View Full Version : Fresh air...at least as fresh as it'll ever be on Coruscant (open)

Paegxis Pragmaa
Sep 30th, 2003, 09:33:03 PM
Today's absolutely beautiful. I've found a place to stay, at least for a little while. It's very close to this beautiful little square. There are trees here, and grass...it's rare to see. For once the smell of city isn't so foul. It smells new and fresh. I stretch lightly, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

"I love this feeling."

Mr Pulse
Oct 1st, 2003, 09:54:44 AM
-The black long coat clad gentleman was sitting on a park bench, his pale face hidden beneath the large hat.

He was reading the news on his pocket holo-viewer when he felt the lightest, happiest presence he had felt in a very long time.

The viewer was lowered to his lap, his head tilted up.
His pale face framed by the wide brim and high, upturned collars;
The turquoise hue of his eyes swept the square to deduce the source of joy; soon enough they settled on the young lady stretching in the sun, she wore a wide grin.

Mr Pulse sat for a momment, transfixed on the moment.-

Paegxis Pragmaa
Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:01:15 PM
I relax, bouncing on the balls of my feet and stepping out onto the path, listening to the sounds of the city. It doesn't sound so mechanical anymore. The rush of speeders is like listening to the wind, and I can hear children laughing down the cobblestone path. And there's an elderly gentlement enjoying a book. Old people can be so fascinating. When I was a little girl, I could listen to my grandmother talk for hours. She always had something interesting, whether it be a story, or just life advice and general discussion.

"Hello, sir! It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 3rd, 2003, 01:33:43 PM
A man in a speeder curved off the road toward a snall house, the man jumped out of the speeder just before it hit the building

the explosion engulfed the the house is fire, the man walked out of the smoke cloud, he was wearing a heavy armor and had a sword straped to his back and a blaster pistol at his side

he walked towards Paegxis and stoped right next to her "lovely day isn't it" he said in a voice as cold as ice as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver sphere

he threw the therman detonator behind him, it hit the already burning building leveling it to the ground in a bright explosion.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Oct 6th, 2003, 10:22:05 PM
"NO!" I scream, backing away as he mindlessly destroys the building. "You're an animal! Get away from me!"

I don't know what his problem is, but he's a monster! Does he think he's cool or something? I back up a few more paces, clenching my fist with frustration, anger, and fear. I can't do anything about him, which makes it that much worse.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 8th, 2003, 01:16:32 PM
Xel tool a few step closer to the girl "want to play with me?" he asked as he smiled evily "I promise to play nice"

He reached toward his belt and pulled out a long knife "just hold still for a moment and I'll tell you how to play."

Shrin Safserim
Oct 12th, 2003, 04:04:34 PM
Shrin is resting in the shade of a large tree with a set of headphones placed firmly over his ears, humming along to his favorite rock band, carefree and without worry. A scream pierces the shield of sound his music has made, and he sits up drowsily, seeking the disturbance.

Some ruffian is heckling a young woman and an old man. The peace officer won't stand for this.

"You, sir, sheathe your weapon!"

Shrin steps into the fray, wearing his long white and blue coat, resting one hand on the pommel of the metal sword hanging by his side.

"This is no place for the likes of you!"

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 13th, 2003, 06:56:23 PM
Xel turned to the newcomer "oh, right you are sir" He said as he returned his knife to its place on his belt

He grined evily as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blaster pistol, He grabed the girl with his arm around her neck and pressed the barrel of the blaster against her head

"move and I'll kill her" Xel said with a laugh "and drop all your weapons while your at it."

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:08:34 PM
The disturbance was what Straffe was hopeing for. He needed to stretch his legs abit...or maybe just his blade.

He jumped from the top of the building he was on and landed in the middle of the gathering crowd. They all formed a circle around him as they coudnt see his face since it was covered by his cloak. He saw their faces as some were in fear as others were puzzled from where he came from.

They parted as he made his way to the park. Feeling through the Force what was happening, he quickly dashed through the trees and shrubs to get closer. Straffes appearence wasnt felt since he was able to conceal himself from Force users. The only sound that was made was from Straffe unsheething his sword and holding it inches from Shrins jugular. Straffe grinned

"So we meet again..."

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 13th, 2003, 09:40:57 PM
Xel looked at the person who had just walked up to shrin and put a sword next to his throut

"hmm, interesting how this i turning out" Xel said in a wisper into the girl's ear.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Oct 14th, 2003, 10:29:04 PM
I hold my breath and shut my eyes tightly as I can, waiting for the inevitable to come...but he doesn't shoot me. Oddly I don't feel in the least bit relieved. Now I'm going to be used against this hero...I wish I could risk saying or doing something, anything! I feel so helpless...I can't help but cry.

