View Full Version : The Basics (Akrabbim)

Faith Lerf
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:43:15 PM
Faith sat down in a rather small room in a side wing of the training facility. She was quite, gathering her thoughts. She had been part of a GJO for some time now and she felt it was time to move up in her training. She was currently enrolled in the padawan classes, but she desires more in the force. She sat still and quietly, awaiting the arrival of someone who agreed to meet with her to get her started. She was excited, after the long wait, she was finally going to get a jump on her training. She knew it would be nothing premenant, but it was a start.

Sep 23rd, 2003, 10:52:58 PM
Akrabbim wanders throughout the training grounds, simply enjoying the time to himself just to stroll. As he's walking, he notices a young padawan in the distance. She seems to be waiting on something. Perhaps he can help. He walks over to her and speaks.

Hello miss? May I help you?

Faith Lerf
Sep 24th, 2003, 04:01:45 AM
Faith nodded. "I was told to come here and wait, they said if I came someone would be willing to start my training, probably. So, I'm here, waiting."

Sep 24th, 2003, 04:34:02 PM
Akrabbim smiles at the young Jedi.

Very well, then. I'll be glad to help out, if you'd like.

Let's start with the basics. Have you had any training thus far?

Faith Lerf
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:12:56 PM
Faith blushed slightly. "Nothing, I haven't done any training. So far I've only sat in a class room and listened to lectures about Jedi of the past and such."

Sep 24th, 2003, 09:58:16 PM
Very well, let's start with the basics. Come with me, please.

Akrabbim leads the young woman to a more quiet and secluded area of the training grounds in order to remove distractions. When they arrive, he takes a seat on the ground and motions for her to follow. When she does, he continues speaking.

Now, close your eyes. Relax, and reach out the Force around you. This is your first and arguably most important lesson. Without a firm connection to the Force, any other lessons would be worthless. Relax and be calm... feel the Force...

Faith Lerf
Sep 26th, 2003, 01:28:22 PM
Faith nodded and did as she was told. It was hard, considering she didn't know what she was trying to feel. She opened her eyes for a moment. "How will I know when I've felt the force?"

Sep 26th, 2003, 04:53:34 PM
Akrabbim opens his eyes to speak with her.

Don't worry... it will be obvious. Just relax, let go. Reach out with your feelings. Sense the world around you. You should be able to feel my presence. I'll make it a bit easier for you. Tell me when you can sense me. Now, close your eyes and relax...

Akrabbim concentrates, trying to make himself as visible as possible to the Force. As soon as she lets go and reaches out, she should be able to sense him rather easily.

Faith Lerf
Sep 26th, 2003, 09:26:29 PM
Faith nodded. She closed her eyes again and let go. She felt herself slowly slip away into a bigger world, a bigger presence she never felt before. As she became one with the bigger presence, which she assumed what the force she felt everything around her, a little. But she mostly felt her newest teacher, Akrabbim. "Wow..." She whispered. "This is awesome."

Sep 27th, 2003, 10:54:59 AM
Akrabbim can't repress a smile at the Padawan's first real experience with the Force.

Indeed it is. Now... keep relaxing, keep in touch with the Force, and stand. You have to learn to reach the Force by instinct. Remeber, the key is not holding to the Force, it is letting yourself go into it. Come with me.

Akrabbim rises and begins to walk slowly, waiting on the girl to follow.

Just relax, and you'll do fine.

Faith Lerf
Sep 27th, 2003, 01:50:26 PM
Faith rises slowly, keeping her eyes shut. She hasn't really been good with trust, whether it be others or herself. She kept her eyes closed, it was very difficult for her. She slowly began to follow, the sound of Akrabbim's voice was soothing. At least he had faith in her. She took a step slowly, feeling everything around her. Before she knew it she had taken several steps. It was easier than she thought.

Faith had taken several mores steps when she stopped. She felt there was something in her way. She opened her eyes and looked down. There was a rather good size rock lying straight ahead of her. She looked to Akrabbim. "I knew that rock was there, I saw it...."

Sep 27th, 2003, 03:08:23 PM
When she looks toward him, Akrabbim has a rather large smile on his face.

Well done. You seem to be getting the hang of sensing the areas around you with the Force alone. However, it is not necessary to keep your eyes closed, and I would not recommend it in battle. Merely relax and follow me. You're trying too hard... don't think, just do. Trust me.

Akrabbim turns and begins to walk, a bit more quickly this time.

Now... we can move to the first Force technique: Force Speed. We'll work our way up to it. Just follow me, and I'll work you up to it.

Akrabbim continues walking quickly, but not so quickly as to leave her behind. Gradually he increases his pace until they are at a light jog.

Faith Lerf
Sep 27th, 2003, 10:44:11 PM
Faith laughed slightly at the battle comment. "Don't worry, Sir. I won't try it in battle." <ib>She did as he requested and followed him, trying to keep up. She increased her speed, but not quite as fast, trying to keep up. She put a little more effort into it and caught up with him.[/b] "How does force speed work?" She questioned as they jogged.

Sep 28th, 2003, 01:37:01 PM
He nods approvingly.

Very good. I know you'll do well. As for Force Speed, you allow the Force to basically "carrry" you along as you move. Instead of relying on your own speed and muscles, you are carried on the Force itself. Let's try it.

