will do."

Ida Knoe
Oct 6th, 2003, 09:48:54 AM
Ida nods and runs behind a couch in the lobby and sits down...

"Will this be a good hiding spot?"

Duke Quells
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:11:28 AM
"Hmmm, a Jedi. Very well then. I sense other things, like other people with dark intentions closing around us in a ring like pattern. Could these be SecCorps personnel?" Duke asked as he prepared to go into combat.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:33:04 AM
Shanaria was out for a walk when she heard the explosion, She tryed to rush to the scene of the explosion, but it seemed as if fire crews already were showing up, and there really wasn't much she could do.

So she desided to reach out with the force and see if she could detect any shady looking characters, that might be trying to flee the area. One stand out with the force, A dark force user, being folowed by a little girl...

She had no proof that this was the person that caused the explosion, but the force told her to follow....

Her left hand gently touches her newly crafted lightsaber, that was only finished construction this morning... It has never been used before, and she was hoping that she would have been able to get more training than the basics that her grandfather tought her before she came to the GJO, Before she had to use it..

She was doing her best to hide herself in the force from the man and child as she followed them to a hotel Lobby... where he saw the man start talking to another dark force user...

Shanaria stays across the street from the hotel hiding herself behind a dumpster.... Hoping that she has not been detected she pulls out her Comlink and calls the GJO...

"This is Shanaria Fabool, Padawan to Dasquian of the GJO, requesting asstance at the 2000 block on floor 1977 at the Best Price Hotel. I am observing two dark force users that i suspect are behind the detonation of a skyscraper not far from here... I will Keep them here as long as I can. Shanaria Out."

Shanaria turns off her Comlink, and goes back to watching the group before her... only to sence with the force... They know she is here...

Oct 6th, 2003, 01:07:48 PM
"That will do for now." Southstar called to Ida. Then he turned to Duke. "I'm picking up other people, but I don't know if they are SecCorp or not. They don't have a certain Force signature like the Jedi." Southstar looked around the lobby again, The Jedi that was following them had moved, where was that Jedi?

"I doubt SecCorp would even make an apperance. They're relatively new, but still... A couple floors blown off a building ought to make someone show up." Southstar reached out with the Force looking for that Jedi and found here across the street, out of sight. The wall of the lobby facing the street was made of glass just like the doors. Southstar used the Force and broke the glass and sent the shards flying acrossing the street piercing speeders and a particular dumpster.

"Ready yourself, Duke. Who knows if this Jedi is a master or apprentice." Southstar used the Force to push the speeders out of the way, it was time for a conflict Southstar had been itching for.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 6th, 2003, 01:28:53 PM
Shanaria roles out from behind the dumpster away from the flying glass. She then dives across the street in order to avoid on of the force pushed speeders that was heading her way.

She rolls to her feet at she comes out of her dive, and finds herself standing just outside the broken glass wall... She looks towards Southstar and Duke, and finds herself saying....

"Halt... your Under arrest in the name of the GJO!"

She then thinks about what she just said, and guesses she has maybe just dug her self into a hole that she can't get out of..

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 6th, 2003, 01:36:04 PM
Padawan Learner, Quay'Na Rakai had been nearby when the explosion went off and had gone to help out. Though, she could not feel it, she knew that so many lives had been lost.

She then hears over her comlink. "This is Shanaria Fabool, Padawan to Dasquian of the GJO, requesting asstance at the 2000 block on floor 1977 at the Best Price Hotel. I am observing two dark force users that I suspect are behind the detonation of a skyscraper not far from here... I will Keep them here as long as I can. Shanaria Out."

"This is Quay'Na Rakai responding, Padawan to Morgan Evanar." She answered quickly.

Quay'Na tucks her comm into her belt and begins running down the street, she's not far away. She skids to a halt and ducks into the alleyway by the hotel as she sees the front glass windows come shearing outwards, glass piercing a dumpster across the street.

With a deep breath, Quay felt the presence of the Darksiders that Shanaria had spoke of. Her hand rested on her lightsabre, as she kept a close eye on the goings on. She looked around for the other Padawan and wished for the umpteenth time that she had the ability of telepathy beyond the animal kingdom to make contact with her. Quay'Na did however, put up a mental block around herself and hoped she wasn't detected either.

It was then that she saw Shanaria roll out of the way of the flying glass and yelling. "Halt! You're under arrest..."

The rest was not heard as Quay'Na jumps out from her hidden spot.

*Snap-hiss* Her tourquise lightsabre is lit as she stands in a definsive stance, ready to back up Shanaria at any costs.

Duke Quells
Oct 6th, 2003, 03:31:29 PM
"Under arrest? By the GJO? Then by all means, come and arrest me." Duke said in a growling, menancing voice.

With words came action as Duke unsheathed both of his swords, their durasteel and cortosis ore construct shining brightly in the hotel lobby. Guests and patrons were rapidly scattering, and New Republic Security officers were approaching from the site of the first and second bombings, toting blaster rifles. Issuing a wicked smile Duke leapt through the door, and charged the one who had said that they were under arrest......

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 6th, 2003, 05:32:35 PM
Shanaria is glad to hear a responce to her call on her comm.. and is even more glad to see Quay show up with her lightsaber...

Even though Shanaria has a lightsaber and basic training with it, she would rather not have this situation be it's first test run.

Shanaria steps off to her left as Duke charges at her. She then uses the force to push Duke's feet back towards the Hotel, trying to get him to fall flat on his face, and posably onto his swords as well ...

Shanaria thinks to herself...I wonder if his mother evertold him about the dangers of running with knifes?

OOC: How are your durasteel and cortosis ore swords constructed? Is it a Durasteel blade plated with cortosis or Is it a Durasteel blade with a cortosis Core... Please also keep in mind that Cortosis is a fragile metal and most solid objects can cause it to crack or brake and thus making it not a pratical substance to make a blade from...

Ida Knoe
Oct 6th, 2003, 05:37:06 PM
Ida just stays behind the Couch poking her head out from behind at it's side closer to the windows so she can watch the fun...

Kyle Krogen
Oct 6th, 2003, 09:34:43 PM
Kyle had been walking down the street when first building exploded, he threw himself on the ground and covered his head with his hands as the rest of the buildings exploded

He slowly got to his feet and looked up at what was left of the skyscrapers, after a few minutes he heard Shanaria's commlink "this is Kyle Krogen, I will be at your location soon" he said into his commlink

He reached out with the force and after several minutes was able to find Shan and Quay'Na through it

He ran toward their location useing force boosting to increase the strength of his leg muscles so that he could run faster, he soon reached the Hotel

he caught his breath as he looked at Duke and then to Southstar, He realized that they must be sith so he reached to his belt and uncliped his lightsaber hilt from it

It let out a hiss as its purple beam came out, he held it itfront of himself ready for the sith's next move.

Oct 7th, 2003, 10:00:08 AM
OOC: Not be anal or anything but there seems to be some confusion as to what has been exploded and what has not. There has been one skyscraper where a bomb went off in its upper levels. One bomb is still ticking, unless anybody does something about it (Namely SecCorp, Southstar has sent a messege to them). All and all it works out in the end. Sorry for the unclarity on my part.

IC: Southstar watched as the yound blue Jedi was revealed, soon enough there was another female and then yet another male. "You Jedi flock to trouble like bees to honey." He said unaware if anyone really heard him.