Shrin Safserim
Oct 18th, 2003, 09:19:02 PM
Shrin recalls a training exercise with a similar situation. How to save hostages (or yourself) from dangerous headlocks. The mental training was quite lengthy, but the physical part was quite simple. It was called Good Child Exercise 1: Vapor Thrust.

Shrin clenches one fist, shutting his eyes and blotting out everything but Xel and Paegxis, considering the situation. Where is he vulnerable? Shrin soon has his answer.

Shrin makes his hand flat and focuses the Force, then quickly snaps his hand shut with a sharp upward jerk of his arm. The gun wrenches itself from Xel's hand and rockets skyward. The blaster pistol no longer affects the battle, and Paegxis has her shot at freedom.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 19th, 2003, 02:36:55 PM
Xel smiled as he gun flew into the air "my gun may be gone but I have other weapons" He said cooly

his left arm was still around the girls neck as he reached his right hand toward his belt and brought out his knife again "dont make another move" he moved the knife right next to the girls throut.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 19th, 2003, 02:40:42 PM
In a blink of an eye, Shrin was launched into the tree beside him. The tud made birds fly from their pirch and shreek. Straffe stood over his body smileing

"I told you that you have no use here boy..."

He looked at Xel

"Wernt you about to do something?"

Straffe said those words in a cold, devilish voice while haveing an evil grin spread across his face

Paegxis Pragmaa
Oct 19th, 2003, 09:59:12 PM
It's hard not to shriek as Shrin is thrown aside. Panic is rising in my heart like an overwhelming tidal wave...it's hard to keep my cool. I've got to help him! I won't be a pawn!

"Coward," I mutter at Xel. "You're quite the big bad man, hiding behind a girl!"

Shrin Safserim
Oct 20th, 2003, 06:42:43 PM
Shrin's headphones slip onto his shoulders as he impacts against the tree, feeling his chest heave as he loses his breath. He stands, breathing deeply, using the steady rise and fall of his chest as a means of focusing. At least now he can deal with Straffe.

The peace officer rests one hand on the hilt of his prized metal sword, facing Straffe with a low, stable stance. Paegxis's well-being has not slipped from its spot as his highest priority; he just hasnt' thought of how to deal with Xel's never-ending repertoire of weaponry.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 20th, 2003, 10:29:33 PM
Xel grined as he saw Shrin get up "you would be smart to leave now" He said to the jedi "for when I am done with you, you will be beging for death"

He looked down at the girl as she spoke to him "Its either I hide behind you or I kill your little freind who wants to rescue you" He grined again "or maybe I should just finish you off and then him."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 21st, 2003, 04:07:24 AM
The sound of the match being struck against the rough metal of a post could hardly be heard over the peeing match that was starting up. The flame jumped and took, the light piercing slightly the shadows of the hood of the being that was leanign on the post. Dirty and fight hardened hands cupped a long stemmed pipe and there was the slight sound of inhalation. a puff of acrid blue smoke came out of the hood, even more to hide his features, which were already hidden.

Long dark cloak, tattered and worn. Boots, just as worn. A creak of old leather. He was a walking rag heap. But appearences dont mean everything, do they? He might looked old and worn, but somethign about the posture showed he was assessing the situation.

Behind them all he was, just happening to be enjoying a stroll before this situation started. So far, all he was seeing was amateurs and a coward, hiding behind a hostage. Good odds..... except for one unknown - Who the hell was the guy in the hat? somethign about him wasn't quite right. Well, there was one way to find out......

But for now, the former GJO Jedi Master watched and smoked. Lets see how this panned out.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 21st, 2003, 08:26:15 AM
Straffes ears tweaked as a strong presence was felt. He knew it was powerfull but he had sensed it before. He kept is sword pointed at Shrin then turned towards the shadows. A cloaked figure was what he laid his eyes on. He thaught to himself

"Where have I felt that pressence before?"

He shrugged as he turned back to the weak mortal

Paegxis Pragmaa
Oct 21st, 2003, 10:31:50 PM
"Heh. I guess it's smart of you to hide behind me, then. You could never beat him," I say carelessly. "That guy in white's a Jedi Master. He can beat you both in an eyeblink if he decides it suits his fancy."

This guy can't be that smart...he'll run away in fear of Shrin! I know he will!

Shrin Safserim
Oct 22nd, 2003, 10:53:53 AM
Shrin flicks his eyes to Paegxis.

