View Full Version : This okay?
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:02:58 AM
This is a post to see if this char's alright.
So anyway, Kaleb Naidel is a gene-enginered accident. Like any shapechanger, there is no way of externally identifying him as one. He appears entirley human. He is generally in peak physical condition and his senses are acute (fineley honed awareness of his surroundings, yes, but he's no bloodhound).
He is completeley normal until he goes "metaloid".
In this state he is extremely tough and strong, capable of holding his own against just about anything.
Projectiles and blast fragments are almost entirley useless on him; blaster bolts and lightsaber blows on his bio-metaloid skin are very painful but only leave heavy brusing (and maybe sometimes a gash).
In his metaloid state he does not bleed.
His form requires great mommentum to overcome his inertia (a.k.a. he only moves when he wants to).
Although he has an acute sense of the force, he is himself incapable of using the force IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER.
Although he can keep up his metaloid state for sometime (a whole fight) it is not permanent and so often he backs-out of a fight or finishes it as quickley as possible, for fear of "running out of juice".
In humanoid state, his bio-chmistry is prone to temporary ionisation and so an intense burst of electricity in his normal state often removes his ability to change temporarily (even if he remains perfectley conscious).
This phenomena is not an exact science; sometimes the effect ware off after a few minutes, and sometimes it lasts for days at a time.
Otherwise, when not metaloid he is normal (other then being a big, athletic guy anyway).
I balanced out the positive with the negative so he seems fine to me, but what about you guys?
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:09:05 AM
So he's invulnerable as a metalloid, and can hold this state through an entire fight. And how does somebody have an acute sense of the force but at the same time be unable to use it?
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:11:49 AM
Okay, he's prone to electricity even while in metaloid form.
And okay, he's completeley force blind.
Besides, he's not invunerable just extremely tough; a good walup or two from a force assisted Jedi/Sith knight/master will soon land him on his back.
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:17:12 AM
No. You're saying it takes at least a knight or master to affect him.
Pierce Tondry
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:17:41 AM
I'm very inclined to agree with Charley on the metalloid thing. The entire concept seems a little too close to the X-Man Colossus to be a good mesh with SW material.
Why not ditch the metalloid trait and just give him suit of heavy armor? There are plenty of those out there, and you can include all sorts of nasty weapons on one.
IMO, tho, a being limited to the Sense attribute of the Force is not farfetched. There are plenty of things one can do with the kind of information a strong Sense ability can provide, and probably some species out there for whom direct manipulation of the Force could be inhibited, or Jedi-based societies that were limited to the Sense ability due to circumstance (i.e. other powers being lost, capabilities diminishing over time, etc.).
But I think playing a character from such a society is best left to an experienced RPer who will do that kind of ground good justice rather than someone still getting a handle on RPing.
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:25:05 AM
I more then respect your expirience but I'm really keen on this shape changer thing.
I'll reduce the time he can spend in metalloid form, say 1/3 - 1/2 a fight?.
Can I convince you to give me a trial period?
If I end up god-moding then by all means straiten me out.
Pretty, pretty pleeeeeaase?
Ka' el Darcverse
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:26:12 AM
I believe he is capable of being hurt in metalloid he just needs to rung it down a bit and perhaps limit the amount of time you can hold it would be good. Perhaps even having it disrupted by an emp or intense electric field. Just suggestions so you don't have to give up your character idea.
It's always best to start small and work you way up, as your character becomes more powerful perhaps he can hold his form for more than three posts in a thread and perhaps it woud take a Jedi Knight or Sith Knight to slow him down, plenty of other people do it that way too, but the trick is to slowly implement that and rp out him conditioning himself to become better at it.
As far as your Force Acuteness, are you saying that you are aware of the Force yet have no ability to manipulate it, I'm really unclear on what you mean by it.
But I think if you even your strength's and weakness's out you'd be fine.
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:32:08 AM
Summation (for clarity).
Metalloid makes him strong and tough; almost but not quite bullet proof and can still be cut up by a lightsaber.
Very difficult to move.
Force blind.
Metaloid form can be kept up for 1/3 - 1/2 a fight.