Southstar reached out with the Force and found the Force untamed in each Jedi. They're not Jedi, just padawans, weak padawans. Duke had already taken the fight to the two women, he had battle experience but Southstar wasn't ready to just let him go up against two lightsiders just yet. Southstar waited a moment before jumping into the fight with Duke when he turned to Ida, "Cause some trouble." He said and gave her a smile.

The male padawan was off down the street, Southstar wouldn't go to him. He stepped outside and Duke and the padawans were about to begin fighting. Southstar gestured with his hand as if he was using little effort and with the Force he pushed hard on the blue padawan. Southstar waited for her to compose herself and gave a sharp pull on her legs intending to knock her down.

Marga Alton
Oct 7th, 2003, 10:21:03 AM
Marga heard Shanaria's call for help over her comm. As untrained as she was, she still decided to go and be of some assistance since Shanaria is of course a friend of hers. She broke into a dead run towards where Shanaria is and upon reaching there skids to a halt, just realising how useless she would be since she can hardly use the Force for anything aside from telepathy right now. She keeps herself back for now, and decides to only go in if she is truly needed, aka, if things get hectic and another set of fists are needed.

Rognan Dar
Oct 7th, 2003, 01:24:19 PM
It was a nice and peaceful afternoon: the sky was blue, the air was cool. Nothing was going to make this day go bad. Or...so he thought.

Rognan was out talking with the people, something he tried to do everyday. Not many really talked back. But some did, and thats all that mattered.

There was the sound of a explosion. Quiet far off from where he was. The sound echoed threw the city, being heard by people in a few miles range.

"If you will excuse me, I need to go." He said to the couple he had been talking to.

Turning toward the sound of the explotion, he used the Force to increase his speed. He ran as fast as he could. His heart raced, his breathing came in gasps. He was about to passout and he wasn't even there yet. He was closer, he could tell by the smoke and debris. He had to stop and catch his breath. He used the Force to open up his lungs, allowing air to fill his lungs.

Continueing at a fast walk, he came to the building. The upper levels were totaly destroyed. Who could have done this? Knowing that he wouldn't be able to find the culprit by looking around, he opened up his mind and searched the perimeters. To his surprise, he found a few presenses that he knew. I guess I'm not the only one that heard this explotion. Then he sensed others, too. Ones that he didn't know, but could guess that they might be behind this attack. As he was about to go to help his friends, something seemed out of place. He was being showed something through the Force. Something that could cause even more destruction. He looked around. Another bomb? Is that it? Where is it? Though He tried to find it again, it seemed to be lost.

"I better go and help my friends. Maybe they can help."

Following the Force signatures he came insight of a group with lightsaber. And they were, to what he could tell, fight the other presenses he detected. Seeing that his help was needed he ran up toward the group. Being a little ways off, he telepathicly spoke to Kyle.

Whats going on here?

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 7th, 2003, 08:38:38 PM
Quay'Na ran and leapt into the air, her gymnastic abilities taking effect as she somersaulted and landed to cover Shanaria as she fell. Her blade held closely to her as the darksider approached.

Her mind tapped fully into the Force, she would stand her ground while her fellow Padawan was down.

But, not only did she feel Shanaria's presence behind her, she felt Kyle's presence and...two other's, but not sure who.

She didn't have time to think as the darksider's blades, collided with her own.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 7th, 2003, 10:21:57 PM
Kyle turned toward Southstar and Quay, he grabed the force and used to to push Southstar away from Quay'Na

He then charged at Southstar with his saber held out infront of him, by the time he reached Southstar he had recovered from his force puch and was ready for him

Kyle knew this but he also knew he needed to protect his fellow Jedi, He slashed at the sith's midsection.

Duke Quells
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:06:59 AM
Duke felt his legs being pulled out from under him as he charged forward. He used that to his advantage to do a forward somersault, thus avoiding Quay's blades as he rolled forwards. He turned to the right, and saw Kyle's blade aimed at Southstar's midsection. He drew, and threw his second sword at where Kyle's blade would meet Southstar's midsection. Although he knew Southstar could parry the strike, he decided that if he could temporarily disable Kyle's blade, Southstar could take full advantage and go on the offensive. The blade made contact with the saber, deactivating it. The sword continued on until it hit, and stuck into the hotel wall right above Ida's head. Duke then used his other blade to block, and short out Quay's next parry, then used the sword to do a quick jab in torwards Quay's midsection.
OOC: My blades were made with Cortosis Ore being ground into dust, then smelted in with the steel. This makes a steel slightly less strong, but it has the nullyfying effects of Cortosis ore.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:36:57 AM
Shanaria's feet get pulled out form under her, and she hits the ground, quickly going into a roll off to her left and back to her feet.

Shanaria is glad that there is only one lightsaber on the Sith side and that the Jedi had 4 on their side, even thought she dosn't want to use hers...

Shanaria draws a 1 foot long dagger so that she can defend herself from the swords if they come towards her...

Shanaria desides to use her specality in Mind inflitration and mind alteration to get into Dukes mind and try to make him think that there are 50 blaster bolts flying at him from all over the place...

Ida Knoe
Oct 8th, 2003, 12:35:01 PM
Ida sees one of Dukes Swords flying towards her and desides take advantage of it, she changes her position so that it looks like she is trying to get out of the path of the sword but really lands so that if she moves the blade will cut her...

The 7 year old girl then stays where she is yelling...

"HelP!! HeLp!! HELP!! I'm stuck! Their Going to hurt me! Don't let the bad men Hurt me!! HEELLLPPP!!!"

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 8th, 2003, 12:39:45 PM
OOC/ As you requested, Southstar...your reinforcements. :)

Sorry Shanaria...RL called.


A sound caught Je'gan Olra'en's attention, and he jerked about from his place atop a small establishment not far from the SecCorp building. He focused his mind, and got a vague sense of chaos and violence.

Leaping down, he took off running. His lightsaber flew to his hand and ignited; a long dirk slipped neatly from its sheath at his hip. People who saw the clean-cut young man in white, brandishing an emerald green-bladed lightsaber, tended to assume that he was a Jedi Knight, and to get out of his way. This was fortunate, as he called on the Force for extra speed to get to where he suspected the confrontation was taking place.

Rather than decelerate, Je'gan launched up and into the air as he neared the last corner before his destination, hitting the wall square-on with both feet about two metres up. He took the necessary few steps, then dropped back down to the floor and leapt into the fray.

His mind took stock of the situation even as he automatically went for the most defenceless Jedi, the one whose lightsaber remained unlit. A leap and a lunge took only a pair of seconds, and then his lightsaber's blade was on a flat course for Shanaria Fabool's back...

OOC/ And enter Dar's post...

Rognan Dar
Oct 8th, 2003, 12:52:40 PM
So many thigns were going on at the same time. Rog didn't know what to do. There was the girl that needed help. Then there was his friends that needed help aginst the Sith.

Thinking quickly, he jumps, activating his blue sabre, and brings it down on Je'gan's saber, shoving both into the ground.

Now was the dangerest part, trying to help the girl while defending himself from Je'gan. He had a quick minute before Je'gan reacted to he block. Stretching out with the Force, he raises one hand, stretched it out toward the child, atempting to pull the sword out of the wall and away from the Girl.

Oct 8th, 2003, 12:54:55 PM
OOC/ Ooops...delete this please.

Oct 8th, 2003, 01:44:19 PM
Southstar stumbled a little as the padawan attacked. but then there was Duke's sword that darted through the air, disabling the attack. Southstar moved over to Kyle and pushed with the Force causing him to stumble backward.

Southstar called his lightsaber to his hand and activated the navy blue blade. Holding it in one hand he slashed at the young Jedi intending to cut him in two.

