View Full Version : Announcement regarding Pierce.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:10:00 AM
Helenias (Pierce's Jedi Master) is so vastly limited from RPing because of RL time constraints that Pierce isn't getting any formal Jedi training. Though I'll be PMing her a link to this thread, I'm not even certain she will read this before it is discussed to a conclusion.

I've been compensating for that by catching snippets of time from other Jedi, but even that has only been so successful for IC and OOC reasons. (revisit the Control forum every once in awhile, Chuck!) Despite the fact that most of my RP time is devoted to doing stories of interest, I do feel that formal Jedi training should be a large part of a character's life. Furthermore, I think the lack of formal training means I'm missing out on a wide range of IC story opportunities.

If someone else is willing and able to take the reins of training Pierce, I wouldn't mind having another Master. I'm aware there's a backlog of Padawans and an official Apprenticeship may not be possible for OOC reasons. Long story short, I consider myself as having been Masterless for some time with the potential to continue to be so.

The extended version of that adds several assumptions. I plan to:

a.) OOC continue my bits-n-pieces method of training until Pierce is either re-assigned or promoted,
b.) assume IC that Senator Evenstar and Lieutenant Tondry have developed such a difference in schedule that formal training is impossible,
c.) have Pierce be aware of the scheduling conflict to the point where he is now beginning to actively work around it to get trained by other people to match my OOC training, and
d.) have it assumed that Pierce has mentioned the problem to one or two other Jedi in an off-the-record fashion, thus allowing something to happen indirectly even though Pierce is busy with multiple hats.

Any input regarding these four things is more than welcome, particularly if someone thinks one of them is unreasonable in any way.


PS: If you're noticing the timing of Terran's announcement versus my own with suspicion, I assure you that this is mostly coincidental. I've been considering what to do with Pierce ever since Sejah was reassigned and Terran's post brought the matter back to mind.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 29th, 2003, 11:11:27 AM
*sigh* I totally understand your frustration. First long-haul Hazzard and now Helen... well, let me look around and see what or whom I can dig up for you.


Pierce Tondry
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:06:46 PM
You don't have to "leap to" if that's what you were thinking, Ryla. Things and people are busy, and I understand that. This is just me getting the ball rolling.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 29th, 2003, 04:30:34 PM
Well, you do have a very good point, and a reason for this request... Things like this have been on our mind for a while now.

Chaos Alexander
Sep 29th, 2003, 07:40:06 PM
I would help as Verse, but I have a nastey habit to go MIA at the drop of a hat.

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 1st, 2003, 01:42:17 AM
Helenias (Pierce's Jedi Master) is so vastly limited from RPing because of RL time constraints that Pierce isn't getting any formal Jedi training. Though I'll be PMing her a link to this thread, I'm not even certain she will read this before it is discussed to a conclusion.

Fact is quoted. I haven't logged in at home for nearly two weeks. I understand what your saying and agree to it.