View Full Version : Guardian Roll Call and Powers Description

Mr Dust
Sep 28th, 2003, 05:22:09 PM
Ok, I'll start this one off, being the leader (more or less) of this lil' shindig.

Mr. Dust


Ability to walk through solid objects. Can stay in ethereal mode for approximately one minute total, or five times in a fight (limits will increase with rank). If Mr. Dust becomes solid inside an object, he is "shunted" to the nearest empty space. The result of solidifying inside an object is EXTREME pain, making whatever phased pretty much useless for several hours. Obviously, were he to become solid when his entire body is inside something, he will be out cold, and lose whatever fight he's in. If he solidifies inside someone else (i.e. phasing, putting his arm in someone, and then going solid), it won't do damage but will hurt immensely and render the phased area invalid as well. Same goes for anything he phases, drops inside someone, and lets go of in them.


Dust has NO telekinesis. He has no resistance whatsoever to physical Force attacks in either solid or ethereal form. (As he increases in rank, he'll be able to dodge physical Force attacks by going ethereal.) At this point, phasing takes a post in and of itself, as does dephasing. Also, he cannot phase with his saber lit. If he does, the saber will discharge entirely and be useless until he gets it recharged. His mental resistances are a bit above average (due to the concentration needed to maintain the phased form).

Ok... the rest of you guys, post. Any questions?

Mr Pulse
Sep 29th, 2003, 01:03:33 AM
Mr Pulse


The ability to extract abient force energy and give it substance as an unstable plasma-like energy, which he calls "ether".

It emanates from his finger tips; he can control the energy density (power of the ensuing blast) and its stability (how long before it goes boom).
The most obvious way of using it is to make balls of the stuff and throw it however there are other alternatives.

He can use a finger to "draw out" a streak of ether across a surface such that he can draw out a portal on a wall, the blast will give him a new entrance/exit as that chunk of wall is blown out.

He caries a sword which is constructed to be an ether "conductor" which allows him to coat the blade in ether without damaging it.
In this energised state, the blade can be used to battle lightsabers and strikes from the blade may leave residual (explosive) charges. It can also be used as a "wand" to draw out ether from the tip of the blade.

The use of the energy is not unlimited, it requires effort to "pull" the energy through from the force and so it not only requires mental concentration but physical effort as well.
As such, only a certain amount of energy can be pulled through at any time, no greater then a thermal detonator is a good rule of thumb (although "shaped" ether can be employed in little charges to bring down doors/etc.).
And of course, keeping this up is tiring which is why Mr Pulse resorts to using his ether-rapier.
(Note that Mr Pulse has -so- become quite the accomplished sword fighter).

The ether itself cannot be caught or deflected, it just explodes on contact; although a well-aimed force-push may re-direct an oncoming ball of ether.
Mr Pulse alone has the ability to manipulate/catch ether directly.


When using his ability his drain on the force in the area is HUGE which means, to any one out there "listening" for disturbances, this is a veritable flashing beacon.
The use of Ether is by no means subtle.

Mr Pulse is also of a leaner composition and so although he has the speed of a skilled swordsman, he lacks the strength to deliver the crushing blows.

Physical damage to his being can disrupt his finely tuned concentration and so he avoids getting hit, otherwise his ether-pulling grows more and more difficult with each blow.

Landing a significant blow on him (i.e. knocking him a few feet backward, onto the floor) can shake him and so may de-coat the ether on his blade and will cease any ether-pulling he may have been attempting to execute at the time.

Mr. Thrash
Sep 29th, 2003, 08:20:52 AM
Mr. Thrash - An edge master. His gift in the Force makes him capable of picking up nearly any bladed weapon or saber and immediately be able to wield it at the level he can he can currently wield weapons he's trained on for so long. It also allows him to be close to a Form III master, because everything he does creates difficult angles for his opponents to strike at him with, combined with his ability to virtually predict what his opponent will do with a sword or sword like weapon it makes him nearly impossible to strike.

As he progresses further his ability's in his skill will make him an evne greater blade virtuoso and slowly but surely he will gain smithy skills. Because of this as he becomes more powerful he wont' have to rely on others or mag field gens to keep his blades safe from sabers. As he gets closer to a master level of his order his ability to defeat or disarm an opponent in battle with his blades will become almost instantaenous (depending on the enemies training with their weapon) and his ability to block projectiles and blaster bolts will increase (as he has a limited ability to do so now)

Finally because of his intense training in such a strict discipline, Thrash will slowly but surely become resistant to mental/illusion Force tricks, with his resistance growing as his training progresses.

Weaknesses -
Nearly defenseless unless he can get ahold of an edged-weapon. He has no training in any form of hand-to-hand combat. He no telekinesis skills, in fact the only skills he has in the Force are the ones necessary to wield a saber to master levels. He must counter telekinetic attacks by reacting to them rather than fighting with them (i.e. gets force-pushed, he rolls backwards to slow his momentum and decrease his target area for a follow-up attack).

He has no healing abilities, no mental powers (besides his progressive resistance), simply put he just has the Force powers necessary to be considered a master saberist and nothing else.

Mr. Blind
Sep 30th, 2003, 06:49:48 PM
Mr. Blind

Powers: Even tho he's completely blind, acceptionally well studied force knowledge and useage of Sense allows Blind to see in a 6ft sphere around him, anything outside the sphere is blurred depending on who and if the one in question has force capability.

Disadvantages: He's blind. Figure out the rest yourself :)

Mr. Quick
Sep 30th, 2003, 10:02:28 PM
Mr. Quick

Powers: Using the Force to increase his speed, he can attain twice the speed of anyone of his own rank.

Disadvantages: This high speed can only be maintained for 2 minutes at a full run, and 45 seconds during combat. Once this time limit has expired, he reaches a state of "burn out", in which he cannot fight on his natural level. He has no healing or telekinetic ability, and cannot boost other than speed and reflexes. He is weak to mental attacks, but has standard resistance to physical blows.

Mr Dust
Sep 30th, 2003, 10:05:48 PM
Guys, as an aside, join up with the GJO ASAP, and get a Master and such. We're supposed to be here to train with them anyway. Thanks. :)

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 1st, 2003, 10:59:02 AM
Name: Mr. Flux
Age: 43
Height: 4'5"
Weight: 87 lbs.

Powers: Flux is very strong in the force; his specialty being electricity. He can generate it easily enough with the force, and can wield it in the form of lightning, small energy balls, virtually anything he can think of. Also, inherent in his body, is the ability to control energy. He can tap into large power sources, and current them into other beings, causing extreme pain. He has been working on this ability for most of his life, as well as developing force-electricity.

Combat Skill: Minor. He knows light fencing, enough to keep the others at bay. His mind is focused well against mental attacks; he has no telekenisis. He mainly focuses on electricity and lightning.

Apperance / Back History: Flux is the elder brother of Dust. Not many know this, except a few of the guardians. The reason why for the apparent stopping of Flux's age, is because when he was young, he tampered with his power. He was curious, he tried to make a large amount of electricity to make into a small stream of lightning- he failed. So much was indeed, too much. It overloaded his body, shocking his pituatary gland. Thus, it stopped his aging; forever is he trapped in the body of a twelve year old.