Telepathically he spoke to Duke, Beware any Jedi mind tricks... Southstar had spoken to Duke with the Force before and had confidence his apprentice would be able interpret it correctly as the Jedi began to toy with his mind.

Marga Alton
Oct 8th, 2003, 02:02:23 PM
Marga eyes are drawn to the seven year old girl calling for help. Without a thought to her own safety, she bolts towards the building to be of assistance to the child since she can not be of assistance to her friends right now since she has no weapons of her own and she can't use the Force for much without distracting her friends. She's doing her best to keep herself away from the fighting since she would only be another target for the Sith which are there.

I'll help the child

Marga says through telepathy to her friends so they don't have to worry about the child, and hoping that the Sith don't pick up her message.

Upon reaching Ida, she grips the sword in both hands and pulls with all her strength, pulling the sword out of the wall, not knowing that Rognan is also trying to use the Force to do this.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 8th, 2003, 03:36:13 PM
With a quick drop and roll, Quay'Na was out of the way of Duke's blade as he jabbed at her. While still in her roll, she swiped at his legs to give her enough time to regain her footing.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 8th, 2003, 03:57:05 PM
Je'gan landed short of his target, grabbed the lightsaber two-handed and spun, turning Dar's block into a flicking aside and upwards of the Jedi's weapon. His left hand disengaged and the dirk whose handle had been flush with the lightsaber lanced out black at Dar's face. At the same moment he lashed out with a left side-kick for the apprentice's midriff.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 8th, 2003, 06:23:31 PM
Kyle backfliped away from Southstar after his saber had been disabled my Duke

He landed in his feet and slowly backed away from the sith, He also saw that Rognan was in trouble

Kyle extended a hand and used the force to throw Je'gan away from the Jedi.

Duke Quells
Oct 8th, 2003, 06:59:28 PM
Duke suddenly saw fifty people from all around him opening fire on him with blasters. He invoulintarily flinched, then realised that someone was playing with his mind, so he digged into the force, and found the area of the force flowing through his mind that he didn't have the sense that was of his control. He shoved that area out of his head, and the vision disappeared. As he returned to normal, his legs were cut out from under him once more by one of the Jedi Padawans. He extended his arms, and landed on them, then used his arms to shove himself to where he was standing on them. From there Duke started back flipping until he was back inside the hotel lobby, and a short distance from Marga. He slashed backwards with his sword, aiming at Marga's back....

Marga Alton
Oct 9th, 2003, 09:32:41 AM
Marga gets the sword out of the wall in time to see Duke coming to a stop a short distance from her. If she moves, Ida will be hurt. If she stays, she might get to defend herself, thus avoiding getting her.

She spins around and awkwardly holds Dukes sword (the one she pulled from the wall) in both of her hands, bracing herself for blocking Dukes backward slash. Upon the two swords clashing though, the sword in her hands, gets sent flying across the hotel lobby since she didn't have a good grip or the strength to keep the sword in her hands. Thankfully, her block was enough to stop Duke's sword from contacting her.

Knowing she doesn't have a chance to last long in a fight with Duke, she grabs Ida with one hand, hauling her to her feet and into her arms, she goes to bolt along the wall first, deeper into the hotel.

OOC: If any of my posts are unclear, feel free to let me know and I'll edit them.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 9th, 2003, 11:18:22 AM
Shanaria was pleased that her mind trick worked for a moment, but her focus on the the mind trick made it so she almost didn't notice Je'gan's thrust. Shanaria drops to a roll off to her right side avoiding the thrust ending it in a crouched position facing Je'gan only to see that Rognan is dealing with his attack...

Shanaria does a sharp force pull on Je'gan's legs, quickly followed by a quick,downward force push on Je'gan's upper chest as he starts his spin to deflect Rognan's block, hoping to plant Je'gan fermly on his back on the ground.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 9th, 2003, 12:27:51 PM
The combined strength of Fabool's and Krogen's blasts sent Je'gan flying back, hitting a wall hard enough to make him wince. He picked himself up, reactivated his lightsaber, and closed once more with Dar, bracing himself to evade any further Force-pushes.

For the moment, the Jedi would make the first move...

Ida Knoe
Oct 9th, 2003, 12:42:57 PM
Ida smiles as Marga come to her rescue... and allows herself to be pulled to her feet and draged behind Marga...

"Thank you! Thank you Miss!"

She says as she is being pulled deeper into the hotel and farther away from the others...

When the are out of sight of the others, Ida quietly slips a switch blade out of her pocket, quickly flips out the blade and stabs Marga in the back of her right leg near her bum.

Rognan Dar
Oct 9th, 2003, 12:53:25 PM
This guy doesn't get the picture, he thought to himself, he cant take us all on. So why does he keep going for me? Rognan's forhead wrinkled. He was watching Je'gan. There wouldn't be a move that he made that Rog would not be able to give him time to counter or attack.

As Je'gan waited for someone to attack, so did Rog. He turned his whole body toward his opponent, giving him his full concentration. Rognan dug into the Force, letting his thoughts flow in it, easing his mind of all other distraction as well as letting him know his suroundings.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 9th, 2003, 12:57:29 PM
Kyle closed his eyes and consentrated for a moment, he used the force to pick up a few peices of glass from the lobby door

he then sent the sharp peiced at Je'gan aiming them at his midsection.

Duke Quells
Oct 9th, 2003, 05:30:15 PM
::Duke clashed blades with the woman trying to help Ida, then he felt the force in use near him. Turning, he saw a few glass shards being picked up, and flung at Jegan. With his mind going back to his training, Duke used the force to stop the pieces of glass in midair, then drop them to the ground. Then Duke spread his arms out, sheathing his swords in the process, and slowly lifted them up, concentrating on the ground around the lobby door with the force. All of the pieces of glass began to rise off the ground, hundreds of them. He waited until they were at his waist height, then shoved forwards with his hands. The entire mass of glass accelerated torwards Kyle, and Quay...

Marga Alton
Oct 9th, 2003, 06:29:39 PM
Marga just nods in responce to Ida's thank's not believing that the child would do anyone any harm. Then a searing pain shoots through her right leg as Ida stabs the back of her leg with the knife. She falls to her hands and knees with an outcry of pain, her pain being sent through the Force to those that are her friends letting them know that she's injured.

As she falls to her hands and knees, she lets go of Ida's hand and does her best to shut out of her mind, the pain that she is feeling, trying to regain her composure, but is in to much pain at this moment.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 9th, 2003, 06:34:59 PM
Quay'Na saw the shards of glass flinging straight towards her. Having no way to deflect them with the Force, she dove behind a nearby dumpster, cursing.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 9th, 2003, 07:54:20 PM
Kyle saw the glass coming at him, He droped to the ground just in time so that the glass just went over his head

He jumped to his feet and charged useing the force to speed him upat Duke as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of brass knuckles and sliped his fingers into them

He reached Duke and tackled him and threw a punch aimed at his face.

Rognan Dar
Oct 9th, 2003, 08:44:28 PM
There was a disturbance in the Force. An outstretched pain was felt. Not of his own, but of someone that he was close to.

Rognan turned his head slightly. He stretched out with the Force and located Marga's position. But what was he going to do. He made a quick decision. One that he did not like.

Marga, what happened? He said to her telepathicly. As he did so, he felt even more pain from her. "Shanaria!" he called out, "go find Marga. She is inside the hotel." Was all he could do. He had to stop the enemy at hand.

