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imported_Darriann Sollak
Sep 23rd, 2003, 04:54:17 PM
Darriann walked off the gangplank of the Renegade Angel onto the metal floor of the docking bay. He stepped forward and turned and stared at his ship, a modified YT-2000. He yawned and continued walking. The ship was in one of the higher level docking bays so Darriann didn't worry about thieves or stowaways. Darriann moved to a door leading out of the bay.

When he entered through the door and into the hall, he noticed it was spotless. A little unsettling as it was Nar Shaddaa. He entered a small office with a sign above it reading Port Master. There he greeted an Ishi Tib who was the port master. Darriann was a little surprised as most Ishi Tib favored physical work rather than office work. He conversed with the man and handed him his permits. The port master went through them and handed them back to Darriann. The port master said "Welcome to Nar Shaddaa." and went back to his work.

Darriann left the office and continued down the hall to the lift which led out of the port and into the streets of Nar Shaddaa. Upper level streets were clean and orderly. Darriann looked for a Cantina to grab a drink and inquire about a job. He found one, The Black Hole.

Somewhat of a classy joint. He walked in and up to the bar. The bartender a Human male looked closely at Darriann, then offered to get him something. Darriann ordered a Corellian Ale. The bartender went to the taps and filled a mug with the intoxicating beverage. He handed Sollak the drink and asked for 10 credits. Darriann gave the bartender the credits and walked to an empty table in one of the shadowy corners. Darriann looked around the bar and noticed an office on the second floor. He saw a Hutt and a couple of thugs, nothing special really. Darriann was in Hutt space and Hutts were common for being in charge as crime lords. He continued drinking his beverage and thought about what he was going to do on Nar Shaddaa.

Sep 24th, 2003, 01:57:24 PM
Born on Corellia to a single, unwed mother who lived on the streets, Rhiannon grew up living a hard life. Her father was part of the Corellian Merchant's Guild, one of the largest private trade organizations in the galaxy; or so her mother has told her time and time again. Supposedly Rhiannon's father knows that she exists . . he just hasn't made any contact with her whatsoever in all of her twenty-eight years of life.

When Rhiannon was just seven years old, her mother had been accidentally killed during a raid that went horribly wrong. Reina, (Rhiannon's mother), use to work at the Corellian Cafe located on Nar Shaddaa. Supposedly CorSec had been staking the place for quite sometime, having heard on good authority that certain members of the Corellian Merchant's Guild were using one of the private banquet rooms as a base of operations to run illegal services.

Rhiannon's mother wast caught in the crossfire when a rookie in CorSec moved too soon and opened fire against his superior's orders. Reina was a beautiful woman. Not all that smart where certain matters were concerned, but she had enough brains to squeak by in life. Reina's unexpected death meant that Rhiannon was now alone in the world . . unless the local authorities could track down her father; which they did, but he turned his back on her and never looked back.

Rhiannon was placed into foster care with less than favorable caregivers. At the age of twelve, she ran away. Stowed away aboard a cargoship heading off planet, destination unknown, Rhiannon settled in and remained until the ship docked with another and began transferring cargo over to the new ships holding area. When things were quiet once again and she felt the shudder of the new ship, indicating it was once again heading off on its own, she crept out of the cargo area and made her way up to the lounge area.

It was there that she literally ran into a CorSec Agent by the name of Brimsfield; whom immediately returned her to Nar Shaddaa. All she's wanted is to get off of this miserable rock the galaxy has the nerve to call a planet.

But, those thoughts are cast aside as her eyes travel up along the length of the bar, noting the presence of a new arrival. When you've lived here much of your life, it becomes second nature to notice who is definitely new and who is local, and this guy is not a local.

"If I were you, I'd leave this place as fast as you can and never return."

Her voice sounds coolly from a few feet away. Rhiannon had risen, making her way over towards Darriann scant moments before. He may have been too busy looking around to have truly noticed.

Sliding onto a barstool to the man's left, she hails the barkeep and orders another drink ..

of water.

"Oh, and it's wise to not look like you aren't from around here as much as you can."

Her eyes wander down his body then up again.

"Though, I can see how that may be hard for you to do."

A bit of a hard edge to her attitude, but if anyone understood the woman, they'd be able to understand it completely.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Sep 26th, 2003, 01:32:08 PM
Darriann looked at the girl with somewhat of a smirk. He grabbed his drink and took a sip.

"Maybe I want to be noticed." Darriann said sarcastically.

He turned his view back to the Hutt who had sent his cronies somewhere. The Hutt turned his huge green slugish body to the window and looked down at the patrons.

"Besides, you seem to have noticed me, and by judging the tone in your voice I think you might want something." he said turning his head back in the direction of the girl "You Shaddaa types are all the same, always wanting something."

Sep 26th, 2003, 06:19:05 PM
Rhiannon lofts a brow at the man with the arrogant attitude and chuckles, shaking her head some as she rolls her eyes.

"Luckily for me, I'm not a native of Nar Shaddaa then, eh?"

A sideglance towards the Hutt then to Darrian again.

"You'd be wise to not look for too long at that one. His thugs are apt to assume that you're plotting his demise."

A nod of her head to the bar tender as her water is set down on the counter.

"Yes, you caught my attention. You do stick out like a sore thumb around here. Is that intentional?"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Sep 28th, 2003, 03:56:53 PM
"Well then if your not native then where do you come from?" Darriann said as he took another sip, "Anyway Hutt cronies are the least of my concern. The Hutt up there is a small time gangster in the Cartel. I heard he had a some jobs so I dressed this way. That is why I stick out like a sore thumb. Hutts tend to look for rookies. They think they will easily bend to their will. And most do."

He saw the Hutts cronies walking up to the table where Darriann was sitting. Two Grans, one with an E-11 and the other with a stun baton.

He said to the girl "See."

The Gran with the E-11 came up behind the girl and spoke to Darriann. "Ranga wants to speak with you. If you'll come with us."

Darriann turned to the Gran and looked at him with a smirk.
"Why would Ranga want to speak with me I'm just a small time transporter."

The Gran replied "Save it Mr. Sollak Ranga knows all about your profile. He just wanted to know what your doing on Nar Shaddaa."

"I'm having a drink. What’s it look like?" Darriann said with a chuckle. "Don't worry I'll come."

The Grans walked to the door and waited for Darriann.

Darriann turned his head to the girl. "This should be interesting. Save my seat, I'll be back shortly."

Xela Oxralad
Sep 28th, 2003, 07:01:14 PM
Xela watched and sipped his Correlian Ale as the man was walked away by the Huts lackys.

The ale was just a little taste of of the home he had to leave behind when life gave him the proverbial shaft. It was as much comfort as he could get on Nar Shadda. Xela didn't like having to work with low lifes, especialy Hutts, but he couldn't live on his families fortune forver.

He had a feeling that that man may need some help escaping before long, but decided to wait as long as possible before getting invloved. THe last thing he needed was yet another bounty on his head.

Vhiran Crescent
Sep 29th, 2003, 06:43:12 PM
A man, by the looks of it a street junkie clumsily walked into the room. His raggy cloak covered his entire body and his hood concealed his beared face. The rags were an assortment of dirty colors, from black to brown to dark green. He looked over to see Sollak already heading up to talk to the over sized slug.

"Started without me huh? Heh, just like you," he said as he spun around and sat at the bar with a good view of the slugs room. Descretely he watched his movements, and the movements of his partner.

