View Full Version : When the past catches up to the present (Open to all)

Sep 24th, 2003, 06:04:39 PM
A lifetime ago ...

Evenings on Corellia during the warm season are nothing less than spectacular; if you happen to be in the right place at the right time. That place happens to be located around twenty-five miles west of the main Corellian Spaceport in a lesser known locale called "Doaba Point" by the natives. Those who know the old language would understand that Doaba translates into basic as "Peace".

Aptly named because one cannot help but to feel an incredible sense of peace wash over them as they sit quietly, enjoying the glorious sunset. The skies are painted by invisible hands that belong to the least appreciated artists in the galaxy, decorating their vast canvas with vibrant sprays of deep oranges, vivid reds and cool blues; deepened with undertones of purple.

Most famous as a make out point for couples lost in the throws of new found love and elders still swept up in the whirlwind romance of days gone by, Doaba point is, in its own right, a landmark.

That is where Reina met the man who would father her only child - a daughter, whom she will call Rhiannon.


Tall, suave, dashing and debonaire are just a few words that would describe Marek Swiftblade. Marek had wandered up to Doaba point while waiting for a rather large haul to be boarded on his ship. It was going to take a while due to some mix up with the paperwork and the port authorities had to reverify everything, check and recheck the crates and containers, and whatnot.

Reina had just finished her shift at the restaurant inside the spaceport and went up to the point with a few friends. They usually did so nightly just to relax and let the peace and quiet ebb away the days frustrations. Reina wandered away from the small group, needing some time alone. Things weren't going so well for her at home and the stress was getting to be a bit overwhelming.

There he was. The most amazing sight her tired eyes had ever laid themselves upon. His short, well-kept, shoulder length dark hair fluttering lightly in the breeze, the tails of his cloak kissing against the ankles of his boots; his broad shoulders and ... *sigh* she was swept away and she hadn't seen his face yet! Was it fate? Was it destiny? She has no idea. All she knows is that this man, this adonis, is a dream come true. Literally. For now, Reina's precognitive dreams do not matter, so we will set those aside until they are needed; if ever.

"Whom do I have the honor of gracing me this evening?"

His deep, yet soft voice called out to her, his body not moving an inch nor did he turn.

"How did you know I was here?"

"The enticing scent of your perfume has found its way upon the breeze to tantilize my senses. Will I have to ask again, or will you grant me the honor of your name?"

Marek turns, his thick, muscular arms remain crossed against his broad chest.

Reina's breath is taken away. His eyes! Oh his eyes! Dark, mysterious yet seeming to hold all the answers of the universes endless questions, lined in silver. Captivating, simply captivating; there are no other words to describe the visage standing before her. His chin, squared perfectly; his high cheekbones, chiseled with care; the soft graying near his temples -

"Reina." She finally replies, chewing on her lower lip with nervousness as a smile that can no longer be contained begins to edge her lips.

"Reina." Marek repeats, as if testing it out, seeing how it rolls off the tip of his tongue.

A foot is placed before the other, the edge of his cloak grasped and a grand bow is bestowed upon the young Reina. A wink is sported to the woman as he lifts his head, then dips it regally in a proper nod just before rising to his full height once more.

No words are spoken as he extends a hand for hers, pulling her closer as he turns. It is here, along the ridge of Doaba Point, that Marek and Reina's whirlwind romance began ... it's also where it ended a few weeks later.


Present Day - Corellian Cafe, Nar Shaddaa

"No! For the last time, I do not know anything about any long lost treasures!"

A young woman, appearing to be in her twenties, looks up to the CorSec Agent with a deep set scowl set in her otherwise pretty face.

"You know, Miss. I think I might just have to bring you in. Questioning might go just a bit easier if I can find a way to keep you contained."

"On what grounds!? Let go of me; you're hurting my arm and I've told you a thousand times, I don't know anything!"

With that, Rhiannon jerks her arm free from the man's grasp and hurries into the bar area where there are people milling around. Clearly miffed, she skirts around a few tables or chairs that have been left in the way of the main aisle and finds herself a table that is surrounded by other tables, filled with people.

"I need to get out of here. Hopefully there'll be a group leaving soon that I can slip out with."