Ida Knoe
Oct 10th, 2003, 09:26:08 AM
Ida Quickly puts the blade away and runs deeper into the Hotel.. Smiling at what she has done...

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 10th, 2003, 09:39:45 AM
Shanaria hears Rognan's call, and nods, then makes a mad dash into the hotel. She approches Duke and it looks like He may try to stop her, so before he can do to her she force throws Duke at Southstar...

She then sprints up to Marga, after ducking into a room, and grabbing a hand towel... She starts to wrap the knife wound with the towel...

"Marga! What Happend! Where's the kid!?"

Marga Alton
Oct 10th, 2003, 09:56:13 AM
Marga focus's all her energy to respond to Rognan through telepahy with a simple word. Attacked

When Shanaria shows up, she smiles slightly, and breaks the act that she has been showing to everyone except for a select few.

"I was attacked from someone. The kid's run off. Don't know where."

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 10th, 2003, 10:05:15 AM
Shanaria smiles as she tightens the 'bandage' around Marga's leg..

"Did you see who attacked you or what direction the kid went in?"

Oct 10th, 2003, 10:55:28 AM
Southstar watched as Duke soared through the air towards him. For a moment he contemplated helping Duke and preventing him from crashing into him. Southstar stepped aside, not breaking his apprentice's fall. Duke knew enough about the Force to prevent himself from being to badly hurt by the fall.

He waited for Duke to stand up while Southstar consentrated on preventing any more attacks on himself. There were glass shards heading Je'gan's way, he should be able to handle it. Southstar turned and headed back to the building. Draw them inside. He called through the Force to his fellow Sith. Inside the lobby he stood facing the giant glass wall that faced the street. It was going to be a tough task, but Southstar concentrated on the wall with the Force and it began to shake.

Duke Quells
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:10:51 AM
OOC: For those of you who don't know, I am wearing a full suite of Sith style Battle Armour, except for the facemask.

IC: Duke allowed himself to be tackled, and waited to see what the kid's next move would be. He was a little suprised to see brass knuckles, and let the kid punch him in the face, knocking out two of his teeth. Then he made the kid pay for his mistake. Duke had been a veteran of many bar fights on his homeworld of Antioch, and knew how to handle this situation. Then Southstar told him to lure everybody inside. Complying with the order, Duke positioned his legs under Kyle, then kicked upwards while executing a backflip while on the ground. Kyle was propelled into the hotel lobby, landing face first into the smaller glass shards that Duke missed earlier with his force shove. Standing up, Duke charged Kyle, and aimed a iron fist at Kyle's chin.....

Kyle Krogen
Oct 10th, 2003, 01:02:43 PM
Kyle moved to the side just enough so that Duke's attack wistled by his ear, He then brought of his fist and sent it at Duke's chest.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 10th, 2003, 02:35:12 PM
Slowly, kepping his eyes locked on Rognan Dar, Je'gan took a step back, then another, his lightsaber waving threateningly before him. He turned in a blur of movement and dashed for the huge glass doors, or more precisely for a thick beam that bisected them. With a Force-enhanced speed he sprinted up the beam and backflipped off it to land only marginally farther away from Dar than he had started off.

His lightsaber, ignited, spun between his fingers before he drew it's handle back behind his head to point at Dar. The dirk was outstretched, but pointed down at the ground.

"If you dare..."

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 10th, 2003, 03:32:24 PM
Once on her feet again, Quay'Na sprinted into the building to aid Shanaria and Marga, they would need eyes in the back of their head, with these Sith.

She found them quickly as she scanned for danger. "Is she okay?" Quay'Na asked as she stood with her back to them in a defensive stance her lightsabre held out in front of her, ready for an attack.

Marga Alton
Oct 11th, 2003, 07:13:49 AM
Marga goes to stand up after Shanaria has tied the 'bandage' on her leg and letting herself slip back into the role she plays, that of being a mute.

No, I didn't see who attacked me, and the kid went deeper into the hotel.

And I'll be fine. This is nothing that I haven't recieved before.

Rognan Dar
Oct 11th, 2003, 01:12:04 PM
Nice sprint. Good jump, and nice landing...What am I saying, he's my enemy. I'm not judging gymnastics. Focusing back to reality, it looked like this battle was at a stand still. Neither he or Je'gan was about to make the first move.

This battle could be over before it begins. Someone had to make the first move. But who?

Rognan started to circle Je'gan, looking for a opening in his defense.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 11th, 2003, 01:19:13 PM
Je'gan turned slowly, still facing Dar. He feinted with his lightsaber once, then drew back his left hand as if to throw the dirk...but that wasn't where the real attack was coming from.

Bridging their minds as Taine had taught him, he attacked the Jedi's psyche with a focused stream of blades that existed solely on the mental plane.

Rognan Dar
Oct 11th, 2003, 01:42:11 PM
The feint attack didn't faze Dar. He could tell that through Je'gans motions, that it wasn't a full attack. Stretching out a hand, he sent out a wave useing the Force to knock the dirk out of his hand.

Then all of a sudden, he attacked again. Rognan moved his saber around and blocked one, ducked under another, and stepped backward, nearly avoding one for his head.

Now was the time. He jumped forward, lightsaber help over his head. He landed near Je'gan and brought the saber down.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 11th, 2003, 02:20:30 PM
Shanaria looks to Marga...

"Since your alright... I'll go after the kid.."

at that point Shanaria goes to sprint down the hall looking for Ida.

Duke Quells
Oct 11th, 2003, 02:24:23 PM
Kyle's fist comes down on Duke's chestplate, then bounces off with a resounding Clang. Duke, tired of playing with the little Jedi, shoves him off with barely any effort, and stands up. He sees Jegan taking care of himself, so Duke rushes in the hotel to look for Southstar. He comes upon the two women he had fought earlier. Drawing one of his swords, he slowly walks torwards the two women, one of whom is wounded in the leg......

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 11th, 2003, 05:41:04 PM
Quay'Na covers Shanaria as she sprints down the hallway and disappears, but she stays with Marga.

The Darksider that had attacked earlier, enters the building and takes notice of she and the injured Padawan.

"You'd better take cover." She tells Marga, not knowing the Padawan is a mute. Drawing herself into the Force, Quay'Na readies herself for the attack. She feels calm within the Force, a calmness that enables her a clear connection to the Force.

Quay'Na is ready.

Marga Alton
Oct 12th, 2003, 10:55:39 AM
Marga nods her head to Shanaria just before Shanaria runs off down the hall after Ida. She then turns her attention to Quay and sees Duke approaching the two of them. She keeps Quay between herself and Duke, knowing that she's not going to be of much help right now.

I'll be here in case you need my help.

Ida Knoe
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:27:43 AM
Ida runs around a corner and waits behind a potted plant...

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:32:50 AM
Shanaria runs arround the corner and right past Ida, thinking that she has gone farther into the hotel.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 12th, 2003, 02:05:01 PM
Kyle brushed off the shove and reactivated his lightsaber and ran after Duke, when he reached the sith he held the saber inches from his back "move and I'll kill you sith scum."

Duke Quells
Oct 13th, 2003, 07:09:41 AM
Duke heard the voice behind him and involuntary swept his right hand backwards to smack his fist into the person behind him. His hand encountered the lightsaber, and he felt a searing sensation on his hand as it's armour encountered the lightsaber, then deactivated it. Even though the armour deactivated the blade, it still absorbed enough heat to seep through the armour, and blister Duke's hand. Letting loose a small growl of rage, Duke summons up some of that good old Dark Side Force energy, and uses it to enhance his speed. He quickly leaves Kyle behind him as he sprints inside the hotel.

