View Full Version : Yeah, to save confusion.

Sep 25th, 2003, 01:02:32 AM
I'm posting this to save off alot of confusion in the long-run.
The Von Karstein's are NOT human, they are Kaelith (the last of them that is).

kaelith APPEAR ENTIRLEY human so as far as anyone is concerned, IC, theres no way of knowing that there not human.

They are entirley imune to Force mind tricks and mental stuff so reading minds and forcing wills of the Kaelith is not possible.

They can also project false aura's, that way they don't come across as suspicious (otherwise you'd read no aura all).

They're about twice-three times as strong and about four-times as fast as a human (think Cizerack) and benifit from only a slightly improved agility.

When their eyes do "that weird thing", they are capable of viewing most of the EM spectrum; heat, UV, blah, blah, blah.......

That okay?

Silus Xilarian
Sep 25th, 2003, 01:05:38 AM

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 25th, 2003, 01:10:27 AM
Yeah what are the proposed weaknesses? They seem like superhumans. That's godmoding.

Sep 25th, 2003, 01:26:16 AM
Oh, yeah, oops!

Their superior strenght and speed is seriously hampered in the sun, flash grenades/bright light often (temporarily) blinds a Kaelith if they are unprepared.

There ability to hide/cloud their mental functions is natural but force-based and so although no force user can disrupt their abilities, a Ysalimiri will netralise it (so long as it's close enough) and Ysilimiri blood is lethal to the Kaelith IF it gets into the bloodstream.

Figrin D'an
Sep 25th, 2003, 01:38:13 AM
Originally posted by Methuen

flash grenades/bright light often (temporarily) blinds a Kaelith if they are unprepared.

This the case for just about any humanoid... this isn't so much a weakness as something inherent to anyone with optical nerves.

There ability to hide/cloud their mental functions is natural but force-based and so although no force user can disrupt their abilities, a Ysalimiri will netralise it (so long as it's close enough) and Ysilimiri blood is lethal to the Kaelith IF it gets into the bloodstream.


Sep 25th, 2003, 06:14:39 AM
They have evolved the ability to use the force to mask their mental functions to such a degree that force users cannot read, notice or interfere. They can also profect false auras/ment thoughts etc.


The effects of the Ysilimiri DO apply to the Kaelith and so their force abilities fade as any other force user would except it actually disrupts their actual mental proccesses (gives them a headache, etc.) and dircetly applying Ysilimiri material into the bloodstream will kill a Kaelith.

Oh, yeah, not all but most Kaelith tend to have a kind of sixth-sense as well (force based), capable of naturally sensing the location, magnitude and allignment of force users in the immediate vicinity.

And the point is that Kaelith vision is particularly sensitive such that blinding effects are more effeective on Kaelin eyes then a human.

That clear things up?

(Note also that they are completeley capable of using the force as well so it would stand to reason that any force-accomplished Kaelith would be particularly extremely capable in the mental disciplins of the force.)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 25th, 2003, 07:18:40 AM
No offense......I think you need to tone it down a bit. Like Figrin said, bright light affects most all species and ysalmiri (sp) affects all force users.

IMO.....keep trying and come up with a legit weakness.

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 25th, 2003, 07:19:32 AM
seems like just a cheap power grab to me. why not climb that ladder like the rest of us have?

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 25th, 2003, 07:35:51 AM
They have evolved the ability to use the force to mask their mental functions to such a degree that force users cannot read, notice or interfere. They can also profect false auras/ment thoughts etc.

What the Force can achieve, the Force can interfere with. Plus, to 'Hide' or mask, means that as soon as you influence otherwise your hide / mask is exposed immediatly. You cant influence the force outside of you and expect that it's going to be unnoticed.

A being can be naturally resistant to mind tricks, but what your describing is going a wee bit too far. to say 'can not' is something I dont think anyone will stomach - Even Jedi Masters can get tricked or have a fast one pulled on them.

There really has to be trade offs too.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 25th, 2003, 09:30:50 AM
Originally posted by Sorsha Kasajian
seems like just a cheap power grab to me. why not climb that ladder like the rest of us have?


Sep 25th, 2003, 11:00:21 AM
This idea is terrible. The only way to counter-balance this breed of Ubermenschen you propose is to make them quadruple amputee hemopheliac lepers...which I approve of.

Sep 25th, 2003, 11:54:46 AM
Okay, mental tricks are only passive, they can't DO anything, only RESIST alot but if a Jedi Master/Knight lay's the smack down then fine, the master/knight can probe as much as he likes.

There "masking" effect, okay, too much.
How 'bout I just say that they "cloud" the reading, you can know somethings up (like any polititian) but it's unclear what.

And how about the physical advantages only kick-in at night.

Their advanced sight only works when they want to use it (when eyes go blue/white) so youu couldd always get the moves in when they're not expecting it (surprise attack, ambush, etc.).

As for a specific weakness, I can't think of something good AND origonal of the top of my head. Silver? Holy water?
Can you suggest something?