Until then, Rhiannon sits; attempting to settle her nerves. Why does CorSec think I would know about millions of dollars of jewels that went missing twenty-nine years ago? This question, and many more, continue to go through her mind as she keeps an eye out for the CorSec Agent who seems to have taken a deep rooted interest in her all of a sudden.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:26:15 PM
Wei had been sitting in the bar area, trying to rest. But the people here liked to smoke, so Wei's mind was kept busy creating a Force bubble to keep the smoke away from him.

"I ought to get out of here. This place is awful."

Just as Wei was about to leave, a woman sat down huffily at his table.

"Pardon me ma'am, but are you all right? Why are you so angry? To be honest, I can't blame you. This place is awful. Hard to breathe and smells bad to boot. If you'd like, we can take a walk outside and talk about what is ailing you."

Sep 24th, 2003, 07:38:41 PM
Rhiannon had been so caught up in herself that she didn't even notice that she plunked herself down at a table that was already occupied. When the man spoke, it caused her some startlement, making her jump in the chair and snap her attention around immediately.

Her right hand curls up into a small fist, her jaw sets and she eyes Wei as if he were the devil himself. Well, to Rhiannon, the CorSec Agent still lingering in the hallway and keeping an eye on her is the devil.

Just as quick as she had been to set hardened, angry features on the man, she suddenly beams an affable smile, rising ... almost too quickly.

"You're right. This place does stink and I'd really like to get out of here."

A quick sideglance shows her that the CorSec Agent was easing off the wall he'd been leaning on, preparing to follow her or intercept her path.

"Now, in fact."

Preacher Blake
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:39:20 PM
As the two discuss their plans, an immense figure walks into the bar, causing a couple of patrons to move out of his way. He sits at a table near Wei, and sets his briefcase aside as he unfolds the newspaper he was carrying under his arm. A serving droid hovers by, delivering coffee to his table. He nods and grunts, sending the droid on its way, glowering in Wei's direction before returning to the paper.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:02:07 PM
Wei nodded and stood, extending a hand to Rhiannon. "Come along then," Wei said.

He had noticed Preacher come in and sit down, but Wei paid him no mind outside of the fact that he had just entered the bar.

Shade Magus
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:08:20 PM
Shade enetered the cafe and grimaced. The smell was horrible, but thee probably wasn't better. Te young Jedi Knight sent a Force wave out in all directions and pushed the odor away, making the place a little bit more bearable. He looked around and saw a fellow Jedi, Wei Wu Wei, sitting. He had not had a chance to meet him and decided now was as good as any. He started to make his way over, but as he approached the table he noticed a woman sitting there as well. He decided a conversation would have to wait, but he would atleast greet the young Jedi Knight. He walked over to the booth and smiled at both the occupants.

"Greeting Wei Wu Wei. I am Shade Magus. I do not believe we have had the pleaseure of being formally introduced, but seeing as how you are busy I'll just say hello and be on my way, unless of course you wish for me to stay."

Preacher Blake
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:16:15 PM
As Shade used the force to lessen the odors of the bar, Preacher's face grimaced. Gritting his teeth, he placed a finger to his temple, as a severe headache began to pound his skull. He set the newspaper aside, and swallowed a mouthful of caf in the hope of quelling the stabbing sensation in his head.

Sep 24th, 2003, 11:05:43 PM
Rhiannon was more than eager to make that quick and very welcome escape from the bar .. then more started filling in, essentially preventing that mad dash for the time being.

Her smile to Wei is forced, though its not noticeably so.

"Great, so where are we going?"

She had a bit more to add on to that, but her eyes were divereted over to the imposing looking man that had first caught Wei's attention; the man with the newspaper.

Hm. Note to self: Be wary of that one.

Rhiannon, about to turn and head to the door, nearly bumps into Shade, having not noticed him approaching.

"Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I didn't see you."

Small hands wring together as she chews on her lower lip thrice. Nervous? You bet. It's not all that smart to become so distracted that you don't notice someone approaching in this place.

That usually leads to capture, attack or even death.

"Well, obviously you two know each other. Uh, you go ahead and chit chat, I need to um .. well, that is to say ... I left my tauntaun out front."

In a hurry, as she notices the one CorSec Agent trying to casually make his way over, Rhiannon brushes past Shade; quickened footsteps carrying her quickly around the maze of chairs and tables as she tries for the door.

