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Telan Desaria
Sep 24th, 2003, 05:16:49 PM
An Imperial Sovereignty

After the Fragmentation, Grand Admiral Desaria is given lordship over two of the most economically prosperous worlds in the galaxy and begins to create an Empire from the ashes of a Vong invasion.

Needs and Wants

Loklorien S’Ilancy, soon to be Duchess, is given the assignment of bringing warships under the Imperial Banner. She succeeds.

Expansionism and Imperialism I

The Empire arrives at Yag’dhul and proceeds to interdict the cross roads of the Hydian Way and Corellian Run trade routes, adding even more loot to the Empire’s already overflowing coffers.

An Unknown Empire

The search for resources from which to forge the Empire’s war machine has created a need for planets to ravage. A secret task force is sent to carve out n Imperial dominion at the heart of the most lawless region of the Galaxy – Wild Space.

Diplomatic Relations

The Empire sends a representative to the Rebel senate to oversee the humane treatment of Imperial Prisoners of War. Great Chaos ensues.

My Own Empire

Realizing the hopelessness of her position, Admiral Serena Laran, ranking female in Imperial Service, joins with the Sovereignty adding the prestigious training Academy of Carida to the Empire.

Last of the Titans – the Hunt

The Empire gains its prize flagship – a Super Star Destroyer.

Operation Zitadelle – the Expansion of the Empire

The first of the Empire’s massive campaigns to iron out its borders, worlds like Varonat, Ison, Hilari, and Eriadu fell to the Empire in a very bloody war. Several officers rose to prominence herein.

Warrior’s Respite

After much battling, Grand Admiral Baron Telan Desaria takes a much needed vacation to the world of Bakura where he meets Gaeriel Capitson, the planet’s charming governor.

Who Needs Bacta?

The forces of the Sith Empire, their armies and fleets destroyed long ago, approach the Empire to forge an alliance to break the galaxy of Jedi and Rebel domination. In this, use of the massive shipyard complex at Corellia is gained for the Empire signaling the beginning of a great campaign.

Temporary Asylum

After being ennobled for her services to the Empire as a ship gatherer, Duchess Loklorien S’Ilancy returns to her estate on Thyferra on the pretense of a vacation. Soon it is found that she is escaping her forlorn lover, Taylor Millard, himself a Grand Admiral and de facto ruler of the Balmorran Empire.

Peace Through War

The Empire has only jut completed its conquest of Eriadu when one of its strong reconnaissance patrols is ambushed by a cable of warlords at the fringe of Imperial Space. A brutal war begins to eliminate the numerous but individually weak pockets of traitorous officers resulting in the complete annexation and subjugation of the Senex and Juvex Sectors.

Cat and Mouse

The region containing the Imperial Remnant and Syndicate have been a scene of constant Rebel reconnaissance forcing Vice Admiral Anatoly Sokolov, ruler of the latter, to seek with them an armistice. He is killed for his treachery but not before suffering a great deal. Grand Admiral Desaria, his friend and mentor, feels betrayed and decides not only to annex that territory but removes the man responsible for his friend’s death.

Cat and Mouse – Interlude

Forces sent to Wild Space have been under the command of a captain who is talented but does not possess the requisite skills of a staff officer to make an effective fleet. Aegis du’Caat, arguably the Empire’s brightest commander, is given this assignment.

Vengeance, Power, and Glory

The sequel to Cat and Mouse. After the rational but inexcuseable treason of Vice Admiral Anatoly Sokolov, the region of his power, the Imperial Syndicate, is annexed by decree. The Fleet then moves to take it by force.

Battle of Hilari

A disillusioned officer leads a revolt on a world at the center of the Corridor Sector on the Unknown-ward border of the Empire. It is defeated, but only at great cost to all involved.

Chiss Arrival

One of the Empire’s oldest commanders was Commodore Lash, a Chiss. After a successful career he returned to lead his people in a glorious revolution and reconstruction. Here he returned to place the Chiss alongside the Empire once more.