View Full Version : Well, what do we have here? (Mr group, Open).

Mr Pulse
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:14:34 PM
-The hour was late, the night was cold and the moonlight drenched the landscape; that is if one could consider Coruscant a landscape at all.

The tall, gaunt gentleman appeared to be taking a stroll in the night air; although with his normal pace so naturally so, he might have been heading somewhere after all.

This particualr individual, clad in a wide-brimed hat and matching long, black coat, condidered the cityscape of Coruscant to be little more then an urban mess; asthetically anyway.

Although he did have to admit, with the bustle of people in such a compact world, there was always something to do.
His Gurdianship guided him to where ever the Lupine menace amassed, often dragging him to the most delapidated, uncivilised worlds.
Relativley speaking, Coruscant was really quite refreshing.

He walked briskley along, hands in pockets, head turned down, eyes peering out from beneth the brim.
His eyes caught movement up ahead, his ears confirmed the presance of another strolling pedestrian coming the other way.-

"Well,.....what -do- we have here?"

-He said to himself although, no doubt, the other heard the dry, wraspy voice echoing of the cold walls.-

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 29th, 2003, 06:02:16 PM
Coruscant never changed. From its pedestrian congested sidewalks to the equally congested skyways, the cityplanet always looked... and smelled... the same. Every time she visited. Which in all honesty wasn't very much, but still. It was always the same each and every time. Although, to be perfectly honest, it was nice to be able to blend in and out of crowds with ease, to effectively disappear without a trace. Sometimes a very necessary thing.

Metallic eyes searched the crowds as the moved about before her, picking out those she found interesting and those that she didn't. She walked slowly, allowing her ample time to simply observe pockets of pedestrians for however long she wished. Her hair was loose, long bangs falling into her face as the rest draped over her shoulders and down her back. She wore an overcoat; normally very uncharacteristic of her as her normal attire was usually whatever old clothing she threw on, but for some reason, today, she'd felt like wearing something more... closefitting, and had chosen to wear an overcoat over the leather ensemble she'd decided to don.

It was as her eyes swept the group ahead of her that she spotted a samiliar form, striding purposefully towards her, and in less than a second her pace had slowed to an abrupt halt. He looked just like Dust, the Guardian she'd had a few run-ins with a while back, but this man was different - he carried himself with the same arrogant demeanor yes, but something else hinted at him being someone other than the pale, bald- headed Mr. Dust.

And it was that moment of indecision that froze her, and she stood rooted, watching him as he came closer.

Mr Pulse
Sep 30th, 2003, 12:54:39 AM
-His paced slowed and upon observation of her halt, he reciprocated with a gradual stop.
His head tilted up, his pale face framed by the wide brim and high, up turned collars.

His turcoise eyes did not invade her privacy, they meerly peered out, taking in what there was to see.-

"Quite an evening isn't it."

-He says with dry, wraspy words; with the slight tip of his hat.-

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 30th, 2003, 09:17:59 AM
His voice was certainly not that of Dust's, and s'Il found herself instinctively taking a cautious step back. While she and Dust were on good terms, their first meeting had been less than pleasant, and she remained careful lest this one attack her. She could tell he was a Guardian; the way he held himself - not to mention his appearence all indicated as such. And his smell... he reeked of it, and her eyes narrowed imperceptably.

The Lupine was slow to answer him, but when she did, she took another cautionary step back to make sure there was a good distance between the two.

"Yes, it is."

Mr Pulse
Sep 30th, 2003, 11:16:30 AM
-As he watched her take another step back, he took a few slow, casual steps forward; he smiled.-

"What's the matter, my dear lady, afraid of a little.....................proximity?"

-He pulled out a little device from his pocket, he manipulated a few buttons with his thumb and when he looked down he saw her likeness on the little display.

He returned it to his pocket as his eyes again returned to her.-

"And pray tell, what is a fine lady, such as yourself, doing all alone wandering the streets at such an hour?"

-The whole time his steps had brough him closer however he stopped short about ten feet from her.-

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 30th, 2003, 11:57:22 AM
His tone caused her to pause just a little, and she blinked, letting the mass of people push their way around her as they continued on. That he closed the distance between them was unsettling, and she found her heart quicken just a bit. This was not a situation she wanted to be in, and the look she gave him said as much.

At his question, she let out a quiet breath. "Out walking," was all she offered.

And with that, she turned. Best to walk away from a situation before it became a danger - and that's what she planned to do. Turning, she began walking away from him, melting back into the crowds as best as she could.

Mr Pulse
Sep 30th, 2003, 12:03:57 PM
-Mr Pulse's blood boiled as he held back the hatred he had for the lupine however he did hold it back.
He would have, as he would have put, "smited" her but there were just too many inoccents around.

But he did not stop there.

He did not walk on but instead returned to his quickened pace in pursuit of her.
He hoped that he may be able to herd her into an alleyway where he may "do his thing".-

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 30th, 2003, 12:44:45 PM
Her walk became a jog, and soon enough her jog became a slow lope as she sought to elude the Guardian as best as she could. Her experiences with Mr. Dust led to her aversion of the sect bent on controlling Lupines, and it was this sense of self preservation that fueled her uneasiness.