"She's right you know...I could fight you both simultaneously and never break a sweat. You're no challenge to me."

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 22nd, 2003, 12:53:06 PM
Xel grined "is that so Jedi" He said with a laugh "if that was so howcome you havnt done that already"

"I dont like picking on little girls" He said in a wisper to Paegxis "so im going to let you go becuase this just isnt my style" He released his grip on the girl and pushed her away

"now it is you turn" Xel said to Shrin as he walked toward the Jedi, He reached behind his head and unsheathed a his long sword, the blade was as black as night

"Now you will know what true Pain is like Jedi."

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2003, 11:30:01 PM
Swords? What the hell?

while he did have a sword himself, he understood in this day of blasters and energy weapons, swords were generally useless. Only special ones and for specific uses. If they were for sabres, then there would be cortoris involved and that stuff was brittle. Whomever fashioned a weapon out of that got what they deserved when it shattered.

Whatever. There was the hostage to think of. Hardly had she been pushed away that he moved as only a Jedi could, taking hold (gently) of one of her arms and dragging her away from the looming fight by a few more paces.

"That guy in white is no Jedi Master" he said quietly to her, "but that was a good bluff to try. Do you want to leave or stay?"

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 23rd, 2003, 07:14:42 PM
Straffe snickerd

"Sorry young one...He is no master, only a pathetic Padawan"

Straffe was intune to the Force so he was able to sense that Shrin had little skill with it. He swiftly lifted his hand and started to grip Shrins neck, squeezing tightly. He then lifted him off the ground and let him dnagle like a doll. The dark figure near the girl caught Straffes eyes

"What a quaint surprise...Another Jedi"

He smiled as he held the weak mortal

Paegxis Pragmaa
Oct 23rd, 2003, 09:35:11 PM
I bite my lip as Marcus speaks. As much as I want to run away from this, I can't leave Shrin to fight these two by themselves! He tried to help me, and I should return the favor!

"I wanna help him! But I don't know how..." I look pleadingly to Marcus. "Please sir, we can't just leave him to fight them himself!"

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 23rd, 2003, 09:55:08 PM
"Stay then. Stay behind me and dont go far."

This really wasn't fair. Even 3 on 1 would be just suicide for the three. 2 on 1 was nothing short of murder. Even with the hinderance of shielding the girl wouldnt tilt this matchup far. Giving them an chance to run was what was called for first. So, fromt he girl he turned and eyed off the combatants. Then spoke in a voice that was devoid of all warmth - it seemed to chill the air with it's intent.

"I'd put him down Now boy. You are outmatched. Put him down and I let you both walk away. Otherwise....."

He left it hang. But it was pretty clear what the cloaked being was in no mood to be contradicted or disobeyed.

Shrin Safserim
Oct 24th, 2003, 08:36:37 PM

Shrin has yet to draw his sword; Straffe has made a critical blunder. Now he's free to draw it and remove any of Straffe's limbs that he would like. Shrin opts not to let himself down though; somehow he feels that this old man will disarm the situation in a much better method.

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:04:20 PM
Xel saw Marcus out of the corner of his eye then he heard Straffe yell at the man "is that man over there going to offer any trouble to us" He said to Straffe as he tryed to keap an eye on both Marcus and Shrin.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 26th, 2003, 09:25:28 PM
Straffe snickered

"Maybe he will... But hey, all Jedi are the same..."

He rose he blade to Shrins neck

"They always sacrifice for their own kind"

Paegxis Pragmaa
Oct 26th, 2003, 11:01:59 PM
Shrin is suffering! Straffe is choking him and neither he nor Xel is paying any heed to his old man. Shrin is in alot of trouble! He could be killed! But it's strange. Shrin isn't moving an inch. Does he know something I don't?

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 26th, 2003, 11:18:22 PM
"Pity he's not my kind then"

He waved his hand and invoked The Force - the blade went flying away, to bury itself into the ground. The sheer power of the snatch marked him as more than just an ordinary Jedi - here was at the least a leanred Jedi Knight.

"I guess it's otherwise then. Pity. I would have let you walk away with some your dignity intact"

He began to take a few deliberate steps forward, tapping his pipe out against his arm, placing the smoking device under his cloak. While he had his sabre and his sword at his side, he still did not draw them. Just a slow, deliberate advance, his now out in front as he focused and sought the calmness of The Force, letting it's power flow through him.

And readied his defences in case they decided to attack first.

Shrin Safserim
Oct 29th, 2003, 08:08:31 AM
"Drop me, lest I sever your arm and you suffer this gentleman's wrath."

