View Full Version : A viable specialty skill?

Aaron Belargic
Sep 28th, 2003, 11:56:34 AM
I was thinking about what I wanted to do with Aaron, and I came up with this idea of a 'pathfinder'. Someone who has very acute senses towards everything around them, as far as location goes.

For instance, he would be able to foresee a safe route or pick out the location of a person/object, at increasing greater distances as he increases in ability.

Is this doable?

Figrin D'an
Sep 28th, 2003, 04:08:47 PM
Sure... I don't see why not. Combination of Force-enhanced senses, plus the preminition ability of a Seer.

Sounds very doable to me.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 28th, 2003, 04:25:45 PM
I had a character with this ability at a different RP board several years ago, so I've always considered it a viable skill in the back of my mind.

Estelle Russard
Sep 28th, 2003, 11:29:26 PM
I like this idea.

Aaron Belargic
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:16:34 PM
Thanks for the input :)

Oct 1st, 2003, 05:40:55 PM

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Oct 1st, 2003, 05:54:38 PM
I like the idea, just as long as you throw in the exception that he never can remember where he left his wallet or his car keys. You know, jsut to add some levity.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 1st, 2003, 09:32:27 PM
That would be funny! He can find everything except the pencil that he put behind his ear.

James Prent
Oct 2nd, 2003, 02:03:48 AM
Or just leave him with James, who couldn't find her way out of a paper bag (if she's anything like me :uhoh)