Electrical stunning can suspend the change (although the length of time of the effect varies).
As he increases in "rank" the toughness, strength and time period will increase (fairly).
Can I request a trial period?
Pretty, pretty pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase?
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:44:04 AM
BTW, if it helps my case I'd just like to point out that I'm not entirley new at RPing.
I've been RPing here for about 3 or 4 months now (and on other boards for longer then that).
Okay, so I'm no expert, but I know what it takes to be a god-moder -or more importantly- what it takes NOT to be a god-moder.
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:58:34 AM
I know who you are. Thats why I'm saying no.
(Hint: flesh out the 20 million other characters you've made before doing this)
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:05:42 AM
Yeah, all most all my characters have been ignored (forever) so I only get to use a few really well.
You know who I am? Does that meen your dislike of this idea is personal? Isn't that unfair?
I try to "flesh out" my char's but I am a writer (and not a teribley good one) and so often suffer with dead-end char's.
I really wanna try out a shapechanger character.
I realise I'll never get a chance to join one of the lycan clans and besides, I think this'll bring a little flavour.
(As a matter of fact, I was even thinking of getting Kaleb to ally with the lupines at a much later date.)
Can I not appeal to your compassion even a little bit?
Salem Ave
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:10:37 AM
You know who I am? Does that meen your dislike of this idea is personal? Isn't that unfair?
I think what charley is trying to say is that you have made quite a few chars and that is a better idea for you to just pick a couple and work on them - the more plausable ones perhaps.
Zasz Grimm
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:35:39 AM
Originally posted by Salem Ave
the more plausable ones perhaps.
Sep 29th, 2003, 11:51:50 AM
Lupines = shapchange into vokynsyr/wolves
Vong = use bio metal
kaleb = shapechanges with bio-metal
It's not that implausible now is it?
And yeah, okay, I'll pick a few characters but I soooooo badley wanna try this one.
I'll gladley give up other char's just not this one!
Like I said, how bad could it be to give it a trial period.
If it doesn't work then fine, it doesn't work. I really think it could work really well.
Salem Ave
Sep 29th, 2003, 11:56:06 AM
The thing is, the Lupine don't fight as wolves/vornskyr and IF on the chance they do, they are at a huge advantage. Someone with a saber or gun could take them in an instance.
Vong ... we dont have them here so that's not an issue.
the 'bio-metal' idea seems like it's just... okay I've got insta-metal armour and uberstrength.
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:11:02 PM
Oh, I see.
Let me explain. The problem here is that everyone is taking the "colussus" idea to much, think less then that.
Think instead that one day he'll be like that but right now it's just on the level of handy trick.
The bio-metal doesn't quite qualify as buyllet proof (yet), it's more like a layer of (weaker) kevlar.
He'll be fighting in human form virtually all the time as the change is tiring and risky (Kaleb would want to keep his abilities a secret anyway).
The trick is just for the occasional ability to protect himself (when he does find himself upagainst something real bad) by throwing the occasional fortified punch or utilizing the occasional fortified block.
Infact, think of it this way, he'll fight like a lupine char, hardley ever actually using the change (any if he does then someone could always incapacitate him by shooting him in the face, the incapacitation will shake of the change which will give an openning for a conventional shot).
He may be tough but not as tough as colossus (yet) and so he may be hard but he's no where near indistructable. If you can think of a good way of incapacitating him then -chances are- it'll shake of the change.
I can easily see how colossus would be far to much but Kaleb is no where near that standard (at leats not until he learns it via RPing).
Pierce Tondry
Sep 29th, 2003, 01:07:23 PM
When I made my Colossus analogy, I was comparing the Marvel and SW genres as much as I was comparing him to your character. The "metalloid skin-shift" is really a poor fit in SW genre. I can think of no instances where this kind of thing takes place and I'm pretty up-to-date on my knowledge of SW.
You know who I am? Does that meen your dislike of this idea is personal? Isn't that unfair?
I think, for the record, this needs a definitive answer.