Shade Magus
Sep 25th, 2003, 07:51:38 AM
"Did I interrupt something ma'am?"

Shade yells acrsos the room. He notice a man trying to catch up to her and wonders who he his.

Wei Wu Wei? Am I missing something?"

Preacher Blake
Sep 25th, 2003, 10:17:34 AM
Unable to assuage his headache, Preacher rises from his seat and heads for the door, leaving his coffee, newspaper, and briefcase behind. Grumbling, he bumps into the incognito SecCorps officer with enough momentum to cause him to stumble. Not one to apologize, Preacher heads for the door, still plagued by the lingering headache.

Sep 25th, 2003, 10:19:14 AM
Satine was about to walk into the bar when a streak knocked him to the pavement. Thankfully it was dirty enough that he had a cushion, but a flash of annoyance crosses his odd features.

Getting to his feet, he gives a weary grin, extending his hand.

"Are you alright, miss?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 25th, 2003, 01:22:04 PM
"Hello, Shade. It's nice to meet you. Indeed, you are missing a lot. As am I. But come along. I think we can both learn a little something from all this."

Wei got up and quickly followed Rhiannon out of the bar. "Wait a minute!" he called to her. "How can I help if you just get up and run off?"

Wei was severely confused. People were acting so strangely these days. "Alpha! I see you've halted the woman I'm after." Wei grinned. "She's upset and I don't know why. So I'm trying to help her get things sorted out. This here is Shade Magus," Wei said, motioning to Shade.

Now that he was in the cool outdoor air, Wei had ceased to use the Force. "Now that's some good fresh air!"

Wei beckoned to Rhiannon. "Come along. We're going to go for a walk. I don't know where to, but that won't matter." Wei looked to Alpha and Shade. "If you guys want to come along, feel free."

Preacher Blake
Sep 25th, 2003, 01:26:57 PM
<font size=7><font color=990000>KABOOM!!!</font></font>

Not 30 seconds after Preacher exited the bar, a thunderous explosion and blossoms of fire ripped through the establishment, turning windows into glassy shrapnel and throwing flaming bodies through the expanse. The shockwave of the explosion threw Rhiannon and the Jedi to their feet. Embers and debris fell to the ground, and all over the fallen group in the chaotic aftermath, as Preacher kept walking...without his briefcase.

Sep 25th, 2003, 02:37:27 PM
Rhiannon, in her hurry to get as far from the CorSec Agent's as quickly as she can; fails to see Satine and ends up running right into him with an oomph!

"Move! Please!"

She sputters out, pushing off of Satine's arm/side as she regains her stumbling footing; but apparently he has a hold of her arm or .. something ... keeps her there for the moment; atleast long enough for Wei, Shade and whomever else is accompanying the two to catch up.

With a deep breath, she takes pause to calm down some. She holds the breath for a count of ten, a rapid count, then lets it out in a long winded huff; blowing a few errant strands of hair from her left eye.

The refreshing, cool air feels good against her face and for now, it seems the CorSec Agent is caught up in the sudden influx of incoming traffic by those newly arrived. Good.

Rhiannon eyes the others as they approach, caution noted in her eyes. One minute she's being manhandled by a CorSec cop she has every reason to believe is on the take, the next she's outside and surrounded by men whom put on the act of wanting to help her. What an odd situation, which clearly has her deeply worried as to whether or not these men aren't somehow connected to or interested in the same thing the CorSec cop is.

"Hm. Alright, I suppose I'll walk with you . .. for a bit! And dont' any of you try any funny ...."

The next thing Rhiannon knows is that she's thrown through the air several feet; then hitting the solid duracrete surface hard and groaning in pain as debris from ... from ...

She has no idea what its from; all she knows is that it's landing all around her and atop of her. Spread out on her left side as she is, the sound of a few ribs breaking goes unheard; her ears ringing and bleeding from the force and noise of the explosion.

Smoke and fire pour out of the club, bodies - both charred and burned, blackened by smoke and soot, crying out in pain - cast seemingly everywhere in the streets.

In the far distance, sirens are heard, drawing closer and closer. Chaos reigns supreme, people shouting and running around once the debris has quit falling from the skies, trying to dig people out and tend to the wounded.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 25th, 2003, 03:21:24 PM
"Oh my."