I'm not trying to be better then humans, just different to humans. Can you suggest what I can do to be different?

I will "climb the ladder" it's just I'm looking for a change of spesies that I can keep in the family.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 25th, 2003, 11:57:30 AM
There are tonnes of good SW species already around that you could use :) just type in Star Wars species in google and you'll find pages and apges

Senator Thareena
Sep 25th, 2003, 11:59:31 AM
You can make a telepathic group of people, beings that are highly intuned to their mentalities...but that doesn't mean they have to be Force sensitive at all.

Beings who look like humans, can see using ultraviolet, and are strong telepaths, which make them naturally resistant to mental probes.

Of course, they could also be physically on or below par with humans...as a species they may have focused so much on the mental that the physical didn't matter as much. They could be fast and strong, but tire easily. They could only be able to eat foods that are blue on the second thursday under a full moon....

Ok I was kidding about the last one.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 25th, 2003, 12:02:48 PM
that smells an aweful lot like a vamp. might i suggest you just go to the shrine

and if youre looking for a different race other than humans, may i point out that we are in a universe where theres alot of aliens to choose from? if you have the guide to alien species, thumb through that

Figrin D'an
Sep 25th, 2003, 12:13:39 PM
Much of what you are proposing, if I am not mistaken, makes your new species similar to a couple of others that already exist around here. You might want to read this (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32194) recent thread for more detail.

The lycan and vampire angles have been done before... if you want something truely original, in terms of RP, you may want to revamp your idea considerably. I doubt anyone would stop you if you wish to proceed with your current plan, so long as the species has a balanced ability set. It's mearly that much of what you are proposing exists within other other species indiginous to this RP universe.

Shanaria Fabool
Sep 25th, 2003, 12:16:09 PM
This is only my opinion, But I think you should only have ether your mental bonuses OR the physical bonues.... Not both...

If you look at most species in SW, you will see that for MOST, the stronger they are, the weaker their mind is. I think you should choose weather you want this species to be strong in mind OR strong in body. To have both is to much. Even if it only shows up for only part of the day... Which in my opinon is stupid. A person's body can not change just because it is dark out! Now it you had all that stuff and made it so that light could kill him... that would be a good counter for all the strengths that you are preposing...

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 25th, 2003, 12:17:04 PM
Now it you had all that stuff and made it so that light could kill him... that would be a good counter for all the strengths that you are preposing...

As s'Il pointed out, that's basically playing the characater as a vampire.

Senator Thareena
Sep 25th, 2003, 12:26:08 PM
I liked the only being able to eat blue foods part... :uhoh

Sep 25th, 2003, 12:29:24 PM
The only character on these forums that is allowed to have as many strengths as possible and no weaknesses is...me :cool

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 25th, 2003, 02:04:11 PM
...quadruple amputee hemopheliac lepers...which I approve of.

:lol Where do you think this stuff up???


^here, pick one. We are sadly lacking in Clawdites, Ishi Tib, Klatooinians and Sullustani. :D

Preacher Blake
Sep 25th, 2003, 02:12:22 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
:lol Where do you think this stuff up???

I have an overactive imagination and an undying hatred for humanity?

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 25th, 2003, 02:23:04 PM
Oh, I mean other than that.

And I thought you had a hatred for undying humanity, judging by how you respond to vampyyrrres and the like. ;)

Sep 25th, 2003, 02:44:21 PM
alright, okay, I yeild.
Infact, they're typically equivalent to a weak human, lacking physical strength and endurance.
Their bodies are physically less resiliant to damage and so lethal blows to them are not necceseraly so to humans.

Although they heal at a normal rate, their unusual biochemistry tends to reduce the effectiveness of many medicines.

They are naturally a telepathic race and are typically gifted with force-mental arts allowing them to utilize force mind abilities and tricks more easily (though obviously force-physical arts don't bode well for them).

Their vision is optical/IR/UV based, so during the day they are very limited; UV and IR interference during the day creates a kind of "fog" so their optical sight is all they've got and thats only at 1/3 normal capacity (logically).
Although they do gain their visionary advantages in lower light conditions such as indoors (away from windows) and at night (+ dawn/dusk).

They are typically of high inteligance and charisma, which works out well as they often weild their silver tongues to avoid physical conflict.

They have improveed senses generally (smell and hearing) but due to their naturaly nocturnal day-cycle this is often only apparent at night.

They also have a sort of sixth-sense for the unsettling, often it's the only thing they can attribute to saving their lives in a surprise bounty hunter attack.

When their eyes "glaze" blue/white their focusing reflex pulls extremley tight and more powerful allowing them to look even through clothing, armour and walls HOWEVER they can only focus on things within a few meters.

i.e. If he focuses on looking through a wall into the next room then he will not see someone standing next to him.

Also, it tends to work only up to a maximum of 100m in air and is not capable of peering through more then a few thin walls or maybe (just) a light bulkhead (only upto a few meters).

It also reduces it's "look through" effect on higher speed moving objects (such as someone diving or sprinting).