Weaving through the crowds, dodging pedestrians and sometimes speeders alike, s'Il didn't even bother to look over her shoulder; she could hear him well enough - smell him. It wasn't hard to pick his scent out of a group.

Preacher Blake
Sep 30th, 2003, 12:50:02 PM
S'ilancy was discreetly followed yet again. Preacher kept watch over her as Diego commanded, ensuring that she would be safe. As he trailed behind her in a black sedan speeder, it became obvious to him that his protection would soon require more direct action.

The pale, black-clad figure pursued, and as S'ilancy reversed direction, Preacher stopped his vehicle. He rolled down the curb-side window, charging a repeating blaster rifle as he did.

"DOWN!" He roared to S'ilancy, easing the barrel of the automatic weapon out of the door.

<font color=ff0000>blatablatablatablatablatablat!!!</font>

Mr. Quick
Sep 30th, 2003, 10:07:55 PM
Pulse finds himself out of harm's way, supported by one Mr. Quick.

"Tsk...bad form, using such a weapon in a duel..."

Quick makes an estimation of the situation...how fast can he do what is needed? A green blade shoots from his hand as his saber activates. Now...to deal with that weapon.

Mr Pulse
Oct 1st, 2003, 03:52:59 AM
-Mr Pulse rasied and open palm, sparkes began to appear and soon a ball of crackling energy grew in his hand, he threw the ball of ether, over his shoulder, at the vehical.
The ether exploded on contact, tearing open a large gash in the front of the vehical; it set the front of the vehical alight.

He turned around as he walked towards the burning vehical, he shared a thought with Mr Quick.-

"...If you wouldn't mind, Mr Quick, divide and conquer;
you chase after the fleeing one whilst I subdue the rude one."

-As Mr Pulse approched the vehical, he watched the lupine tear off the door and roll out of the vehical to avoid the flames which rapidley burned through the windsheild.

Mr Pulse drew his elegant rapier (with his right hand) and pull it to his chest, the blade pointed strait up into the air wth the hilt just below his chin.
As he began to take steps forward he swept the blade to the right and pointed it strait out to one side.-

"...En Guard..."

-He spoke with a snear.

Glowing tendrils of ether licked out of his hand and writhed around the blade untill the crackling blue energy entirley engulfed it.
His pace remained slow and delibrate as he approached the lupine.-

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 1st, 2003, 08:38:01 AM
Preacher's voice wasn't altogether unfamiliar, and s'Il had come to realize that when he suggested she do something, it was in her best interests to do so. And that's what she did.

Veering to the side, she skidded to the ground as a hail of blaster fire flew along the path she'd been traveling, and looking up to the towering Lupine as he took aim from inside the sedan, she let out a temporary sigh of relief. It was shortlived however, as another of the dark figures appeared, and with growing trepidation, she scrambled back, getting to her feet as the speeder was engulfed in flames. She wasn't worried about Preacher; she knew he could handle himself well enough, and casting a look towards the second Guardian, backed away a few steps. Eyes locked on his sabre, she couldn't help her quickened breath as a feeling of dread filled her chest.

And then she ran - her boots pounded the pavement as she fled through the crowds, knowing that it was the safety within numbers that would save her from that glowing blade.

Safety within the innocents.

Mr. Quick
Oct 1st, 2003, 09:15:14 PM
Quick's blade snaps off as he begins to follow, shouldering aside the people with apologetic mumblings to the passers-by. He can see her, barely, through the heads of the people. It will take a clever trick to clear this crowd. He simply ignites the blade of his saber, watching the crowd spring back. Now he can run, at least at a normal pace. No one will risk contact with the blade, and so he makes a slow progression towards her.

"How vexing you are, Lupine," he mutters.

Preacher Blake
Oct 2nd, 2003, 01:44:35 AM
Preacher's eyes flitted to the side, watching as S'il fled. Good. He preferred that she didn't fight the Guardians. No, he would do that himself.

Stepping from the ruined vehicle, Preacher sprayed a salvo of blaster fire at the man, buying himself some room to maneuver as the shots rained toward Mr. Pulse.

Mr Pulse
Oct 2nd, 2003, 08:30:30 AM
-Mr Pulse ran to one side, some fine swordwork deflected the few shots which would have lnded on him, the others only just missed.
He took cover behind a dumpster.

A quick peek of his head around the corner, and shortly after, a handfull of ether flew high overhead and struck a support anchor.

With a loud crack the explosive energy ruptured the support rod and the fire escape on the building came swinging down like a runaway drawbridge, it came crashing towards the gunslinging lupine.-

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 2nd, 2003, 09:42:35 AM
His longer legs were bringing him closer, and s'Il surged ahead, fueled by that knowledge. She shouldered her way through groups, snaked through bodies, and sidestepped speeders as they flew by. If she wasn't being chased down by a Guardian, she would have thought run to be exhilerating.