He had been left here about a month ago to run some background checks on the major crime lords in the area. Ranga was one of them.

Vhiran was Sollak's partner and pilot on the Renegade Angel. They had been running smuggling operations for several years now and had become quite the team. They could tell what each other was going to do in the middle of a fire fight just by the look in his eyes.

Right now he was Darrians back up. He didn't like Ranga, and Ranga didn't tolerate big shots. And unfortunatly his and Sollack's identity had been getting around. Vhiran had tried to cover up the trail but someone just kept leaking information. Whether Ranga gave him a job or not was completely oblivious to Vhiran. But if he became a threat he would have to be eliminated. Vhiran watched and waited, while drinking a strong wookie ale.

Sep 30th, 2003, 10:05:57 AM
"Corellia, originally." Rhiannon replies to the question of where she is from while setting her water down on the counter, then settles back against the seats back to make herself a little more comfortable. Or to appear that way.

"You mean the Hutt's look for those whom they believe to be expendable."

A smirk. Yes, Rhiannon knows a little on how the Hutt's work.

"And you? Where are you...." She's silenced by the muzzle of a weapon noticed out of the corner of her eye, then a voice. Rhiannon holds her breath, hoping that the Gran isn't here for her. Apparently her birth father got caught up in some illegal run and kept the cargo for himself. Something about a lost treasure of gems. One of CorSec's agents has been tailing her for months, believing that she knows all about these gems and their whereabouts.

"Save my seat for me, I'll be back."

A cocky little smirk edges her lips and she dips her head in a subtle nod once.

"You got it baby."

My, quite the lil smart-alecked vixen, isn't she? As Darriann heads off with the armed Gran and his partner, another voice draws her attention.

Looking Vhiran over from head to toe and back again, then over towards Darriann and his escorts, she wonders just who's about to play who for a fool and ponders slipping out unnoticed.

Unnoticed? Ha! Impossible to truly do on Nar Shaddaa. The place is a seeming cesspool of spies, wannabe spies, hunters, and low life scum.

As she brushes her hand over her knee, removing non-existant lint from her clothes, she asks Vhiran smoothly...

"Do me a favor, eh? Warn me now if I should perhaps make myself scarce? I prefer breathing and if things are about to turn ugly, draw the attention of the Hutts cronies or of CorSec, I'd rather not be here."

Vhiran Crescent
Sep 30th, 2003, 09:07:06 PM
Vhiran looked at her out of the corner of his eye. She had been sitting with Sollak, apparently talking about what was going on, or atleast about the hutt. He had seen her around before. She looked like a local on Nar Shaddaa but didn't ever look like she needed to cause trouble.

Vhiran muttled in a drunken manner, "I don't know what you're talking about." The bartender had given him a look when she came up to him and asked the question.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Oct 1st, 2003, 02:00:17 PM
Escorted by the thugs through a door which led into a darkened hall way all the way to a pourly lit ramp up to the second level. Darriann watched the ground as it became more illuminated the closer he got to it. It was cluttered with boxes droid parts and the walls were covered in blaster burns. They reached the ramp and went up one of the grans stayed back as a gaurd the one with the E-11.

Ranga looked at Darriann with what looked like a sly grin. He spoke in huttese, "So Mr. Sollak, what brings you to my humble little bar? An assassination plot perhaps?" Ranga grabbed a nuna from a cage and swallowed it down. "As you can see your weapons have been removed."

The Hutt gave a laugh as Darriann looked down at his holster. It had appeared one of the escorts had taken it. He turned to the Gran behind him. The Gran laughed as he twirled the blaster in his hand.

Darriann turned his eyes back to the Hutt. "Fortunately for you I'm not here to assassinate anyone. I'm actually looking for a job."

The Hutt looked at Darriann with a curious look. "Well if that’s all you came here to do, get a job. You should have sent my a message first. I'm sure your partner could have told you." Ranga said in a happy tone.

Darriann looked down at the bar noticing Vhiran in his old worn cloak. Ranga spoke again, "I'll call my guards off him now. Wouldn't want any unnecessary bloodshed now. Bad for business you know."

Darriann looked at a booth where a couple of Grans weequey and Rodians started walking out of. Darriann's gaze returned to the Hutt. "So you got a job?" He said in a casual tone.

Ranga waved the guard to leave the room. "I do. But it’s a big job and you and Vhiran don't look like you can handle it. Alone at least." Ranga thought for a moment and continued. "I'll give it to you. If you screw this up I'll have your head you know that." Darriann nodded. "The job involves a shipment of swoops. Now don't be so quick to dismiss this opportunity. These swoops haven't even hit the market and they aren't due to till next year. There suppose to be more maneuverable than anything and even faster the any planetary vehicle. I have a friend who wants this technology, he is also in the business of manufacturing swoops as you have probably guessed. Now your job is to deliver them. My usual delivery boys are running errands to other systems. Since my friend has already paid for them my part of the deal is complete. He has offered to pay 500,000 credits to whom ever delivers them and since you’re the only one available, The job is yours."

Darriann began to reply but the Hutt stopped. "No more questions. The swoops are already in the cargo bay where your ship is located you'll find a data pad with the mission details....Now get out of my sight. I have an appointment with some Black Sun representatives."

Darriann walked out of the room and into the hallway down the ramp. The guard handed him his weapon. Darriann took it and moved back into the bar. He walked up to Vhiran who was chatting to the girl from before. He said casually "Got a job."

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 1st, 2003, 05:51:13 PM
Vhiran was watching the room above with a keen and careful eye. It looked like everything was going ok, that was good. He saw them look at him, but it didn't make a difference, he knew they were on to him but he was no threat and they knew that. As Sollak came back down, Vhiran began to smile. No problems this time, that was odd. Last time they were on Nar Shadda they had Garrain's thugs on them, and that wasn't fun.

He turned around to shake Sollak's hand as he came up. "Good, lets go then. I'm tired of hanging around here," Vhiran said in a normal voice. He tipped his hood to the lady that had come up to him and turned back around and flicked off Ranga's goons that were itching to take him out at the Hutt's orders. He smiled as he walked out the door with Darriann, taking off his hood.

"Went well for a change, eh? So, what d'ya got?"

Xela Oxralad
Oct 1st, 2003, 06:11:41 PM
As Xela finnished his ale he saw the smuggler leave Ranga's cmaber, still in one peice. He wouldn't have to play the hero today. He got up and left the bar, on his way to find another peice of the puzzle.

Oct 2nd, 2003, 08:36:39 AM
"Don't know what I'm talking about my butt..."

Rhiannon mutters under her breath to Vhiran, keeping a vigilant eye on the man. Time is spent in silence until Darriann returns, which Rhiannon stands from her seat quickly and whirls around when hearing the man got a job from the Hutts.

"Take me with you. Please." She suddenly blurts out to Darriann, wringing her hands together while shifting her weight on her feet then back again.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Oct 2nd, 2003, 01:23:13 PM
Darriann turned his head to the young women. Thinking about her sudden demand. "Hold on Vhiran. Now why would I take you on a mission. Me and Vhiran don't take passengers. We have a code. No passengers. The last passenger we had turned out to be an CorSec spy. Give me one good reason why I should suddenly let you come with us. And don't tell me I just want to go on an adventure. We've heard that one before." Darriann turned to Vhiran for his response.

