View Full Version : Look'in fir a ship (open).

Sep 29th, 2003, 07:31:58 AM
-The 7" tall, four-armed feral walked into Poseidon's Gate, Inyos just infront.

The large creature was draped in a long crimson coat which covered a full set of black, arcaic looking ceramite combat armour beneath.

A heavy repeater held to his back with a wide strap, a hunting rifle to, on a smaller one.
In a large holster array at his waist/upper thighs, a pair of Rail-SMG's on each side (although the coat obscurd them considerabley).

He gradualey slowed his pace to a halt as his feral senses took in the surroundings.-

"You sure this is the place?...."

-He said to his (relativley) smaller companion.

They had been searching for a good ship and a few rumpours flying around here and there pointed them in this direction.-

"...Just looks more like a backwater club, thats all."

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 29th, 2003, 09:46:06 AM
Inyos gave a small smile. "This is where my contact said to come," he replied in a half-whisper, his senses constantly searching for anyone who could be hidden in the shadows.

Subconciously, Inyos' hand gripped tighter onto the blaster concealed in his pocket. Not that it would be much use if anyone actually attacked...that was what the other weapons hidden across his body were for. With his free hand, Inyos brushed across one of the twin blasters in the holsters strapped to his thighs, his mind unconciously reminding itself of the two round the back of his belt, the vibro-blade sheathed in his boot, and of course, his Lightsaber concealed in the custom holster at the back of his body armour.

Inyos looked like he could be one of the shadows. Except for his skin, which looked white as chalk by comparison, everything about him was dark. His hair, his black body armour, the long black coat that covered most of him, concealing all of his weapons...everything.

Inyos shot a slightly nervous look back at Codru-Ji. "So Jai," he muttered at his companion, "Any idea of what we do now?"

Sep 29th, 2003, 09:52:29 AM

-His words rolled of with a feral purr.-

"I suppose we sit, enjoy a drink or two and see what we can find out."

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:40:28 AM
Inyos let out a sigh. "Sit and wait. Fun." He slumped heavily onto a chair, that only just survived the impact.

He pulled a few small coins out of his pocket. "Mine's a green an' bubbly," he mumbled. With a smile, he added: "I'd offer you help carrying the drinks, but I think you've got it covered."

Sep 30th, 2003, 12:45:48 AM
-The feral smiled.-

"..Green and bubbly, coming up..."

-He said half-over his shoulder as he approached the bar.-

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 1st, 2003, 11:06:08 AM
Inyos stared around the club, trying to break down the assembled masses into catagories.

You had your average bad types...the sort who were just here for the sake of hanging around a dingy, smoke-filled bar. They were the ones sat in the corners, around the few drink-stained and brawl-battered tables. Most of them looked like their life had been sucked out of them, and they had no desire to exist anymore...not even as an empty shell.

You had the "visitors", like him and Codru-Ji, who were just passing through. Most of them were obviously new to this sort of environment. They looked alert, and on-edge, suspicious of everyone. They were probably here out of a genuine desire for a quiet drink. However, this didn't look like the place to get one.

Then there were the people who had a hidden agenda...dealers, thieves, bounty hunters. They were well dispersed around the room. Most of them tried to hide their identities...long, loose cloaks with big, deep hoods. Others didn't bother, and had blasters, explosives, power packs and all manner of other devices strapped to every inch of their bodies.

And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, were the people with the money. Though they tried to hide, it was obvious that they were the ones who were doing the hiring, the dealing, and the supplying of ships. Unfortunately, most of them were too busy to approach. Others had too many bodyguards. And, judging from the size of some of them, things might go a lot smoother if Codru-Ji was stood behind him. Inyos shot a glance over towards the bar, hoping that Ji might have picked up something helpful.

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:24:52 AM
Byr Genar-Hofoen walks over to Inyos Hei'aan and asks whether the seat next to him is free as he has things to tell him.

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:29:00 AM
Inyos slides round the chair to make a little more room. "Be my guest," he mutters.

Inyos glances over at the bar. "You want a drink, or are you alright for now?"

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:36:58 AM
Byr Genar-Hofoen stares at Inyos Hei'aan, "you must understand, I am a rebel Jawa, and I don't drink. I hear you are looking for a demolitions specialist. On my home planet I was renowned for my demolition knowledge, I am also a sure fire hand at a gun turret, master Hei'aan."

Byr Genar-Hofoen, takes out a flask and takes a swig from it, "a special fluid my clan used to drink."

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:49:27 AM
Byr gave Inyos a few coins for a drink. "Here is some coins for you to purchase yourself a tiple. Unfortunately, there are a bunch of Jawas after me, I used to own a ship, but I sold it to one of the ragabonds in here. I would like it very much for you to take me on board," he said in a whisper so quiet Inyos had to put his ear by the Jawa rebels hood.

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 2nd, 2003, 04:55:57 PM
As if on cue, Inyos spotted a crowd of yabbering Jawa huddled over by the entrance, squeeking about something or other with the bouncers. He was too far away to work out anything more specific than that. However, from the looks of things, the Jawa wouldn't be coming into the bar...at least, not any time soon.

"Looks like you're safe, my rebel friend," Inyos muttered, his eyes returning to the dark space inside the Jawa's hood, his glowing eyes the only sign that anything existed within.

"So," Inyos continued, partly transfixed by the new arrival, "You're a rebel Jawa, huh? You blow things up, shoot gun turrets, speak in Basic..." Inyos frowned. "How can you do that? I've always thought of Jawas as small, yappy goblin things..." he paused, "No offense."

Oct 2nd, 2003, 06:55:48 PM
ooc: Just a little FYI for you guys on Poseidon's Gate (the bar you're in):
Alot of the patrons are off-duty crew from SFF Base or local Enton undesirables who are favorably disposed to the Base. None of them are "hiding" or are too busy to approach you. You, as newcomers, would be pegged the instant you walked in and every move you make is being noticed, whether it looks that way or not. I have to tell you, that to rp with so many new multi-characters all run by one person isn't really flyin with me. (Im refering to other threads here also btw) If however, you want to focus on one, I would be happy to rp with you and hash out some sort of decent storyline. Until then, dont expect too much from us here.

Also...that Jawa is taking a HUGE risk if he is trying to cut in his own trade on SFF's contact (front) bar.

Just a smugglery heads-up :wings

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:21:44 AM
Byr looked at Inyos, "it is a long story, lets just say on a scavenging exercise I found an old 3po robot, and used its voice interpretor for my own use. So master Inyos, please may I tag along with you?"

Byr Genar-Hofoen
Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:26:21 AM
Byr then looked up and saw a huge feral walking his way. "Inyos I must leave for a minute, meet me outside the club, round the back lets say in 10 minutes."

Inyos Hei'aan
Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:32:57 AM
Inyos nodded silently as the basic-speaking Jawa waddled off. Frowning for a moment, he scanned the entrances to the club, searching for the easiest route out. Finally selecting a way out, he stood up, and made his way across to the bar, picking up the glass that Codru-ji had just bought for him.

"Thanks, bud," he muttered, taking a deep drink. "Better drink up," he added, pointing at Ji's glass. "We've got a date with a Jawa in 10 minutes, and I don't think we want to be late."

Oct 4th, 2003, 08:35:23 AM
"A date...................."

-He downs the drink in one swing.-

"........sounds good."