However it wasn't, and it was the knowledge; or rather lack of knowledge as to exactly what would happen to her if caught that caused her muscles to propel her forward with even more energy. A quick look behind her shoulder showed that the Guardian was indeed catching up to her, and her efforts doubled all the more.

Aggravation soon creeped through her chest; this would go on forever - she knew it would given the Guardians' tenacity when it came to hunting down Lupines. Sprinting across one of the crosswalks, headed for one of the more dilapidated and abandoned looking buildings. Boots pounding the ground, she crashed through the front doors - they gave more resistance than she thought, and a sharp pain began to build in her side as she stumbled, faltering to her knees in the deserted foyer of what used to be the Jade Camel Hotel.

Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:51:37 AM
Slifer had been out for a evening stroll along the walkway, when the sound of rapid fire blaster shots ranged out nearby. Slifer stopped, his cloak and hood shaking ever so slightly in the wind, and turned his eyes and ears in the direction of the disturbance. Soon, a woman ran past him, being pursued by a being that Slifer had never had the pleasure of meeting. Back in the distance, a wall of smoke and flame rose from the direction of the blasterfire. Slifer always took a interest in disturbances, though he had learned long ago not to jump straight into something without knowing what was going on. So he took off at a good jogging place, and slowed when he reached the place the woman had ran into, a hotel by the name of the Jade Camel. Slifer waited for the being pursuing her to show himself before he decided what to do. He reached down into his cloak and patted his custom built saber, a saber which he called Malestrom.

"Soon, my pet, soon......"

Preacher Blake
Oct 5th, 2003, 10:39:28 PM
Preacher leveled off for another salvo, but upon the sounds of creaking metal, he looked back. The fire escape was collapsing, and coming right for him. Throwing his blaster aside, Preacher put all of his faculties to diving out of the way, as the metal frame crashed to the street level with thunderous power. He'd cleared the crash zone by a foot. Grunting, he rose to his feet, with the fire escape's mangled skeleton in between himself and the Guardian. With a scowl, Preacher bounded over the obstacle, approaching Pulse with renewed vigor.

Mr Dust
Oct 17th, 2003, 04:32:26 PM
OOC: I'm basically gonna take Pulse's place in this fight, as he is gone, and I'm assuming permanently.

IC: Hearing the commotion had drawn him to this spot, and the salvos of blaster fire and destroyed structures were easy to home in on. He turns and runs down an alleyway to find himself face to face with a VERY large dark skinned man. Obviously, he had been firing at his fellow Guardian, Mr. Pulse. He quickly turns to send Pulse away.

Run, Mr. Pulse! Summon other Guardians. I will hold this... miscreant.

Once Pulse is away, Mr. Dust springs into action. He hops back slightly to gain room, and draws his saber. He removes his hat with the other hand, holding it behind him.

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 01:58:05 PM

A small voice said within the abandoned halls. A figure was discernable through it all, and he finally stepped out of the shadow. Pale was the tiny figure's face- so child like was it also. But his eyes gave him the age he required.

He held his hands behind his back as he looked to her. The door to the building broke. His small, raspy voice spoke..

"That looked painful. I trust you are alright, miss?"

His garb was comprised over the exact same that the other guardian's were.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:05:45 PM
The voice was startling, and s'Il turned her body, scrambling away from the... child... ? He looked like one, but he was dressed exactly like a Guardian, and by the sound in his voice as well as the look of his eyes, he was much older than he appeared.

The pain in her ribs grew as she scooted herself back, stopping only when the abandoned concierge's desk halted her movements.

"... I - I'm fine... "

The lack of knowledge as to what would happen next fueled her apprehension, and the Lupine let her metallic eyes wander over this newcomer's figure before locking with his own eyes. Just the way he stood and held himself screamed Guardian, and she inhaled a pained breath.

"I haven't done anything," she breathed out, knowing that many times over Guardians had killed Lupines for the simplest of transgressions - all in the name of protecting the galaxy...

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:12:35 PM
"Yes, child, I know you haven't. You can't help the disease that was given to you- none of you can."

He said as he walked forward. His steps were intimidating, even for his small size. He, unlike his other fellow guardians, was approaching the situation more calmly. Welcomingly, in fact.

He removed his hat, showing his lack of hair- his overly pale face. He gave a charming smile; despite what was happening.

"Mr. Flux, at your service..Ms..?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:20:58 PM

Her thoughts on his first words were confused in her mind, and s'Il found what he said somewhat disheartening - but she still found herself able to stammer an answer to his last query.

"... s'Il... s'Ilancy... "

His advancement towards her was also cause for concern, and s'Il felt her heartbeat quicken just a little as he seemed to fill the entire room with his very essence - a little intimidating being that he looked to only be a boy. But she knew. There was something more to him than that. Something much more.

"What're you going to do to me... ?"

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:27:05 PM
"Ms. s'Ilancy. Odd name; but unique never-the-less."