Darriann stared hard into the young woman's eyes. He thought to himself She doesn't look like a spy but CorSec has been getting trickier. Eh, what the heck.

"Time's up Vhiran." He said, "You can come besides you're to young to be in CorSec. What did you say your name was?"

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 2nd, 2003, 04:33:39 PM
Vhiran was about to speak until Sollak cut him off. But he didn't mind, he approved of the girl.

"Rhiannon. Born on Correlia without a father. Her mother was killed when she was 7 in cross fire when CorSec raided a CMG hangout. Her father is apart of the CMG. She was next found by a CorSec Lt. named Brimsfield on Talus, I believe, then returned back here," Vhiran said after looking her over. He got a look from both her and Sollak.

"I did my homework," he said before they could make remarks. A month was a long time, and one didn't see many good looking girls on Nar Shaddaa.

Oct 3rd, 2003, 08:38:56 AM
"I'm not CorSec, I can assure you of that."

Just as Rhiannon was about to answer Darriann as to why they should take her along, Vhiran lays out much of her life; summarized of course.

Yeah. Vhiran got more than a look from Rhiannon; in fact, she was about to flee, thinking that he might be CorSec. Why she doesn't run, she isn't sure, but her eyes flit from Vhiran to Darriann again.

"My name's Rhiannon and please, I need to get off of Nar Shaddaa."

A woman such as Rhiannon isn't use to pleading, but the fact that she is practically begging the two men to get her off the planet is noted in her eyes and it'd also be noted that this isn't easy for her to do; use to independence and all that.

"Your friend here is right, only he left out one thing. I need to get away from CorSec; one of the Agents, Brimsfield, keeps harassing me."

imported_Darriann Sollak
Oct 12th, 2003, 07:44:22 AM
"Well whoever this Brimsfield guy is I can assure you he wont be trouble besides I doubt we will run into CorSec." Darriann said to Rhiannon. "Now lets get moving the longer I'm on this planet the less credits I get in my pocket."

Darriann ordered a one shot of Corellian Gin, gulped it down and headed out the door. "Hurry Vhiran, your turn to load cargo." He said as he laughed walking down the street.

The group walked into the cargo bay. Darriann gave a nod to the port master. There she sat the Renegade Angel a YT-2000. One of the more luxurious ships in the YT line but adapted for hauling large cargos. Most of the original stuff remained. Except for weapons and a tractor beam which had been improved, and 2 personnel quarters which had been converted into cargo holds. A grand sight she was.

Darriann pointed to the crates, "Time to load the cargo." he then shouted into the cargo hold. "Time to work you lazy droids."

Two asp droids walked out of the hold. One said to Darriann "It's Vhiran's turn. Remember we loaded cargo the entire time he was on this moon."

Darriann said "Well I'll help you while Vhiran shows Ms. Rhiannon her quarters."

With that Darriann moved to the closest gravsled and started loading cargo, the droids did the same.

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 12th, 2003, 09:07:51 PM
Vhiran watched as the droids came walking out of the holds.

"Damn droids," he whispered under his breath. He hated those things.

"Well I'll help you while Vhiran shows Ms. Rhiannon her quarters."

Vhiran smirked. He loved it when Sollak was feeling nice.

"Alright," he said, without questioning his offer. "This way, Rhiannon," he motioned for her to follow him up the ramp of the ship. He began to take off some of the rags from his outfit as they entered the ship and threw them aside. Vhiran stopped and looked around the ship, it was good to be back to her. Darriann had taken good care of his own ship when Vhiran wasn't around to do it. Although Vhiran wasn't a "clean-up" person, he had something for the ship he pilotted.

As he lead Rhiannon through the Renegade Angel, he grabbed a pair of dog tags off the hook off of one of the walls. He slipped them over his head and gently kissed them before putting them under his shirt, just as he came to the guest quarters.

"Here you are Ms. Rhiannon," he said as he openned the door to the small room. It was small but it had all the neccesary things. It had 2 bunks ontop of each other, a hamock hanging across the room, lights, a view screen that acted as a window, and a small closet.

Oct 13th, 2003, 08:48:08 AM
Following the two men from the club to the ship, she was pretty quiet, nervous, looking around in all directions to see if possibly that crooked Corsec agent followed. So far, its seems as if he hasn't; but one can never be too sure.

To Rhiannon, the ship wasn't much to be impressed by. Then again ... to Rhiannon a ship is just a ship and she never did understand this whole 'love my ship' thing that men seem to have over theirs.

She wasn't going to say anything; that'd be like looking a gift horse in the mouth and she isn't about to get kicked off.

"Thank you." She first states to Darriann then follows Vhiran as he leads the way.

"Um, you're sure that Corsec won't have bugged this ship or slapped one of those tracking things on it anywhere, right?"

She asks Vhiran while quickening her pace to catch up behind him a little more.

Stepping up along side of the man as he opens the door to the guest quarters, she manages a small smile.

"Please, just Rhiannon. The title of Ms. makes me feel older than dirt and I am not that old."

She peeks in, hesitantly, as if perhaps something was going to shoot her from one of the corners or thinking that it may be possible that these two were in cahoots with the authorities and somehow got Agent Brimsfield aboard to nab her.

"Thank you again, Sir Vhiran; I really do appreciate this."

Over to the view screen first, where she spends a few minutes looking it over then she turns and slowly sits down on the lower bunk of the bed, wringing her fingers nervously against the edge of it.

"I'll be fine and I'll stay right here; you better get back before your partner gets mad at your or something.."

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 13th, 2003, 05:33:16 PM
"Um, you're sure that Corsec won't have bugged this ship or slapped one of those tracking things on it anywhere, right?"

"Yes, I'm sure. We know all of the port masters here, they would have told us. Besides, we know most of CorSec's tricks. Don't worry about it, I'll check things out for you if it will make you feel better," Vhiran replied.

"Please, just Rhiannon. The title of Ms. makes me feel older than dirt and I am not that old."

Vhiran chuckled,"Right I understand."

"Thank you again, Sir Vhiran; I really do appreciate this."

Vhiran nodded,"Right, no problem. But please, just call me Vhiran," he winked as he left her in her quarters to go prep the ship for launch.

Oct 14th, 2003, 10:24:04 AM
Nervously, Rhiannon rubs at her right hip with the palm of her hand methodically while looking to Vhiran, nodding a few times.

"Well, right about now just knowing that I'm as far away from that horrible Corsec will be good enough."

The right corner of her mouth curves gently, a small smile to Vhiran's chuckle.

"Vhiran it is then."

At first, his wink catches her offguard, way offguard by the looks of her. A quick blink, perhaps thinking she imagined it. But as Vhiran begins to turn his back to her in order to exit the guest quarters, a bit of a blush colors her cheeks.

She watches as the door closes, then turns to the view screen again, approaching.

A touch of her fingertip to a few key locations and she pulls up a small holomap of the areas.

"I never even knew the man, what makes them think I know anything about millions of dollars in missing gems..."

She thinks outloud. A glance over her shoulder to the closed door again, and a blush returns.

"Yeah, it was nice to be winked at; even if it were only a friendly gesture."

She murmurs to herself, then heads over to the lower bunk and sits back down for a bit, a small grin lingering on her face.

"Oh knock it off, Rhiannon!"