Wei couldn't say anymore than that. Such destruction Wei had not seen since the time he and several other Jedi had tried to save a village from a horde of Darksiders.

"This is awful. How did this happen?"

Sep 25th, 2003, 03:57:15 PM
Satine shakes off debris that had landed on his back, and shakes his head, trying to clear it.

"Good god..." was all he could manage. With a thought, Satine forms a Force shield around himself, and gets to his feet, running towards the carnage.

"We've got to help!" he yells out to his fellow Jedi.

Sep 25th, 2003, 05:26:52 PM
Her groans are quiet, like the hushed mews of a newborn kitten, blind, looking for comfort from its mother. Debris piled atop of her prone body sprawled on her left side against the hard duracrete surface.

The ringing in her ears is loud, almost to the point of being painful. But, its just one more hurt to merge its screams of pain throughout her whole aching body. From each ear, a trail of blood, now tacky and dirtied from the blast, travels well past her hairline; causing it to matt and tangle.

In the meantime

Rescue vehicles begin working their way through the crowd, additional CorSec cops get to work on organizing some of the mass chaos in the streets, setting up barricades and overhead news vehicles are clamoring for positions to get the best coverage for the holonet news.

Shade Magus
Sep 25th, 2003, 06:10:59 PM
Shade followed Satine and reached out with the Force. He lifted as many of the huge peices of debris he could and allowed the people under them to move and get out.

"What could have caused this?"

The young Knight unclipped his lightsaber and began cutting some of the larger blocks and moving others with the Force allowing the people to move from under.

"Who could have caused this?"

Sep 25th, 2003, 06:27:19 PM
Satine, ignoring his own limits begins to use the Force to rip out blocks, allowing people to climb out. Hearing more cries, he pushes himself farther, lifting a ton of rocks high enough for the three people trapped underneath to scramble out. Letting them down, he breathes heavily.

"My guess is a bomb. And when I find this person, he won't live verty long. The justice of this Jedi will be swift and painful."

Shade Magus
Sep 25th, 2003, 06:40:16 PM
Shade said nothing as he lifted another pile of rocks. Though he felt the same feelings, that would not be the way he acted, but as they say to each his own.

He looked over to the girl that had run out and saw she was lying on the ground. Shade ran over to her and noticed the bllod coming from her ears and numerous other cuts and bruises.

"And I thought I got banged up....."

He pushed a Force wave over the young lady to stop the bleed and hopefully eas her pain. It was all he could do for now, until he had more time, but the others needs him now.

"Don't go dying on us young lady........."

He pushed up off his knee and ran over to the other two Jedi and continued cutting the rocks with his lightsaber and throwing the smaller ones off of the people.

Preacher Blake
Sep 25th, 2003, 06:53:57 PM
A safe distance away from the explosion, Preacher turned and looked at the aftermath. The bomb in his briefcase had made short work of the bar, and the flames were rising high in the dying building's ruined structure. Yet, the targets he had intended to strike were all unharmed. Now, the three Jedi were outside, busying themselves in the debris as they tried rescue whatever survivors there might be.

Cursing under his breath, Preacher crossed another street, and picked up speed, shoulder-charging a nearby locked door, which flew off the hinges from the force of impact. Once inside, he made for the stairs, trying to make it to a higher vantage point. Inside his jacket, the heavy blaster he carried thumped against his chest as he moved up the stairs.

Sep 25th, 2003, 09:58:31 PM
Rhiannon's breathing definitely becomes a bit easier once the debris is lifted off of her body, the three broken ribs force the young woman to breathe in short, shallow breaths.

Long lashes, dusted with a greyish-white residue (the powder from the duracrete) begin to flutter as Rhiannon tries to force them to open. Her head is swimming, the darkness threatening to tighten its hold and take over. As her eyes slowly open, to mere slits but its enough for now, her vision is quite blurred and she can only make out light and dark.

She manages to roll a hair's breath more onto her stomach before wracked with pain shooting up into her chest from the broken ribs. That immediately stills the woman; who can simply lie there until the medics are able to get to the victims.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 28th, 2003, 05:03:08 PM
Wei shook his head and started to break the chunks of building with his bear hands. Wei was glad to know Force Boosting.