He smiled as he stepped sideways, he found two small chairs. He lifted them up easily, and he set one near him, and he made several steps forward as he set one down in front of her. He was careful not to get to close.

The situation was delicate.

He turned and moved to the chair he got for himself, and he sat in it.

"Now. Please, sit. Your side must be hurting you- and it seems your pursuer has lost you."

He sighed.

"And what I do to you- all depends on you."

He said with a grin- light electricity crackling on his palm, before he closed it.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:36:31 PM
It was strange - she found herself obeying him wordlessly. Lifting herself from the floor, s'Il slowly lowered her small bulk onto the chair while keeping a careful eye on the Guardian before her. He was strange - nothing like the last two who had seemed hell-bent on running her into the ground.

The electricity in his palm didn't escape her attention either, and her eyes flitted up to his for a few moments - an uneasiness easily apparent in her features and the way she looked at him.

"I... I could simply get up and leave... save you the trouble of finding any fault in me... "

Her voice was low as she spoke, and the Lupine doubted the resoluteness in her own tone.

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:39:59 PM
"I'm not looking for any faults you may have. I just want to talk. What, you'd rather play the cat and mouse game? "

He offered up to her as he slowly began to stand up from his seat.

He looked at her, waiting her response, or waiting for her to begin running.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:45:16 PM
"I said nothing about running," s'Il countered quietly, the beating in her chest stepping up a notch as the Guardian slowly stood, "I said I would only leave - no running, no chasing - just that I'd walk away... "

That he said he wasn't looking for any faults was a little odd, and she paused, and she leaned forward just a bit, a semi-sense of curiosity overtaking her.

"... and why would you want to talk with me? I'm a Lupine - you're kind kill us... "

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 02:52:49 PM
"If I wanted you dead, you would be."

He said with a serious tone, but then he sat back down. He set his small hat on his lap. He looked her over, letting himself relax. He coughed a bit, before he looked up again.

"It is true- we do hunt your kind. Traditionally I should have killed you already."

He said.

"But I have an affinity for breaking rules."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:01:01 PM
This caused her to hesitate once more, unsure of how to respond to his answer. That he didn't kill her straightaway was comforting to know - though it also raised the question of whether he would simply toy with her before eventually ending her life. And she didn't doubt his words in the least - that he could have killed her if he'd wanted to. There was something about this Guardian that made her cautious.

"... Tradition... " she thought for a few moments, her gaze falling to the floor, "... tradition can be the downfall of a civilization."

Her eyes shifted back to his then to see the reaction, if any, he would have at her words.

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:10:38 PM
"Indeed it can. Tell me about yourself, Ms. s'Ilancy. Anything will do."

He said, curious about this lupine. Most of the lupines he had run into had always been male. They had always immediately changed and tried to kill.

This one was not changing. Not bloodthirsty.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:19:36 PM
He seemed so lachadaisical - so nonchalant about the whole matter that s'Il found herself taken offguard by his question. She bit her lip. What was there to tell?

"I thought Guardians weren't concerned with knowing anything about their Lupine 'victims'... "

She shifted in her seat, still seemingly rooted to her spot. "Besides. I've already been in a fight with one of your kind - it's not something I'd like to repeat... which is why I run whenever I see you people... unless it's him. I trust him enough that he won't hurt me - he already knows I wouldn't kill anyone for simply no reason... "

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:25:43 PM

He asked. Curious. Perplexed. Was she speaking about a Guardian? He narrowed his eyes. Now he was the one who was curious about what she meant. He moved in his seat, leaning forward.

"Who is this illustrious...'him' that you speak of?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:46:37 PM
She stared at him, studying him. He was odd for being a Guardian - more interested in trading words than physical blows, and s'Il found herself happy to at least have a reprieve from being chased. She did wonder, however, if and when the chase would once more be taken up - or if this Guardian would just as soon decide to end her life when he tired of talking with her.

"Mr. Dust," she said simply.

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:50:33 PM
He leaned back once she said his name; his face moving in a stern manner. He clenched his teeth; which was visible to her. He held his hat, before he gave a smile to her, and stood up.


He began to laugh as he turned his back to her, slowly circling the chair. He kept on, lightly laughing to himself. It sounded like a small child, until he made a full circle.

He leaned on the chair as he held the hat to the side..

"And my younger brother let you live? Your just full of surprises.."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 03:57:13 PM
The shock in her eyes was evident, and s'Il stared at him - unbelieving. Younger brother??? This Guardian was Mr. Dust's older brother? It seemed impossible - perhaps he meant Dust was his brother within the ranks of the Guardians - as some religious monks were referred to as. That made more sense to her, and s'Il soon recovered her sense of surprise. Yet still, this new information was something that she didn't expect.

She leaned back a little, the look on her face one of caution and great care as she looked at... Mr. Flux was his name... ? His initial reaction had first startled her, almost causing her to bolt right then and there - he looked almost like a schoolteacher despite his appearence, and she found herself to be once more intimidated by his manner.