She scolds herself, then turns onto her side and tries to take a nap.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:43:07 PM
Darriann loaded the first set of swoops and the droids loaded another set. "Hurry up damnit. You want those new motivators don't you. This load will get us the money to finally get some well deserved rewards."

The droids ZZ-84 and HZ-48, both ASP droids replied in unison "Yes sir!" With that both droids started moving faster.

Darriann finished strapping the first set into place. He noticed the data pad on top of the crate. Darriann grabbed it and started to read.

Shipment: C-22365-56629-8862B06A-R
Cargo: Advanced Swoop Bikes
Transport: Renegade Angel
Origin: Nar Shaddaa
Destination: Corellia


Sollak if you screw this up.... Blah, blah, blah..... Deliver cargo to Director... Blah,blah,blah... Now get moving.

Darriann thought in his mind about something, something important. But he couldn't remember so he just let it slip out of his mind. He started back to loading cargo when one of the droids stopped and started fighting with the other.

"You idiot, it says this side up." said HZ-48.

"No it's this side up." ZZ-84 replied and pointed to an up arrow. "See."

"Whatever, but when this crate's contents is opened and its upside down your gonna be in a scrap pile"

"Stop fighting." Darriann interrupted. A thought crossed Darriann's mind. A moment passed. "Your gonna 'drop' one. Buyers don't like damaged goods so we'll take it off their hands as shipping and handling payment. Besides..... What's two missing swoops gonna be?"

The droids laughed and nodded. They had done things like this before. One time they 'dropped' a sublight drive. No one ever noticed that the ship was faster after it left port.

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 14th, 2003, 08:05:51 PM
Vhiran came into the cockpit and landed softly in the pilots chair, spinning around. Quickly and gracefully his fingers danced around the panels. It had been so long since they had felt the cold steel and plastic buttons and switches, but still they remembered the steps and the rythm. Both hands working at once, they were a great pair.

First thing he did was secruity. He checked the ships internal cameras for any intruder of the past hour quickly. Then he ran a scan of the outer hull, making sure nothing had been breached nor attached. It was clean. Next came the system checks; navigation; purpulsion; gravital orbiters; and so on. It was a large list and it was important. Vhiran had installed some things on the computer to make it go faster, or it would take hours. Now it only took about 10-20 minutes. He didn't expect to find anything wrong, Sollak loved his ship, but it was just a habit.

He got up, letting the system run itself, and walked out down to Sollak. He could already read him.

"So, how many did these damn droids 'damage'," he asked before he even got down the plank.

Oct 18th, 2003, 12:12:59 PM
Dreams turn to nightmares

Reverting back to childhood, Rhiannon's subconcious begins to spin a tale that, when awake, she will most likely forget. Either by fate or by choice, who is to say?

Cradled snug in her mother's tender arms, the feel of a pounding heart beating against her own tiny chest. The infant cradled senses the fear from her mother, yet cannot voice anything other than her own cries in reaction.

The smell of smoke fills her small nostrils and the infant begins wailing, burying her sweet face deeper against her mother's chest; seeking comfort and safety in the one person whom she relies on for her very survival.

Screams and shouts fill the infants ears, though barely heard over her own hysterical cries. Quivering as badly as her mother, the infant tries to clamor up further towards the woman's shoulder, nuzzling her tear-streaked, reddened cheeks against the warmth of her neck; the scent of her mother's perfume trying in vain to replace the rancid stench of smoke and charred flesh from the small infants senses.

Bouncing around in those tender yet firm arms, tiny fingers curl around locks of her mother's hair, holding tight as the mother runs as fast as she can to escape the ...

Escape what?

Rhiannon, feeling as if she is floating above the scene and watching as it unfolds, twitches in her sleep. Thin brows furrow deeper and deeper, causing deep lines to etch her forehead.

Black. Dark. So hot it stings the eyes. Then ...


No noise, no sense of warmth from being held, no safety and no comfort.

As the infant begins to wail at the top of her lungs ...

Rhiannon awakes with a jolt, screaming as well with a cold sweat dotting her forehead and cheeks.

Looking around the guest quarters, she stops to think for a moment; get her bearings and pull herself completely out of the dream.

A few slow, deep breaths are drawn then released as she gets up and paces for a bit; rubbing her arms with her hands.

People. She needs the company of people, even if it is to prove unto herself that it was in fact, just a bad dream.

Out of the guest quarters she goes, roaming the narrow corridor as she tries to navigate her way around the ship to find Vhiran and Darriann.

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 18th, 2003, 09:54:11 PM
As Vhiran was talking to Sollak about there business and the droids were finishing up the loading, he heard a scream from inside the ship. He glanced at Sollak then quickly ran up the plank, without bothering to pull out his blaster.

He figured it came from Rhiannon so he headed towards the guest quarters but as he rounded a corner, he ran into her, falling ontop of her.

Oct 18th, 2003, 11:04:18 PM
Still a bit shaken up by her nightmare, she doesn't hear Vhiran coming towards her, too busy rambling on and on about miscellaneous things to take her mind off of it.

"Oomph!" Wham! Vhiran runs right into her as they both came around the same corner, knocking Rhiannon backwards to land with a thud on her backside; Vhiran falling directly atop of her.

Lifting her head slightly, her face contorted from the light whack the back of her head took against the floor; Rhiannon's eyes slowly traverse up over Vhiran's upper torso then neck and face until they land upon his.

Well. If this isn't a precarious position to be in. Unsure what to do or even say, Rhiannon seems to freeze like a deer caught in the headlights of oncoming traffic, stammering incoherent muttered words up at Vhiran.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Oct 20th, 2003, 06:43:00 PM
After the Vhiran darted into the ship, Darriann shouted at the droids to finish up. Darriann grabbed his blaster and went in only to hear a crash.

Darriann turned around the corner only to see Rhiannon and Vhiran flat on the floor. He put his blaster back in the holster, "Get up you two. This is no time to mess around. And what was that scream about you find a moon moth somewhere?" Darriann chuckled as he helped both people up. "Droids are almost done we should be ready to leave soon. Vhiran look for moon moths just in case. Blasted tracers. I got reports that their making replica moon moths for espionage purposes. If you find one let me know."

Darriann nodded to Vhiran and Rhiannon. He left and went to the cockpit and double checked the systems.

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 21st, 2003, 08:13:59 PM
Vhiran laid ontop of her, looking into her eyes. This had been a very unexpected position, and the two were acting very similar. He didn't know what to do, or even to say or think. It caught him by surprise but he kind of liked it.

He was frozen until Sollak came running in and helped him, thats when he could finally speak, "Yea, hey sorry. But you shouldn't be screaming like that!" he uttered boldly, trying to cover up that he somewhat liked that ordeal.

"Alright, well. I'll go check on the droids. And Rhiannon try not to scream like that anymore." He headed down the ramp, to find the droids had already finished.

"Alright boys, back into your cave," Vhiran said as he waved back to their cargo hold. He didn't trust them inside the ship alone, so he always kept them in one of the empy cargo holds. But if he needed them he could get to them from inside.

They just muttered and headed back as they were told.

Oct 22nd, 2003, 08:32:57 AM
Darriann's arrival only made Rhiannon's heart race even faster and her cheeks blush a deeper shade of red. Becoming entangled with Vhiran as they both tried to get up at the same time, Rhiannon grows even more flustered, muttering and quickly adjusting her clothes that went askew from the awkward situation.

