View Full Version : Imperial Research Summary

Telan Desaria
Sep 25th, 2003, 07:23:25 PM
Accepted Research Designs Implemented in Prototype and Testing Stages

Paladin Assault Walker
Solarian - class Heavy Frigate
Tyrannic-class Medium Cruiser
Trepidation - class Assault Cruiser
( Length Reduced to 650m)

Designs Accepted for Mainstay Production

Aurora-class Star Destroyer
Centurion-class Star Destroyer
Tiger-class System Monitor
AMJ - 12 Assault Rifle
Scythe-class Gunship

Major Vessels In Imperial Service

Imperial-class Star Destroyers
Victory-class Star Destroyers
Aurora-class Star Destroyers
Guild-class Star Destroyers
Illustrious-class Star Destroyers

Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruisers
Abolisher-class Heavy Cruisers
Interdictor 418-class Cruiser
Hammer-class Light Cruiser
Carrack-class Light Cruisers

Lancer II-class Frigates
Fire-class Light Frigates

Corellian XG-90 Gunships
Scythe-class Gunships
Rapier-class Gunships
Tamylian-class Gunships

Below Are Schematics on Accepted Designs - I have had problems Stickying

Centurion-class Star Destroyer

Type - Imperial Star Destroyer

Designation - Heavy Deep Space Combat Vessel

Name - Centurion-class Star Destroyer

Dimension -
-3,566 meters keel (stem to stern)
-2,100 meters beam (port to starboard)
-1,078 meters mast (dorsal hull to ventral hull)

Armament -
150 Kruppx Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (two linked turrets each)
-50 port, 50 stbd, 20 aft port, 20 aft stbd, 10 dorsal superstructure

200 concussion missile quartets (four fire linked tubes)
-40 port, 40 stbd, 40 aft port, 40 aft stbd, 20 dorsal super, 20 ventral super

80 ion cannon (single heavy emplacements)
-30 port, 30 stbd, 10 dorsal, 10 ventral

14 laser gatlings (anti-fighter/missile defense)
-2 port, 2 stbd, 2 aft port, 2 aft stbd, 2 dorsal, 4 ventral

2 Novaldex Deflector domes - Bridge tower

2 KDY Reserve Grids - recessed into ventral hull

Reinforced Durasteel Armor - each plate tempered and molded to absorb energy and dissipate it. Adequate against missiles

250 Flechette launchers
-40 port, 40 stbd, 40 aft port, 40 aft stbd, 50 dorsal, 40 ventral
***each battery fires small projectiles which explode close to the ship. Acts as an emergency chaff system. Can knock missiles off course and damage them, though the chances of directly destroying them is moderate. ***

Vessel Compliment - Space
x120 TIE series fighters/bombers
- stanard configuration
- - 6 fighter squadrons
- - 3 Scimitar Bomber squadrons
- - 1 Recon squadrons

x12 Gamma-class Assault gunboats
x8 Skipray Blastboats
x8 Incom Y-10 Landing ships

x2 Avenger-class Monitors
***described in later post***

Vessel Compliment - Land
x108 repulsor tanks
x36 AT-ATs
x46 AT-STs
x210 AT-PTs
x24 SP field guns
x20 repair lifts
x60 repulsor transports

Crew Compliment
-Officers - 10,940
-Crew - 83,008
-Droids - 23,000

-Combat Soldiers - 24,000

Design Specifications

The Centurion was designed not to replace the existing Destroyer Corps, but to suppliment it. Currently, though Destroyers alone pose a distinct threat to any enemy, they can be surmounted by massed attackers. It is as well designed to act as a practical waypoint between the Super-class Command ships and the Destroyer family warships.

The Centurion is designed as most Destroyers and set up in a similar fashion. However, she is not a wedge or dagger form. She is set up as aa diamond, with each aft seem angularly bent in to create six hull fronts, two bow, and four aft. The main landing and launch bay is forward on the ventral hull, with one massive maw taking the place of the standard two.

At nearly three and a half kilometers in length, the Centurion is larger than any other vessel which is tasked as a ship of the line. While she has the ability to act as a command and control center, she was designed for combat. Bristling with heavy and light weaponry, the new Destroyer is completely able to dispatch an enemy formation alone.

However, should the need arise for reserves, the Destroyer holds an impressive fighter compliment as well as two Avenger-class monitors.