"Well," she started slowly, "Yes; he did... "

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 04:00:35 PM
"Mother and father would be so shocked."

He said, containing his laughter at his own joke. He shook his head as he walked forward. He looked at her. Her seat, the way she sat, left her at eye level with him as he remained standing.

He twirled the hat in his hand, caused it to flip into the air, he caught it, and then put it on his head.

"Well...What to do now? It would be terribly rude to kill a friend of my own blood. I don't Mr. Dust would take to kindly to that. No."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 04:11:19 PM
He was close enough that she could see the age in his eyes - it belied his true age regardless of his body and how he looked. She flinched however, as he performed his little hat trick - she knew that Guardians lined their hats with cortosis; she'd been burned by it before, and the Lupine didn't want it to happen again.

It was funny.

How what appeared to be a simple child held her rooted to her seat, generated a sense of delicate fear and apprehension in her poise - in her eyes - in her entire body.

"Umm... " she looked away, unable to hold his gaze, "... well... you could let me leave... " her gaze snapped up to meet his then, a glimmer of surprised realization glinting in her eyes, "- your brother? Your blood?"

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 04:15:23 PM
His eyes always were such with most people. They were held in awe- they always thought him so young until they had a gander. He leaned in close- face to face with her. Careful of the tip of his hat. He looked at her carefully, breathing gently.

"Yes. My brother. As in, my mother had him due to procreation with my father. The same way they concieved me, they concieved him."

He explained to her as if he were dealing with a child. He had told her who Dust was to him earlier. He eyed her carefully.

"Younger. He was the last our parents had before passing."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 04:26:11 PM
"Well... ok... "

His close proximity was unsettling, but s'Il remained motionless as he stood face to face with her. Head canting slightly, she locked eyes with him, this time refusing to be the first to look away.

Her expression bordered on the careful beginnings of an apprehensive trust. "I just, well, wasn't expecting you to be his older brother...

"... um, for what it's worth, you age well."

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 04:37:13 PM
"So I've been told. But that's another story entirely. Care to hear it?"

He smiled as he turned away and then began to walk around the chair again; and then he back tracked. He looked her over with a smile.

"It was when I was young. You see, I have a knack with electricity. I can control it. It's not hard really, something I specialize in. Of course, you've seen how most the other Guardian's specialize..."

He refferred to her pursuer, Dust, and any other she had run into before. He then began to speak again.

"Regular or Force inhibited. Hard to explain. Anyway, I was trying to make a large expanse of it- without the proper knowledge. This was when I was about..Twelve."

He coughed, the speech becoming longer. He wiped his mouth as he put his other hand up as if asking for one moment to collect himself. He looked to her.

"This was before Mr. Dust was born. The council had warned me that my power could cause harm to myself, especially at my young age. I, of course, didn't listen. I was actually doing very well, until I lost my concentration. And by that time, it was too late."

He looked at her, narrowing his eyes as if reliving.

"It was too much. It reversed itself on me. I overloaded myself; I shocked my pitituary gland beyond repair. Thus I haven't aged.."

He smiled.

"For forty years."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 04:58:02 PM
The Lupine didn't move all throughout his story, listening quietly and politely as Mr. Flux spoke. When he finished, she cleared her throat, looking to the side before once again turning her gaze to him.

"So. Fifty-two."

She leaned forward then, using the momentum to stand and take the opportunity to stretch her own legs. She walked slowly to the concierge desk, a hand reaching out to rest on the top surface. She turned to look back at him.

"I take it you've been able to harness your... talent... more fully since then."

s'Il rolled her eyes at her own words then, becoming more of herself as time went by and the initial shock of being in such close quarters with a Guardian other than Dust wore off.

"What am I saying - of course you have; hell, forty years."

She was still careful of herself though - to not get too comfortable - for all she knew Flux would decide to show her exactly how much he'd learned. And so, erring on the side of caution, she finished up her last words with a shrug and cautionary eye on the Guardian before her.

Mr. Blind
Oct 27th, 2003, 08:31:10 PM



Resounded through the abandoned halls around the conversing two...

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:20:14 PM
"Indeed I do, however, my knowledge is limited. One must wonder, will I live forever?"

He smiled, before he heard the clicking in one of the hallways. He turned his head in that direction as he turned it back towards her. No doubt another Guardian, however, the situation didn't unnerve Flux in the least.

He did stand however, and he walked over to s'Ilancy.

"So tell me, Ms. s'Ilancy. What about you?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:44:07 PM
She looked down at him, pulling her hand from the desktop to stand a little straighter as the Guardian approached her. "... Uh, me? Live forever?

"I don't know; it'd be nice I suppose... "

The clacking also had reached the Lupine's ears, and s'Il cast a cautious gaze to either side. She knew it was another Guardian, and the look in her eyes gave away her uneasiness. The last thing she wanted was to be surrounded on all sides by Guardians - Flux wasn't too bad - he was actually starting to grow on her; though slowly.

"... "

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:48:33 PM
He gave her a smile, as his hand moved up to be in front of her. He let it moved back and forth, side to side, as if to show her to not worry.