"Right. Sorry."

She mutters, raking her fingers through her hair once then folding her arms stiffly across her stomach. But when Darriann mentions moon moths and tracers, Rhiannon unfolds her arms just as quickly as she folded them, and scurries after Darrian and Vhiran.

"Wait! Moon moths!? Tracers!?"

Rhiannon turns a terrified scowl on Vhiran.

"You said you'd check to make sure the ship was clean of any tracers!"

And back to Darriann, now walking rapidly backwards as she glares up to him.

"Well!? If this ship has any tracers on it, I must know ..."

The mere mention and thought of tracers on the ship sends her body into trembles again, her fingers nervously and quickly fidgeting with one another.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Oct 26th, 2003, 07:35:56 PM
"I wouldn't worry. If Vhiran checked, there is none. He is more cautious than I. Besides this is an upper level docking bay. Moon moths aren't seen in these areas. Were leaving soon. If you want you can watch a holo movie. " Darriann said toward the hatch. He hit the internal comm botton. "Vhiran get up here time to leave. Oh and get me a ration pack. Haven't had a good meal since I got here." Darriann flicked the comm over to port control. "This is the Renegade Angel requesting permission to get the heck out of here. Sending departure codes now."

"This is port control. Codes recieved. You are cleared for departure. Safe journey and good luck." The comm officer said.

"See you next month, probably. Good bye." Darriann said with a chuckle. He turned on repulsor lifts and retracted the landing gear. Time to go.

Vhiran Crescent
Oct 27th, 2003, 07:34:47 PM
"I did!" Vhiran screamed as he was verbally assualted by her. What did he do? Gah. He turned around rather annoyed and made a few incoherent mumbles and gestures to show that he was upset.

After he had finished loading the droids back up and checking the cargo he headed back up the platform. He grumbled again as he was yelled at through the comm. Of course his ear had to be right there when Sollak's voice came blaring through.

He sighed heavily, with a little grumble in his voice and headed to the dining hall. His feet lead him to a few containers. They were missing one.

"Bah," Vhiran said as he couldn't find his normal container. Perhaps he had to sell it for some extra cash or something. But it didn't matter, it was gone. He reached into another and pulled out a ration pack. His next stop was the cooler, in which he stored all his spirits and drinks. But most of them were gone!

Damnit! He was gone for too long. He sighed again and grabbed the last two that were left. Usually Sollak was good about keeping them instock but he must have gotten drunk one night and forgot.

With the two Ales and the ration, he headed back to the cockpit as the ship lifted off. He threw the pack and the unoppened Ale into Sollak's lap, probably distracting him a little but he could handle it.

"Bastard, drank all my drinks."

Oct 28th, 2003, 09:41:11 AM
Vhiran's shout back to her makes her jump; but she doesn't have time to follow him. Whirling around on her heels, she makes a mad dash back to the guest quarters, almost making it inside the room as the ship begins to take off; which sends Rhiannon tumbling to the floor and somersaulting inside.

"Well, atleast I'm in.." She mutters, getting to her feet. Nervous as ever, scared that the ship is or will be tracked, she paces; rubbing her fingers along her forehead while talking to herself and figuring out what to do when they land.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Nov 17th, 2003, 07:25:24 PM
"I didn't. The Hutts did," Darriann said as he grabbed his drink,
"Thanks for the food." Darriann punched some things in the nav comp. "Ok, I had 6. That was all. The Hutts took the rest. Apparently the Hutts thought I was smuggling spice. So they came aboard." He took a sip." Didn't find any. Took the drinks as compensation for their time, and left." He looked at the sensors. "So what did you do on the waste dump of the galaxy?"

Nov 22nd, 2003, 10:13:00 PM
In the meantime, while Darriann and Vhiran were apparently busy talking about who knows what, Rhiannon gazes out of the small, circular viewport in the guest quarters she currently occupies.

Nothing but the stars and space gases to look at and some may say that the view isn't all that spectacular, but Rhiannon's busy searching the vast black blanket for one particular star; or cluster of them.

If she can find that, she can get a better idea as to exactly where she is and where she must get to ...

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 23rd, 2003, 08:09:42 PM
Vhiran growled, "Whatever man." He sat back in the co-pilot seat. He perferred the pilot seat but it seems Sollak had grown used to flying his own ship while he was away.

He sighed, "Well, you know, the usual. Scouted around, got alot of info on the hutts and other large corporations there. I formed some good ties with this guy named Sha'la Quizako. Pretty wierd fellow, hes an Ithorian. It was kind of odd seing an Ithorian there, especially working as a crime-lord. Must have had a pretty f'ed up past. Anyhow, he has alot of good connections. He even has his own mercenary fleet working for him, I had the pleasure of meeting a few of them. He's also started up a turf war with the hutts down there. Personally I don't see whats worth fighting for on that God-forsaken planet, but, to each his own."

imported_Darriann Sollak
Nov 24th, 2003, 08:18:58 PM
"Hmm. A rival to the Hutts and an Ithorian you say. Well there's a switch. Think we could get anything out of that?" Darriann stared into the stars.

He took a sip of his drink. "I wonder if I there is a thing like PUI, piloting under influence. Oh well." He took another big gulp then flicked some more switches and hit the internal comm. "Buckle up. We enter hyperspace in 30." He brought the ship in a turn that aimed it for the Corellian sector. "Next stop, Corellia." The ship charged forward into the stars that suddenly turned into a tunnel of light. Then he remembered. Damn, she's gonna kill me. "For the safety of the crew. Vhiran and I, mainly I. The cockpit is now off limits and the door has been magneticly sealed." He flipped the comm off. "Vhiran, you think she'll kill me?"

Nov 25th, 2003, 07:12:06 PM
A quick belch of static over the intercom then Darriann's voice comes through ...

"Buckle up. We enter hyperspace in 30."

"I hate traveling through hyperspace.", Rhiannon mutters under her breath while taking a seat by the small computer station in the guest quarters and strapping herself in for the jump.

As she's making sure the belts are secure, Darriann pipes in ...

"Next stop, Corellia."


Just as quickly as she strapped herself in, she was hurriedly undoing the restraints; only to find herself pinned back against the seat by the G's from the jump into hyperspace. When things finally evened out and the ship stopped shuttering, Rhiannon quickly bolted up out of the seat and charges from the room.

Her footfalls sound and echo loudly in the corridor as she makes her way to the cockpit, pounding feverishly against the door with a small fist...


Pound, pound, pound as her fist still bashes against the door. The outer area of her hand already beginning to bruise, she doesn't seem to feel it - atleast not yet. Don't worry, she'll feel it later once the rush of adrenaline brought on by fear subsides.

"You cannot bring this ship to Corellia! I beg you!"

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 25th, 2003, 11:16:20 PM
"Um..." he thought for a second at Sollak's question about the Ithorian. "Probably, we could easily reap some benefits from it, though I wouldn't want to get on the bad side of either of them. Not that any hutts like me anyway." He took a few drinks of his ale before Sollak spoke again. "Well, even if there is, that's the least of our worries," he said with a chuckle.

"Corellia, eh? You know we're risking our next by telling her that..." He chuckled at the 'safety of the crew' announcement. Before long, she was banging at the door behind them, as if it would do any good.

