View Full Version : Are we still doing "Initiate Classes"?

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:34:28 PM
I remember having a big discussion on it, and then also instituting it as a new pracitce, but it seems to have dropped dead. I don't ever see any of the initiate class threads in motion anymore. So what is to be done? I mean, we're having enough trouble getting enough teachers for all these Padawans, and with the initiate classes down the tubes, they might as well just wander around with nothing to do like they did before the classes were even started. Anyone else feel the same way, or feel differently?

Kelt Simoson
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:56:26 PM
I was actually thinking the same thing there Wei :)

Figrin D'an
Sep 24th, 2003, 03:10:43 PM
The initate training classes have worked fairly well to this point, so giving up on them is ill-advised, IMO. Granted, some of them have been slow lately (and yes, I am partially to blame for one of them), but things to come up for people teaching those threads.

Perhaps we could assign two teachers to each "course" to make sure there is sufficient coverage, thus allowing one to pick up the slack when the other becomes busy with other matters.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 24th, 2003, 04:05:50 PM
If necessary, I'd be glad to help assist with any slacking 'class' threads as I'm very much behind the idea. I've worked out a fairly consistent post schedule that has me online Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday and I can promise at least one post a week.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 24th, 2003, 05:01:40 PM
You can always start a new one, there's the Padawan study groups as well, which is an excellent idea.

And yes, the classes are still in progress. :)

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 24th, 2003, 06:41:00 PM
I feel like Helen's class is going well. Everyone posts once in a while. I don't have much time anymore, so it feels good not being rushed. That makes one class going well.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:12:27 PM
That's cool. I'm not suggesting we get rid of them, I just wanted to know how they were doing.

And one question: What happens to the Padawans that get a teacher right off? Do they still have to take the Initiate classes? Same thing for a Padawan that is in the middle of an Initiate class and then gets a teacher. Do they have to continue the classes, even though they have a teacher?

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:52:36 PM
Well, I'd say everything is done on a case-by-case basis. It all depends on how ready the council, teacher and master or knight feels their padawan is. If they just started, the classes are a good compliment, and means that training will go faster. If they've been waiting around for a while, then they can probably bypass them.

It all depends :)

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 26th, 2003, 03:56:04 AM
Gah, I agree with you Wei, I was just thinking about the training threads yesterday. I haven't really found much to do yet, but they've started out pretty well.

Incidentally, if anyone's wondering why the boards had the slightest touch of sanity in the last few days...AOL screwed up when I switched email address on SWFans and deleted the confirmation letter, meaning my ability to post was zilch until Daiq talked to Big Green. Stupid me...:lol

Kelt Simoson
Sep 26th, 2003, 10:10:32 AM
I will also take up a position as teacher if need be. I think only having one teacher is putting an awfull lot of strain to the teacher as many post as diffrent times and what-not.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 26th, 2003, 01:04:33 PM
Thanks Kelt, but what I think would really benefit the class structure the most is if you started a new class or a new study group. We already have basic force moves, history and ooc writing, so perhaps you could figure out something that's your specialty and take five or so initiates in. :)