"No, you misinterpreted. I meant, I wonder if I'll live forever."

He smiled as he turned his head to the direction of the clacking.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 27th, 2003, 11:10:20 PM
"... oh... "

It was a simple statement that conveyed her apparent confusion - and the fact that her attention had been divided; from Flux in front of her to the still unseen stranger...

Mr. Blind
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:19:02 PM

"My word," muttered Mr. Blind, steadily prodding along with a stiff wooden staff. Inching slowly out of the inky dark, he continued with the soft ta-clicking until he was roughly four meters away from them both, in which he looked up with quite surprise.

"Oh! Hello!" The elder spoke cheerfully, removing his hat and tipping it to them before placing it atop his head.

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:23:05 PM
Though Mr. Blind couldn't see; Flux tipped his hat in return. He smiled as he remained standing. He spoke..

"Mr. Blind; welcome. Meet. Ms. s'Ilancy. Lupine; however she has shown no aggression. I find her to be quite the conversationist."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:29:19 PM
Looking from one Guardian to the next, s'Il couldn't help but feel the sense of apprehension grow more steadily. It was easy to see from the look on her face that her current situation wasn't in the best of her interests. Never-the-less, the Lupine made the best show of politeness as she could manage.

Her hand came up in a semi-wave to the newcomer, fingers making a stiff rolling motion before she once more let her arm fall, realizing that this particular Guardian seemed to be bereft of sight.

"... uh, hi... "

Mr. Blind
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:58:07 PM
Blind smiles in the way that only the elders could, producing a short flourish for s'Ilancy.

"Good eve' then, Ms. s'Ilancy, I hope I did not intrude upon yours and Mr. Fluxs' conversation rudely, I apologize if so. It's quite difficult to move around quickly enough to keep up with the youthful body of Mr. Flux here."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 29th, 2003, 04:08:43 PM
"Oh no, that's quite alright," was the swift response, as s'Il cautiously moved to once more lower her slim frame into the chair Flux had originally given her - all the while keeping her eyes on Mr. Blind.

It was daunting, in a way, to be in such close quarters with two Guardians, and s'Il was careful of her actions - her very breathing lest she do something ever so slightly wrong - something that would warrant these two individuals to erase her existence from the galaxy.

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 29th, 2003, 04:11:45 PM
He smiled to Blind.

"My apologies, Mr. Blind. I did not know I was that far ahead."

He gave a smile to s'Ilancy as he himself backed up and then sat down in his chair. He watched over her carefully. Blind would no doubt move on, to find the other Guardians.

Or perhaps he would stay.

Mr. Blind
Oct 29th, 2003, 07:57:48 PM
"Quite alright," replied he. By unusual circumstance, he found another free standing chair and settled himself down for a quick breather.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 30th, 2003, 12:17:07 PM
Metallic eyes still going back and forth between the two, s'Il pulled in a deep breath - very much unsure of what to do or say. The two Guardians sitting before her were silent, and she was as well.

Biting her lip, she looked down, placing her hands in her lap.

So, um, how did you... how did you know I was going to come in here... ?"

imported_Mr. Flux
Oct 30th, 2003, 12:35:22 PM
"I had seen the commotion and thus came to this building. I had come to the conclusion this was where you had planned on turning. It seems I was correct."

He remembered her side, and he looked at her..

"How's your side feeling? Better?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 30th, 2003, 01:02:41 PM
In all that had happened, s'Il herself had forgotten about the nagging pain in her side due to her collision with the front doors. It was mostly gone now, and one of her hands idly - almost protectively even, went up to her ribs.

"It's fine... thanks... "

Preacher Blake
Nov 2nd, 2003, 12:35:29 AM
Originally posted by Mr Dust
OOC: I'm basically gonna take Pulse's place in this fight, as he is gone, and I'm assuming permanently.

IC: Hearing the commotion had drawn him to this spot, and the salvos of blaster fire and destroyed structures were easy to home in on. He turns and runs down an alleyway to find himself face to face with a VERY large dark skinned man. Obviously, he had been firing at his fellow Guardian, Mr. Pulse. He quickly turns to send Pulse away.

Run, Mr. Pulse! Summon other Guardians. I will hold this... miscreant.

Once Pulse is away, Mr. Dust springs into action. He hops back slightly to gain room, and draws his saber. He removes his hat with the other hand, holding it behind him.

Preacher paused momentarily as his attacker withdrew. He began to charge Dust, but gave pause at the sight of the Guardian's saber. Keen eyes glared at the man, as the Lupine considered his options, keeping distance between his hated foe.

Mr Dust
Nov 2nd, 2003, 01:17:17 PM
Keeping the saber between himself and the massive Lupine, he circles slightly, getting between Preacher and the direction that Pulse had taken.

I have no wish to fight you... if you would be so agreeable, we could end this little foray right now. Just walk away... there is no reason for bloodshed.