Akrabbim relaxes and picks up the pace.

Again, try not to think too hard about what you're doing. Just run. Feel the Force... it will carry you.

With that, Akrabbim suddenly begins moving much more quickly, running greatly faster than he should be able to. He sends a message back to the young woman mentally. *You try now.*

Faith Lerf
Sep 29th, 2003, 01:07:45 PM
Faith nodded and began to try. She caught a brief message within her head, she felt it was from Akabbim, but she wasn't sure. It didn't seem to be working, she was only running as fast asshe normally would. She frowned and looked at him, he was very much ahead of her. She sighed and shook her head. She kicked the dirt in frusteration. It looked like she wouldn't be getting it in the first or second try.

Sep 29th, 2003, 04:24:32 PM
Akrabbim trots back to her at normal pace.

Do not be frustrated... getting in tune with the Force takes time. Try once more. Do not concetrate on moving quickly. Merely try to get from here to that tree over there. Open yourself to the Force. You'll find it's easier when you simply let go.

Faith Lerf
Oct 1st, 2003, 03:34:22 PM
Faith nodded. She placed her hand on her stomach, she didn't want to do too much work considering her current condition. "I'll try one more time." She began to jog and began to get lost in the force as she did a little bit ago. She began to feel things around her moving faster and faster, before she knew it she was by the tree. She waved at him from the tree. "Not to hard." She smiled and laughed slightly.

Oct 1st, 2003, 04:12:10 PM
Akrabbim smiles as she completes the first task.

Well done... well done indeed. Now... is there anything else you would like to focus on?

Faith Lerf
Oct 1st, 2003, 05:39:35 PM
Faith made her way back over to Akrabbim. "Well now, that was invigerating, but I think I need to work on something a little less exciting. I don't want to overwork my little packages." Faith nodded down towards her stomach and places her hand on a slight pudge that was forming. "I think that mind training would be best right now, I could really use that."

Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:57:00 PM
Akrabbim suddenly looks a bit flushed, and bows deeply.

I am very sorry... I was unaware of your condition. Had you told me sooner, we could have worked on that area to begin with. Please, sit...

Once both are seated, Akrabbim continues with the lessons.

Very well... let's try to communicate mentally. I'll start. All you need to do is relax and open your mind. I assure you I will be able to communicate with you. Once you feel the telepathic connection, sending a message should be easier for you.

Once she begins to relax, Akrabbim opens his mind to hers and begins sending a telepathic greeting.

Faith Lerf
Oct 6th, 2003, 11:43:37 AM
Faith smiled and laughed. "Some workout isn't bad, I just don't want to over exert myself." Faith took a seat across from Akrabbim. She sat still and opened her mind, as best she could. She felt something nudging into her mind as she did before. A greeting, she smiled as she felt it but she didn't know how to respond. She looked to Akrabbim and responded outloud. "Hey, Akrabbim. How are ya? I'm good."

Oct 7th, 2003, 08:51:52 PM
Akrabbim smiles at her.

Good work. You heard me... to respond is simple... merely think your answer. I should be able to "reach in" and hear what you have to say. From there, we'll work on you projecting it back to me. I just want you to get used to what it feels like first.

Akrabbim begins again, sending another signal.... this one a question. *What is your full name? Think the response...*

Faith Lerf
Oct 10th, 2003, 11:17:41 AM
Faith nodded. Faith Lerf... She thought and tried to push it out of her mind to Akrabbim with the force. "Did it work?" She asked after a few moments.

Oct 19th, 2003, 09:03:27 PM
Akrabbim opens his eyes at her mental sending.

Very good... that came through rather clearly. Now, try once more, but this time send me a sentence... a whole story, if you like. Trust me... it becomes easier the more you send.

Faith Lerf
Nov 2nd, 2003, 09:07:06 PM
Faith nodded and began to think of something to tell him. Why not her story? It was atleast something she knew.

"I was born into a horrid family, my father was very abusive. Though my mother loved me and my siblings, he over ruled her. He sold most of us, I was sold into slavery. After several years of painful service, I escaped and began my search to find my siblings. One day, as I arrived to Corusant, I ran into my sister, Natia, she inspired my to be a Jedi. And now here I am."

Faith sent to Akrabbim.

Nov 17th, 2003, 05:57:17 PM
Akrabbim's mind is open wide, listening to her mental sendings. She begins telling her story, apparently, beginning with her childhood. He can feel the pain coming through the mental link as she recounts her life. As she speaks, her words degenerate into pictures and feelings. Nothing is unusual about that, though. Most people think in terms of images and feelings. The meaning comes through clearly, though... more clearly than simple words could convey. He breaks the link and opens his eyes.

You're doing very well... very well indeed. If you continue practicing, you should do very well.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

Faith Lerf
Nov 27th, 2003, 11:11:20 PM
Faith smiled. "Thank you for all you're help. I can't think of anything else, but maybe you know of something that I could work on?"

OOC: I'm so sorry it's been so long. I've been SO busy lately!

Nov 28th, 2003, 01:29:38 PM
OOC: I know... same problem here. No big deal. :)

Akrabbim smiles at her, pleased at her progress.

The only other technique I would be able to teach you is the art of Illusion. If you wish, I can attempt to help you with that, but otherwise, I fear I would be of little use to you.