Oct 13th, 2003, 01:30:00 PM
Almost everyone was inside the hotel now, just je'gan and the other padawan. With a burst in the Force he broke the giant glass window causing shards to come down upon the two battling apprentices. Je'gan could take care of himself, if not then he shouldn't have been there. Southstar had no idea how weel trained Rognan was, hopefully he wasn't trained very well and the falling glass would eliminate him from the battle.

Southstar turned and entered the depths of the hotel. He opened his mind to the Force and found everyone giving off their distinct Force signature inside the hotel.

He boarded the lift and rode it up a floor. casually he walks through the winding hall as if he lived there his whole life. He entered one of the door on his left side and found an empty room. He took his place in the middle of it and activated his lightsaber. To the right of him he cut a wide hole in the floor giving him access to the room beneath. He jumped down into yet another empty room just outside the door would be Marga.

All it took was a fierce push with the Force to knock the door off its hinges and plowing into the padawan. Instead of stepping out into the hall Southstar cut a hole through the wall and headed the way of Shanaria.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 13th, 2003, 07:06:01 PM
Je'gan's own weapon snapped up in a classic Block One, warding away the Jedi's swing and shunting it to the side. A split second later, the Sithling's hand shot out with a sword-hand strike at Dar's throat.

It didn't connect, though, as something flared in the back of his head and he dove behind the same dumpster Quay'Na had taken refuge behind. Glass from the window bombarded the walls on either side of him; the narrow space had saved him from severe laceration.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 13th, 2003, 07:14:36 PM
OOC: Duke, in my last post we're already in the hotel and you've just come in for us...


Kyle gave Quay'Na just the opening she needed to call on the Force, she called telepathically to the nature that surrounded them outdoors.

Come, my friends. I need your help...

Seconds later, a flock of about fifty birds flew in through the shattered window and swooped and pecked at Duke in a mad frenzy.

Quay'Na stood back and sighed, but still in her defensive stance.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 13th, 2003, 07:31:19 PM
Kyle stared at his disabled lightsaber when he remembered that Rognan was outside by himself, He ran outside the hotel intime to see the glass coming down on his fellow jedi

He grabed the force and used it to divert the glass away from Rognan, Kyle then looked for Je'gen but was enable to find him since he was still behind the dumpster.

Rognan Dar
Oct 13th, 2003, 10:31:42 PM
After his attack being blocked he was going to pull away and try again. Then he saw the sith's hand come at him. Rog braced himself for the attack, but it never came. He saw Je'gan run behind a dumpster, then he turned around and saw glass coming at him. He deactivated his saber and curled into a ball on the ground, keeping his face covered.

A few seconds past. He was expecting to be showered in blass shards. He looked around carefully and saw that Kyle had taken care of the glass.

His attention back on Je'gan, he stood up and stretched both hands out toward the dumpster. It began to shake as he used the Force to push it into the next building, hopfully crushing him.

Duke Quells
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:37:11 AM
Birds! Crazy Birds!!! Duke thought madly as he sought to fend off the ugly little beasts. He knew that one of the Jedi had to have influenced their minds to do such a thing, for these animals never had been seen to act in such a way. Fortunatly, Duke had an alternative plan in mind. First, he gathered a small group of tightly packed positive particles together, then another group of positive particles together. During which time, the birds kept at him, he had some bloody scratches on his face, but his armour protected most of the rest of his body. He then attached negative particles in turn to each of the birds. A small flash of electricity resulted, and in turn the blackened, charred remains of the bird fell to the ground. Some time later, Duke was surronded by charred birds, and was a little worn out by exercising the manuevers. He allowed himself a small smile, and stated, "Corellian Fried Chicken, anyone?"

Ida Knoe
Oct 14th, 2003, 10:51:37 AM
After Shanaria is a good distance down the hall Ida sneeks out and runs back to the others with a panic stricken look on her face saying loudly so all the jedi except Shanaria would hear her....

"Ahhhhh!! Bad men! Bad Men got the Blue Lady! Lots! Lots! There comming!! AHHHHHHH!"

Marga Alton
Oct 14th, 2003, 06:47:23 PM
Marga turned her head towards the door which she's beside as she hears a noise inside that room. She's about to turn towards it when the door was pushed off it's hinges via the Force and smacked right into her, sending her into the opposite wall, putting her in a sandwich position for a moment. Then with a small amount of her strength, she pushes the door slightly, knocking it onto the ground, a few seconds later she collapses unconcious onto the door.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 15th, 2003, 01:12:55 PM
Shanaria continues to run down the hall looking for Ida, not knowing that she has run past her and that I da is heading back towards the fight...

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 15th, 2003, 04:35:05 PM
The dumpster rattled, and images of what it would take to move the thing flashed through Je'gan's mind. He ducked and rolled to the side as the wall gave off a hollow thump and a cloud of dust; without pausing, he picked up a large piece of glass, came to his feet and hurled it like a discus at Rognan Dar, using the Force to speed his actions to blurring levels.

Oct 15th, 2003, 10:23:33 PM
Shanaria was moving fast, faster than Southstar could keep up with when he had all these walls to make it through. He felt Ida witht he Force as she ran off to cause some more chaos. There was the blue Jedi, rounding a corner, off to try and find Ida. Quickly a plan formulated in his mind. He broke through the door leading to a hallway parallel to the one Shanaria was in now.

With Force enhanced speed and strength he cut through the two rooms seperating him from the padawan. The navy blue blade cut through the door in the hall Shanaria was now in. With a quick succession of slashes the door fell to bits and Southstar jumped out facing the young Jedi. For a moment he studied her as she stopped dead in her tracks. He leapt forward coming dangerously close to her and hacked down.

Rognan Dar
Oct 15th, 2003, 10:24:25 PM
The dumpster idea failed. Not that he expected it to work. But it flushed him out. Rognan was mentally tired after his failed atempt to smash Je'gan. But there was no time for the weary.

Watching the sith pick up the glass he slowly readied himself. The peice of glass came at him in a blur, catching the sun for a second. Rognan once again raised his hand, closed his eye's, and consintrated on the glass. He used the Force to slow it down. But he couldn't stop it. It was going to fast. After a breathtaking few second, it finally came to a stop right infront of him, touching his robe. He slowed it down as much as he could. With the speed that was left, it hit him but caused no damage.

The glass dropped to the ground and shattered. Rognan fell alone with it, dropping to his hands and knees. He was breathing heavily.

Kyle Krogen
Oct 15th, 2003, 10:31:22 PM
Kyle saw that his fellow Jedi was tired out and ran up to him "are you ok Rognan" he said as he looked at Je'gan "you will regret attacking us Sith" he said to Je'gan

He reactivated his lightsaber again and walked forward so that he was infront of Rognan with his lightsaber held at the ready.

Sanis Prent
Oct 16th, 2003, 12:37:25 AM
I'd watched the carnage from across the street. Interestingly enough, a familiar lock of red hair got my attention, and I figured I'd take a closer look. Approaching the front door of the hotel, I could already tell things were a mess. The Concierge staff was busy cleaning up, and trying to maintain the illusion that all was well.

Well, ladies and gents. All is not well. All is about to hit the fan.

The doorman looked me up and down, with the appraisal of a debutante scuffing dog crap off her white shoes.

"The lobby is closed to outside visitors. Please come back another time."

I smiled for a moment, sighing.

"Funny you should mention that. Allow me to make a counterpoint."