Avenger-class Gunships

Avenger-class Gunship

Class – Avenger

Designation – Heavy Attack Craft

Type – Gunship

Dimensions –
- Keel – 175 meters
- Beam – 54 meters
- Mast – 45 meters

Armament –

4 Taim and Bakk Medium Turbolaser Batteries (single, dual-barreled turrets)
- 1 turret either side of the primary hull just above the aft wing strut
- 1 turret either side of the primary hull, just below the bow wing strut (smaller)

1 Arakyd Light Missile Battery (six mounted tubes, rapid launch low yield warheads)
- 1 emplacement, dorsal hull, halfway between bow and aft wing struts

4 Laser Cannon (single hull emplacements – sponson mounted)
- 2 port, 2 stbd: all four emplacements along the centerline, between the wing struts

1 Heavy Ion cannon (single fixed mount)
- bow, chin mounted

Defenses –

4 Novaldex Medium Deflectors
- each projector sunken along the hull

Vessel compliment –
x1 four man Tribadon-class Shuttle
x8 escape pods

Vehicle compliment –

Speed –

Crew Compliment –
Crew – 306
Officers – 38
Droids – 19

Design Specifications

The Avenger-class is designed specifically with one profile in mind: suppliment the Centurion-class Destroyer. In its primary role, the Avengers can be deployed to act as pickets, raiders, fast attack ships - their speed is several times that of their mothership - scouts, or nearly any other mission. While they carry troops as a matter of course, some can be loaded to act as boarding parties and security personel, as well as supplimental gunners.

Aboard each Centurion, there are two Avengers, one starboard and one port in the launch bay. They have dedicated moorings and gangways, and no other ship can dock in their place without modifications, though any other Avenger can. They do not take up fighter space, as their hauling is design specific.

In Appearence, the Avenger is one long spar, with two sets of wings, one aft and one fore. The aft pair is larger, giving the first glace impression as a Hapan Nova-class cruiser. Her dive system as well as hyperdrive motivators are located aft of the primary hullspar, which bulges and thins as neccessary, towards the bow, midsection, and stern of the ship. Escape pods are located amidships.

Broadsword-class Siege Monitor

Name: Broadsword – class Monitor

Designation – Heavy Monitor

Type – Siege Platform

: Keel – 780 meters
: Beam – 200 meters
: Mast – 300 meters

Layout -
- View Attached Dossier

Armament –
- 4 Quad-turbolaser Batteries (1 gun, dorsal and ventral surfaces, port sponson – 2 total; same starboard sponson – 4 totale’ grande)
- 150 Heavy Turbolaser Cannon (60: dispersed, port sponson; 60: dispersed, starboard sponson; 30: dispersed, central spar)
- 150 Heavy Proton Warhead Launchers (60: dispersed, port sponson; 60: dispersed, starboard sponson; 10: ventral – center; 20 dorsal: dispersed – center)
- 20 Quad Laser Batteries (dispersed throughout)

Defenses –
- 4 Novaldex CG-18 Deflector Generators (2 Tower dome mounted; 2 ventral hull – sunken)
- 40 Light Flechette Launchers (Dispered throughout)
- Heavy Armor Plating

Engines – TDR (Tamylian Drive Yards – Thyferra) GLG20. Internal Workings Classified. Output module – four aft-mounted conical units.
- Reactor – TDY GLG18 Primary Source Reactor. Internal Workings Classified.

Speed – Slow; plodding

Armor – Thick. Designed to absorb great damage without aid of shields

Shields – Destroyer-grade

Launch Bay: Located ventral hull. Interior chambers house maintenance facilities/repair/storage. Size – 50 meters

Vessel Compliment –
x2 D-9 Assault Shuttles
x4 Skipray Blastboats
x1 Lambda-class Shuttle
x3 Sentinel-class Shuttles

x2 Squadrons TIE Defender Mk IIs (24 craft)

Vehicle Compliment –
x4 AT-ST Walkers for rescue purposes

Crew Compliment –
(Numbers include Flight Operations Personnel)
Officers: 1450
Crew: 13005
Droids: 5883


Orders were given to the Imperial Department of Military Research (IDMR) to design a heavy support vessel whose dedicated role was elimination of planet-based fortifications and defenses. High numbers of anti-aerial artillery had prevented Victory-class Destroyers and other atmosphere-capable bombardment platforms from descending. Barrage support from orbiting battleships had proven adequate but not successful. The great range at which the Imperial III- and IV- class Destroyers had to discharge their medium weapons prevented efficiency and any measure of accuracy; concentrating available Destroyers for Army support was considered by Command a waste of fuel. Heavy weapons were lacking in concentration to eliminate fortified positions, fortress belts, and bunker systems.