Preacher Blake
Nov 2nd, 2003, 10:51:10 PM
Preacher pauses, confused by the pale man's unusual statement. He then shakes his head.

"I have no reason to trust you, Guardian. Lady S'Ilancy must be protected."

Mr Dust
Nov 2nd, 2003, 11:20:03 PM
The pale man's brows raise in suprise as he hears the Lupine's name.

s'Ilancy? I am familiar with her, and have no grudge with her. If that is the only reason for your aggression toward me, then we need not fight at all.

He extinguishes his saber, but keeps it ready just in case.

Is that agreeable to you, sir?

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 5th, 2003, 02:45:39 PM
"Good. Good to hear. So, shall we talk of other matters? "

He asked, half ignoring Mr. Blind, focusing his attention back onto the lupine infront of him- a lupine who was so different than the rest of her specie.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 5th, 2003, 02:55:35 PM
s'Il bit her lip once more, unsure of what to do. It was obvious she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon - the Guardians would no doubt see to that, and in her current predicament, she thought it best to obey. There was no way she could escape two of them, and if the others behind had bested Preacher, then she would have four Guardians to try and evade.

"I... well... "

The Lupine fumbled for words, trying to think of something - anything - to say. She failed miserably.

"... are you going to kill me... ?" she voiced quietly, finally asking the question that had been in the back of her mind ever since first setting eyes on Flux.

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 5th, 2003, 02:58:44 PM
He smiled as he shook his head no, and then he spoke.

"No; I won't kill you. And neither will any of the other Guardians. I assure you of that."

He smiled as he sat back down, watching her carefully. He shook his head as he again spoke.

"If you were to be dead, You would be. I told you that. No; you will live."

He smiled as he watched her carefully.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 5th, 2003, 03:08:10 PM
Relief filled her then, but s'Il still sat straight in her chair.

"Just making sure," she mumbled, her gaze falling to the dust-covered floor. A quick glance up at Mr. Blind showed that he hadn't made a move to speak, or vactae either, and so she once more turned her metallic gaze to Flux.

A thought occured to her then. "I thought Guardians were only supposed to run down and kill a Lupine in defense...

"... but the ones outside - I didn't do anything, and they still chased me - why?"

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 5th, 2003, 03:13:47 PM
"What else happened? There had to be some rhyme or reason for them to justify taking after you. They shouldn't have done it for nothing, Ms. s'Ilancy. To do so means they would be put down by a fellow Guardian. They would be committing suicide. "

He explained to her. He moved his eyes towards the left- where Blind was, to see why she looked. It was nothing- the Lupine was paranoid. Flux really couldn't blame her- would he not be the same way in her situation? He scoffed lightly.

"Hm..? What happened out there?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 5th, 2003, 03:45:23 PM
She stared at him, wide-eyed. What if he didn't believe her? "Nothing. I was just walking - I wasn't doing anything... "

One of them saw me, and I saw him. I stopped, then he came closer so I started running...

"... the last time I was in a fight with a Guardian. it didn't turn out well; for either involved."

She sighed, looking away then. "I just didn't want to fight another... "

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:07:26 PM
"You are mistaken. Something had to have happened."

He said once again, firmly. He narrowed his eyes. Was there a Guardian who didn't go by the cardinal rule? He shook his head, of course not. He looked at her.

"You were just walking; and one attacked you, unanncouned. Nothing. At all, happened? Nothing around you, no one provoked anyone?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:13:56 PM
"You have to believe me," she very nearly begged, leaning forward sharply, "I didn't start anything - one started chasing me, then another joined in.

"Preacher only stepped in to help me get away - "

The Lupine stopped then, her head dropping as she stared at the ground, utterly dismayed. She could tell he didn't believe her - after all, what sort of Guardian attacked first?

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:17:58 PM
"They would not have done it for no reason!"

He yelled as he stood up. A hint of anger showed on his small face, before he straighted up, and controlled that emotion. He smoothed his coat as he looked at her. He narrowed his eyes.

"Preacher stepped in? A reason. But they would not have chased you, or antagonized you for no reason. If they had.."

He grit his teeth- his jaw showing in frustration as he sit down again.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:24:49 PM
In startled fear, s'Il shot from her seat, toppling the chair backwards as she stumbled back, away from Flux as he yelled at her. He was mad - it was clearly evident, and in her mind there was no recourse but to retreat marginally.

She held up her hands as she backed into the wall, and it halted her movements.

"It's true - God I swear it is. What would be gained from randomly atacking innocent people out in the open? It's stupid - " her words were fast, as she tried to explain things as quickly and acceptably as possible, " - there's no point to it, and it just isn't worth the risk... "

Her breathing had quickened, and she stared at Flux, wide-eyed in fear.

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:34:21 PM
"The lupine strain is deadly. There had to have been justification. They would not have attacked you for no good reason- other than to just wipe you off of the face of the galaxy."

He watched her move back as he shook his head. He exhaled and inhaled deeply.."I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled..."

He hadn't said he believed her, at all.