The doorman went down like a sack of potatoes, sprawled out on the ground. The lobby's rent-a-cop, twenty feet away, froze like a tauntaun in the headlights. That gave me initiative.

"That was stun. The next person here who would like to disagree with me gets a killbolt."

The guard was contemplating the next eternal seconds of his life in his mind. I tried to make it easy for him.

"Oh shut up. Throw that heater down. Getting paid twenty credits an hour doesn't make you Han Solo, ace."

For extra convincing, I pulled back my jacket, and allowed him a good look at my credentials, each slung into a nice leather holster.

"Get out of here. Make sure you call an ambulance on your way out. There's going to be a real shooting soon enough."

With that taken care of, I made my way to the elevator. Time to pay Quay'na Rakai a visit.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:09:29 AM
Half of Quay'Na's birds made it back to the safety of the outside world again, as she mentally called them off.

While Duke was wrestling among them, heard the child and saw Marga be thrown into the wall nearby and collapse unconscious.

Her mind was going in several directions at once on what to do. Protect, Marga and try to get her out of here... She finally countered as she deactivated her blade for a split second.

"Little girl, get out of here!" Quay'Na yelled and quickly grabbed her up and Force-ran towards Marga. She was there in seconds.

Skidding to a halt, she let go of the girl and quickly looked over the injured Jedi. But, there was nothing she could do at the moment as Duke was nearing.

*Snap-hiss* Her blade was back on. "You'll have to cut through me to get to her, Sith." Quay'Na told him, she had no idea that Sanis Prent was around.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:53:27 AM
Shanaria stops her runs as southstar cuts his way out of the wall in front of her. She spins off to her left as the slash comes down at her, just missing her right arm.

She sends a telepathic scream into only Southstar's head... If the scream was verbal it would have been loud enough to crack glass but as it is only Southstar hears it...

Duke Quells
Oct 16th, 2003, 11:00:50 AM
Duke ran straight torwards Quay, then ran straight into her, dissipating as he ran. For this was only a force illousion of Duke, projected into Quay's mind as the real Duke ducked into a room. He gathered the force into his hand, reeled it back at the wall that seperated him from the outside fighting in the alley where Je'gan was facing off against two Jedi. At the last moment before he striked, Duke decided on adding strategy to strategy. He gathered the force in both of his hands, then he struck. The first blow blew out the wall, and sent shards of duracrete and durasteel into the air, and then gestured forwards with his other hand, using the force that he gathered in that hand to propel all the falling shards at lethal speed at Rognan, and Kyle.

Ida Knoe
Oct 16th, 2003, 11:08:11 AM
Ida lets herself get grabed and taken off to Marga with Quay'Na. when they get there Ida sees duke ducking into a room, not knowing about the ilusion that he sent to Quay'Na. Ida slips out her switch blade again and from the position of safty that Quay put her in behind her, Ida slashes her blase up the back of Quay's right leg.

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 16th, 2003, 12:41:36 PM
"Oh yes...I'm going to regret this very much."

Sensing yet another attack coming at him, Je'gan ducked instinctively. As his brain caught up with him, he realized that it wasn't directed at him personally; it was Quells' telekinetic assault on Dar and Krogen. He dove off to the side, using the distraction to close with the younger of the two Jedi, and lanced out with his lightsaber in a flat lunge.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 16th, 2003, 08:17:10 PM
Quay'Na jerks back slightly at Duke's illusion. But, as he disappears she realizes what it was and hold her stance. She felt the warning from the Force, but never would've thought it to be the small girl child behind her.

Quay'Na felt the blade slice through the back of her leg like fire. She sucked in a gasp of air, not allowing the child the pleasure of the pain she had inflicted.

Wincing and gritting her teeth, she screamed through the Force as she stumbled forward and fell. her lightsabre still lit in her hand, she wasn't about to let go of that, not now.

Oct 16th, 2003, 08:19:53 PM
Southstar turned his hed as the scream rattled through his mind. He did his best not to show any pain on his face, and did quite well as well. With the Force he pushed her as hard as he could causeing her to soar back towards where the hallway turned. The Force push managed to cut the loud scream off and Southstar let rage fill his body. He charged toawrds the Jedi and swung his lightsaber low than cutting up. He desired nothing more in the galaxy than to see this girl split in two.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 17th, 2003, 10:13:06 AM
Shanaria spins herself around as she is in mid air from Southstar's throw, so that her front is facing the wall, she uses her arms to break the blow. She rolls along the wall so her back is aganst it only to see Southstar charging at her, She uses the force to push Southstar away from her enough that his blade will miss her.

She then uses the force to do a Sharp downward pull on a tender place between Southstar's legs.

Sanis Prent
Oct 17th, 2003, 10:25:41 AM

The door to the elevator parted, and the first thing I saw was Quay'Na falling forward. Fortunately for her, I caught her by the shoulders. Or was that unfortunately? I forget.

Ida Knoe
Oct 17th, 2003, 12:26:43 PM
After her slash was sucesesful Ida quickly puts her knife away. Moments after her knife is hiden again She sees Sanis. Ida puts on her act of just being a kid there at the wrong time again...

"She's hurt Mister! They hurt her! can you help?"

Oct 17th, 2003, 02:57:25 PM
Southstar's lightsaber ripped through the wall and right after he felt the tugging on his legs. He rolled with it adding his own force into it and turned it into a hand spring. He now had Shanaria cornered. He raised his lightsaber, prepared to cut her down.

Then his chrono began beeping. Time was up, the bomb in the second building detonated causing all the buildings around, including the hotel, it to tremble. From outside you could see that the building immediatly around it it had been defaced.

The tremor caused Southstar to miss his strike and scar the wall. Shararia was still alive, but still cornered. Southstar's judgement changed and he decided the girl would live to see another day. He held her tightly with the Force around her throat cutting off her oxygen supply and causing her to become dizzy and disoriented. Before she passed out he released his grip. He turned and began to run back towards where he had left Duke.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 17th, 2003, 04:35:18 PM
Quay'Na saw the man she had just fallen into. Ignoring the childs cries behind her, she would deal with her soon enough.

Sanis Prent.

The very man who wanted her dead. This couldn't be happening.

Taking herself into the Force, she calmed her fast beating heart and racked with pain, she forced herself to stand. Quay'Na looked at him. "So, you've finally found me."

About that time another explosion went off and the ground beneath them rumbled with a fury.

Quay'Na's thoughts went to the two Jedi outside! But, at this moment, there was not much she could do as she stood face to face with death.

Her sabre was still in her hand as she felt the blood from her leg pool into her boot. The slash was bad, the brat had done some damage. And if it wasn't taken care of soon, Sanis wouldn't have to worry about killing her, she'd probably go down from blood loss.

She limped backwards putting most of her weight on her left side, keeping Sanis in sight at all times.

Rognan Dar
Oct 17th, 2003, 07:37:10 PM
Rognan jumped to his feet and ran at Kyle. Boosting his speed, he half picked up half shoved him out of the way. He stopped at the side of the hotel, and looked back at Je'gan.

Then another building exploded. Much closer this time. He could see the explosion tair apart another building. He covered both himself and Kyle as peices occationaly fell from the sky.

Marga Alton
Oct 18th, 2003, 11:52:06 AM
Marga groans slightly, slowly regaining conciousness when the hotel trembles due to the second bomb going off. Her whole body hurts, though more her leg then anything. After a moment, she opens her eyes and sees Ida, Quay, and Sanis. Quay is hurt.