The Broadsword mounts nearly all large bore weapons, and concentrates them in battery clusters to provide EOT and FOF (Energy on Target and Field of Fire, respectively). Their range equals those of the Fleet’s ships of the line, the monitor merely concentrates them to provide a tremendous deal of support to surface operations.

The ship, however, has been designed with siege conditions or assault stages in mind: the presence of enemy fighter craft and small capital ships is not considered. In the occasion the ship is forced to engage, gunships and two fighter squadrons have been attached to keep fighters away. Large caliber weapons cannot rotate quickly enough to fire at faster ships. In addition, a small number of close in defenses, such as the quad lasers, have been added, though their presence is for an illusion of crew safety than its practice.

As well, the Broadsword is not intended for deployment alone or as a main-stay warship. Her speed at both sublight and hyperspace is much slower than that of primary-action cruisers, Destroyers, and battleships. Another factor in her deployment must be considered fuel availability. The ship carries in excess of –oh-point-one million tonnes, but this reserve is for the drive system: due to the drain on the reactor from the heavy weapons, more fuel must be consumed to operate the reactor; the vessel is extremely blunt and heavy, increasing again consumption for the drive system. The ship is highly expensive to operate.

The Broadsword is a bombardment platform, and in this respect, be used in an assault role: her weapon compliment has proven more than sufficient to disable even the newly-released Golan X Defense Platform. However, small supporting craft and fighters must be kept at a distance by escorts. The hull armor, though thick, will not tolerate any more than three consecutive torpedo volleys (considered 24 warheads) at any one point after shield collapse.

Design is complete. Production on a prototype will commence upon completion of the Aurora-class Star Destroyer Anariah at tamylian.

Estimated Production Cost – Imperial Credits
Imported System Cost –
Stores/Fuel Cost –

Total Cost Estimated – at launch

Praetorian-class Main Combat Tank

Praetorian-Class Primary Combat Repulsortank

Designation – Main Battle Tank (MBT)

Length – 8 metres

Height – 3 metres

Width – 3 metres

- Kruppx ZZ887 High-yield Lasercannon – 210mm bore
- 2x Kruppx JU887 Light repeating blaster cannon (anti-personnel)
- Taim&Bakk AA light concussion missile launcher

- Medium Armor-Deflector Shield
- Kevvlarr Armor – Tri-layered 150-300mm thickness

Speed – 50 kph

Hull – 80 RU

Shield – 45 SBD

While slightly slower than most other combat repsulortanks, the Praetorian is heavily armed with the most powerful energy-based primary cannon in the Imperial arsenal. Her range of operations is great, and the range of the primary weapon exceeds eight kilometers against armored or fortified targets. One light blaster on either side of the turret wards off any unwanted infantry should grenadier support be lacking. From the left-dorsal side of the turret adjacent the commander’s hatch is a single missile launcher, which can target and destroy and local aerial vehicle. The weapon is all bust useless against other surface vehicles, but very potent in its own.

The tank itself is an elongated repuslor platform with the drive system located aft of the turret, and the turret itself mounted atop a delta-shaped superstructure; it is a long triangle as well, with curved angles and sloped armor.

Each round for the primary weapon is self contained, allowing a general power failure to affect its performance insignificantly. While the targeting system itself would be inoperable, the weapon itself could be fired manually

Aurora-class Star Destroyer

Designation: Aurora-class Star Destroyer

Designation: Imperial Mainstay Support Warship

Length: 1700 meters

Crew: 19,500 enlisted, 4, 875 officers-7,400 droids

Cargo Capacity: 1 Division (11,200 men) of stormtroopers or Fleet troopers

Consumables: 4 years

Engines: 4 KDY-400 Solar Ionization

Hyperdrive Multiplier: 1x

Hyperdrive Backup: 1x

Speed: 18 MGLT

Hull Rating: 2,000 SBD

Shield Rating: 5,000 SBD

Hangar: 6 Squadrons TIE Fighters-set up in bays on either side on the ventral ridge


10 Quad turbolaser
25 Quad lasers with fast-tracking sensor systems
50 proton torpedo octets
50 heavy turbolaser turrets
10 ion cannon

In appearence the Aurora resembles the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer replete with dagger-handle aft hull projection. The ship's superstrucutre begins amidships and runs slightly into the handle with the typical command tower atop.