"Please sit down. I have regained my composure.."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:40:17 PM
She obeyed, though instead of going back to retrieve the fallen chair, s'Il slid down the length of the wall to sit on the floor, her knees drawn up.

"You don't believe me, do you," was all she could get out.

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:47:31 PM
"Put yourself in my position. Would you?"

He asked. He looked at her- but the lupine hadn't lied so far. She had told him everything absolutely true. And had shown no aggression.

"However- I can go out on a limb."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 5th, 2003, 04:57:50 PM
Her shoulders slumped then, and her head bowed. "I did, and thats why I knew you wouldn't believe me. Because all the other times the Lupines attacked first. I know that already - Mr. Dust already told me...

"But, I'm not like that... " she had to pause, because in all honesty, her last statement was false unless she went on, adding one more word... "... usually... "

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 5th, 2003, 05:20:32 PM
He was certain that no Guardian would attack..He looked at her.

"I will investigate the matter. You are alright, Ms. s'Ilancy."

He said as he moved and walked over to her, looking down to her as she crouched like that. He watched her.

"You will not be hurt."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 5th, 2003, 06:01:00 PM
Looking up at him as he came closer, the Lupine let out a long breath as he spoke his last words. In a sense it was a relief that he wouldn't do anything to her, and her entire body relaxed.

"... thank you... "

Preacher Blake
Nov 10th, 2003, 04:31:41 PM
Originally posted by Mr Dust
The pale man's brows raise in suprise as he hears the Lupine's name.

s'Ilancy? I am familiar with her, and have no grudge with her. If that is the only reason for your aggression toward me, then we need not fight at all.

He extinguishes his saber, but keeps it ready just in case.

Is that agreeable to you, sir?

"I am going to S'Ilancy. If you wish not to fight, then do not interfere."

Cautiously, Preacher backed away from the Guardian, turning toward S'Ilancy's lingering scent.

Mr Dust
Nov 10th, 2003, 09:44:37 PM
Dust follows the large Lupine. One wonders what Ms. s'Ilancy is about at this juncture...

Mr. Blind
Nov 10th, 2003, 09:57:24 PM
Blind just watched carefully, a friendly smile across his face. Eventually, he spoke, if only a sentance.

"Your very welcome, Ms. s'Ilancy."

imported_Mr. Flux
Nov 15th, 2003, 01:38:27 PM
"Rise up, Ms. s'Ilancy."

He said with a smile as he turned his head- something he felt. Was that Dust? He looked to her with his brow arched.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 22nd, 2003, 07:18:05 PM
Once again in more control of her reactions, s'Il slowly rose to her feet while in the same motion brushing a strand of hair from her eyes. With a stray look to Blind, the Lupine let her gaze settle back down to look at Flux. It was true, his actions had scared the hell out of her, and her reactions had been purely out of blind fear - she knew he could kill her in less than two seconds, and it was that fact that had caused her to stumble away.

But at his look now, she coudln't help the new look of uncertainty as it fell over her features. It was a look that was easy to interpret, and she felt deflated almost - surrounded and penned in like an animal. Of course, the Lupine had to wonder if that was all she was to the two Guardians before her.

"Another one... ?" she asked, her voice shaky and uncertain. Breath quickening, s'Il couldn't help the look of near-dread as it covered her face.

And the beginnings of a tiny thought started in the back of her mind. That no matter how congenial and polite these Guardians were appearing, there was the very good possibility that she would either die before the sun went down, or at the very least come away with an injury of some kind.

imported_Mr. Flux
Dec 9th, 2003, 12:39:40 PM
"I don't know- But I will tell you again, as I've said before, Ms. s'Ilancy. You. Will. Not. Be. Harmed. I swear this to you as I stand here. Calm yourself."

He said in a more authorative tone. He didn't need a scared lupine to do something rash. Then he would have to take action; and as it turns out, he was starting to like this...lupine.

No, not just a lupine.

A person.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 22nd, 2004, 05:59:24 PM
With one last look at the door, s'Il sidestepped Flux to stand by her toppled chair, and gingerly, she reached down, picking it up to set it straight. She didn't sit, however. Instead, her eyes remained on the door before moving to Flux. He was so sure of himself that she couldn't help but afford him a small amount of trust.

Slowly, she lowered herself down, sitting on the edge of the small chair - just in case she had to move once again.

"... ok."

imported_Mr. Flux
Jan 22nd, 2004, 06:11:55 PM
He walked away from the door as that was what he was closest to. However, once he stopped he was next to her, and also facing the same direction as she was. He put his small hand on the backrest of the wooden chair.

He looked to her..

"I'm curious as to what lurks around the corner...Suspenseful."

He gave her a smile, trying to lighten the manner in any attempt possible.

Mr Dust
Jan 23rd, 2004, 05:39:31 PM
Following the very large Lupine, Mr. Dust finally arrives at a room with voices within. He enters to see his elder brother, as well as a familiar Lupine conversing.

Why... hello there, Madam s'Ilancy.

He removes his hat and bows low toward her.

I trust you are well?