View Full Version : Swfans Moderators and Admins

Syren Wyssholt
Sep 26th, 2003, 12:28:38 PM
Howdy ~

Now that I have your attention; I've been asked by the owner of an IRC Network and by the Owner of an RPG and OOC Room on the same IRC Network to post this; and since its nothing bad, I felt there is no harm in doing as asked. Why was I asked to ask you all? First, because I rp here and tell them both about it to no end on how much fun it is here and how well its all set up. Second, I'm the webmistress for the IRC server (no I didn't design the irc's website, the new design is pending though) and for the RPG/OOC room as well as for the ffrp.org website.

These two Owners are establishing a website dedicated to FFRP (Free form Roleplay). IRC RPG's, forum RPG's, table tops, LARPS, etc etc .. if its RPG, its to be included. The website is www.ffrp.org (currently under construction so you wont see much there yet).

Anyways ...

Swfans has a huge following, coupled with those followers having incredible roleplaying/writing skills. The rules that are established and followed here are top notch and something that all rpers should follow; even on IRC's. Rules for IRC Rp's and forums aren't all that different anyways.

The Owners have asked me to ask those who run SwFans if they would like these forums included on the FFRP website.

You're probably wondering now what all this website will include, so I'll inform you of that now.

FFRP.Org is probably best thought of as a very in-depth and very informative database of sorts dedicated soley to RPG. Big and small rpg's are all welcomed. A few of the things that are planned for inclusion are as follows:


Written by many to cover numerous topics such as; character creation tips, development, creating your own rpgs', etc etc

Fan Fiction, Art galleries, tips and advice from players and owners alike, Questions and Answers, personal tales of how people became involved in RPG, blah blah blah


Well this is self explanatory and the links database itself will be quite extensive.


Pretty self explanatory as owers/creators and players alike will be interviewed for various topics and events.

Who's this website for:


How would SWfans benefit from being included?

Well tons of free advertising for one. Banner included in the RPG only banner rotation and top notch promotion. New players to participate in the kick butt plots going on here, etc etc.

What's this cost?

Absolutely nothing. We do not believe in charging anyone for inclusion on this website and we do not believe in charging for anyone to view it.

Hmm what else was there. . .

Oh yeah. The IRC network would also include SWfans on the popular channels list if it ever decided to open a room up on its server. I explained to him that most who rp here don't rp on IRC but I am to inform you of it anyways :)

So, there it is in a nutshell. This is also open to anyone who has an rpg that they run.

Sep 26th, 2003, 01:26:52 PM
*Bumps this thread so that the Mods and Admins see it, not knowing that they may of read it already.*

Sep 26th, 2003, 06:12:01 PM
Link Exchange is fine. Any member is able to submit links to this site through the page:

<a href=/links.php?op=AddLink>Link Submission</a>

As for above and beyond a simple Link Exchange, I am not personally interested. This site has done well for five years without big advertising programs and it will do fine from here on out without them.

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