"Satine, I'm afraid that whoever did this will be far gone by now."

Wei sighed and returned to shifting debris out of the way. "I wonder where that big guy is? Probably under all this rubble."

Sep 30th, 2003, 10:13:13 AM
"He-lll-ppp" She moans, hoping her voice can be heard. With three broken ribs poking into her lung, its difficult to draw enough breath to get out a cry for help that is anything but the quiet whisper her voice sounds like in her own head.

The ringing in her ears has dimmed, not yet completely gone. The bleeding has since ceased; coughing hurts like nothing she's ever felt before.

"Hel-pp M-m-mee"

Shade Magus
Oct 4th, 2003, 03:47:24 PM
Shade heard the young lady's call and ran over to her.

"Hold on ma'am everyhting will be ok."

Oct 9th, 2003, 08:15:07 AM
Rhiannon's eyes flutter, then finally open; blurred vision setting on the shadows of Shade. A shaking hand reaches up towards him and she tries to sit up a bit.

"Who? Where is .. he?"

She's asking about the CorSec Agent that had been tailing her in the club; not that most would know that.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 9th, 2003, 01:49:30 PM
"We don't know," Wei said. "He could be any place."

By now all the survivors had been uncovered. Some actually had the strength to get themselves out. It was impressive. But Wei hadn't seen the big man.

"That's odd."

Oct 9th, 2003, 02:58:49 PM
Struggling, groaning with the pain caused by a few broken ribs, Rhiannon works to get to her feet; hopefully with Wei's help.

"I have .. to get .. out .. of here."

Cut up, scrapes, bruises and drying blood trailing from her ears, she looks to Wei.

"Help me? Please?"

Shade Magus
Oct 9th, 2003, 04:41:32 PM
Shade put one of the young lady's arms aroundd his neck for her to support on.

"Whoa wait a minute........this is going to take sometime. You are badly hurt and are in heed of medical assistance right away. Can't this wait?"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 11th, 2003, 10:08:45 PM
"Actually, you can help her and get her out of here both at the same time by putting her on an ambulance to the nearest hospital."

Wei pushed up his glasses and smiled encouragingly at Rhiannon. "That way, you can get out of here to a safer place like you want, and you will also be getting medical assistance...just like Shade wants."

Wei chuckled and looked around. "In fact, there are several ambulances on the way," Wei chuckled. Sure enough, several ambulances were racing down the street toward the wreckage that used to be the restaraunt.

Oct 11th, 2003, 10:58:27 PM
"No." The young injured woman said immediately, shaking her head lightly as she is still a bit dazed.

"No hosp.. itals. Safe place. Age-ents in the hosp..itals."

Limping, her arm draped around Shade's neck, she does her best to insistantly stagger away from the sound of the approaching ambulances.

"Hurry. P-p-please!"

The fear in her eyes is overpowering; clearly revealing just how truly frightened she is at this point. In Rhiannon's mind, CorSec arranged that bombing of the bar, perhaps in an attempt to fully get her attention that a few of the agents mean business about digging out of her subconscious mind what she does in fact know about the Corellian Merchant's Guild and those missing gems worth millions of dollars on the open market.

Oct 11th, 2003, 10:59:08 PM
(ooc note: Rhiannon is having comp trouble and emailed me this post to make for her. She gets her comp back in a few days)

Shade Magus
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:32:51 AM
"Fine, if you don't want any hospitals, then I can take you back to my ship. There I have basic medical equipment that will atleast stop the bleeding and I can set any broken bones.. Is that acceptable?"

Shade leaned down a little to get more leverage on the girl.

Oct 13th, 2003, 08:37:06 AM
(Thanks Heretic :) )

"Yes, yes."

She agrees to Shade's offer of going aboard his ship.

"Lead the ...." She bends forwards, placing her hand a bit more snug against her broken ribs as another bolt of pain shoots up along her lung.

".. way."

Shade Magus
Oct 13th, 2003, 10:48:20 AM
"Fine....Wei, I'll take her to my ship. It is in docking bay Alpha-3. It's name is Yurza. I'll be there wating for you and Master Satine."

With that Shade turned and walked the lady over to his rental speeder. Luckily it had avoided the max amount of damage and could still fly. He put the gilr in the passenger seat and thn got in and raced towards the docking bay. It took about fifteen minute to get there and he ran a few check points, but he had to.