- Note - The command twoer is modified and set up in a delta form with the standard generator domes at the aft angles. A flag bridge is located between the domes with other command sections within the thin, triangular structure.

The ship is heavily armed with strong heavy batteries and projectile launchers. The shields are powerful and the hull thick, and the engines powerful enough to move it. In hyperspace as well as realspace, however, she is as mobile as the Broadsword. The Aurora-II has lighter armor and the same gun compliment and as a result much faster.

Imperial Destroyer Summary

The Empire fields a wide variety of deep space combat vessels, the most noticeable of which are the Star Destroyers. Attached herein are the statistics for those vessels currently on the active registry.

Imperial I-class Star Destroyers

- All Such vessels have been refitted, modifed, or scrapped -

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer

- One vessel in service. All others refitted and upgraded -

Imperial III-class Star Destroyers

- The lowest-grade of the vaunted Imperial-class line in service.

Imperial IV -class Star Destroyers

Stats below...
Name/Model# : Imperial-IV class Star Destroyer (ISD IV)

Designer/Manufacturer : Delteon Drive yards

Combat Designation : Capital Starship

Mission Profile : Heavy Assault

Scale : Capital

Length : 1,950 Meters

Crew : 41,060 Crew (38,805 2,255 Gunners )

Skeleton Crew : 5,000

Nav Computer : Yes

Sublight Speed : 8 MGLTs

Hyperdrive Rating : 4.0

Hyperdrive Backup : 8.0

Maneuverability : Very little

Cargo Capacity : 39,600 Metric Tons

Consumables : 4 Years

Weapons : 20 weapons blisters 40 cluster bombs (10 on top, 5 Left, 5 Right. Clusters- 20 top, 10 left, 10 right.)

5 Anti-Matter Flak Cannons (2 Forward, 1 Left, 1 Right, 1 Aft, all with 360 degree rotation)

30 Dual Turbolaser banks (All on bottom, pointed fore. 15 occult.)

90 Projectile Gatlings (Fully rotational, evenly distributed. One gunner targets and fires while another keeps it fed.)

20 Ion Cannons (10 Forward, 5 Left, 5 Right)

20 Occult high-yield proton torpedo tube arrays
4 Defensive Banks
10 Tractor Beam Projectors (6 Forward, 2 Left, 2 Right)
1 Pulse Mass Mine (Located aft side)

Shields: 7166 SB (No longer domes.)

Hull: 3572 RU (Plastic/Metal alloy)

Bridge: Submerged. Only viewports visible. Has it's own shield generator, which provides an extra 940 SBD for that section. Full particle shielding. A backup bridge nearer the aft has the equipment to run the ship at 90% if the primary bridge is destroyed or evacuated.

Starfighter Squadrons : 13 TIE Devil Starfighter Squadrons

1 MK II Missile Boat squadron

Troop Capacity : Full Standard Stormtrooper Division (9,700 Troops)

12 Landing Barges

10 AT-ATs

20 AT-STs

No Pre-Fab Garrison

20 Probe Droid pods

Support Craft : 10 Lambda Class Shuttles

15 Stormtrooper Transports

Many repair and recovery vehicles

Special Technology:
Weapons Blister: A weapons blister is a blister protruding from the hull of the ship, heavily laden with weapons. Such weapons are, per blister:

2 Quad Turbolasers, attached, on the highest point of the blister. Full rotation.

4 Laser Gatlings. One on each side of the blister, and all parallel with each other. Since they're parallel, they sit on a bar. That bar, along with the gatlings, can rotate ninety degrees, so the gatlings can get a shot at anything relatively on the same plane. They also pivot up and down.

Occult High Yield Proton Torpedo Arrays: In the hull for most of the time, these only come out to quickly empty a dozen quite powerful torpedoes and up to two Diamond Boron missiles before submerging again to reload.