A flash of anger goes through her eyes before she forces herself to be calm. Anger is not what she wants to deal with right now. She pushes herself up to her knees and sways slightly as she becomes dizzy. With one hand outstretched, she steadies herself, though at this point, she is of no use to help anyone.

Duke Quells
Oct 18th, 2003, 08:50:25 PM
OOC: How many people participating in this thread want to start an official posting order?

Sanis Prent
Oct 19th, 2003, 11:03:23 AM
I reached forward, grabbing Quay by the collar, and pulled her back into the elevator car. I let go, forcing her to take a seat rather ungracefully, as I closed the door behind me, ignoring Marga and Ida. To this moment, I had not drawn a weapon, however, they hung from my various holsters in plain view. The possibility of extreme violence was laid plain for Quay to see. I stayed my hand.

The first thing that Quay would realize is that the moment she fell into the elevator, her connection to the force was snuffed out completely. The answer to this riddle, unseen by Quay, lay hidden in the oversized duffle bag I kept at my feet.

We took the car down to the lobby. I looked into Quay's cautious, untrusting eyes, then down to her lacerated leg. A moment of silence passed, and I reached into my pocket, pulled a handkerchief, and tossed it at her.

"Tie that down. Stop the bleeding."

Lldian Sorve
Oct 19th, 2003, 01:57:16 PM

The elevevator doors parted ways for both Prent and Quay'Na, as they moved apart the silver doors began to show a figure dressed entirely in black, not in a cloak, but in soft armor almost shell like in its appearance, even his feet were covered in a soft padding material as if he had wrapped cloth around them, the mans face was half covered by a black cloth tied around his mouth while his long black hair covered three quarters of the top half of his head. When the doors had fully opened he was fully in view.

Quickly, with speeds placing himself into almost a blur, the figure drew a medium length of metal, flipped it down to his feet and kicked it hard into the crack that separated the door from the floor, wedging the door open and stopping it from closing.

Without even stopping from placing the metal in, the black clad figure drew, from a sheath across his back, a modified E-11 donning different types of home made gadgets and sights, almost making the traditional weapon look alien. The figure pointed it towards the other Bounty Hunter and took a step back from the elevator.

Bearing mind this was quick enough to have happed within a few seconds.

"Quay'Na Rakai?" The Figure hissed in her direction, his eyes still on Prent.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 19th, 2003, 02:20:52 PM
Quay'Na's blade deactivatred as Sanis pulled her into the elevator car, she had almost lost her grip on it. Abruptly, she was shoved to a bench, her leg hurt viciously, but she kept her mind and eyes on Sanis.

Within seconds of entering the elevator car, the Force left Quay'Na, it was no longer there to help her. She sat literally confused by this, but then remembered the one thing that could do this, Ysalamiri.

It was lizard-type creature that could push away the Force. He had to have had one. She looked at the dufflle bag and sighed. Not daring to make a move with all the weapons he had, she was suddenly surprised when he threw the handkerchief at her and told her to stop the bleeding. Painfully, she did so. Not sure exactly what help that would accomplish, but anything was better than nothing. But, why did it really matter? Sanis was going to kill her anyway, why not let herself bleed to death instead?

The Padawan was beginning to get dizzy as she leaned over and did her best to stop the bleeding as the doors opened and revealed yet another man. One with long dark hair and a strange black body suit on, holding a weapon on Sanis and asking Quay'Na's name.

"Yes," Quay'Na answered slowly. She felt almost as if she were in a dream and wondered if this were truly happening.

Sanis Prent
Oct 19th, 2003, 07:46:43 PM
I let the man in black have his 15 seconds of fame, and kept silent. The only move I made was a subtle gesture, out of the assassin's line of sight anyway, from his side-long vantage. I reached to my belt, thumbing a small device that rested there.

Lldian Sorve
Oct 19th, 2003, 10:35:47 PM

Barked the dark claded figure again, his eyes unmoving from Prent. He directed his words towards the Jedi woman, his words were forcefull yet light, cacluating yet observant.

"Move my friend and bodies will fall, trust me!" He said, his voice turning dangerous, this tiem directed towards Sanis. "Quay'Na, move towards and out of the rmain doors to this building, go quicky!"

The Assassins hold on the e-11 was perfect, his observation,except the pushing of the button, unmatched and his concentration of the man in the lift flawless. Ether Prent would let the girl go, or blood would be drawn and Sorve would make sure it was not his that stained the ground.

Sanis Prent
Oct 20th, 2003, 12:07:49 AM
"Shoot me."

I smiled confidently, no sense of tension in my demeanor.

Lldian Sorve
Oct 20th, 2003, 12:36:01 AM
"I have a better idea."

As Quay slipped fast Sorve, the black clad Assassin ripped at his duffel bag which had been strapped at his side and pulled a Thermal Detonator pressed the activation button with his thumb and throw it towards Sanis and into the elevator, as he swirled to run, Sorve also let out a hail of E-11 bolts that spread towards Prent at a fantastic speed.

The Thermal Detonator bounced once and then quickly rolled into the lift.

Dink Dink Dink dinokdinkdinkdinkinkd-d-d-d-dinkinkink deeeeeink!

"MOVE!" Barked Sorve as he pushed Quay towards the main door.

Sanis Prent
Oct 20th, 2003, 01:08:05 AM
Of course, at such personal ranges, a tactic like this could use a little thinking over. Not so for me, as I immediately kicked the explosive out the way it came. The assassin's E-11 peppered shots across my personal shield, which flickered in flashes of light where it impacted, but now the ball was quite literally in his court again.

I intended to keep it that way. With a fluid pull, my shell gun was out, and leveled off. A squeeze of one trigger produced a loud bang, sending a blue shell screaming towards the pair. It had the dual effect of catching incoming shots from the assassin's E-11, as well as ensuring the thermal detonator's imminent explosion only went one way.

Maybe they'd escape it. Maybe not. As for Quay, she was probably better off with me. Now, she was guilty by association.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 20th, 2003, 04:05:25 AM
Quay'Na stumbled from her injured leg and when she did she lost the grip on her sabre, it went tumbling across the ground. With a gasp, she wanted to go after it, but the detonator would go off any second and there just wasn't any time. Grabbing it with the Force was impossible at the moment and even with the Force, that kind of concentration took her some time. Telekinesis wasn't one of her strong holds, yet.

Her leg burnt like fire as she managed to stand and limp quickly towards the door that the guy told her too.

Once Quay'Na was out and away from Sanis the Force returned, she welcomed it back.

The Padawan didn't really know what was going on, her mind was getting foggy and while attempting to run not only made her leg wound hurt like hell, it also bled more and there was no doubt she was leaving a trail of blood with every step.

Lldian Sorve
Oct 20th, 2003, 07:29:30 PM
The shot of Prents' famous shell gun fired in Lldians ears, but it was to late. The explosion from the detonator raged a small havoc near the elevator, the blast smashed and through everything it came into contact with, chairs, benches, tables you name it, whatever was in its wake was destroyed. And burning.

The shock wave rocked both Quay'Na and Lldian off their feet in such good timing that Prents' shot, whatever it was, missed narrowly and hit further up the building. The pair were in troubled, Lldian had not expected a personal sheild, Sanis was a "Cheat of the Trade".

Well if he can cheat...

Lldian quickly got from his back and without seeing if she was okay the Assassin grabbed her Quays hand and tugged her up onto her feet, there was no time for "Are you Okay dear?!". On his belt sat a button for some reason, he had not used it in a very, very long time. he had no choice now. He pressed the button and suddenly a very bright green neon light burst from the belt, flashing and then stopping, flashing and then stopping.