"Sorry, Rhiannon. Thats where our little business arrangement is taking us. Trust me...you'll be fine. Sollak and I know how to handle CorSec," he said through the comm, laughing a little after he turned it off. Though he did feel kind of bad...well...C'est la vie.

Nov 26th, 2003, 06:52:14 PM
Mad beyond reason, Rhiannon slammed her fist against the door hard; hard enough to split the skin at the back of her knuckles, sending fresh droplets of crimson blood to the surface to pool between the new cuts.

"I'll be fine?! Is that all you can say .. I'll be fine?!"

Fuming, perhaps running more on fear than actually angered, Rhiannon's footfalls echo loudly against the metallic grating of the ships flooring as she hurries her way through the corridors.

"Move!" She shouts at one of the 'crew' members - one of the droids - then finds the stairs that lead down into the cargo area.

"There has to be an escape pod somewhere near here. There just has to be."

Finding a panel with a few flashing buttons, Rhiannon pauses, taking a moment or two to examine the panel.

"Maybe it's this button." She says, while depressing a red button on the panel with hope that it opens the bay to an escape pod.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Nov 26th, 2003, 07:35:12 PM
After the pounding on the metal door subsided Darriann thought Rhiannon had went back to her quarters. All of a sudden the ship burst out of hyperspace. The deck plating rumbled and the hull started to buckle.

"No way! No damn way! How in the known galaxy could she do that?!" Darriann yelled in the cabin, "I'll kill her I will. You stay here."

He flipped the mag lock on the door and it opened soon after. Darriann marched down the corridors to the hyperdrive control consul. There she was on the ground leaning up against the base of the consul. Sobbing and tending the cuts on her fists.

"I should throw you out the airlock for that." He said with anger. "You could have killed us. Torn the ship apart." He took a deep breath and calmed down but not by much. "You stopped us in the middle of nowhere just to avoid CorSec. I'll tell you CorSec couldn't care less about you. You have a small problem with one agent. Big deal. We'll all have problems with the Hutts 'cause of this."

Darriann flipped the restart switches they didn't work. He pounded his fist against the metal surface so hard it left a dent.

Nov 26th, 2003, 08:04:38 PM
Scowling up to Darriann with tears in her eyes, her voice sounds more like a deep growl than its usual just-above-a-whisper tone.

"Throwing me out of the airlock would be much more welcome than going to Corellia."

Rhiannon hates crying. She hates crying and she - at the moment - hates being on this ship. Pulling her knees up and resting one elbow against the right one, her fingers rake back through her long chestnut locks, gripping a handful of it while shifting her teary eyes to a sidelong look - away from Darriann.

"Yeah, one supposedly small problem with a crooked Corsec agent that will cost me my life."

Sniffling deeply, Rhiannon looks back up to Darriann again.

"Whatever. You're right. You and your partner can outrun the Hutts in this ship. Dump me off on Corellia. At this point, I really don't care. He and his partner are going to kill me anyways."

Rhiannon jumps as Darriann punches the wall, denting it.

"Must you do that?"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Nov 26th, 2003, 08:42:54 PM
"Yes, I have to do that. Now back up a bit. Why would a CorSec agent want to kill you? It's not like you can do anything to screw up some big plan or anything." Darriann said while looking at a readout of what would have to be done to get the ship moving agian. "Anyway, you wanted off Nar Shaddaa. Now where just going a step forward. Back to Corellia. Me and Vhiran got friends there. If you need a place to lay low that is. And we can handle CorSec, a rogue agent is nothing new."

He sighed and punched in some new data.

Nov 26th, 2003, 10:26:11 PM
Rhiannon scoots back a bit to get out of Darriann's way, drawing her knees in closer to her chest, hugging them. With her chin resting against her folded arms which are propped upon her knees, her tear-filled eyes are rolled upwards, that scowl still evident.

"It's not just one rogue agent. It's him and his corrupt buddies. And I don't know the why of any of it. I just know that he and his friends will. The one in particular keeps insisting that I know of some stupid lost shipment ... of a bunch of lost gems or something like that."

Rhiannon gets up to her feet and rakes her fingers back through her hair, settling one hand against her hip while beginning to pace nervously back and forth a few feet behind Darrian.

With a sigh, she adds as an after-thought ...

"Hey, look. I'm real sorry for jerking the ship out of hyperspace like that. I had no idea that little button would do that."

"I'll uh .. just go wait back in the guest quarters until landing. Then I'll be out of your hair - and Vhiran's - for good."

And with that, Rhiannon looks from Darriann to the control panel then shuffles off to return to her quarters.

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 30th, 2003, 07:44:18 PM
Vhiran knew, that if Sollak was angry enough, he would infact kill her. Not to his surprise, Sollak jumped out of his chair running to where Rhiannon was.

He had to stpo him before he did something stupid. Though Sollak usually kept his head, he was capable of some pretty bad things. But his buckle was jammed!

"Damn thing," he growled, trying to get it undone, as the sudden stop and rumble and yanked it together really hard. Finally, with the small vibro-knife at his ankle, he rigged it open and went bursting out of the cockpit. He chased after Sollak, though he knew he was probably already there, and by the time he got to the Hyperspace control room. By the time he got there, Rhiannon was already walking out of the room. SHe had obvisioly been crying, but seemed alright. He sighed in relief, Darrian had kept himself under control.

He looked left, following Rhiannon then back forward, not sure which way to go. But something just called him to see if Rhiannon was ok, so he darted left to catch her before she entered her quarters.

He called out to her, but no response, so he raced up and grabbed her hand to catch her attention.

"Rhiannon," he said as she turned around, "Is everything alright? Look, don't worry about some Rogue CorSec, we can handle them. They'd be more interested in us than you, trust me."

Nov 30th, 2003, 09:47:23 PM
Stopped in the corridor by a hand taking a hold of hers, she turns, looking up to Vhiran. For the longets of moments, she doesn't say a word; just looks to him.

"Nothing is all right. Are you wanted by CorSec for something you don't have any knowledge of? I've been caught by these two agents before. They mean business and I'm terrified."

Her words are spoken quietly, her lower lip quivering; clearly she is terrified.

"There isn't anywhere on Corellia I can go to where I'll be safe from them. They'll find me. Help me ... please?"

Subconsciously, her fingers tightened around Vhiran's hand, the tips of her own beginning to turn white.

"Look. I apologized to your partner and I'm apologizing to you. I'm sorry for jerking the ship out of hyperspace like that; I didn't know that would happen.

Please? Please help me?"

Vhiran Crescent
Nov 30th, 2003, 10:02:37 PM
"They won't find you, don't worry. They won't even know you're there..." His voice was calm and soothing, speaking with a low tone of voice to help ease her tension. He listened to her plea's for a moment, still holding her hand, before speaking again.

"I'll help you. We won't be there but a few days anyway. We are only stopping by there for business. Once that is done, we will leave and take you with us. The flight should only take a few more days. During that time I'll think of something to keep you undercover, ok?" His voice still soft and assuring.

Nov 30th, 2003, 10:15:12 PM
Rhiannon studies Vhiran's eyes, searching for any hint of deception and finding none.

She nods, sniffling and swiping away the last of her tears from her cheeks.

"Ok. Thank you .. thank you for helping me."

Unsure what to do now, her eyes linger on his another moment then her hand slowly slides from his as she turns and begins back to her guest quarters.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Dec 4th, 2003, 09:00:39 PM
"Damn hyperdrive. One switch wonder." Darriann said as he rewired the circuits. "Junk pile of wires."

