View Full Version : Lightsaber Construction 101 (Jedi Archives)

James Prent
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:18:44 AM
James stood on her tiptoes in the Jedi Archives, fingertips scrabbling against the slick surface of a specific datapad that was just out of reach. Not that it took much: at an even five feet tall, the padawan had trouble reaching a lot of things.

Frustrated, she dropped back to the balls of her feet and looked around for a stool or something.

Shanaria Fabool
Sep 30th, 2003, 12:00:15 PM
Shanaria was walking through the public Jedi Archives when she saw James having a hard time reaching something. Shanaria, being 5'11" tall, thought that she might be a help, so she approches...

"Hi! My name is Shanaria Fabool. Would you like some help reaching something?"

James Prent
Sep 30th, 2003, 07:22:01 PM
James turned around quickly, surprised by the quiet approach of Shanaria. She blushed at the offer for help. "Ah, well, yeah. I'm sorta short." The padawan pointed up to the shelf and the elusive datapad. "I was trying to get The Mechanics of Lightsabers down. Doing a little research, y'know."

She smiled, and then clapped her hand over her mouth. "Oh frell, I'm sorry, I'm James. It's nice t' meet you, Shanaria."

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 1st, 2003, 09:28:27 AM
Shanaria reaches up and grabs the datapad for James...

"It's nice to meet you too James.."

She hands James the datapad...

"So.... is this research because your interisted if lightsabers, or are you going to be making a lightsaber for yourself?"

James Prent
Oct 1st, 2003, 03:07:19 PM
She took the datapad gratefully. "Ah, well...y'see I haven't been told to start building a lightsaber yet, but it's something I want to be ready for."

James shrugged her slim shoulders. "An' I'm not sure that it's somthing my master will schedule into my training. I think, if what I've read already is correct, that building a saber is something every padawan must do in their own time. It's sort of a self test." She straightened her robes, and pulled a face. "I just hope I get it right and don't blow myself up, y'know?"

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 2nd, 2003, 12:39:27 PM
"Okay.... I understand, your just wanting to make sure that you really know what your doing before you make your lightsaber.."

Shanaria thinks for a moment...

"I should probable start thinking about constructing mine as well... Are you trying for a symple saber or one more complex?"

James Prent
Oct 2nd, 2003, 06:11:54 PM
James tapped the datapad against the palm of her hand as Shanaria questioned her. "Well, I dunno, really. I'm not quite sure what sorts of sabers there are. I mean, I think it's just one basic design, and then each Jedi puts their own twist on it to the best of their abilities."

She rubbed her forehead with two fingers, "I did hear from someone that the final connection in the saber between the focusing crystal and the emitter, or something, is made with the Force. So only a Jedi can construct a lightsaber. Which is why we don't see people selling them on the streets." James looked down at the datapad, and then back to the blue padawan. "D'ya want to read this when I'm done with it?"

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:21:34 AM
"well from what I know, there are a number of types, of lightsabers. There is the basic, complex, and double bladed.

On The bacic lightsaber the only controls you have is the on/off switch, On the complex you also have blade length adgustment, and Blade strength adgustment, and the double bladed if just a complex but with two blades..."

Shanaria nods as James explanes the final conection with the saber...

"Yes, I have heard that... with almost everybody in my family being a jedi of some sort it would have been hard for me not to have know about it... But it's nice to know that I'm not the onle padawan that know that... And sure, when you done with the plans could you send them my way?"

James Prent
Oct 3rd, 2003, 02:19:34 PM
Shanaria was obviously a lot more informed than James was about lightsabers. The shorter padawan felt inadequate in the face of the other girl's knowledge. And linegage...most of her family were Jedi too?

Must be nice to know who your family was. Although Mom and Dad were all I want as parents. Her real parents must not have wanted her, otherwise why else would she have been given up for adoption?

Flustered, James stuttered something about sending the plans her way, and looked around for a place to sit and read.

Shanaria Fabool
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:43:02 PM
Shanaria calls after James ....

"If you nead anymore help , I'll just be over here!"

Shanaria then walks over to a Datapad on Mind Infiltration Tatics, and walks over to a table, and sits down on a chair to start reading it...

James Prent
Oct 7th, 2003, 03:10:56 PM
James slumped into a chair hidden between two enormous bookshelves, and flicked on the datapad. A blueish light tinted her face as she turned to the first diagrams, figuring she'd read what the book had to say in a bit.

There were so many different parts! James propped her feet against a shelf and pulled out a piece of flimsy and a stylus to begin her inventory.

power cell
<strike>cyrst</strike> crystal lens assembly
activation plate
emmiter matrix
hi energy flux 'aperture'
blade emitter
handgrip -something comfy!
focusing core

James twirled the stylus between two fingers and then flipped to the page that told how it all went together. Looking at pictures was all well and good, but she had almost no practical knowledge of how to put things together.

James Prent
Oct 9th, 2003, 10:20:54 PM
After an hour of scribbling down notes and scratching her head, James felt like she'd gleaned all she could from that paticular document. Most of the items she felt sure she could find lying around somewhere. But then again, where would she find a focusing crystal for the lens assembly?

She carefully folded the flimsy in half and tucked it into her tunic, and got to her feet, stretching her cramped legs. Quietly she walked to where she'd seen Shanaria going, but couldn't find the other padawan. A corseted librarian bustled by, skirts flapping, and James approached one of the many information reader desks.

An older woman looked up from where she was assisting a Jedi, "Can I help you, padawan?"

"Ah, yes. Could you put this on hold for Padawan Fabool? She may come looking for it, and I was going to give it to her when I was done, but..." James shrugged. "I can't find her now, y'know?"

"Certainly, I will put this aside for her." The woman took the datapad, smiling kindly in spite of the severe bun of hair on the back of her head.

James curtseyed and made her way out of the Archives.