View Full Version : Calling for Help (Masters) - COMPLETE

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2003, 10:44:35 PM
Hello Everyone

I'm putting this thread up not out of spite nor out of anger or dissent for this institution or any one person of it. Basically, I don't want to offend anyone or make anyone upset with what I'm going to say, so please understand it is with great respect and pride to be a part of the Greater Jedi Order that I speak.

In October, I will have reached my 14th month on the boards. In that time, I have trained as a Jedi under two different primary Masters and several other Knights and Masters for subsequent lessons. I've been challenged and taught in Force usage (Sense, Alter, Control), Lightsaber Combat, and have had many, many, many encounters and adventures alone or with other Jedi in the Galaxy. In this time, I have formed many relationships (IC) with people on the board from all different groups and identities, and I have had a wonderful time role-playing.

Currently, however, I am feeling a little like it's time to for my character to move on. By move on, I'm not remotely referring to Terran leaving the Order. By no means at all. I am referring to Terran's promotion to Jedi Knight.

Marcus, you are one of my dearest friends and a wonderful assest to my role-playing development and my character's development, but I think it is time for me to seek out a different Master to finish out his training. I appreciate everything that you've done for me and I thank you so much for your efforts. But, I want to finish this up, and I know you have been busy and absent (especially with your departure from GJO) as of late. Especially with Terran's latest altercation, I want to finish up what little training I have left and hope to gain promotion as soon as I can.

I'm looking for someone who has some time to finish Terran's training out. I am a busy college student and RA, but I have a decent ammount of online time to work with, so I will be very committed to finish this up and completing all threads necessary in a timely fashion. I just need someone who is committed to aiding Terran in his promotion and who is wanting to help. I am looking preferably for a Master to do this, but I would accept help from a Knight as well.

In the thread "Returned" in the general forum of Temple Avalon, Terran has come before the Council to explain his actions and his role in Sejah's injury. I think that this could be a good time for a change in leadership over Terran. Perhaps something could be worked in.

As always, I am completely and totally open to suggestions about how to go about the change. But in this thread, I want to find someone who is willing to do this. Thanks so much for your time in reading this, and I appreciate everything that you all do around here. The GJO is an great place to be and I am ever grateful to be involved here.

Thanks so much,

Estelle Russard
Sep 28th, 2003, 11:23:21 PM
Terran, taking a new master will not necessarily lead quickly to promotion. The storyline your character has taken, his display of darkside teetering in his rage against Sejah will only naturally set him back in the minds of many in the order.

However, I think you already are aware of this and dont expect just because you want to be promoted that you will be.
You character can still move forward even without his specific title.

I said all that for a reason, because I would be willing to take on Terran as a padawan but wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

Estelle is a Knight - and is away IC on her Master trial. She will be returning to the order soon and whether she is promoted or not will be taking on another apprentice.

*Technically she already has 3, but two of them are not around at the moment*

In the meantime, you could sort out any rps that you wish to do with Marcus regarding this change etc.

The only reservation I would have is this: Estelle is a very different personality type to Marcus and is probably more opposite to our dear Elessar in tactics etc than anyone could be.

It would be a very different scenario for your char.

But - by way of summary, I would be happy to do it.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:46:30 AM
Thank you Estelle. I would be very honored to train under you for the duration of Terran's apprenticeship. I have no problem waiting until Estelle returns IC, especially because I have a few RPs I would like to get out of the way anyway.

I don't think I made it clear that I wasn't trying to look for an "easy" or "quick" way to promotion by any means. I didn't mean to sound impatient or come off as bitter or something. If I did, I apologize.

I just wanted to stress the fact that, with Marcus OOC absence and his IC absence, Terran's training has been pretty much nil for some time now, and I don't want it to be anymore. It's nothing personal, it's just that Terran is my number one character on the boards (though I do have a few others) and I would like to keep my focus on his development, which I feel is slacking majorly lately.

I am very excited to work under a differnet training style--to see what it is like. Thanks again, Master Russard, and I guess this thread has served its duty. I will PM you later today.