A beacon.

"I know Your hurt Miss Rakai but you must move, we have no chance here if you don't"

Syriande Blue
Oct 20th, 2003, 08:22:43 PM
' The beacons flashing.' Said Blue looking through the Binoculars.

'What?!' Linton said his voice amazed he was hearing this 'Lldian, need help? That other guy must be good.'

Bubbles shifted in his seat, the big guy wanted action now. Hell the bulky Bubbles always wanted action, he was the muscels of the Pintas crew after all.

'W-w-we should go heeelp him BoSS' Said glunk a rather fat, but never-the-less professonal Rodian. He was a good marksman was was not exsactly the brightest tool in the shed.

Blue sat and though for a moment. If they went in there to get the other two out, there would be more targets and less chance for the other hunter to miss. But if they did not go in-

' Alright lads lets move..' he said picking up a comm while the other picked up verious weapons they had with them.

' Im ready, Gentleman' Mork said through the comm, he was elsewhere. 'A warning however, he has a personal sheild, you will have to be quick'

Blues' heart sank but it would have to be done.

All 8 crew, exited the hova-van wearing heavy green trench coats and low, gaping hoods over their heads, eatch looked the same save for them carrying diffrent types of weapons.

Linton and Glunk were both weilding E-11's, Bubbles wascarrying the ever faithfull Golan Arms FC-1 with seconday mine attack, good for your blowing up of things, the other four crew, save one, were carrying E-11's also, while the save one was carrying a bowcaster . They had these weapons stictly on loan from the Morag Corf (Lldians faction) of Assasssins.

The Pintas crew were theives afterall, not fighters. However they had weapons training alright.

Blue however did not carry any such weapons, he simply carried his two antique Blunderbusses' (http://www.sherwoodsspirit.com/photos/pa189a.jpg) that were a one shot shotgun type weapon, fireing anything from metal shards to crafted hard metal balls. They did not sound on description to dangerous for the Starwars universe, but at close range, they cold blow a hole in any living creature.

These were straped at his sides.

They crew after Blues' signal started to jog at ameduim rate towards the reception doors.

It was time to get the pair out.

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 20th, 2003, 08:51:46 PM
Quya'Na tried to block as much pain as she could with the Force, but it was nearly useless as she forced herself to run. Her adrenaline kept her going and knew that whenever she reached her destination, she'd probably collapse.

She was out of Sanis Prent's clutches, but to what avail? There was little she could do now, she was injured and her sabre had been lost. What was to become of her? What about Sene? Would anyone even know what had happened to her?

These thoughts jumbled in her mind as she pressed onward to only God knew where. She wondered deeply if this was it, was this how her life was going to end? Bleeding to death in some scuzzy alley or become the next victim to this man? Which she had a vague thought that she knew him, but everything was becoming so fuzzy it was hard to tell.

Quay'Na didn't ask questions, she would fight to surivive even if it were hopeless. She would damn well die trying....

Sanis Prent
Oct 21st, 2003, 02:54:00 PM
I kicked the bracing away from the lift door, hitting the button to head down to the third floor. As the door closed, I took the time to eject the spent casing from the blue shell. In its place, I slid a green shell, alongside a red shell.


The breech slammed shut, and I slid my shell gun back into its holster, drawing my double westar blaster pistols instead. There were only a certain amount of ways out of this building. The lift, and beyond the point of no return, stairs.

The door opened, and I made my way down to the stairwell access, to cut off any chance of escape.

Lldian Sorve
Oct 23rd, 2003, 01:34:10 AM
Lldian turned around to view where the other Hitman had vanished to, he had gone. Was he hit from the blast? Could not have been, he had a personal sheild, no ,no he escaped by the elevator the doors were closed.

The heat was getting more intense, the two would have to escape from the floor and quickly, the quickest way was of course the elevator and that was blocked by the roaring mass of fire. The only other way out would be the fire exit and if prent was still after them which Lldian could guess is what he was up to he would be trying that way around.

"I see no other way out than the window" Said Sorve in a defeated tone of voice. Lldian took the butt of his E-11 and slammed it hard once against the window, it didn't move.

"Or not"

He looked towards Quay "I don't think i can take Prent on alone, not with his personal sheilding, and i don't know how long it will take for the others to come."

He turned towards the fire exit stairwell.

"Can you handle a blaster Lady Quay'Na?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:59:51 AM
Quay'Na quickly nodded. "Yes." She answered as she looked back into the fiery mass, thinking that her lightsabre was back there...somewhere and so was Sanis. Her memory finally struck her of who this was.

Lldian Sorve, one of Blues aqauintances. "Give me a blaster, I'll help."

Oct 23rd, 2003, 09:18:06 PM
Southstar reached the floor Ida was on. He finally found her in one of the many hallways. "Ida! Time to go, we've done what we needed to. This little 'mission' is over." He said and then waited for her to respond.

They then reached the lift and took it down to the lobby. There was a sort of confrontation going on between one of the Padawans and two characters he had neve seen before. He raised his guard and did his best to avoid getting involved, it wasn't his problem.

Outside was Je'gan, still confronting the remainder of the padawans. With the Force he shoved them away from Je'gan.

"Come on boy. Time to go home." He called and began running towards where he left the borrowed ship he took from the Order.

they boarded the ship and Southstar ordered the pilots to fire up the engines and get the ship going as soon as possible. While the pilots did as he ordered Southstar took a seat in the living quarters.

"Jedi... someone should just kill them all." he muttered. Then he looked towards Ida, "Ida. Nice work back there, you're touvher than you look." He said and gave her a little smile. "Now, I understand you don't have a master..."

Ida Knoe
Oct 24th, 2003, 12:16:08 PM
Ida nods as Southstar calls for them to go, and rushes out of the hotel with him. once they are settled in the ship Ida sits down with Southstar.

"Nobody expects the sweet little girl to stab them when they are trying to protect them :D"

Ida smiles

"Nope I don't have a master... Why do you ask?"

Je'gan Olra'en
Oct 24th, 2003, 12:48:52 PM
Je'gan nodded emphatically at Southstar's statment.

Jedi, Light or Dark, are tending to get in my way a bit too much...

Oct 24th, 2003, 06:01:28 PM
"Well Ida, I do believe I will be able to train you." Southstar said. "From start to finish... Tommorrow morning, in the Training Grounds."

Ida would be his full apprentice from the very beginning to the end. Judging by her age, it was going to be a lengthy process, but worthwhile. Teaching such a dangerous girl to learn to fight and even understand the meaning of being a Sith would make her more formidable than she was back at the hotel.

Southstar turned to Je'gan now, "Je'gan, I understand Oolana, your master, has left us for various reasons. That is not the issue, however, what is the issue is that you have yet to complete your training and the Order needs more trained knights. I will be your master for the remainder of your apprenticeship with the Sith Order. I'll get back to you in the afternoon tommorrow about where we shall continue."

"Now, " Southstar stood up, "I need a little quiet time to evaluate today's events. We'll be back at Corellia in only a couple hours, I suggest you each evaluate your preformences as well."

Marga Alton
Oct 24th, 2003, 07:55:36 PM
Marga's eyes flicker with anger briefly when Southstar comes to collect Ida, though she doesn't say anything. She's more focused on getting herself back on her feet and locating the other Jedi.

Sanis Prent
Oct 26th, 2003, 09:00:54 AM
I kicked the door open at the stairwell, canting my dual blasters upwards at the spiral. There were no echoes other than my own. No footsteps. I was early.