No it isn't unfair. RP Moderators are out to do right by the whole community, not individuals. As the community has found through painful experience, it's far better to prohibit an idea that's a borderline-fit with SW material at the outset rather than let it be played out by someone who it is believed will not do the idea justice (because they usually don't if they're allowed to proceed!)
Personal judgements of individuals are most definitely involved in the RP Moderating process, but they are grounded in concerns of fairness and logic rather than personal dislike or spite.
Lord Talzen
Sep 29th, 2003, 01:18:13 PM
Another piece of advice... You may want to check to see if your questionable Ideas will be excepted by the community BEFORE you make the account that goes with the character.
Draken Chakara
Sep 29th, 2003, 04:35:20 PM
Well, I have a problem with it because it's basically plagarism of MY character. Draken here has something akin to the ability you're talking about, but with a lot more limitations. I've been accepted into the GJO, and no one has had a problem with it yet. He has a back story explaining why his race can do this, and his trade-offs don't give him any advantage. Case in point - mental attacks will smite him. If a lightsaber touches him for more than about a second, it starts burning anyway. He can't use a saber himself. His TK is very limited in that he has almost no control of it. All he can do is fire bursts, like a Force Push. And he's slow when armored. And keeping it up for a whole fight is nearly impossible.
But again, the main reason I'm against this is that he's basically my character with a different name.
Sep 29th, 2003, 04:47:57 PM
ding ding ding
Ryla Relvinian
Sep 29th, 2003, 04:50:54 PM
Originally posted by Lord Talzen
Another piece of advice... You may want to check to see if your questionable Ideas will be excepted by the community BEFORE you make the account that goes with the character.
Yes. :)
Look, none of this (at least from me) is meant to hurt, maim, or offend you or your ideas. The facts remain that:
1. If you spend more time developing one or two characters, more people will interact with them because they won't read as throwaway attempts.
2. There are plenty of good alien species in the SW canon that are sorely under-used. Next time, try one of them?
3. Lucius Malfoy is distracting me. (Ok that wasn't really a rule...) :P
Naj Arilov
Sep 29th, 2003, 06:09:11 PM
one thing to remember is that making characters that can 'hold their own' from the offset isnt a very good idea. I have nothing against creating characters that have an outstanding ability of their race, but it cant be something overwhelming.
Ive been RPing Naj for over 6 months now, and a character with the abilities you described would be able to tear him apart. Granted, Naj started out very weak, but even still, he would put up a decent fight against someone around a padawan or apprentice level.
My advice is the same as what everyone else has said. Pick 1-2 characters and RP with them. If they're force users, get them some training, develop abilities over time. Learn the character inside out, and dont be afraid of losing a few fights. This isnt a competition by any means.
Also keep in mind that no one here is trying to insult or flame you by any means. Just keep in mind that some people here are painfully blunt, and sometimes you might not get the nicest answer. Ive had a few stupid ideas since Ive been here, and if it hadnt been for someone say 'That idea is stupid' I probably would have caused a few headaches.
Its good that you're asking questions, and you should ask about anything you arent sure about. Just take in the advice you're given, and apply it in you RPing, and you'll go far here.
Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:42:59 PM
We all know what its like to sit back and have to wait for others to post....its frustrating, especially to those who little patience to begin with.
One of the issues I see is that with so many chars, you havent fleshed them out enough to be truly interesting - just making up a background story doesnt give them a 'personality' and make them stand out. Its the daily posting and getting a feel for a particular character that creates the small idiosynchrosies that make him/her/it unique and add 'flavor'.
Its not easy listening to criticism even when its constructive but we are trying to help :)
Silus Xilarian
Sep 29th, 2003, 11:01:54 PM
As an aside...
i noticed some of the weaknesses that you've mentioned come with a 'for now' type deal. Weakness doesnt mean its something that he will rid himself of with growth. Sure, some weak points will disappear with training, but even the most powerful masters here have weaknesses, they just dont wear a t shirt saying "Im screwed if you do this"
Just something else to keep in mind.
Sep 30th, 2003, 12:36:39 AM
okay, delete Kaleb.
BTW, can I ask somebody to delete a (long) list of char's for me? They've all grown stagnant and I'd rather get rid of them (otherwise it's just no fun any more).
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