"Just hold on ma'am we are almost there."

Shade jumped out and over the speeder and pulled the woman out. He had called ahead and told the ship to ready its medical bay. He carried her into the ship and headed towards the bay. When he got there he laid her down on the one bed and grabbed an IV for her.

"This way sting a little, but don't worry."

He stuck it in her and then started to set her bones and place bandages on her cuts. Luckily none were bad enough to need stitches. After about two hours of this, here eyes opened and he could see that she was still weak but she would be fine.

"Morning ma'am........how are you feeling? By the way, I am Shade Magus, Jedi Knight at your service."

Shade smiled so she would know she wasn't in any harm.

"Oh...and could I have your name so I could stop calling you ma'am unless you prefer that..."

Oct 13th, 2003, 10:59:43 AM
With grunts and groans, Rhiannon managed to hold onto consciousness during the trip to the man's ship. Others may have given in to the need to sleep suddenly, but to be quite honest, Rhiannon has this thing about being awake in the event a vehicle she was in was going to crash.

Call it a morbid fetish, but she'd like to see what it is that is going to possibly kill her and she doesn't trust others behind the wheel.


She murmured as the IV needle pierced her skin; discoviering fairly quickly that she could no longer fight the effects of the anesthesia.

Hours later, her eyes begin to flutter. Blurred vision as she slowly comes to and Shade looks like nothing more than a shadow for a few minutes.

Slowly shaking her head from side to side, she tries to speak but its all garbled at first, her throat muscles sore; probably caused by a breathing tube used commonly during surgery.

"Mmmm ... "

Finally, her vision begins to clear; her forehead creased deeply as she squints to try forcing the visage of Shade to come into full focus.

Rhiannon manages a small smile, groggy from the after-affects of the anesthesia.

"Ma'am .. makes me .. sound .. old."

A barely heard scoffed breath, an attempt to laugh, even just a little.

"Rhi-annon. My ... name... is Rhi-annon." Swallowing, and grimacing while doing so, she shifts her right shoulder slightly and refocuses on Shade.

"You're ... a .. Jedi?"

Shade Magus
Oct 13th, 2003, 11:08:57 AM
"Yes, Rhiannon, I am a Jedi."

Shade stood up and looked at her monitor.

"You'll be fine incase you are wondering....so tell me, what brings you here?'

Oct 13th, 2003, 11:43:23 AM
Rhiannon looks at Shade as if he may be the very devil himself. Attempting to sit up, she groans loudly, clutching at the area of her sore ribs; laying back down without any grace attempted.

"I must .. get out .. of here. You'll tell him ... you'll tell him I'm here..."

Throwing back the sheet that laid over her body up to her chest, she rolls onto her side with a twisted grimace marring her fair face. Mustering up the necessary strength, she struggles at first, but then pushes herself up to a sitting positon with her legs strewn over the edge of the bed.

"I never should have trusted you ..."

Shade Magus
Oct 13th, 2003, 05:47:12 PM
"Whoa there....why not?"

Shade put his hand on her shoulder and let the Force flow into her, attempting to calm her.

"Everything will be fine...I won't do anything to harm you I promise. A Jedi could not."

Oct 14th, 2003, 10:17:47 AM
"Because; you're a Jedi. Jedi can't be trusted. Especially when it comes to helping those avoiding the authorities, that's why not."

The force flowing through her body does a bit of good in calming the young woman, but she's still a bit edgy and nervous all the same.

"A Jedi most certainly can allow harm to come to another. I've seen it before. On the holonet, they sit there reporting on how the Jedi are baby snatchers and show how they steal children right from their mother's arms, whisking them away to the Temple to brainwash them with all that force mumbo jumbo."

A wince as she draws in a deep breath.

"Who's to say you won't call Corsec now and hand me over to them, hm?"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 14th, 2003, 02:47:13 PM
Wei reached the ship and climbed aboard just in time to overhear Rhiannon's last sentence.

"What's Corsec?"

Wei had never heard of Corsec before. He was curious as to why she was worried about Shade handing her over to them.

Oct 14th, 2003, 04:23:22 PM
The sound of another voice makes Rhiannon's breath catch in her throat briefly. While wincing and grimacing, she eases herself up and back to lean against a pillow.