Sparks flew from the open panel. Darriann stripped and combined one wire after another.

"Damn droids where are they?" Darriann yelled.

He hit the comm. "You two metal heads get up here and help me, or I'll transfer your programs to data disks. You to Vhiran I need your skills. You wired this ship."

Darriann finished with the circuits he was on and moved on to the next mess of wires.

Vhiran Crescent
Dec 7th, 2003, 06:11:28 PM
Vhiran watched as she walked away for a moment, then perked up to Sollak's call on the comm. He turned around back to the hyperdrive room, where he found Sollak, fiddling with the wires.

"Howdy," he said, moving into the room, punching some keys into the computer to run a diagnostics check.

Dec 13th, 2003, 06:33:21 PM
Back in the guest quarters ....

Tucked away safely in the guest quarters aboard Darriann's and Vhiran's ship, Rhiannon rummages around in the closet, sifting through old attire that must have been left there and forgotten by whomever the last occupant was.

Had to be a man by the looks of the coveralls that she pulls out. A good shake is given to the material, sending up a new cloud of dust, causing Rhiannon to sputter a cough or two.

"Well. Looks like I've found something I can use after all."

One more shake of the coveralls for good measure then Rhiannon's busy sliding first one foot then the other into the leg-holes. Wriggling about, she shimmies the old, dirty and dusty mechanics suit up over her own clothes and zips it up.

With her arms spread away from the side of her body, she has to smirk. The sleeves are too long, dangling freely, covering her hands.

A minute or two is spent rolling up the cuffs and then another minute for sloppily rolling up the cuffs at the ankles.

"There. Now .. let's see..."

Grunting, she rises on her tip toes and rummages around the items stored up on the closet shelf.

"What's this?", She wonders aloud, tugging the item in her grasp, freeing it from the heavy box resting on top of it.

Losing her footing, she staggers back a few paces and catches herself before she can land on her rump. Thank goodness for close confines, eh?

"This is perfect!"

Sweeping her long and thick chestnut locks up, she succeeds in securing it with the hat - baseball style - she just wrestled off the shelf.

"Now to test it out."

Sneakily, Rhiannon eeks out of the guest quarters and meanders her way around the ship. Stupid droids take no notice of her. Maybe they think she's just another mechanic. She hopes so.

A faint and mischievious smile edges her lips as she comes upon the hyperdrive room; which she swaggers into and sidles up next to Vhiran, looking at the keyboard.

Making her soft and pleasant voice as deep and gruff as possible, she snorts a cough and proceeds to ask ...

"S'ere a prob'em?"

imported_Darriann Sollak
Dec 15th, 2003, 07:40:22 PM
"Yes there is a problem. I you haven't noticed where dead in the water. Can you hand me that hydrospaner?" Darriann said.

He didn't take much notice to the mechanic not knowing it was Rhiannon in her disguise. All he cared about was getting the hyperdrive back up and running. If they were lucky pirates wouldn't catch them drifting.

Dec 16th, 2003, 10:12:24 AM
"Uh. Hydrospanner .. heh, right. Sure thing." She maintains that gruff voice, rubbing at the back of her neck nervously. Hydrospanner, hydrospanner, she repeats mentally, looking over the tools spread over the deck.

Rhiannon is definitely a typical female. Doesn't know much about tools and certainly doesn't know how to act like a man. Well .. she does know how to do one thing that men seem to do - a lot.


She lets out a belch! Inwardly, this disgusts her. Yes, she is one of those women who belches with her mouth closed and keeps it as quiet as possible.

Squatting down, she lifts a tool and prays that its the hydrospanner, handing it over to Darriann.

"Here ya' go."

Vhiran Crescent
Dec 16th, 2003, 09:29:12 PM
"Hmm...there we go..." Vhiran said, moving off of the computer to the hyperdrive. He payed no attention to the mechanic of the two man ship. Quickly, he unscrewed the bolts on one of the panels and began fooling around with some wires that they would have to replace later. There were several that had been blown, but it didn't take long to jirry-rig them back together. He closed the panel, screwed it back on and moved back to the computer.

He waited for Sollak to finish the nessecary repairs, once he was done, theyd be set to go. Vhiran quickly flipped some fuses and hit the reflush button on the computer screen.

...Nothing happened...

"Blasted thing..." he said, turning around. With a strong kick to the base of the system, it rumbled back to life slowly, then lowered back to a very low hum.

He looked at Sollak, who was most likely astonished at what he had done. "Don't tell me you've never done that?" He didn't expect an answer, but instead walked back to the cockpit.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Jan 17th, 2004, 07:22:35 PM
After hearing the kick to consul Darriann assumed repairs were complete. He grabbed his tools and put them back in their compartment. That's when he actually noticed the extra mechanic.

"Well a job well done wouldn't you say? Well I guess it's on to Corellia." He said.

Suddenly an alarm went off. Just what I didn't want to hear.
He looked at the nearest sensor display. A CorSec Murauder Corvet.

"You're not gonna like this. CorSec." He said to Rhiannon, "You best find a place to hide."

Jan 17th, 2004, 11:22:05 PM
'Are you ready 47-3?' Said a voice towards Mechanoid, this was clearly the Captain of the CorSec Corvette. It was plain to see that CorSec had hired the Mech from its owner to hunt down whatever they were trying to find. 47-3 whas a tireless Cybernetic tank that would relentlessly hunt down its programmed prey and ether destroy it or capture it, it was as simple as that.

{" Systems activated, checking vitals for Internal Cybernetic Humanoid...please wait..."} ***


{" ICH Check Complete, Humanoid Woken,Modem Connected, Visual & Audio Connected, Weapon System Activated, Helm System Data Preasent, Additonal System Corrected and Activated"}

' Is he on Guldar?' he said speaking to his right hand man, but before Guldar could react the Mechanoid went from a slouching pose to a pully upright and preasent stance, it was clear the cyborg was awake.

***{"Scanning Enviroment ... 15 Crew Aboard ... All Friendly But Expendible ...Under the Central Command of Captain Frezlen Zimore ..."} ***

The crew watched at the Mech took one slow look around at the cargo bay eatch one watching it with awazement, most had seen robots before, but the sheer power of this one was quite incredible. He didn't have to speak he simply watched.

' Welcome 47-3 to the CorSec Corvette ' Autumn Rain' it is our pleasure to have you aboard, perticuly with the job you have been assigned to achieve for us' The Mech simply turned his head to look at the Captain, silent.

' Are you ready?' The mech simply nodded in responce, he would only be commanded by his preasent owner and those people hed been assigned to, namely the Captain.' Then do it 47-3!'

***{" Processing Command orders;;; 'Then Do it 47-3!' Acessing - Mission Data Confirmed. Capture; Primary Target 'Rhiannon', last name unknown. If Target Resists, Destroy If Apsaloutly Assential. All Others Are Expendible, Kill When Need Arises"} ***

The Mech simply turned on its heal then and made its way towards the docking hatch, it would be the first aboard.

' Guldar, Comm their ship and them them to be prepaired for boarding!'

' Aye Sir!'

Jan 18th, 2004, 06:32:53 PM
"Hey! How'd you know it was me?", she asks of Darriann while whisking off the mechanics hat from her head, letting her chestnut curls tumble free.