Shrin draws, lashing at Straffe's arm.

"You should have disarmed me before you decided to lift me by the neck."

Zachariah Jak'el
Oct 29th, 2003, 02:45:14 PM
Xel saw Shrin draw his sword and he sheathed his own, He reached for his belt and pulled out a short sword "dont make another move jedi" He said as he ran over to where his blaster had fallen and picked it up

He aimed it at Shrin "die jedi" He said as he fire off a volley of shots at the jedi

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 29th, 2003, 07:46:34 PM
The blaster barrel was nudged by some invisible hand, so that all the shots ran wide. It abrupty then leapt into the air, flying across the distance to land in front of the Jedi Master, who stepped on it.

Still no weapon in hand. still the relentless pacing forward, as if daring the Dark Siders to move first, if they had the courage.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Nov 1st, 2003, 12:18:32 AM
The sudden action makes me squeak with surprise. Shrin seems to know more than he lets on! What a clever man. The old man has made his own display, however, one far more impressive than Shrin's sudden burst.

"Show 'em who's boss, guys!"

I can't help, but I can at least cheer...

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 5th, 2003, 02:57:52 PM
Straffe shot Shrin into the closest tree. He quickly pointed his hand towards his grounded sword and used the force to bring it to him. As the handle hit his hand, a blue ight emitted from the blade as it was ingulfed bye a dark blue light. HIs sword was now his saber

"YOur little sword is no match for my Saber/Sword..."

Straffe grinned as he was proud of his invention

Shrin Safserim
Nov 5th, 2003, 07:48:40 PM
"It doesn't have to be," Shrin says coolly, standing and dusting himself off. "Good Children can overcome any obstacle." He settles himself, looking unflinchingly to Straffe and edging forward two paces. "Come, let me show you what a student of Safserim's Good Child Academy can do."

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 7th, 2003, 05:13:10 PM
"If you must..."

Straffe shethed his sword and took his defence. Sliding one foot slowly forwards fallowed by his left hand. Cracking his neck he gleemed at Shrin

"I'll show you what it means to fight hand to hand boy"

Smiling, he knew that his martial art traing will be too much for him

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 7th, 2003, 05:28:27 PM
Xel turned to look at Marcus, He walked toward Marcus but stoped a foot away from the man "I dont like you mister" He said coldly as he pulled out a knife from somewhere around his person

He advance on Marcus and thrusted his knife toward Marcus' chest.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Nov 7th, 2003, 10:15:27 PM
How vexing! Straffe thinks he's cool, apparently, putting away his sword and challenging Shrin barehanded.

"Indecisive twit..." I mutter. "Putting away his sword as soon as he draws it.."

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 11th, 2003, 12:13:02 PM
Straffe snickered

"WHy fight with a sword when you can kill him barehanded..."

He had way more training then Shrin did so the only way he was getting out of this alive is if Marcus takes Shrin and the girl with him

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 12th, 2003, 03:05:16 AM
He stepped to one side, allowing the blade to go past his chest - while at the same time his owns hands moving almost too fast for belief. One grabbed the attacker's wrist, the other grabbed the edge of an armour plate. It became quite clear in the brief partial second it took to swing the attacker up, then slam him into the ground, he was a good deal stronger than his average size looked.

"Funny, I dont like you either" the Jedi said coldly, stepping backwards to avoid a possible trip or grab at him.

Whilst his hood hadn't yet come down, the cloak he wore had opened with his movement to reveal he was carrying a sword, dagger and a very oddly constructed thing that could be a sabre. It looked more like a sword hilt with an extention piece. There didnt appear to be any armour under the cloak.

Shrin Safserim
Nov 12th, 2003, 12:43:32 PM
Shrin raises his sword and looks unflinchingly in Straffe's eyes. He takes a deep breath and exhales. Paegxis is safe; she doesn't matter. Xel is fighting Marcus; they don't matter either. Straffe is about to try and kill him, but Shrin sets him aside in the unimportant pile, too. His mind is clear of worry, and with no focus for its thoughts, it empties, and the Force rushes into Shrin.

His mind takes hold of this power and the battle begins, with Shrin stepping smoothly forward to cut down Straffe's left arm.

