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imported_Darriann Sollak
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:27:45 PM
OOC: No one saw my addition on Vhirans post so I started my own.

IC: Darriann Sollak walked into the office casually. He stopped for a second, looking at the holo-images on the wall some of them he recognized, heroes of the Republic such as Wedge and Luke. He continued to the desk and handed his dossier of records to the recruiter.

Darriann previously served with the Republic for a short time. He left when he heard about the death of his mother. Darriann was an ace pilot, fighter and bulk ships. Captain of his own ship the Renegade Angel a modified YT-2000, he had flown many smuggling missions to remote planets and even some of the wealthier planets as well. Darriann had a good sense of the Galaxy and new it well enough of where and where not to be.

As the recruiter went through his records Darriann looked down a hall leading to more offices. He wondered if they belonged to higher ranking officials.

General Tohmahawk
Sep 25th, 2003, 01:03:17 AM
God, he hated offices. He slammed the door on the major that he had been yelling at, storming down the hall in a fowl mood. With steam almost visible from his ears, he came to the recruiting desk. There was a recruiter with someone new. Tohamahwk wasnt one who held much with the bullshit of red tape and being in a bad mood because of red tape, he grabbed the dossier out of the recruiters hand.

"Sod off" he told the recruiter, who had protested.... meekly, because the temper of the General was notorious.

"Mr Sollak....... Coming back are we? Right, what did you do before you left first time around?"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Sep 26th, 2003, 02:26:46 PM
Looking toward the fuming General who had just stormed out of his office and took the dossier from the recruiter. He rolled his eyes and thought to himself Why are generals always mad when it come to paper work.

"Sir, are you implying that I'm a coward. I'll have you know I left due to family problems." He said in an insulted tone to the general.

"Now back to what I did when I was with the Republic. Well sir. I served aboard the Redemption for a while as an A-Wing pilot. Defending a medical frigate is harder than it sounds. From there I received an order for transfer to a corvette monitoring the boarders of the Kuat system. Now there was some action, got promoted there to Luitenant. When my ship was sent to transport equipment to an Alliance base I transferred to the barracks there. That is where I got my marine training. It was also there that I got the news of my mother's death. I left the Republic to my home on Corellia. When I arrived my family held the funeral. After, we went over the will. It stated I got the family transport and my sister got the rest. I didn't care about the rest the ship is where I grew up. Figuring the Republic was winning I didn't think about returning till now. During the time I've had the ship I've been running smuggling missions throughout the galaxy. It got boring so I figured since the Republic was looking for able bodies I'd rejoin." Darriann said in a normal voice.

Darriann looked around some more while the general was thinking. He looked at the office the general had stormed out of. The door read General Tohmahawk. Darriann tried remembering the name but nothing came up.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 30th, 2003, 04:13:30 AM
OOC : Think Tohmahawk - aint got the time to switch right now

IC :

"Listen soldier, take that tone with me again and I'll drop kick into the Maw. If I call you a coward, I dont insinuate. I say it straight up. You say it straight, you dont say it at all"

He glared at the soldier for a moment, before continuing.

"Yeah, we need able bodies. And I specifically need hard cases who dont mind breakign rules and tangling with Force Users. what would you do if a sith came at you with a sabre?"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Oct 1st, 2003, 01:06:58 PM
Darriann didn't care about the generals response. He answered the next question.

"Fight to my death as it were." Darriann said for a laugh. "If I'm lucky he wont be able to respond to a thermal detonator being thrown in his hood." not being funny anymore he added, "As for saber combat I'm well trained in the use of cortosis blades. I've also been trained in not breaking under influence of the Force. Being choked by the Force is another thing, shoot first catch breathe later. I've pretty much be trained to respond to any Force attacks, except maybe lightning, but only another Force user can counter that. Is there anything else, sir?"

Darriann waited for the generals reply.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 11th, 2003, 09:24:05 AM
Lion walked up besides Tohmahawk, smiling despite the discomfort he was feeling in his Admiral's uniform.

"Don't mind the General, he's been getting a constant stream of recruiting officers and spam for the past couple of days, usually he's like sunshine." Lion joked, knowing full well that this was about as good a mood as Tohmahawk ever got into. "Mr. Sollak, I'm Lord Admiral Lion El' Jonson, C-in-C of all Outer Rim Naval Assets. You might have spotted my flagship outside, she's the giant one taking up half of the viewport." Lion gestured out the viewport to his right, indicating the massive MC-150 Battleship blocking most of the view: The Shadowfox. Lion fell silent for a second as he tried to remember why he'd interrupted the conversation between Tohmahawk and Mr. Sollak. He snapped his fingers as he remembered.

"I've got another question: You sound like you can fight, but are you versed in tactics? If we needed you to, could you command a squad of groundpounders?" Lion inquired, wondering if the man would take the same tone and risk being incinerated by the General. Lion merely sighed, smoothing a crease out in his uniform.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Dec 11th, 2003, 06:42:46 PM
"I'm versed in several tactics. As for commanding a squad of artillery, I can do it. But I don't like to. I prefer close combat such as star fighters. I'm also a capable pilot more so than a commander. If the need arises I know how to command." Darriann said.

He scratched the back of his neck and then though about some stuff. Like what Vhiran was doing. Or about his ship.

"Anything else you would like to know sir?"

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 11th, 2003, 08:39:18 PM
Lion nodded his approval.

"Good, good. It's nice to know there's still versatile soldiers like you around, Mr. Sollak. I think you'll do just fine in the Infantry Corps...at least until the General here gets his new division up and running." Lion thought for a second. "Hmmm, I could run you through a combat simulator in an hour or so, see if you're suited to training with Lieutenant Page and his elite Commandos."

Lion once again paused to think, his mind flashing back to everything he'd done today: Inspected the new B-Wing shipment, bugged the hell out of Shipyard Control until they let his fleet in for servicing, recruited a new...pilot...

"Do you know Mr...excuse me, Lieutenant Crescent?" Lion asked, putting an emphasis on Vhiran's new rank. "He cleared recruitment regulations less than an hour ago."

imported_Darriann Sollak
Dec 12th, 2003, 02:50:15 PM
"Yes sir. Vhiran and I are smug.... are goods transporters. He's my copilot." He replied, " And a good one at that, he can pilot almost anything."

Darriann thought about Vhiran's rank. "Lieutenant in under an hour doesn't surprise me much. He deserves it. He's a good man."

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 12th, 2003, 11:58:47 PM
Lion nodded sagely.

"Ah, smugl...goods transporters. The lifeblood of the galaxy." he added, smiling. "Well, Mr.Sollak, everything appears to check out alright. If you don't mind, I'd like to put you through a combat simulator later on. If you score high enough, it means an immediate promotion to Sergeant and automatic transfer into the Special Forces...means you get to play with more sophisticated guns."

imported_Darriann Sollak
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:29:20 PM
"Ok sir I'll be waiting for the simulator run." He replied.

Darriann thought of anything he wanted to know.

"I do have a question, where will I be posted?"

Lion El' Jonson
Feb 1st, 2004, 07:19:28 AM
Lion thought for a second.

"That is a good question." he answered, stalling for time. "Well, I think the best place for you right now is with an active unit, to get some experience. The 1st Tanith Regiment, the "Ghosts", are acting as special forces aboard my flagship. Since they got parked with me, they've been seeing all kinds of action: Boarding parties, hit-and-run, information raids...Yes, I think I'll have you assigned there, with 4th Platoon."

He stopped to consult his datapad.

"Right now, 4th Platoon is aboard a Corellian Gunship named the Aladar. I'll arrange to have you transfered to the Aladar as soon as we complete your basic training."