"CorSec? CorSec!? Awww, sithspit!" , she curses, rushing out of the area and back to the guest quarters she had been occupying. Once there, she looks around, searching for a place to hide. Can't really hide under the bunk or in the closet ....

Out of the guest quarters she goes, jogging up the corridor and ducking into another crew members quarters. Thankfully, its vacant.

Vhiran Crescent
Jan 18th, 2004, 07:52:57 PM
Vhiran looked at Sollak. They both knew this could be trouble. All three of them were wanted by CorSec, the two more than Rhiannon. They also knew that the ship wasn't ready to take off again, the computers still needed to restart and trying to escape now would just result in something worse. Sollak's ship was one of the fastest ships in any fleet, and could easily outrun any CorSec vessel. But running now was not an option.

"I'll get Rhiannon," Vhiran said as he started running off. They both knew what to do. They would all hide in the hidden compartments below the deck. They had done this so many times it was reflex.

"Rhiannon!" Vhiran shouted as he entered her quarters, no answer. He headed to the next where he caught her starting to hide. He grabbed her arm before she could slip into a closet or something. "Look, we have strategies for this kind of thing. If you don't want to be found, come with me"

Jan 19th, 2004, 09:49:14 PM
Rhiannon nearly screams when Vhiran comes rushing into the room and grabs her arm. Snapping her head around, her expression becomes one of relief, seeing that it is indeed him.

"I'll go with you, just don't let them find me. Please!"

Jan 24th, 2004, 06:06:18 AM
OOC: I'll post


It was only a short few moments before both ships had docked together for boarding and because the three were hiding their boarding hatch had to be cut open with a lazer. The hatch quickly fell inward with a heavey smash which hummed though the ship. it was now that you would expect a host of troops to pour into the ship and create a mess, but it was not. Instead however a green Mechanoid entered rifle in hand.

{"Hull Breached, Objectives Activated, Search And Destroy"}

The Mechanoid turned towards where the cockpit would be situated and instead of seeing crew members, two droids were active and preasent working on some repairs that the ship had apprently taken.

*Clump, Clump, Clump* The huge boots of the Mechanoid made the most terrifying foot steps as it made its way towards the two droids within the control center of the ship. it must have been quite alarming from those hiding.

{"Droids recognized, Serials Numbers; 4843 6753, 5843 27572. Confirmed. Threat non exixstant"}

The Mechanoid raised his rifle, took aim and squeezed the trigger in a matter of half a second. It fired relentlessly at the two droids not even having to quit to reload its projectile based rifle, rather than bolts it fired bullits which proceeded to smash the two droids into smithereens. Only when the two droids had been forcefully dismantled with the Mechs weapon did it let its empty clip fall and replaced with a full mag.

While the repair droids moved their robotic limbs upon the floor the Mech stepped on them as he moved towards the cockpit control panels their destination was clearly marked with a navigation number, the Cyborg was internaly pleased. The number was quickly logged within its processor and he looked over the rest of the cockpit, nothing of infomational value remained. The Mech stepped back, once again raised his rifle and started again to tirelessly fire his seemingly non-reloadible rirfle, this time at the controls.

When he was satisfied the controls were now unrepairible, atleast for many, many hours the Mech started to search the rest of the ship, he stepped from the cockpit, it was now time to find his primary target.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Jan 26th, 2004, 06:30:46 PM
Darriann heard the hatch fall. Then several rounds of what sounded like a slug thrower. He heard the metal corpses of the droids hit the ground. Who shoots a slug thrower. At droids too. Then he heard the controls being blasted. Not my ship. Now they're asking for it.

Darriann looked toward Vhiran then at the panel. He grabbed his blaster, lifted the panel slightly. He saw what appeared to be a cyborg unit in battlearmor with an automantic slug thrower. He was about to jump out the hole to shoot whatever it was up there, but Vhiran grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back down.

Darriann whispered to him "Why... That droid or whatever it is up there is blasting my ship."

Vhiran Crescent
Jan 28th, 2004, 06:29:34 PM
"Just...wait a minute. He might leave after he can't find us," Vhiran whispered, "though I do find it odd that no more CorSec officers boarded..."

He slowly moved down off the crates in the cargo holds and back down to the main floor where some of the spider bikes were located. Vhiran had installed several secruity cameras through at the ship for this kind of situation. A swept up the datapad and clicked through the view screens until he located the mech in the camera.

"No mech I've ever seen..." he said as he began to type in some commands. Several process flashed up on the screen, overlapping the image of the mech infiltrating the ship. A few searches came up as desired, but most things could not be found.

"Nothing found on the mech, but I think it's a cyborg. I'm reading humanoid life forms. He is definitly using a slug thrower. He is also carrying a multi-fuctional side-arm, probably custom made. As for his armor, it's pretty fracking tough. I'm sure you could get in some penetrating shots with a heavy rifle or a phased double-blaster, but it would take a few shots and if you missed it'd be disasterous. And judging by the weight in his steps, he's got to weight atleast 600 pounds or more."

Feb 5th, 2004, 07:20:28 PM
Not wanting to be left alone in the cramped hiding place that Vhiran led her into, Rhiannon hops down from the crates just a few seconds after he does, looking from Vhiran to Darriann and back to Vhiran again.

"Mech? Why would a Mech be boarding this ship? And why is CorSec using a Mech to do their dirty work?"

Panick is beginning to rise in her voice as she does her best to keep the tone down low so the thing can't hear her - wherever it is.

Feb 11th, 2004, 12:14:47 PM
Somthing made a noice.

bang (she hit the crates)

The Mechanoid turned his head sharply to view down the galley of the ship, to him at least, it seemed empty. With the slug thrower pointing upwards casualy in its right hand it started to make a slow journey to where the machine thought it picked up the noice.

*** Confirmation of Recording...Play Back...\/__||/ BANG...Play Back \/__||/ BANG...*** The Mech moved towards where his processor estermated it came from, it seemed the noice was coming from below the deck. The Pipes were red hot and were to difficult to determin what was what and even if there was a hatch there would be no way of seeing a operning because there was no change in tempurture to catch the operning. Heat Sensors were doing no good.

***Switching to Color View***

imported_Darriann Sollak
Feb 14th, 2004, 01:23:45 PM
Darriann heard the clanking of the mech walking on the panels above. He motioned the group to go down through the maze of crates to a small weapons locker.

He grabbed an E-11 from the rack and handed it to Rhiannon. Then he whispered to them to try and be as quiet as possible. He looked at the screen Vhiran had.

"He's scanning for us. It looks like just a blaster can't take care of him." He said in a quiet voice.

Feb 14th, 2004, 05:30:18 PM
Rhiannon looks at Darriann as he thrusts the E-11 into her hands.

"I don't know how to use this!", she whispers to him, panick shining in her eyes as she wildly looks the weapon over. Her face goes pale as she hears Darriann state that the MechDroid is scanning for them. The weapon in her hand is nearly dropped, but she catches it before it can hit the floor, banging it against her shin. Her eyes squeeze shut and she grits her teeth. That's going to leave a mark.

Vhiran Crescent
Feb 25th, 2004, 09:05:58 PM
Vhiran grabs one of the blaster pistols, still holding the video.

"Well, lets get this bastard off our ship. The speeders are in the other hold," Vhiran said. They could get there through a small crawl space in the floor. "Rhiannon you go with him. I figure I might as well distract him."