Sorsha Kasajian
Nov 12th, 2003, 01:27:33 PM
:: Paegxis hears a tiny voice, like a giggle. Then the pain of a pinprick as something stings her. Her surroundings start to change color, and slow down as Sorsha appears behind her. Sound and motion also begin to change and distort, as though she were trapped underwater ::

Gav Mortis
Nov 12th, 2003, 01:55:47 PM
"Oh my! What a wonderful show!" Came a silken voice of approval. Before Paegxis stood a man who wore, on top of the most exquisite clothing, a bright smile. Unlike the others, he didn't appear to be distorted and strange coloured, but was nevertheless colourful enough; the ribbon of red lace which kept his hair neatly tied back was just the tip of the iceberg. Gav looked like he was dressed for a dinner ball. He blew Sorsha a kiss then turned his attention back to the young lady.

"I say, what is your name, my dear?" He asked Paegxis, taking from his jacket pocket a handkerchief of red silk. He blew his nose and chuckled. The young lady hadn't answered and was clearly confused by what was happening. Gav tucked away his kerchief and tapped the floor with his black cane. "Come, come, my love, don't be bashful."

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 12th, 2003, 06:32:27 PM
Xel growled as he slowly got to his feet and then backed away from Marcus "foolish man" He said as he charged at him again sending at uppercut at the mans chin.

Paegxis Pragmaa
Nov 12th, 2003, 10:42:13 PM

What...is happening? The world has melted...sights, sounds...all of it's turning into a flowing mass of indistinguishable components. I fall back against Sorsha as I lose my balance, staring blankly at Gav.


He wants...to know my name? My head hurts; it's hard to speak.


Marcus Telcontar
Nov 13th, 2003, 04:22:43 AM
The reply was simple, straight to the point, fast and savage. A side kick to the point where helmet met chest plate as his opponent charged in, timed to perfection as only years of training and other fights could do.

Quite suddenly, there wasn't what he would term a minor distruption. Now there was problem.

Not as others might think, Gav Mortis, even if he was a Sith Master. On other meetings, there was a quality he had that put him to one side, something that might even have them agreeing on a lot of things. No, it was Sorsha Kasajian, Sith withc, sadist, a killer who enjoyed death and destruction, a sorceress of power. And probably one hell of a score to settle.

He would watch his back and be on his guard. And be ready to grab the girl and get the hell out of here if Sorsha decided the girl was on the menu for dinner.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 18th, 2003, 01:35:26 PM
A blast of air shoots dust and debrey away from Straffe as he caught the blade with his hand with the help of the Force. Useing the Force to keep the sharp edge from touchiong his hand, Straffe was able to keep his hand from being choped off

"Guss you have to learn what hand to hand means..."

A quick jab to Shrins throat made him lose his balance and lossened his grip from his sword. Straffe chucked his sword into some bush's and walked towards the staggering Jedi

"Come on...Hit me!"

Straffes voie boomed. Clenching his fists as he waited for his opponent to strike

Shrin Safserim
Nov 18th, 2003, 02:32:21 PM
Shrin's attack comes, but not in the form Straffe's expecting. A barrier of Force unfolds itself, and with a gesture the Good Child throws it into Straffe. The same telekinetic motion brings his sword from the bush, and Shrin steps back for it while The barrier holds the Sith at bay.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 19th, 2003, 12:22:11 AM
Straffe stood back

"So its goin to be like that eh?..."

Straffe waved his hands infront of himself,braugth them behind him and shot them forwards with his palms open. He had shot a the Force with the momentum of his hands to break or push Shrin back. The invisible barriers collide and Shrin is pushed backwards

"Theres a difference between a Sith and a Dark Jedi... The Dark Jedi are creative when they kill their prey"

He used the Force to take his sword and use it like a bomerang, choping the base of a nearby giant oak. The enormis tree came crashing down

"That little barrier will be no match boy..."

Straffe laughed histerically as he thaught of the outcome

Shrin Safserim
Nov 19th, 2003, 10:26:38 PM
Shrin lifts his hand and the tree stops, cradled in Shrin's barrier. He steps away and faces Straffe with a calm look.

"Whenever you're finished giggling, you can show off this creative streak of yours," Shrin mutters.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 19th, 2003, 11:04:08 PM
"Determined eh?...Ill show you why it is wise to know when your beaten"

Straffe dissappeared as a blurr and reappeared beside Shrin and unleashed a barrage of punchs and kicks. It was hard to keep up with them since he was going so fast but one kick guided by the Force hit Shrin right under the rib cage, winding him

"Gatta be quick in this game boy...And your not"

Zachariah Jak'el
Nov 25th, 2003, 11:46:22 PM
Xel got to his feet and turned to look at Marcus, He realized he had lost most of his weapons and decided that he would be un able to defeate Marcus on his own

He backed up slowly away from the Jedi as he kept a eye on the girl.