"You've got to be kidding me. You don't know what Corsec is?"

Both brows lift deeply and the young woman shakes her head a few times.

"Corsec stands for Corellian Security Force; the primary law enforcement agency of Corellia. There's a few bad apples in that bunch, so to speak, and those few bad apples happen to be the ones who keep chasing me down."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 15th, 2003, 01:22:52 PM
Wei only had one question to ask her. "Why?"

Oct 15th, 2003, 02:06:33 PM
"Good question. The only thing I can gather from being harassed by one of the Agents is that apparently my father - a man I've never met in my entire life - stole millions of dollars in gems from some shipment that passed through the Corellian Merchant's Guild over twenty years ago."

Rhiannon shrugs, shifting her eyes to the satin hem of the bedsheet draped over her legs and hips, her fingers toying with a frayed portion.

"I don't know anything about my father or about any missing jewels, yet they insist that I do."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 15th, 2003, 06:25:56 PM
Wei raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" Wei shook his head. "Did your mother ever talk to you about your father? Maybe we can figure something out from what your mom said?"

Oct 16th, 2003, 09:28:25 AM
Rhiannon shakes her head.

"My mother never spoke much about him at all; even when I'd ask about him when I was younger. All I know about him is that he swept her off her feet, he was part of the Corellian Merchant's Guild; went on a run and never came back."

Rhiannon shrugs.

"I don't know if he even knows he has a daughter."

She half-heartedly chuckles then sighs.

"Come to think of it, I think I have a picture of him ... somewhere. Back at my apartment; but I'm afraid if I go there, Corsec will be there waiting for me."

Rhiannon looks up to Wei and moistens her lips with a light lick of her tongue.

"Can I ask .. why are you being so nice to me? Why .. why are you helping me?"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 16th, 2003, 01:12:57 PM
Wei shrugged. "You're in danger, aren't you? Being falsely accused for something you haven't done. Being hunted down like an animal. You don't deserve that. You deserve to live a peaceful life without worry. Don't you think?"

Wei pushed up his glasses and chuckled warmly. "Let me ask you a quetion. Why not help you?"

Oct 18th, 2003, 12:25:48 PM
Rhiannon just looks to Wei blankly, wondering what kind of drugs the Jedi have him on.

"Yes, I feel I'm in danger and yes, I am being accused of something I didn't do nor do I have any knowledge of it. Hunted? Psh! More like .. well .. I don't know the word right yet, but when I do ... and yes, I just want to be left alone to live my life."

Rhiannon studies Wei, his body language and his facial expressions. She nods once as he states he has a question.

"Because you know nothing about me. Why would you help someone you don't even know? How do you know if I'm lying or not? What if I'm really some Imperial spy that is working to get into the Jedi Temple to send back information to any number of Jedi enemies?"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 20th, 2003, 09:33:47 PM
Wei merely smiled. "I don't know," he said honestly.

"All I know is, people are bothering you, and you need to get away from them. So, I'm going to help you, either by negotiating with the people to leave you alone, or by helping you get away. The temple is off limits to anyone who is not a Jedi, so I'm afraid you couldn't get in, even with my help."

Wei took off his glasses and cleaned them on his shirt tail.

Oct 21st, 2003, 01:56:26 PM
"You couldn't pay me to enter a Jedi Temple."

Rhiannon mutters under her breath while crossing her arms across her stomach and lifting slightly, tugging the bedsheet up a bit more; as well as wincing from the pain it summons forth.

"As for negotiating with these guys from Corsec?"

She shakes her head.

"That won't happen. I figure that my best chance at all is to get off planet, find somewhere safe, and possibly find a way to make contact with any one who is in the Corellian Merchant's Guild and hunt down information."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 21st, 2003, 08:35:00 PM
"So that's what we do. We get you off planet."

Wei looked over at Shade. "Can your ship go off planet? If it can, then you can take her to some other place."

Oct 22nd, 2003, 08:26:07 AM
Rhiannon blinks and blinks again, looking from Wei to Shade then back again.

"You're still going to help me?"

She sounds literally stunned. Her reaction may indicate that she is definitely not use to someone or someones being so nice to her; offering to help just like that without expecting anything in return.

"I ... I .. I don't know what to say.."